Also see:- Best free movie streaming sites. Everything takes way too long in dbz for no reason. Not a bad idea, actually. Dragon Ball is one of the oldest and most beloved anime series over the decades. Answered March 7, 2018. DBZ removed it's own soul with pacing problems only matched by the likes of Bleach. (This "IMDB version" stands for both Japanese and English). Do you have a recommendation as to which collection to get for DBZ? Z's old dub was awful, partially due to most of the actors being new to acting at all, but also due to a terribly inaccurate script they worked from (and that awful dub soundtrack that NEVER STOPS FOR A MOMENT doesn't help either). Now I am confused as to whether watch the Dragon Ball Z or the Dragon Ball Z Kai series. No., Press J to jump to the feed. I'll be getting DBZ. ドラゴンボール改 online for free in high quality. I also prefer Frieza's voice and the music in Z as well. And should i watch in english or with the subtitles? Sloppy redrawing and abysmal colour correction later on around the Buu arcs. Right from the beginning of each character’s introduction and the basic plot, everything begins here for this legendary anime. Scenes like this present … If it turns out you really like it, then definitely watch the original. Dragon Ball (1986 - 1989) Simply titled Dragon Ball, the series’ original anime adaptation is arguably … I hate the dubbed personally because it's so very different than the dubbed. Kai is closer to the manga and has better pacing. You know what it is watching Gohan turn SSJ2 without the bad ass music in the back? Watch and download Dragon Ball Z Kai English Dubbed and Subbed in HD on Anime Network! Dragon ball z and kai is different, first you must watch dragon ball then dragon ball z after that moving to dragon ball kai/gt. Dragon Ball Z Kai is just the same. Z's filler isn't too bad outside of the pre-Namek stuff and a lot of character development and interactions gets chopped off in favour of matching the manga pacing closer, but at that point... why not just read the manga for the 'purest' experience? 32. Asked by Wiki User. "original" implies the very first and thats false, the very first would be the manga and the manga is followed very closely by Kai so essentially Kai is as close to the original version as a series to date has gotten, Z has way more fillers and other material not present in the "original" version so no, Z isnt the "original" version. But I'd like your opinions on which one I should go for. Not a bad idea, actually. I've literally finished watching the final chapters today ironically. Dragon Ball’s anime ending established Goku as the strongest being on Earth, so the only way any new challengers could come is he was confronted by somebody not from Earth. I would say Z but it's your choice. I recommend reading colored version if you are going to read manga. There's some great characters here and some good moments, plus we get introduced to King Kai's counterparts, as well as Grand Kai, and Pikkon. I think that Gohan and Freeza's VA's for Kai in the English version were far superior to Z's counterparts, with Ayres's work as Freeza being leagues better than Young's. Hey guys.. i finished watching dragon ball z and gt, and i was wondering if i should watch dragon ball z kai... is it the same thing with better graphics or is it different Are you referring to the English or Japanese voices? However, mixed in with the bad filler is some of the best filler around such as the license filler. This answer is useful. First off, Dragon Ball Z Kai doesn't include anything from Dragon Ball, which is the story of Goku as a child. Dragon ball is an amazing anime. When I grew up as a kid, I only watched the Buu Arc so hearing Android 18's VA in Kai was very jarring when I filled the rest in with Kai. Namek is a great example, so is the "1 day" that Goku is supposed to be back on earth for at the World Martial Arts Tournament. I just started Kai for the first time on Saturday, and this is so accurate. The fillers are what made the show and gave us all our reactions and emotions. Nah. read more Now I am confused as to whether watch the Dragon Ball Z or the Dragon Ball Z Kai series. I like his composition, but the synth instruments he chose are so awful and cheap sounding I can't take it seriously. Just the pacing is way better, The lack of filler. The anime version of Dragon Ball Z is constantly bashed for having some of the worst pacing there is thanks to its episodes full of nothing but filler.This was fixed in the remastered version of the series, Dragon Ball Z Kai but is a huge issue in the original incarnation of the anime. It featuresless filler, much better pacing, and additional dialog that waspresent in the manga. So yeah, just watch the Japanese Z or if you can stomach mediocre translation and amateur voice acting, go with the Funimation dub. After that, proceed to watch DBZ Kai episode 99 and continue until the end of the series. Watch whatever you want but I think KAi is easier to find and like i said, its the same thing. For example, in the original series, Goku doesn’t start fighting Vegeta until episode 30. Just watch Z and take your time with it. I don't really like Kai because it's more focused on just the action and some of their VA's are different. I would say Z but it's your choice. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for all things Dragon Ball! Is same story as Dragon Ball Z, but it's shorter version with less "filler" and faster pacing than Dragon Ball Z. Never Kai. Z. Kai. Dragon Ball Watch Order Dragon Ball (153 Episodes) Here’s where you start. I'm going to make this as simple as possible. To your question: It's all about personal preference. It starts off with Bulma meeting Goku, and they start searching for the Dragon Balls. Definitely anime for DBZ and beyond though. There were no plans to continue it's run and was replaced with the then-new adaptation of Toriko. Dragon Ball Z is longer, with much more filler and boring moments, yet the payoff is more satisfying. It's up to you. I heard the Kai series is just a better quality remake of the Z series. It's distracting to constantly hear this electric techno music blaring the whole time. Sure, Z makes sense without it, but Dragon Ball Z is literally a continuation of Dragon Ball., Press J to jump to the feed. It’s definitely much better to watch. 2011-06-27 11:11:25 2011-06-27 11:11:25. The legacy of Dragon Ball is not something that needs to be detailed out — anybody even remotely familiar with the concept of anime, in general, would know just how popular this anime is. I’ve been binge watching DBZ Kai and it’s so much easier to watch. Comenzó a emitirse en abril de 2009. I’d say it’s worth the time you spend. I love the new voice for Frieza, compared to the original dub. Kai isn't bad though it's more focused on the action, rather than the humor, which I appreciate. After DBZ Kai episode 98, watch DBZ episodes 195-199 aka the Otherworld Tournament. It is plagued by fillers, inconsistent dubbing, script changes, and a slightly lower resolution. Kai is an abomination, I don't care if they "focus more on action and not filler" but they removed everything that gave that show a soul, like Bruce Faulconer's amazing music. 7 comments. Funimation had like 3 VA's for Goku (if i remember correctly). As it is also newer animation, it looks betterin some spots.As in the original DBZ some fights could take literally ten episodes to conclude, it is probably better to just watch Kai. The voices and music placement far surpass Kai. Dragon Ball is amazing. I disagree with this. They removed a lot of the filler so the story moves faster. Should I watch Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Z Kai? I like the Japanese score better. Just finished watching the last episode of Dragon Ball yesterday. Something that was stopping me from coming back to dragon ball z was that it took so many episodes for anything to happen. This is a great community. While Dragon Ball Z was able to be aired in its entirety when it first aired on TV, Kai wasn't as lucky. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Updated Coloring. Their is a little less blood and some colors are different but the story and everything that happens is the same. 2. My childhood was so involved in this that I even started reading the manga about it and appreciating the episodes even more. Dragon Ball Z Kai; Dragon Ball Super; Super Dragon Ball Heroes; Dragon Ball GT; Dr. Slump; Manga. Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z any Dragon Ball Z Movie Dragon Ball Super any Dragon Ball Super Movie About Z Kai, Dragon Ball Z Kai is great but i suggest watching it After watching z and possibly after super, it's more of like a nice recap, but not as a thing you should watch completely on it's own instead of Z. 1 0 I just saw dragon ball kai online. Dragon Ball Z Kai when first complete ranged from the Saiyan to the Cell Saga. If you're not already aware, Dragon Ball Z Kai is the original dragon Ball Z, with a lot of the filler removed and some of the animation has been touched up. Airing from 2009 until 2011, the series' pacing and general editing were meant to be closer to the original manga. I would watch Z first then Kai if you're interested in seeing the differences. It was the simple things like Goku and Piccolo trying to get their drivers licenses that made me Love the show so much more. Do you watch original Z or should you choose Kai? You really should watch Z first because it was ACTUALLY first and because it's the original story. For whatever reason, DBZ Kai originally ended its run with 98 episodes, lasting around the Cell Saga's conclusion. Kai is superior. In the world of professional wrestling, Jobbers are fighters who exists solely for the sake of losing. Especially if youre watching in english. No Faulconer score and bad VA for Gohan ruins it. Krillin having a girlfriend and almost married was funny and added it's comical side. If you enjoy watching in sub you can't go wrong with either but if you watch in dub then I strongly recommend Kai. Kai is the superior version of DBZ. The English dub is also really good. I love every part of the show, fillers and all. The characters aren't always portrayed right in the z dub (changed dialogue) and the performance is not as good as Kai imo. Almost finished with the original Dragon Ball and I'm wondering whether I should watch Kai or Z? I've decided to watch the Dragon Boxes! Answer. Kai's far better. The filler is fun and fleshes out the characters and world. I've been thinking about watching Kai and if it turns out I like it as much as, or more than, the original Dragon Ball then I could watch DBZ too and get all the filler. For me, PERSONALLY, I enjoyed Z. I have just started watching the Dragon Ball series. If you want to watch it in English, watch Dragon Ball Kai. What should you watch first Dragon Ball Z or gt? However, recently it has occurred to me that…Well, if you know nothing about Dragon Ball, it is not straight forward at all. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I grew up watching Dragon Ball and going to Z and witnessing/complaining/cheering/yelling/etc. In my not so humble opinion, FUNimation's English dub of Dragon Ball Z is pretty much the worst way to … I've literally finished watching the final chapters today ironically. Another thing to note is that by the time Kai was made the voice actors had over a decade of experience with those characters and it definitely shows in the quality of the performances. Also, which collection should I get for the best possible quality with Japanese audio and English subtitles? Z's dub was awful, but Kai's dub is not. Ginyu Force arrives on Namek on Episode 28. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Filler isn’t really a problem because you can just skip it But Kai has lots of mixed canon/filler I hate those But also Kai has better pacing and looks better So honestly I don’t know I had to stop. 7 8 9. Thank you all. I like Z personally but kai is good too. I would recommend kai it really does save you time. I just saw dragon ball kai online. That being said, there's no denying that Dragon Ball Kai is just way more polished than the original Dragon Ball Z in a ton of ways. Dragon Ball Z Kai is just the same. DBZ Kai is better quality though. 1 0 save. Of course the Frieza saga was to happen in just a few episodes but it was drawn out to like 50 (I know it wasn't really 50) episodes and every one of them made you stay to see what was happened. Dragon Ball Kai literally kicks off on the 20th anniversary of DBZ as Toei’s attempt at being more “one” with the original design of Dragon Ball imagined by Akira from the beginning. For certain, DBZ has its flaws. Do you want a longer experience as Toei originally intended that animation to be seen or a shorter version closer in spirit to the source material? The fact that the pacing is way better greatly adds to the depth and suspense of what's happening. A subreddit for all things Dragon Ball! This answer is not useful. Watch whatever you want but I think KAi is easier to find and like i said, its the same thing. And Faulconer's score being great is pretty subjective. A lot of the art gets mangled, too. The original English dub did Frieza dirty. share. Simply titled Dragon Ball, the series’ original anime adaptation is arguably the best of the bunch.Not only does it adapt its six-story arcs far better than Dragon Ball Z does its four, but Dragon Ball also doesn’t suffer from nearly as much inconsistent animation or awkward filler as its successors. Also, the fact that there is literally ALWAYS music playing gets on my nerves. The script is more closer to the original manga as well. Personally I'm going to say go with the original because that's where we formed our Love for it. I like Z personally but kai is good too. The anime version of Dragon Ball Z is constantly bashed for having some of the worst pacing there is thanks to its episodes full of nothing but filler.This was fixed in the remastered version of the series, Dragon Ball Z Kai but is a huge issue in the original incarnation of the anime. The legacy of Dragon Ball is not something that needs to be detailed out — anybody even remotely familiar with the concept of anime, in general, would know just how popular this anime is. If you're planning on watching the next show in Japanese, watch Dragon Ball Z. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Dragon Ball Z Kai was a remastered airing of Dragon Ball Z, featuring high definition presentation, digital retraced animation and re-recorded audio. As you may (or may not) know, DragonBall Z and Dragon Ball Z Kai are the same thing. Also, this is just personal preference, but I found the music track used in DBZ annoying. There is zero suspense in the original because of this. That's about all I can think of. I would say it's your choice but that's why you're here asking this question. Namek was supposed to take 6 days. I find Kai's soundtrack fits the scene better. And Z is awesome. As in the Dragon Ball Z series sometimes, a single fight can go upto 10 episodes, so these fights are made short. WATCH DRAGON BALL. Dragon Ball Z Kai, known in Japan as Dragon Ball Kai (ドラゴンボール 改 カイ, Doragon Bōru Kai, lit. If you haven’t seen a single episode until now and heard a lot about it, you made the right choice by visiting this post. Edit: So many great responses! However, mixed in with the bad filler is some of the best filler around such as the license filler. Dragon Ball Kai (or Dragon Ball Z Kai). Follow this ultimate list of Dragon Ball Watch Order to enjoy your watch! Don't be part of the culture that feels the need to consume media at a break neck pace. You forget what was going on. This is the best answer I could come up with. Do you need to […] They didn't really strip any soul out, and I would actually recommend Kai for a first time watcher because of the more brisk pace. Ok, this sold me. The first DBZ anime clocks in at 291 episodes, meanwhile you got Kai (including Kai: The Final Chapters where the last arc plays out) at 167. If you finish dbz kai after gohan defeats cell, you should watch the buu saga which starts on episode 217 of the classic Dragon Ball Z but if you want to watch where dbz kai left off at then you should start on episode 200 of the classic Dragon Ball Z I know there's nostalgic bias towards Young's take, but it honestly came off sounding like a chain smoker half the time, and really didn't fit the character at all. Add to that the excellent soundtrack, and you can see why we recommend it before watching Dragon Ball Kai. hide. Again, the only really good part about Kai is the redone Funimation dub, where all the VAs are a lot more experienced than their 2001 counterparts, although the VA changes like Stephanie Nadolny to Colleen Clinkenbeard for kid Goku/Gohan can be pretty off-putting. Should I watch Dragon ball z or Dragon ball z Kai? Dragon Ball Z Kai is a revised version of the original Dragon Ball Z and it is just as good! I've only watched a few episodes of Kai, and from what I can tell, it isn't that bad. If there are two the Dragon Ball series, as a whole, is known for, it's the colorful … So, this is my advice to watch the Kai series instead of Z. I personally feel the exact opposite. They both present the same basic story, DBZ happens to be much longer due to its added padding material (a.k.a. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If I watch one I'm probably never gonna watch the … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Why should I watch Dragon Ball Z Kai if I've already seen Dragon Ball Z? Kai sucks, the filler is great... people just don't a sense of humor or only want serious overtones. You can watch Kai as you will not miss any important details and can enjoy the show much more. Maybe Kai through the Frieza Saga and Z on out from there. Since you're watching it in Japanese, you should watch Z. Gohan's voice is fucking awful in Kai. An improved script, better voice acting, the removal of filler & stretched-out scenes, and better visuals all combine to make Dragon Ball Kai feel more professional and enthralling to watch, as opposed to the original version. Yes, the speed and pacing of the show (as in some of the aforementioned posts) is a bit comically slow at times. I would read the manga first if possible, then decide. The music from Bruce Falcouner really made me fall in love with the show. I heard the Kai series is just a better quality remake of the Z series. Discussion. I started watching DBZ Kai on Saturday and I’m already 38 episodes in, and Frieza just transformed for the first time. Yeah, if you're gonna watch Dragon Ball Z in English, I can't recommend enough to skip Z proper for Kai. Kai has the better English dub but IMO it's not worth watching otherwise. I have just started watching the Dragon Ball series. If you want to watch in English, then definitely watch Kai. However, It would be advisable to watch DBZ first, before watching its more modern, … In fact, one can easily attribute Dragon Ball Z as being the definitive show which introduced a ton of people in the West to this new form of animation, paving the way for the rampant success of future anime … Secondly, the main difference is that Kai lacks the filler content of the original Dragon Ball Z, and stops at the end of the Cell saga. Only watch Kai if you really can't stand the Z Funi dub. Kai is essentially aremastering of the events in the original DBZ series. Should I watch Z or Kai. report. You actually find yourself giving a shit. I've been thinking about watching Kai and if it turns out I like it as much as, or more than, the original Dragon Ball then I could watch DBZ too and get all the filler. 43% Upvoted. Dragon Ball; ... in Dragon Ball Z. Without knowing anything about it or regaining memories of the Dragon Ball series, either way, … Kai is essentially just Z but with no filler content (content that doesn’t add to the plot). This version of Dragon Ball Z skips some of the filler-episodes and overall does not hinder your experience of Dragon Ball Z much. I have all 291 episodes and still play them over and over. Honestly, Dragon Ball Z Kai should be viewed then if you really like Dragon Ball at the end of it just look up the filler episodes and watch those but Kai is a more straight forward less BS experience. Dragon Ball Revised), is an anime series that is a high-definition remastered and recut of Dragon Ball Z, done for its 20th Anniversary.It premiered on Fuji TV on April 5, 2009, at 9:00 am just before One Piece and ended initially on March 27, 2011, with 97 episodes (a 98th episode was later released straight-to … Tdlr: 291 Episodes of Comic Relief ftw instead of 271 episodes of pure fighting. He balanced out the androgynous nature of Freeza's design perfectly, sounding neither too masculine or feminine, which resulted in a far more alien feel. If you're itching to watch in the original Japanese, then watch Z. They edited lots of their episodes and scenes in this series, as well as added a lot more talent to the team to help with design and editing alike. You’ll miss a lot of things. I personally am not a huge fan but that is mostly because I grew up watching and loving Z. I'm just biased. Their is a little less blood and some colors are different but the story and everything that happens is the same. Kai is just a HD abridged Dragon Ball Z, correct? Show activity on this post. Also what are the pros and cons of both if possible. Top Answer. If you want to miss the driving the episode, watch Kai, Why would anyone not want to see Piccolo absolutely drip swag in his baller outfit. I didn't watch kai in english, but the japanese one was amazing and rejuvenated my love for the series. Wiki User Answered . I would recommend that you start off with the original dragon ball which is what I did. filler) when being adapted from Akira Toriyama's manga. More accurate script, the actors had more … Any help Dragon ball fans ? I actually did researched and found out that the dubbing of the show (depending on which company) went through VA's like crazy. If you enjoy watching in sub you can't go wrong with either but if you watch in dub then I strongly recommend Kai. Beginning as more of an adventure/comedy series, the stakes gradually build throughout the show, leading to a higher focus on action. I'm kinda leaning towards Kai because it's a remake and it's shorter whilst Z is fucking long. I watched some dragonball and dbz when I was younger I remember bits and pieces. I'm currently watching the original Dragon Ball for the first time and loving it (got the 2014 UK DVD's from Manga Entertainment and they look pretty damn good for such an old show). I'm sure Kai is fine, but just watch it how it was intended to be watched. I know that is kind of a commitment, however if you're down to watch 200+ episodes you could easily read the manga in the same amount of time. Im not really to sure what it is. Kai removed it's soul? Though maybe that's just my personal idiosyncrasy. Thanks! Originally a… Kai is a trimmed down, more manga accurate version of dbz. Kai is a trimmed down, more manga accurate version of dbz. Cuenta con animación mejorada, soporte para imagen en alta definición, nuevos efectos especiales y todas las voces fueron regrabadas por los actores de doblaje originales. You can watch the same episodes dubbed and subbed and they don't even remotely come close to the same thing. Does it feel like 6 days watching it? Dragon ball z and kai is different, first you must watch dragon ball then dragon ball z after that moving to dragon ball kai/gt. Dragon Ball Kai es un remake/revisión de la serie Dragon Ball Z, producida en conmemoración de su 20 aniversario. I grew up on Dragon Ball, and as such, I always thought the watch order was pretty straight forward. Animated stuff is for kids: Many adults do not watch anime simply because of the reason that it is animated, but these adults seriously need to change their mindset. If Someone can explain the differences between Z and Kai, and tell me which is more worth watching that would be great thanks I watched Dragon Ball Z when i was a kid, and this is just me wanting to re watch it. Subbed for sure! Are you in a rush or something? Why or why not? When I'm done, which one do you think should I watch - DBZ or DBZ Kai? If you're not already aware, Dragon Ball Z Kai is the original dragon Ball Z, with a lot of the filler removed and some of the animation has been touched up. Plus I think that the first 3 seasons of Z would be hella sloggish without the filler cut out. The characters aren't always portrayed right in the z dub (changed dialogue) and the performance is not as good as Kai imo. When I started watching about two years ago the answer I got to your question is that DBZ is better for the crowd that grew up watching it when it aired every day after school so there's nostalgia. There may be be less action, but the comedic relief is worth it. on every episode and how it was set up. So the Japanese voice acting was also redone in Kai? And i 'm going to say go with the bad ass music in the original story Dragon Balls comical.... Trimmed down, more manga accurate version of DBZ sloggish without the bad ass music in original... 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