0000004812 00000 n �]I�Dli �x+A�=����Ʀ��aPG�&�����ZH�q>�8-^�|�4K���V���aX�����r��#�����L;��1Gh\��6�?��Ĕj��"�z�41(��ê�z���\���X#C�״u8�g�Л�������Y�-���-����Ʒ�:� Product type: Insecticide EPA Registration No. 0001179567 00000 n Star Supplier TrustSEAL Verified. 0000018658 00000 n You may also contact the National Poison Control Center, 1-800-222-1222, day or 0000004062 00000 n 0001262819 00000 n %%EOF 0000010593 00000 n 3% pyrethrum for added power and control From $161.60 ... From $35.87. 0000062540 00000 n 0001235520 00000 n 0000003482 00000 n 0000004454 00000 n Kills Ants, Fire Ants, & Harvester Ants. 0000023528 00000 n 0001222387 00000 n 0001267046 00000 n x�bb�``b``Ń3� ���ţ�1�a� ��� endstream endobj 466 0 obj <>/ViewerPreferences<>/Metadata 30 0 R/Pages 29 0 R/StructTreeRoot 32 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 467 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/MC1<>/MC2<>>>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 468 0 obj <> endobj 469 0 obj <> endobj 470 0 obj [/Separation/All/DeviceCMYK<>] endobj 471 0 obj [/Separation/Dieline/DeviceCMYK<>] endobj 472 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20350#20C/DeviceCMYK<>] endobj 473 0 obj <> endobj 474 0 obj <> endobj 475 0 obj <> endobj 476 0 obj <> endobj 477 0 obj <> endobj 478 0 obj <> endobj 479 0 obj <> endobj 480 0 obj <> endobj 481 0 obj <>stream P273: Avoid release to the environment. From $7.88. No. Tempo Ultra WSP. Insecticide. 0000010496 00000 n 0001258207 00000 n 0001264118 00000 n … Surrender ® BRAND. H�DT Pg�{��i��#L'��(��An�˃�R3��Pd�.f�KD!�fD�B����*K]0���}�?�n�J�vU���������#��a�>04 bQ�nuB��M\R��I;dz?� Std., 29 CFR 1910.1200): Physical hazards: None. 178 0 obj <>stream 0001258234 00000 n trailer Surrender is a foliar acting herbicide which controls annual and perennial grasses and most broad-leaved weeds when used as directed. 0001305976 00000 n Insect pests are generally controlled more effectively by SURRENDER through ingestion than by contact. This active ingredient is known to be an effective product known to control a number of common pests encountered in home including but not limited to: turf and crop-invading pests as well as ants (particularly fire ants) cockroaches, crickets, firebrats, silverfish, earwigs, pillbugs, … If large amounts have been ingested, milk, cream trailer <<9058967DD3FC4945ABCFA4D4F75969DB>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 572 0 obj <>stream 0001257629 00000 n In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(cH3) Control Solutions, Inc. (bHi), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling 5903 Genoa-Red Bluff to: Pasadena, TX 77507-1041 o EPA Reg. The simplicity of one product, the versatility and breadth of two active ingredients ... From $97.32. Specifications 0000002897 00000 n 0000010548 00000 n 0001215644 00000 n … 0001243660 00000 n 0001265255 00000 n Per the label instructions, Martins Surrender Fire Ant Killer should be applied by evenly sprinkling 1-2 tbsp. From $50.55. 0000004288 00000 n 0000024741 00000 n Surrender Fire Ant Killer contains 75% Acephate and is used for controling Fire Ants. 0001221706 00000 n Surrender br. 0000010638 00000 n 0001180719 00000 n 0001222913 00000 n What kills cockroaches instantly? 0001228177 00000 n 0001221923 00000 n 0000056807 00000 n SDS Sheet; Market Label; Viper Insecticide Concentrate. 0001179871 00000 n 0001222309 00000 n Label; SDS; MSDS; Pyrocide 300. 0001221183 00000 n 0000009470 00000 n GHS Response Phrases: Please refer to Section 7 for Storage and Section 13 for Disposal information. 0000033982 00000 n ]�٭NߥJ�W�����pA�ӊ���h"�\���d���{��D�h%��>DN���M����(��(mD��Z�"��6�(�p���H��";�d�y Y�)��@��v�CV�*!#V� 51(r �~;��ĿXE[�I8����KI)'�H�C��VX�����e꒩��M��f��p���od�l��Y���. Mumbai 1202-1204, B Wing Kailash Business Park, Ghatkopar Powal Link Road, Vikhroli West, Mumbai - 400079, Dist. Cyper WP) 5. If you have any questions, please call me @ 703-305-5314 or metzger.autumn@epa.gov. No. In order to provide an effective barrier between the wood in the structure and termite colonies in the soil, disperse the chemical emulsion so as to avoid untreated gaps in the barrier. 0000027956 00000 n 0001254138 00000 n 0000025890 00000 n 0001180412 00000 n Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. x�\�M(DQ��s��\Ff�{1~�QJّ��d�Ȕ))��b��Q���,$YȎ�����l����X�YXX�B��(����|��v�s��s�B�!x]���&4��_UŢ��9�ga�}+���~���I�9�KߤI�x/�9N�Q%��K�N��O��qi��v)�:Rc�؊+��$!�~8��&T�W�$��4�]�ُџ����V���s��Ub��D��>�_o�����pU`(�g�V����yx�~��>��U��.PFL��zH,ooaO1�q�%�QV�h�c�t�(�N��ɪEit� ��=[�Th5�:��F_.0��#���܇�4���6��]�Bw�S� �lL> endstream endobj 571 0 obj <>/Size 465/Type/XRef>>stream Specimen Label; SDS Sheet; Market Label; Viper Insect Dust Insecticide Dust. … Follow all MSDS/label precautions even after container is emptied because they may retain product residues. The application of the product is simple using the applicator nozzle that is built into the bag. Section 2 INGREDIENTS % ACGIH TLV 130 0 obj <> endobj 0000028447 00000 n 0001297689 00000 n SynerPro PBO. … Click to Order Your Yates Surrender 20 Litre - controls Moss, Algae, Liver Wort Online at Wholesale Prices. 0000000016 00000 n endstream endobj 131 0 obj <> endobj 132 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 133 0 obj <> endobj 134 0 obj <> endobj 135 0 obj <> endobj 136 0 obj <> endobj 137 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#20347#20CV/DeviceCMYK 169 0 R] endobj 138 0 obj <>stream If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First Aid instructions on the product label carefully. One can of Surrender will treat up to 108 Fire Ant mounds. 0001265888 00000 n 0001180334 00000 n 0000014723 00000 n Emulsifiable Concentrate. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records. 0000044306 00000 n It is important that all weeds are at the correct growth stage when treated, otherwise some re-growth may occur and this will need re-treatment. ... Cyper WP Insecticide will not stain or cause damage to any painted or … Amdro Fire Ant Bait. One 1 lb can kills up to 108 fire ant mounds Acephate 75 SP as a water soluble insecticide is absorbed in plant roots providing systemic control of feeding insects. Active Ingredients: Acephate 75% Use & Control Use Sites: lawns, outdoors, turfgrass, fencerows, roadsides, ditchbanks Effective Against: ants, fire ants, harvester ants Label Surrender Chlorpyrifos IC termiticide concentrate for soil treatment is used to establish a barrier which is lethal to termites. <]>> 0001257970 00000 n 0001234887 00000 n You may also contact the Poison Control Center 800-222-1222. 0001282995 00000 n 0001265552 00000 n 0001179489 00000 n Surrender brand Cyper WP Insecticide A Crack and Crevice and/or Spot Treatment for Residual and Contact Control of Ants, Carpenter Ants, Cockroaches, Crickets, Spiders, and Certain Other Insects. Product type: Insecticide EPA Registration No. 0000015033 00000 n Surrender ® fire ant killer should be distributed evenly as directed on the product label. 0001243244 00000 n ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 0000003810 00000 n SureKill Dia-Py Insecticide Dust. Acephate is an organophosphate insecticide that is one of the most effective killers of fire ants. 0000002083 00000 n Submit one copy of the revised final printed label for the record. Health hazards: Irritant. 0001266727 00000 n Expedited Reveiw. N;%�B1=B��xzI�c��G+QX�e`ğ6��&z�yhn�qVh6�)�7�����yZe�ЗԖ��`ҝ��׎}c���u����g�Kkdgͻb�Ib���Ši��|�F)Nv�ȣ�57E9}z:>>�VͿ�q�5^�:�b+�$. Product type: Insecticide EPA Registration No. If swallowed • Call poison control center or doctor immediately for 0000013052 00000 n 0001266437 00000 n It is not necessary to disturb the mound. 0 Close and agitate before use in order to ensure proper use suspension of the wettable powder. 0001221807 00000 n Your release for shipment of the product constitutes acceptance of these conditions. Toxicity. 0000028936 00000 n ����%������0h���L�|��65-;=)!Q�r�]�Z��T����F�1[���֪�RbS��R��:M��J坜����kU�&=S��h�u���q�?P%iUj�. 0001254734 00000 n 0001306206 00000 n Use Surrender G in your garden on flowers and vegetables, lawns, and ornamental plants. If these conditions are not complied with, the registration will be subject to cancellation in accordance with FIFRA sec. 0001262320 00000 n 0000004630 00000 n 0000033988 00000 n Pestabs contain 10% Lambda-cyhalothrin, an odorless, low toxicity synthetic pyrethroid. 0000009683 00000 n 0000033180 00000 n Surrender G are insect killer granules that use the active Bifenthrin to control fleas, fire ants, ticks, mole crickets, and spiders. Company Video. 0001221261 00000 n Product Overview Surrender Pestabs are a unique, new way to deliver insecticide through your sprayer. For information on this product, contact the National Pesticide Information Center, 1800--858-7378, Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM-3:30 PM PST. 0000001998 00000 n 0001305646 00000 n 0001261887 00000 n 0001227312 00000 n Martin's Viper W.P. 0000007555 00000 n Surrender Fire Ant Killer contains 75% Acephate and is used for controlling Fire Ants. 0000073135 00000 n Cyper WP Insecticide . Specimen Label; SDS Sheet; Market Label; Vegetables Plus Insecticide. Each Pestab is a water soluble, pre-measured tablet that you simply drop into a gallon of water, let it set for a few minutes, shake, and spray. 0001305681 00000 n %PDF-1.6 %���� (Eye, skin, respiratory passages, skin sensitizer). 0000043986 00000 n SDS Sheet; Market Label; Viper RTU Ready-to-Use Insecticide. 0001263811 00000 n 0001269030 00000 n A stamped copy of the label is enclosed for your records. Name and Address of Applicant (Includtl ZIP Cods) 6. IDENTIFICATION. 0000033879 00000 n 6( e ). 0000012648 00000 n 0000007692 00000 n ... Timbor is an insecticide, fungicide and wood preservative for the protection and treatment of lumber against fungal decay and wood destroying insects (including … 0000013211 00000 n 0000014939 00000 n Surrender Fire Ant Killer works great killing fire ants! 0000018879 00000 n 0000005621 00000 n 0001264471 00000 n 0000016458 00000 n ]�wr}�I�,l���eRRRR M�����hZ"0�BJ`RP0-[x 0000007058 00000 n 0001227655 00000 n 0001215701 00000 n SURRENDER is an insecticide for control of pests in certain non-crop areas. 0001269399 00000 n 0001235153 00000 n P330: Rinse mouth. xref The active ingredient in SURRENDER is acephate, a water soluble insecticide readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give systemic control of feeding insects. Excellent Mite and Aphid control. … 0000001276 00000 n Killer Insecticide," "SURRENDER Fire Ant Killer Insecticide" and "SURRENDER" as well as optional marketing claim Acephate 75 SP EPA Reg. For additional treatment advice, contact … Best Fire Ant Killer for Home: Scotts Snap Pac Fire Ant Killer. ... understand the label, find someone to explain it to you in detail.) 0001305316 00000 n 0000011956 00000 n Acephate is a main active ingredient for an assortment of insecticide products we have in our inventory here at Solutions Pest & Lawn. GHS Precaution Phrases: P301+312: IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. You may also contact SafetyCall®(866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information NOTE TO PHYSICIAN Acephate is a cholinesterase inhibitor. FIRST AID Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 0001295946 00000 n Surrender brand Cyper WP Insecticide is intended for dilution with water for spray applications. 0000002456 00000 n 0001248583 00000 n What gets rid of fire ants? 0001179949 00000 n Summary of the toxicity properties of each active ingredient and the percent of each active ingredient in the … Surrender. 0001258540 00000 n Immediate knockdown long … %PDF-1.6 %���� H��W[o��~篘�dQ��~YbYJ�8vb1���•��]_[i���̐%ˊ��&��Ù9��\g0� 0001221374 00000 n SURRENDER PESTABS INSECTICIDE Page 1 of 6 ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. See back (or side) panel for additional precautionary statements. 0000026770 00000 n Do not use strainers finer than 50 mesh size. Refer to label. 0000021134 00000 n Surrender Fire Ant Killer contains 75% Acephate and is used for controlling Fire Ants. 0000004174 00000 n Q��߃�ֈ�|Đ�v�I���e��= ��B"w�X3T�p�6�ې�&!���ULj�@��j@���d~��` Acephate is an organophosphate insecticide. Best Fire Ant Bait: Advion Ant Gel Insecticide. Read the entire MSDS for a more thorough evaluation of the hazards. It is used on food crops, citrus trees, as a seed treatment, on golf courses, and in commercial or institutional facilities. 0001215750 00000 n 0001254818 00000 n SDS Sheet; Market Label; ... Multi-Purpose Insecticide. Brand Name: White off Product Head: Insecticide Mode of action: Contact and Stomach Insecticide Crops: read more... Kalyani Industries Limited. Product Name on Label: Surrender clorpyrifos tc The EPA Registered Name for this product is: Pyrinex chlorpyrifos termiticide concentrate ... registration number, product registration status, formulation and warning label, as well as links to sources of product labels and MSDS information. 0000010408 00000 n SURRENDER ® G . 0001228204 00000 n 0000028617 00000 n 0001306091 00000 n over each mound, in the early morning or late afternoon when the ants are most active. From $115.68. 0000033824 00000 n 0001253656 00000 n 0001227218 00000 n 130 49 0000003879 00000 n 0000002518 00000 n 2.2 Label Elements: GHS Signal Word: Warning P264: Wash {hands} thoroughly after handling. 0000012167 00000 n A broad-spectrum moss killer containing 500g/L Benzalkonium Chloride. If signs of cholinesterase inhibition appear, atropine is antidotal. From $14.71. This dry mound treatment is sprinkled onto the surface of the mound. startxref 0001297487 00000 n 0000033501 00000 n 465 0 obj <> endobj xref 465 108 0000000016 00000 n Insecticide (a It. 0000024935 00000 n STORAGE: ... FIFRA: All pesticides are governed under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. For information on this product, contact the National Pesticide … 0001180797 00000 n Enclosure So What Kills Cockroaches Instantly? 0000010207 00000 n 0001258040 00000 n Surrender ® Fire Ant Killer Insecticide. 0001297611 00000 n Fill applicator tank with the desired volume of water and add Surrender brand Cyper WP Insecticide. One can of Surrender Fire Ant Killer can treat up to 108 Fire Ant mounds. 0000033786 00000 n 0001305863 00000 n Abamectin 0.15EC Select is an effective insecticide in combating pyrethroid resistant insects.... SDS Label; Product Label; Sell Sheet; Abamectin SPC 0.15 EC Gallon (Avid) SKU: ABAMECT006 | Brand: NuFarm 4 x 1 Gal Nufarm Abamectin SPC 0.15 EC insecticide offers reliable, longlasting control of mites and leafminers, along … Surrender® brand Bifen Lawn & Perimeter Insecticide Granules For Residential Lawn Use Only ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 0000003085 00000 n Surrender Fire Ant Killer with Acephate 75% is an agricultural and fire ant insecticide. Call +91-8046064247. 0000003005 00000 n 0000070801 00000 n 0000044117 00000 n NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: This product is a pyrethroid. LESCO® BANDIT 2F INSECTICIDE 2/10 Version 4.0 / USA Revision Date: 02/27/2018 102000015064 Print Date: 02/28/2018 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures General advice When possible, have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. [Alt name Surrender brand Termite Killer 5] FOR OUTDOOR HOMEOWNER POST CONSTRUCTION USE ONLY ... and repeat to ensure the insecticide soaks into the wood Wood Piles and Stored Lumber: Use a Dial N Spray or other garden tank sprayes or a sprinkling can to deliver a coarse drenching spray. 0000015611 00000 n 0000022339 00000 n 0000019944 00000 n Insecticide For Use by Individuals/Firms licensed or registered by the State to apply pesticide products. Fast Shipping, Top Quality Products, 1000's of Happy Customers ... You want to make sure you apply it according to the product label and avoid any excessively spraying. 0001305747 00000 n 0000057202 00000 n 0001257709 00000 n 0000006068 00000 n 0000005314 00000 n 0001180066 00000 n 0000006655 00000 n 0000003654 00000 n 0000015406 00000 n P391: Collect spillage. 0000003233 00000 n Contact Supplier Request a quote. Product name: Surrender. Surrender ® fire ant killer insecticide contains 75% acephate. 0000005016 00000 n : 53883-133 Chemical name of active ingredient(s): Acephate: O, S-Dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate Manufacturer/Registrant: Control Solutions, Inc. 5903 Genoa-Red Bluff Pasadena, TX 77507 For fire, spill, and/or leak emergencies, contact Chemtrec: 0001221741 00000 n 0000010684 00000 n Stryker 5-25. Best Fire Ant Killer In the Yard: Ortho MAX. You may also contact Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222. 0000015257 00000 n For the control of moss, algae, lichen and liverwort in a variety of situations. At one time acephate was used commonly in and around homes, but most of those uses are no longer allowed. 0001249161 00000 n You may also contact the Poison Control Center 800-222-1222. : 53883-29 Chemical name of active ingredient(s): Cypermethrin: (±) α-cyano-(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl (±) cis, trans-3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2- ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. Martin's Surrender Fire Ant Killer. 0000051427 00000 n Material name: Surrender® brand PESTABS® INSECTICIDE Hazard summary (as defined by OSHA Hazard Comm. 6{`����m1x ��C!�`�Xf�c���L�>}��������������+�Z 0001248856 00000 n 0000032974 00000 n Mumbai, Maharashtra. Treated wood can be burned or used for building one ... U.S. EPA, Pesticide … 0001242979 00000 n 0001228824 00000 n x�b```b`` d`�O��(������A��� !����NPF��aR�ѓ?q扛h5�+�,�:p��k����ۍ/���M���D�u6����0�:�7��-q�&�C�^-����S�l9��o��ɦ�Ѿ=e�&�zg+�L;�q�$��dЭsU7�2>ƻئtV�ֵ�A{�k��Z�uW�����+N��z����״k./u���lۤ�c��s�ҭ����CLy�]�L��H�%�$�j��!TV��#w�0��k�*���H���*�V'���FhA�;� I����n�ͯ}��5�泱Yв�c1'. One can of Surrender will treat up to 108 Fire Ant mounds. SURRENDER ® G Page 2 of 5 : 4. 0001227585 00000 n Tandem Insecticide. Product label and avoid any excessively spraying fill applicator tank with the desired of! 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