The county, which had Stage 2 restrictions in place, increased the fire restrictions because of the extreme fire danger in Southwest Colorado, which … In the event of an escalation of restrictions beyond Stage 1, refer to your specific county for details. If you are visiting a Colorado State Park the fire restrictions will typically mirror those enacted by the county that the park falls within. Fire restrictions imposed by the U.S. Forest service apply to public lands and have various stages based on a risk/benefit assessment. 2012-1 presented by Sheriff Jim Beicker. Individual counties maintain the authority to alter or add additional restrictions as is necessary. Stage 3 fire restrictions is a closure and occurs when there are very high risks and the ability to manage the risks using Stage 1 or 2 is no longer viable. Interactive Fire Ban Map Information: Click on the map to show the information links for each county and fire restriction. This map shows all of the Colorado counties with fire bans, restrictions With the COVID-19 pandemic putting a huge dent in most kinds of … Stage I fire restrictions include minor restrictions to prevent the start of human-caused wildfires from activities such as smoking and campfires. Watching the stage 3 restrictions that are occurring has me considering the impact on the coming big game seasons, especially for non resident folks. For specific questions regarding fire restrictions and what is allowed/not allowed under certain restrictions, please contact the Eagle County Sheriff's Office at 970-328-8500. A comprehensive listing of fire restrictions in place throughout the state can be found here. Violation of these fire restrictions is a Class-2 Petty Offense, punishable by up to a $1000.00 fine and a $10.00 surcharge. Fire Ban Status On June 26, 2012, the Board of County Commissioners voted to adopt Ordinance No. A list of those restrictions is below. The following acts are prohibited until further notice: Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire, coal or wood burning stove, any type of charcoal fueled broiler or open fire of any type in undeveloped areas. Printed: 6/8/2020 11:06 AM C: \Users Tyler Dropbox GMFCPFD Fire Ban Fire Restrictions Table as of 20 -01 07.docx GMF Fire Restrictions Fire Restrictions None Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Burning of Trash Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Emergency Flares, roadside fusees Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Illegal Fireworks Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not … October 23, 2020 / Uncategorized ; The following acts are prohibited: 1. Stage 2 and Stage 3 fire restrictions are much more prohibitive, and can even result in restrictions on indoor fire activities. Printed: 7/24/2018 12:32 PM C: \Users Tyler Dropbox GMFCPFD Fire Ban Fire Restrictions Table.docx GMF Fire Restrictions Fire Restrictionsa None Stage 1b Stage 2c Stage 3 Portable fire pans, portable chimineas, trash cans, stock tanks, ground level campfires, fire pits dug into the ground, or any vessel that is not permanently mountedd STAGE 1 FIRE RESTRICTIONS IN EFFECT. Check with neighboring counties, your local municipality, and fire authority for specific restrictions as they may still remain under fire restrictions or require a permit for burn activity. Learn what each fire restriction stage entails: Stage I. The Ordinance outlines the various restrictions and exceptions of each fire ban level. Exemption: Propane grills and stoves are allowed. stage 3 fire restrictions colorado. For more information about fire restrictions, read the Douglas County Ordinance O-012-004.