Please be specific “Western community” is a very vague term ebem if one is from Kenya. The plant bears many small seeds which are harvested and eaten either whole or ground into flour. English name: Amaranth Nutritional Value: Amaranth leaves when cooked contain three (3) times more vitamin C, calcium, iron and niacin (Mnkeni et al., 2007). Nutritional Value: Amaranth leaves are rich sources of calcium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate. Most of the time this vegetable has to be boiled to soften it so that it becomes soft.It can be mixed with … Kale however belong to the same plant group as collard ... 2. Terere leaves are edible when cooked and are a good supply of nutrition. Production of traditional African vegetables is mainly on a subsistence basis. See recipes for Stewed Lung fish (Kamongo) with ugali & managu too. Required fields are marked *. A list of vegetables that are in fact fruit. Saag, the Indian moniker for green leafy vegetables, forms an integral part of various regional cuisines in the country.Loaded with vitamins and essential minerals, it is the best way of fueling up on the season’s best offerings. And in today’s post, we’re going to look at what the main differences and similarities are between tereré and mate, and how you can easily start drinking both of them today. What we commonly refer to … Amaranthus ( Terere) Red Amaranth. Traditional African vegetable production system. Amaranth leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, Spider Plant: A Hardy and Nutritious African Native, Production Guidelines Jew’s mallow (Corchorus olitorius L.),,, Pumpkin leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt, Amaranthus (pigweed). Spinach – Swiss Chard. Why Multiple Flour Porridges are Not Good for Your Child? Tereré is a drink just like mate. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It’s indeed a tasty vegetable. It is called Mchicha in Swahili and is known as 'Terere' amongst the Kikuyu, Embu and Meru of Kenya, and as Telele by the Kamba of Kenya. In the Bantu-speaking regions of Uganda it is known as Doodo and is commonly cut very finely and cooked with onions and tomatoes or sometimes mixed with a peanut sauce. 100 g of fresh greens provides 1140 μg or 950% of daily vitamin-K requirements. Share your thoughts or questions regarding the article. (ˈtɛriːt ) adjective. Nutritional Value: Amaranth leaves when cooked contain three (3) times more vitamin C, calcium, iron and niacin (Mnkeni et al., 2007). 2. Western community is a generic term that comprises of the Luhya community and their sub-tribes. Protein and iron composition of cowpea leaves: An evaluation of six cowpea varieties grown in Eastern Africa (Available here: )9. orange - or lemonade. Vegetable 3: Terere. (uncountable) The leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable; as a dish often mixed with other ingredients, dressing etc. Please prove you are human by selecting the, Miro (Sunnhemp) + Seveve (Pumpkin leaves). Local Names: Terere, Mchicha in Swahili, Ododo in Luo, Sikukuu or Chepkuratian in Pokot, Lookwa or Epespes in Turkana, and Ekwala in Teso. They’re also a good source of protein, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), vitamin B6, iron, potassium and zinc. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Aliquam a tortor ac mauris auctor. They are different from fruit in that vegetables don't have seeds. This is chipa.Chipa is a cheese-corn mixture eaten several times a week. Pumpkin leaves, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt – USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference –11. Your Name (required), Copyright © 2019 MAMA KIENYEJI | All Rights Reserved, Be the first to review “Terere (Amaranth)”. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 100 Most Protein Rich Vegetarian Foods – Smart Fitter10. Will make this more clear in the article. Sukumawiki – Collard Greens. For the freshest escarole or when buying locally, look for it in the cold weather months. Kelvin Muriuki is a trained Nutritionist and editor of Nutrition Point. 1. terete in British English. Your email address will not be published. Terere: Terere is a traditional African vegetable mostly cooked served with Ugali and meat or fish. Amaranth greens perhaps have the highest concentrations of vitamin-K of all the edible green-leafy vegetables. From about 3PM to dark, there are chipa vendors that walk or ride bikes around town selling fresh chipa door-to-door. Commonly called Kale, sukumwaki are actually collard greens. Spider Plant ( Sagaa, Saget) 3. Linguee. Vocabulary list and chart with vegetables in English. Translate Terere. English. A vegetable is the edible part of a plant that is used in cooking or can be eaten raw. 1. English name: Amaranth. Learn their singular and plural forms. Show declension of lettuce Please provide the vegetables in the article that you refer to having the wrong spelling so we can make the necessary corrections. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. It is ideal for Terere preparations (consumed cold and combined at times with juices) as well as hot mates and can be consumed as a tea or in the traditional way. Your email address will not be published. Amaranthus (Amaranth) or as locally known, Terere, is a highly nutritious vegetable that’s cultivated and ... 2. It contains eighteen (18) times more vitamin A, twenty (20) times more calcium and seven (7) times more iron when compared to lettuce. Terere is amaranth. These vegetables are often intercropped and rarely occupy a significant proportion of the farm. English Words For Common Kenyan Foods. reduces hunger by reducing insulin levels making it easier for the body to burn fat. Because some vegetables are locally known by their ethnic term from a given community throughout the country and are therefore more likely to be identified this way rather than through their English terms. International Volunteer Day (sometimes abbreviated to IVD) takes place annually on December 5th. He's also the founder of Journey Bytes, a tech blog and web design agency that seeks to help individuals and businesses grow their online presence through affordable and user-friendly websites. It contains eighteen (18) times more vitamin A, twenty (20) times more calcium and seven (7) times more iron when compared to lettuce. Required fields are marked *. Swahili Fruits & Vegetables. Vegetables English Vocabulary. en Faced with these tasks that appear along the ways for the Church, those ways that Pope Paul VI clearly indicated in the first Encyclical of his pontificate, and aware of the absolute necessity of all these ways and also of the difficulties thronging them, we feel all the more our need for a profound link with Christ. Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: vegetable n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Amaranth is a Greek word derived from the word Amereino, meaning immortal, or not withering. Nutritional Value: Amaranth leaves when cooked contain three (3) times more vitamin C, calcium, iron and niacin (Mnkeni et al., 2007). Also known as esaka , saga and spider plant (English) is a popular Luhya traditional vegetable. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a92cee5d07efc233de60450ca7a83d94" );document.getElementById("d43e032c9d").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name and email address in this browser for the next time I comment. Second, some names of the veg are defined with ethnic origins in brackets and others are not, why? Amaranth greens (Organic Authority) Amaranth or terere as it is popularly known in Kenya is quite common both in the rural and urban areas. The Kikuyu call it Terere, Amaranthus dubius, the red spinach, Chinese spinach, (simplified Chinese: 苋菜; traditional Chinese: 莧菜; pinyin: xiàncài), spleen amaranth, hon-toi-moi, yin choy, hsien tsai, or Arai keerai (அரை கீரை) is a plant species.It belongs to the economically important family Amaranthaceae.. terere translation in Latin-English dictionary. Collins English Dictionary. Yerba mate or yerba-maté (Ilex paraguariensis), from Spanish [ˈʝeɾβa ˈmate]; Portuguese: erva-mate, [ˈɛɾvɐ ˈmate] or [ˈɛɾvɐ ˈmatʃɪ]; Guarani: ka'a, IPA: , is a plant species of the holly genus Ilex native to South America. Indigenous Vegetables Eaten in Kenya. Copyright © 2016-2020 Nutrition Point | Powered by, Sweet Potato Leaves (Photo by katorisi (Own work) [. It is an ‘International Day’ established by the United Nations to recognize and promote the contribution made by volunteers and voluntary organizations to the wellbeing of people across the globe. Jews Mallow ( Mrenda/Murere) 5. Consumption of natural vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin-A and flavonoids are also known to help the body protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. Because dinner isn´t big here, we have "merienda" in the late afternoon. Accompanied by a variety of vegetables and meats depending on the region, season and occasion, the dish is replete with symbols, meanings and social and cultural dimensions linked to solidarity, conviviality and the sharing of meals. Amaranth leaves when cooked contain three (3) times more vitamin C, calcium, iron and niacin (Mnkeni et al., 2007). Did You Know You Can Eat Fruits of the Kei Apple (Kayaba)? In vulputate tellus justo, at vehicula tortor facilisis sit amet. Chipa is usually half moon-shaped, but it is occasionally ring-shaped like a bagel. Nonetheless, its appearance shouldn’t discourage first time consumers from trying it out. Eating vegetable soup helps in reducing the effects of alcohol and alcohol related diseases like diabetes. Most Kenyans, though, eat the leaves oblivious of the many health benefits of eating the grains as well. Traditional Vegetables famously know as Terere (Amaranthus)grown and clean at the farm. It was named by the French botanist Augustin Saint-Hilaire. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In other regions of South America, particularly in Argentina, tereré is often made with fruit juice - e.g. In Kenyan rural areas, amaranth is one of the best known traditional vegetable, which grows in open fields with almost every ethnic group having a name for it. Local Names: Terere, Mchicha in Swahili, Ododo in Luo, Sikukuu or Chepkuratian in Pokot, Lookwa or Epespes in Turkana, and Ekwala in Teso. Tereré, the national drink of Paraguay, is similar to an iced herbal tea, except it's made with cold water right off the bat, rather than brewed with hot water, which is then cooled. If you are wondering in what form to consume the grains, they are usually sold as flour in most supermarkets and you can use it to make chapatis, porridge or … African Nightshade ( Managu) 4. Translator. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Amaranth is a Medicinal vegetable that is said to: Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. Consult your doctor before making any health-related decisions. Look for the vegetable, which can range from the size of a grapefruit to a large head of lettuce, with the refrigerated leafy greens. Please prove you are human by selecting the Key. Great recipe for Terere greens (Amaranth) in cream #AuthorMarathon. Other vegetables had the wrong spelling. (esp of plant parts) smooth and usually cylindrical and tapering. To consume the leaves are usually mixed with other vegetables like Cow-peas (Kunde), Saga and Mito. Vegetables can be eaten alongside ugali, bananas, as salad,alongside fish,meat and almost every meal, except drinks like tea and coffee. August 2006 (Available here: 8. Utilization and Medicinal Value of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables Consumed in Urban and Peri-Urban Nairobi – Bioline (Available here: In Africa, the vegetables are mostly consumed with starch dishes like Ugali and sweet potatoes. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. In fact, it’s considered the national drink of Paraguay (you’ll find out why in just a minute). Local Names: Terere, Mchicha in Swahili, Ododo in Luo, Sikukuu or Chepkuratian in Pokot, Lookwa or Epespes in Turkana, and Ekwala in Teso. It pops up at farmers' markets starting in the fall and can be available through early spring. improves digestion and reduces constipation. Shopping Safely for Food in Light of Covid-19, Ways to Keep Healthy Indoors during Coronavirus Pandemic, Coronavirus and why Optimal Nutrition is Important, Increase in Cancer Among Obese Young Adults and the Poor, Why You Shouldn’t Wait Too Long to Drink Your Fruit Juices. Please remember to like and Subscribe. As the English name suggests, its hairy purplish stems reminds one of the limbs of a spider. Learn how to say the common vegetables in Swahili. vegetable. Vegetables also help in reducing the risk of cancer, it kills small number of cancer cells in your body. English . 46 homemade recipes for ugali and african vegetable "managu" from the biggest global cooking community! Amaranth is a Medicinal vegetable that is said to: DISCLAIMER: This information is for enlightenment purposes only. This is a list of fruits and vegetables in Swahili.Knowing these plants can be helpful when shopping in a grocery store or even restaurant. Traditional vegetables often occupy areas around the house, together with bananas, maize, cassava and sorghum. Terere naturally has a slimy texture when cooked or boiled. help slow down glucose absorption in the bloodstream. : often plural (food: plant) (souvent au pluriel): légume nm nom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". Very soft vegetable, cooks really fast. 1. It can be drunk plain, or amped up with the addition of citrus fruits and herbs. An edible plant, Lactuca sativa and its close relatives, having a head of green and/or purple leaves. Subscribe to our blog to be notified whenever we publish a new post. Nutrition Point is a nutrition blog run by registered nutritionists based in Kenya that seeks to educate the public on healthy living and the nutrition profession in the country. 3. This information is for enlightenment purposes only is the edible green-leafy vegetables Your. 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