If you're looking for some guidance on writing great assignments, drop into the Writing Space Read more > How do I get in contact with students who are studying overseas at the same time I am, or who have studied overseas before? Can I arrange to sit my exam early? How can I access items from other campus libraries? Studiosity (online study help) Ask Adelaide is your go-to student service centre. How do I remain enrolled at the University of Adelaide while on a Study Overseas experience if I am not studying here? Can Honours be deferred in the Faculty of Arts? Do I have to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee if I am studying overseas? How can I get help writing university reports and assignments? Can I track and receive certificates for courses and learning paths completed on LinkedIn Learning? Studiosity, Sydney, NSW. I want to see the original exam paper that I sat for. Contact. What should I do if I am not eligible for conferral or if I miss the application deadline? How can I change my faculty approval or courses in SMART for exchange? In 2020 so far, you guys have spent over 10 million minutes getting one-to-one study help and personalised feedback with Studiosity - about the same amount of time it’d take to complete 58 degrees. Find out more about sch… Feeling overwhelmed, stuck on a study question or not sure where to even start with an assignment? Do I have to attend a graduation ceremony to receive my testamur? Study help, online, anywhere! Can I make up my own double degree if the two programs I want to study are not offered as a set double degree? Can I request a particular school for my Professional Experience teaching placement? How do I find out how much my HELP debt is? What is the difference between studying the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Science (Advanced)? Where can I start looking for employment? What happens if I don't have a Tax File Number? When and where will my Professional Experience teaching placement take place? What other insurance companies offer OSHC? How will I know if I am at risk of not making satisfactory academic progress? Can postgraduate research students use the Maths Learning Centre to help with statistical analysis? This service compliments the services offered by the on campus student support staff. I am receiving an error when submitting a MyUni or Turnitin Assignment. When will I find out the outcome of my Arts Honours application? How many hours can I work if I am on a scholarship to undertake a research degree? Phone: +61 8 8313 4455. Why can't I see my class in my timetable? How can I do this? Studiosity: Studiosity is a free after-hours online study help tool available to all University of Adelaide students for free through your enrolment in MyUni. If your enquiry is more complex, the team can refer you to the correct place to get the help you need. I'm having technical issues with Zoom - what should I do? Students formulate their own questions, then work with one of our Subject Specialists in the interactive classroom - with chat, collaborative whiteboard, and file sharing. How many level I courses do I need to enrol into for B. I placed an order for a transcript, letter or ID card before 18 December 2020. Can I apply to my exchange host university on my own? How long does a Study Overseas exchange application take to complete? Check out the screenshot for reference! How do I get access to a particular building on campus? Will I need to pay a gap when using my OSHC? Succeed @ Adelaide Can I get extra help with my English language skills while studying at the University of Adelaide? I have a medical condition/disability and need Alternate Exam Arrangements (AEA) to sit my exam. I am an international student and am bringing my family with me to Australia. How can I get in contact with the Adelaide University Law Students' Society? Why does my grade show as Result Pending (RP)? After accepting an offer to study oral health, dentistry, or medicine, what happens if I become a permanent resident? Posted in Daily News Post navigation Can I undertake a PhD or a Master by Research without having to pay tuition fees? How do I manage my enrolment in a Diploma in Languages and my primary degree? What courses are available during summer or winter school and how do I enrol in them? Does my OSHC provide any additional benefits? What is a replacement examination, assessment extension or additional assessment and how do I apply for one? Can I still study overseas and receive credit towards my degree? Am I now accepted to the host university? Not only does the new Citation Assist feature flag potential missing referencing - the Studiosity Subject Specialist (a real person) then provides the personalised feedback on areas in your document that may need more attention, and on how to ensure your work is cited correctly. How long can I borrow these items for? CAREERS & EMPLOYABILITY. I have lost my Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Are there any resources available to help me improve my online study skills and assist me with assignment preparation and avoiding plagiarism? Is there a limit to how much HELP I can get? Where can I live if I'm studying at the Roseworthy campus? Students are entitled to 4 interactions per Semester. I am a student in the Faculty of Arts. How soon after receiving my results can I order an academic transcript? Do I need to pay for a new Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)? Can I still do the English Assist Program? Who should I speak with in the University regarding my show cause notification for the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences? Who can I speak to? How can I order an official letter from the University? 08 8302 2376 > Ask UniSA FAQs > Australian contact details. Can I find my own Faculty of Arts Internship? Need advice about studying online ? For more information about the University's coordinated response to the COVID-19 situation, please visit COVID-19 Updates page. (2015 Department of Education external student reported data, QS World University rankings 2016). Ground level, 82-98 Wakefield Street, Adelaide. I'm having a problem downloading lectures. Where can I find employment or volunteering opportunities whilst studying? If I have an Access Plan which includes extensions, do I need to apply for an extension using the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy? Why are domestic and international student fees different? How do I accept or decline my scholarship offer? Why can't I book a mentoring appointment for the English Assist Program or get into a workshop that is full? Do I have to pay tuition fees for the enrolment course for an overseas study tour? What type of feedback can I leave in the SELT survey? When can I call myself Doctor? What University software is available for download on my personal computer? What does "Welcome, No Access" in Access Adelaide mean? How do I replace my testamur if it has been lost or damaged? What bicycle facilities are available on campus? Studiosity provides after-hours assistance on topics such as academic writing, referencing, statistics, maths, biology, physics, and accounting. What if I change my arrival details after receiving my confirmation email for the airport pickup service? For Student Services hours go to the campus page. Studiosity is totally free for UniSA students. This service allows you to connect live to a Studiosity Subject Specialist in an online chat setting. International peer study support program. Where can I get advice to help me plan the practical experience requirement under my Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)? What am I responsible for organising with an overseas study experience? Is it possible to use a preferred name at Uni? What printing, photocopying and scanning facilities are available in the library? Study Help is an online hub complete with resources on assignment writing, referencing, study skills, maths help and more. Peter Rathjen was paid out $238 600 in lieu of a reduced notice period, and $87,800 in statutory leave entitlements when he resigned under the terms of his employment contract on grounds of ill-health, Chancellor Catherine Branson has told staff. What time do I need to arrive for my graduation ceremony? I don’t speak another language. Studiosity provides after-hours assistance on topics such as academic writing, referencing, statistics, maths, biology, physics, and … What should I do if I have booked the airport pickup service but there is no one to meet me? Select ‘Studiosity’ from your Okta dashboard. Is this ok? Can I use my dictionary or notes during the exam? Select one of your courses, then select 'Assignment Help' in the left navigation menu. Can I study the Diploma in Languages by itself? I'm travelling to Australia - what items am I prohibited from bringing into the country? Can the Writing Centre edit my work for me? How quickly can I get my official academic transcript? Do I have the right to object to possible examiners of my research thesis? How will PNGs be used in my application to Medicine, Dentistry or Oral Health? How many guests can I bring to my graduation ceremony? What happens to the previous version of my digital academic transcript when I order a new digital transcript? Where do I submit assignments in the Faculty of Arts? Can I add the Bachelor of Teaching double degree onto my current program? If you're at Adelaide just search the Adelaide uni referencing guide and copy the format. Unless you have secured accommodation at University Hall or in the Deirdre Jordan Village through Flinders Living you will need to consider arranging temporary accommodation, by booking a hotel or hostel room or a holiday apartment. How do I request a degree check? Sebastian Baltes, Uni Adelaide. I’m an international student. What will it cost to go on a Study Overseas Experience? Tel: +61 8 8313 0280writingcentre@adelaide.edu.au, Succeed @ AdelaideTel: +61 8 8313 5208 succeed@adelaide.edu.au, Division of Academic and Student Engagement. When and where do I collect my academic dress from? What happens if I become a permanent resident during my oral health, dentistry, or medicine degree? I have trouble getting around campus due to my mobility difficulties. Can I study by distance or external mode (i.e. What do I need to prepare for the Professional Experience teaching placement? How do I withdraw or discontinue from my program? What does conferral mean, and what is the difference between conferral and completion? Adelaide, South Australia What is the Engineering Enabling program? What is a CHESSN and where can I find mine? What should I do? How do I apply for a Pass Non-Graded (PNG)? I am a student in the Faculty of Sciences and I am unsure what to enrol into in order to complete my degree. What is the difference between Wirltu Yarlu Student Support Officers and Indigenous Student Mentors? What is the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) I need to study overseas? I met the eligibility requirements for my first preference of exchange university. When should I book my flights for my overseas exchange? This system is the property of the University of Adelaide and is for authorised use only. Where can I get my travel insurance policy number? When you get stuck on a tricky study question, or can’t bring yourself to re-read your draft essay for the seventeenth time, don’t stress. Where can I get more information about a LinkedIn account? What's the difference between an official and unofficial academic transcript? How early do I need to decide on my major and minor? If you are thinking of taking time off or changing your study arrangements due to personal or medical issues, or are finding it difficult to cope at uni, there are many free support services on campus which may help you.. I think I may have been sexually harassed. I'm having troubles viewing an Echo360 presentation. Studiosity is an after-hours online study help tool available to all University of Adelaide students for free through your enrolment in MyUni. If I sit a replacement exam will it show on my official academic transcript? What does it mean to receive my testamur in absentia? What are the deadlines for course changes? What is my Commonwealth Scholarship valued at? How do I enrol in my exchange courses at my host university? When will I receive my Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)? With a population of 1,326,354, Adelaide is the capital city of the state of South Australia, and the fifth-most populous city of Australia. This site is designed and monitored by the Learning Advisers at UniSA.. I am an alumnus of the University of Adelaide; how can I update my contact details? Do I have to get credit for my exchange program? Browse courses, campuses, study options & start your education journey today! Find out about all of the exciting events, sporting opportunities, activities and extracurricular engagement that happens at UniSA. You can submit your file and then check back later once your feedback is available. Who can I turn to for help? All use must comply with State and Commonwealth law and University policy and rules. Can I get help improving my job interview skills? Our courses include Professional Certificate, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master and PhD. Sophie McCarthy. What are the important deadlines for graduations this year? Does the University Preparatory Program (UPP) entitle me to receive Centrelink benefits? How is privacy managed in LinkedIn Learning? When does my Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) cover start? How do I find out which study period a course is available in? How will I find out if I have been successful in being offered an Adelaide Summer Research Scholarship? How do Withdraw No Fails (WNF) and Withdraw Fails (WF) affect my Grade Point Average (GPA)? According to MyUni, I'm enrolled in an incorrect course, but when I go into Access Adelaide I have enrolled in the correct course. If I'm studying a double degree, do I have to study both programs whilst on exchange? How will my change in residency affect my fees? Find and click on the Studiosity tile and you will be taken to your free account. How do I submit a Turnitin assignment in MyUni (Canvas)? There are a number of services available in Assignment Help, including links to the Writing Centre, Maths Learning Centre, the Library, Studiosity, and others. Why can't I find my course in Access Adelaide? I've already received credit towards my degree from previous studies at another institution. Australia’s biggest uni and TAFE campus map app built by the team at StudentVIP. Express orders and pre-1985 orders are unavailable during the closure. I've injured my arm/hand and am having difficulties with writing/typing. The University of South Australia is an innovative and successful institution with a distinctive profile. What happens once I have completed the English Assist Program? Can I get a discount when purchasing a new computer for personal use? How can I request that something be added or removed from my Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)? Adelaide University Volleyball Club. Can I go on two overseas exchanges back-to-back? My placement at the West Adelaide Football Club gave me first-hand experience to manage the players with acute injuries and subsequent rehabilitation for them to return to play as soon, and safe, as possible. Enrolments and classes are continuing. Where will the Faculty of Arts Industry Internship fit in my degree? I'm unsure what I need to do for orientation....When is it? My testamur was damaged or destroyed by the Australian bushfires. Join to Connect University of Adelaide. An interaction is one submission for feedback or one live chat session. How can Study Overseas support me in organising my self-reporting program? Studiosity is a free after-hours online study help tool available to all University of Adelaide students through their enrolment in MyUni. There are two types of help available: How do I obtain a replacement transcript or ID card if it was destroyed in the Australian bushfires? Under what circumstances do I need to contact Disability Support? I need HELP! 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