7 years ago. Thanks!! What You Need For The Dress Up Challenge: This challenge is popularly referred to as the couple’s tag questions challenge, and it tests how well you and your special one know each other. Cute youtube couple video ideas? What You Need For The $10 Target Couples Challenge: For this challenge, you and your partner are expected to take turns blindfolding each other. So below we are providing one of best and hot YouTube video ideas for beginners. 40+ Fun Challenges for Couples To Do At Home. This will be harder than you’d expect & whoever does a better job at it wins. Then, provide clues about the name of the unknown thing so that they can make an accurate guess. What You Need For The Couple’s Whisper Challenge: Who’s tougher than a rock in the relationship? Before telling you about these challenges to do for YouTube we will love to share the positive points of doing a challenge. People love watching YouTube couples channels. Whatever your partner is in the middle of has to abruptly end or they lose this challenge. If it’s sales your after, we’ve compiled some YouTube video ideas for you. What You Need For The Beer Pong Challenge:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'challengestodo_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_24',123,'0','0'])); This challenge might remind you of the time when this was everybody’s favorite game as a kid. To play, you’d need the TikTok app. Thread starter Tressa Thomas; Start date Nov 4, 2017; Tags challenges ideas for a video video idea; T. Tressa Thomas New Member. The videos in the sections above are mostly focused on creating videos that’ll make it more likely for you to get discovered by people that haven’t already heard of you. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Whoever does a better job at this between you both wins this challenge. Watch this couple take the conjoined twins challenge: What You Need For The Conjoined Twins Challenge: How well do you know your partner’s body? I just started my YouTube channel and I'm looking for more challenges! If the above saying is to be believed, cooking videos will always be in demand. Whoever gives an incorrect answer will get hit with a water balloon as their punishment, and whoever has the most water on them at the end of all the questions loses. For this, you and your partner would need as many Pringles flavors as you can lay your hands on, put them together and then take turns blindfolding the other person and feeding them a piece of Pringles Chips. Channel Trailer. Both of you are going to need to fit into one large pair of trousers (sweatpants should work) and an oversized t-shirt. Find out with the Couple’s Whisper Challenge. What You Need For The Seven Second Challenge: Hopefully, you get to try out all of these fun couples challenges and have a great time doing so. For this challenge, you and your partner are expected to do a full plank routine together while a song plays in the background. Both partners are expected to put on a blindfold and kiss each other in this fun challenge. If they manage to do this task successfully, then they win that round. This might be funny or just a fantastic opportunity to do some bonding, but whoever drops a tear first, or gets a watery eye before the other person loses this challenge! One partner is expected to put on the headphones/earphones and while some loud music is playing, the other person can whisper anything, while the one with the headphones, tries to figure out what’s being said. It could be a cookie, ketchup, coconut oil, a piece of fish, or whatever you like. They also make a YouTube channel a lot more collaborative. Vlogging. To play this challenge, you can choose categories like “Angry”, “Happy”, “Sad”, “Sleepy” etc, and then try to imitate your partner’s behavior when they’re in these moods. Whoever can do this the longest wins this challenge. Once you make that statement, your partner is supposed to get off the floor somehow — jump on a couch, on the bed, heck, even on you for safety! But it is important: amazing video content is a great addition to your portfolio. You can dedicate the entire afternoon to this game, and shout “The floor is lava” as often as you like, just to see how quickly your partner would react. Bonus Video Ideas for Couples. You can search for these on YouTube. Relevance. If your partner gets the question wrong, they get a face full of whipped cream. One of the great YouTube video ideas is to run a contest or a giveaway, or challenge your viewers to create and send in their own videos. You can decide to both wear blindfolds and answer a couple of these questions by pointing to your partner or yourself, instead of saying your answer out loud. Zuri and Mettin. You can create a together challenge for couples and then watch your channel grow. Just try not to get so lost in the moment & in those eyes of your partner! Our list of couple challenges for you to try with your bae deserves a special YouTube section, for these are trending by all the YouTubers out there. You can both agree on how long a person is supposed to remain “Paused.”. Here are some ideas for the seven-second challenge. What You Need For The What’s That Smell/Scent Challenge: Most people enjoy Legos and not just kids. Whoever completely undresses the other first wins this challenge, and as a reward, they are to be pampered to an erotic massage, display, or any other naughty reward they’d like to have. If you consider yourself an expert on your partner’s body, the Touch My Body Challenge is the perfect game for you. For example, one of those questions might ask, “Who snores the loudest?” or “Who said I Love You first?”eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'challengestodo_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_23',120,'0','0'])); Just be sure to have your phone filming while you’re both blindfolded so you can watch and see each other’s answers afterward. omg !! 1. This way, you’re going to have to work much harder to find each other’s face! SUBSCRIBE IF YOU'RE NEW!!! Some are given below for your […] Once that’s done, make them do a task while still dizzy from all the spinning like pouring a glass of water, opening a carton of milk, or wearing a piece of clothing. Top 100 YouTube challenge ideas. The Singing Gargle Water Challenge requires you and your partner to take turns singing some of your favorite songs with water in your mouth. 100 Fun and Interesting Minute To Win It Game Ideas. Hence you got to stand out from the … What You Need For The Couples Heads Up Challenge: This silly challenge can be done within the house or somewhere safe like an open park, where it wouldn’t cause any harm if someone falls from all the spinning. Please comment any suggestions you have. The latest hardware always gets people going. There are couples making great content about just anything you could think of, from videos about the places they live to their shared Veganism, which is the case of That Vegan Couple. The Blindfold Kissing challenge will make sure of exactly that, with no chance for peeking. For this challenge, you’re expected to pick out an outfit for your partner to wear, and your partner is expected to do the same for you. And since you can have multiple YouTube channels, you may not be limited to just one of these ideas. The wilder the better! What You Need For The Guess The Lyrics Couples Challenge:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'challengestodo_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_21',118,'0','0'])); Is your partner a frugal spender or do they not even know what a budget is when they go shopping? Using your phones or a small piece of paper, write down the name of whatever you’d like the other person to guess, and paste it on their forehead or make them hold it up to their forehead. “Condom” Challenge. You can also set a penalty for whoever refuses to say “Yes” to a request.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'challengestodo_com-leader-1','ezslot_18',112,'0','0'])); Do you think you’re fluent in whatever language you speak? It is not suitable for kids or family members, but it is very fun to do with your partner if you are brave to put your kissing experience on YouTube. You can take turns playing this game, but be careful not to hurt yourselves! The seven-second challenge is a popular challenge for couples to do at home. The person who can correctly guess the most number of body parts is crowned the winner. 31. Have you read any news stories or watched any videos lately that left you inspired, annoyed, or just itching to share your own thoughts? If you and your partner love music, then you’d enjoy seeing who does a better job at recollecting songs! You and your partner are expected to watch these videos together, and every time one partner laughs, the other person wins that round. They could be cooking, shaving, or in the middle of rearranging, but if they don’t pause, they lose. To make things a little more complicated, you and your partner can turn away from each other. The blindfolded partner will then have to guess what part they are touching without too much information to go on. What You Need For The Flip The Switch Challenge: If you and your partner would love an excuse to indulge in some drinking, then you’d love this challenge! What You Need For The Pause Challenge:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'challengestodo_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',115,'0','0'])); Have you gotten tired of mentioning how stinky your partner’s shoe can be when she takes her feet out of them, or how strong his cologne can be when it’s mixed with sweat? To play, one partner is expected to undress the other and vice-versa. 50 Youtube Videos. What You Need For Couples Yoga Challenge: This is one challenge that everybody enjoys, and if you don’t mind being honest and getting very personal, you and your partner can have a lot of fun with this challenge. 82. What You Need For The One Who Strips The Other Challenge: This is a fun challenge to play with your partner if you’re feeling more hyper than usual! You can choose to eliminate body fat in certain areas or see who can lose the most weight with simple exercises like push-ups, lunges, crunches, and squats. There are cases of people trying to become famous and getting hurt badly for it. You may need a lot of practice to perform this challenge, but all the trials and errors in between can also be fun too. Source(s): https://shrink.im/a9j8L. You don't need much but a working camera and maybe a few everyday items that you already own, depending on what style you decide to go with. This is one challenge that can go from funny to steamy fast. So if you run this, we have listed some video ideas to engage your audience even more. If you love gymnastics and don’t mind putting in some practice to get it right, then you and your partner would enjoy this one! For this challenge, you’re expected to perform a task or answer a question in seven seconds. Whoever makes the most incorrect guesses after both partners have taken turns at this challenge loses. We are both in agreement that we want to do travel vlogs, hauls/unboxing, reviews, and challenges. And, you get bonus points if you respond to your followers' queries about what challenges to do next. You can also set a punishment for whoever guesses incorrectly! What's more fun than playing games with friends? Talk About The Latest Processors. Has your boyfriend ever complained about the amount of time that you spend getting ready? To play, you and your partner are expected to go shopping with a budget of 10 dollars only. You just might find some of your partner’s answers to certain questions surprising (or hilarious!). Watch how this couple fared when they took the makeup challenge: Everyone knows you’re supposed to close your eyes when locking lips. Producing a steady stream of great video ideas can be a bit of a challenge. As a reward, the winner gets to down the beer and take away the cup. You don’t even need to have much of the equipment but just a camera and few everyday items that you use in daily life. Top YouTube Video Ideas For 2021. YouTube challenges are one of the greatest video ideas you can try out for your channel.. People love laughing, there's why funny videos are highly demanded on YouTube.. Making challenges videos can also bring you closer to your audience. Of course, the only thing about this challenge is you may not be filming, but that’s okay — enjoy! YouTube video ideas you can cover are hairstyle ideas for short hair, how to stop hair fall, hair product reviews, etc. 83. However, the only challenge would be the immense competition in the market because everyone is into making parody videos. Whoever can watch these videos the longest without flinching, closing their eyes, or looking away wins.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'challengestodo_com-netboard-1','ezslot_25',121,'0','0'])); What You Need For The Don’t Look Away Challenge: To play this challenge, you and your partner can compile a list of fun questions about your personal lives or your relationship. Whoever figures it out first wins the challenge! The One Who Strips The Other Challenge, 4. It will be a good writing and film-creation exercise. Ooo, how fun! Remember, memories are invaluable in relationships, so we should always try to store the lovely ones. Bria and I decided to take on the YouTube Challenge Challenge, a compilation of some of YouTube's most popular challenges. Boyfriend and girlfriend attempt the "Impossible" TRY NOT TO GET MAD or ANNOYED Challenge! 1. Whoever manages to get their ping pong ball to land in the cup wins the round. This one is full of YouTube video ideas- from processing architectures to GPU manufacturers, tech is full of interesting stories to tell. All you have to do is say “The floor is lava” when your partner least expects it. At some point in the relationship, couples will face the challenge of keeping their relationship interesting. 50 Youtube Video Ideas. What You Need For The 30-Days Fitness Challenge. From titles to names to plot ideas, you can “generate” an incredible amount of ideas on this site. The Couples Speech Jammer challenge will have you questioning your speaking abilities, we promise. GuessWhosGoingDutch / Via youtube.com. Once the thick layer of chapstick has been applied, each partner is expected to try and guess what flavor the other person is wearing by kissing. The Plank challenge can be a lot of fun if you both love performing exercise routines. To begin, one of you will put on a blindfold. For a challenge you can use hot sauce, or Bean Boozled( I warn you dog food one is absolutely disgusting) and how you do it it's up to you. 4 years ago. for themselves. You could take turns and see how fast you can build a Lego in comparison to your partner or you could work together at it. List of 27 YouTube Challenge Ideas. How to Monetize: Affiliate Marketing; YouTube AdSense; Brand Collaboration; YouTube Channel Examples: BluMaan; Luxy Hair; 21. What You Need For The Singing Gargle Water Challenge: Everybody loves a food challenge, most especially when it comes to guessing flavors. Scripts, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning. Youtube isn't just fun to watch with your boyfriend, but it's also a great place to get ideas for games to play with your boyfriend. As a punishment, each of you will have a plate covered in whipped cream. Basically, you and your partner can put together a collection of emotional pictures, videos, and even some sappy songs too. For this challenge, you’re expected to speak to your partner while listening to your own words being replayed a few seconds after you already said it. This TikTok challenge will require the smaller partner to get on the back of the bigger partner and following the beat of the song, attempt to jump all the way to your partner’s shoulder without falling off. What You Need For The Couples Pringles Challenge: If movie night ever gets boring, this is one fun game that you and your partner will enjoy. My boyfriend and I are trying to start up a youtube account but we need some ideas of videos to make(: anyone have any ideas. It requires one partner to lift up the other, and you’d need teamwork to nail this challenge. What You Need For The Blindfold Kissing Challenge: Have you ever wanted to pick out an outfit for your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife but never had the chance, or they just never take your choices seriously? But really, is there any “loser” in this sort of challenge? The Dress up Challenge … Hmm, so have a look at the number of challenge video ideas in different categories. Get some friends and shoot you doing the mannequin challenge. Try to push yourselves by increasing reps for any exercise you and your partner decide on and continue to monitor your progress all through the month. This is another TikTok challenge that requires you and your partner to move your bodies! 50 Youtube Videos. The person who ends up with the most amount of whipped cream on them loses the challenge. YouTube Challenges For Couples. Funny Youtube challenges. We made a list of 75 youtube challenges to give you some examples and inspire your next video. These are a series of challenges for couples to try. Each partner is required to pick a certain flavor of chapstick, apply it on but not tell the other what flavor they chose. For all the food lovers out there, this challenge is just for you! Each person will pick a set of questions that they want the other to answer about them. Then with the help of a timer, see how long it takes for your partner to figure out what’s in their mouth. Nov 13, 2018 #1 Hello everyone! So, if at one time, you felt that your significant other was just not paying attention to what you are saying, the couple’s tag questions challenge is the perfect way to find out. Jill B. Lv 5. We need challenge ideas or just video ideas in general. Making parody videos of your spouses or partners can be highly comical from the audience perspective. 6. This challenge will require you and your partner to each gather separate lists containing popular songs, which you can then play out for the other person or sing, and see if they can figure out the next line of the lyrics from wherever you stop. 35 Fun Challenges for Kids to Do at a Sleepover, 20 Fun YouTube Challenges To Do With Your Friends, 40+ Fun Challenges for Couples To Do At Home, 100 Fun and Interesting Minute To Win It Game Ideas, 26. What’s In My Mouth Challenge. This challenge will require you and your partner to put in intentional effort with workout routines for the next 30 days. 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