Pothos belongs to the Epipremnum genus and philodendron belongs to the Philodendron genus. On the left is the Pothos leaf and petiole, and on the right is the Philodendron leaf and petiole. I have hard time distinguishing these plants and I'm thankful I came across your information. A few tell-tale differences between pothos and philodendrons are the overall shape and texture of the leaves. Thank you and God bless. Like many houseplants, the Philodendron Brasil does best in bright, natural light. Both pothos and philodendrons have aggressive aerial roots that allow them to climb and vine around surfaces. Want to purchase some Pothos online? I’ve only covered some of the common vining forms that you will see for sale everywhere. The flowers that both of these plants produce look like smaller versions of Peace Lilies. Admittedly, pothos and philodendrons have very similar needs when it comes to light, soil, water, and temperature, and both are considered to be low-maintenance houseplants. How to Care for Philodendron Brasil Light/Exposure. The Pothos petiole on the left has an indentation, is not completely round, and will eventually form two brown, papery edges. Notice the new sheath below between my forefinger and my middle finger. The Philodendron genus is HUGE and there are many species. Check out the Pothos selection on Amazon. Pruning: While pothos is strictly a trailing plant, some philodendrons trail and others grow upright (non-climbing). Here are two types that I grow and that are commonly available. Scandipsus pictus is another plant in the aroid family that goes by the common name satin pothos, although it is not actually a pothos at all. Both pothos and philodendron are toxic to cats and dogs when ingested. The photo above is my Heart Leaf Philodendron that I’ve had for many years. While the base of a pothos leaf is relatively straight, the base of a philodendron leaf is dramatically curved inwards and shaped like the top of a heart. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Simply put, Pothos and Philodendron are common names. Most of the pothos cultivars have variegated leaves, but some are solid colored. The biggest difference is that pothos have larger, thicker leaves and grooved stems. When new leaves grow on a trailing philodendron, they emerge from cataphylls, which are essentially small leaves that encase and protect the new leaf as it grows. The bottom leaf is a closely related variety called Philodendron ‘Brasil.’. So many people have asked me what the difference is between a Pothos and a Philodendron, so I’ve written this post to set the record straight because there are quite a few differences! An easy way to tell the difference between Pothos and Philodendron is the shape of the leaves. Notice the pronounced curving and heart shape. This difference that I’m about to describe makes it really easy to tell the difference between Pothos and Philodendron. It’s helpful to know the difference between a Pothos and a Philodendron, but other closely-related species can also be challenging. Once you know what to look for, they are quite easily distinguishable from one another. Essentially it is concerned with botanical nomenclature. The philodendron is a more delicate plant than the pothos. Light Requirement. Pothos leaves can be a bit harder than philodendron leaves. Although both golden pothos and heartleaf philodendron do well when grown indoors in indirect light, pothos tolerates more sun than heartleaf philodendron. However, there are a couple of minor differences that are useful to know. You're welcome! Take a look at the stunning form and color of ‘Cebu Blue.’. Many indoor varieties of Philodendron plants are climbing vines that look stunning in hanging baskets. If you, too, are confused about whether or not a Monstera is a type of Philodendron, you are not alone. Many exotic varieties bring a certain tropical feel indoors. Pothos Plant Care & Growing Guide 1. Pothos are classified as being any plants in the Epipremnum genus, whereas Philodendrons are well…in the Philodendron genus. For example, what one person calls Pothos, another might call Devil’s Ivy. Once you read these tips, you will never wonder about it again! Philodendron Plowmannii care requires warm, moderate temperatures, bright indirect lights and a well-drained potting mix to thrive. The vining Scindapsus pictus is not a type of Pothos nor a type of Philodendron, but due to confusing common naming it’s now one of the many houseplants with names that are more misleading than helpful. Your chances of success increase if you forget about it for a few weeks. There is one type of Pothos that many people call Silver Pothos, but it actually is not a Pothos (Epipremnum genus). On the left is Pothos N’Joy, and on the right is the plain old golden pothos that you see everywhere. They do not need regular fertilizing or watering and are super easy to maintain. I believe they are very similar, but are slightly different varieties. However, the characteristic leaf pattern of satin pothos usually makes it easy to identify. Both are considered to be part of the aroid plant family (Araceae). 8. Because of the differences in growth habits, pothos have petioles that are indented towards the stem they connect to, while philodendrons have petioles that are fully rounded. The most common type is golden pothos, having medium green leaves with yellow patches and a waxy text… Satin Pothos, silver Philodendron, silver vine, silk Pothos… what do all these names have in common? Another way to tell the difference between pothos versus philodendron is to look for the presence of cataphylls. The best part about Marble Pothos care is that they are relatively pest-free. The Philodendron petiole on the right is very round and uniform. This plant does best when placed in indirect light when kept inside. New philodendron leaves emerge surrounded by a leaf sheath, which eventually dries and falls off. One tell-tale sign of a Philodendron is the sheath that emerges from the nodes (where the leaf and petiole meets the vine). Pothos vs Philodendron (Vining type) If you are like most people (me included), you may or will confuse between a pothos plant and the vining philodendron. There is a huge variety available with different colored leaves, shapes and growing habits. Learn how to care for the Satin Pothos or Scindapsus pictus! Want to explore the various types of Philodendron? Pothos do not grow new leaves in this manner. The satin pothos is almost identical to the Philodendron silver plant; however, they are a different species.Both plants have long trailing vines, heart-shaped leaves, and silver variegation.Mix-ups also occur because sometimes, the common names for these plants are used interchangeably. 5+ easy ways to tell the difference between a Pothos and a Philodendron, including one difference that no one mentions! Philodendron leaves tend to be darker and less likely to be variegated. These two plants have uncanny similarities that some gardeners have kept a philodendron in their house for years thinking it is a pothos and vice versa. Common Problems with Marble Queen Pothos. Pothos are also slightly easier to propagate by cuttings than philodendrons, and they are more drought-tolerant. People also love these ideas Please do me a favor and share this post to social media because it will help me spread the Ohio Tropics houseplant care tips to the masses! Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Petioles are the small stems that connect the leaves to the main stems of the plant. Pothos can retain water longer, making it more drought-tolerant as compared to Philodendron. These include their taxonomy, their leaf shape and texture, their aerial roots and petioles, their growth habit and new leaves, and their growing requirements. Glad you found it helpful :-). The nodes should catch roots within 2 weeks. Philodendron leaves are completely smooth. The pothos is quite the opposite. Copyright © 2020 Houseplant Care Tips | Trellis Framework by Mediavine, 5 Ways to Propagate String of Hearts - Chain of Hearts, Anthurium Clarinervium: 1 Secret to Growing Them. There’s also a skylight about 7′ away. Philodendron leaves are heart-shaped just like those of pothos but with a pointier tip. It’s called “heart leaf” for a reason! And what one person may call Snake Plant, another will call Mother in Law’s Tongue. They usually remain on the plant after the new leaf has unfurled, eventually drying up and falling off. One leaf has variegation and the other doesn’t. They ARE somewhat related though. The leaves on the Silver Pothos look heart-shaped. Silver or satin pothos has silver markings on heart-shaped leaves and looks a lot like a philodendron. Differences can also be noted between the aerial roots and petioles of pothos versus the aerial roots and petioles of philodendrons. Other Philodendron types grow upright and have large split or deeply-lobed leaves. A pothos (top photo) has leaves with a thicker, waxy feel and slightly raised/bumpy texture to the leaves. While they do look alike and have a lot of the same growth requirements and habits, they are different plants with distinct characteristics and needs. However, they do exist under the same family as both pothos and philodendron belong to the aroid plant family (Araceae). The Philodendron petiole on the right is very round and uniform. Thank you so much for a very useful information. Pothos leaves are thicker than those of a philodendron plant and appear to have a fairly rougher texture. Pothos vs Philodendron Summary: A Pothos’s glossy leaves are thicker than a Heartleaf Philodendron’s matte, elongated, heart-shaped leaves. Philodendron Plowmanii Care. There is also an obviously indented midrib and the shape tends to … In fact, you can propagate scindapsus pictus stem cuttings in water exactly the same way you propagate pothos cuttings in water. From them, check out 16 different Types of Philodendrons that you can grow indoors!. There are several key differences between pothos (also commonly called "Devil's Ivy") and vining philodendrons that can help to tell them apart. So, the leaves of the philodendron are thinner, more flexible, and softer than the pothos. I noticed two main differences between the two. Pothos and philodendrons are two separate and distinct plants that belong to separate genera. Especially in the Philodendron genus, there is a huge variety of species and they look very different. 1.2k. ress_js("//z-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/onejs?MarketPlace=US&adInstanceId=3727937f-fd2d-4a8e-aac6-737ec7e1cc2a"); Ohio Tropics (Raffaele Di Lallo) is a participant in the Amazon.com Services LLC program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. The plant commonly known as Silver Pothos is in the Scindapsus genus and there is such a striking difference in the foliage that I won’t even comment on it! There is one observation that I made that I have never seen anyone explain, so keep reading to find out what it is! While both pothos and philodendrons can tolerate low light, pothos tolerate low light more readily than philodendrons. Philodendrons will get leggy more quickly than pothos, and will begin to grow very small leaves if they don’t receive enough light. So, if you too are planning to grow philodendron indoors, here is everything you need to know on philodendron plant care! There is another plant that often gets confused with both pothos and philodendrons. Philodendron does not retain water for a longer time, making it less drought tolerant. Fertilize once every three months, with a balanced water-soluble houseplant fertilizer such as 20-20-20. Keep safe. Types of Pothos and Philodendron On the left side of the photo above is a Pothos leaf and the right side is a Heart Leaf Philodendron leaf. The photo above is Philodendron ‘Brasil’ with gorgeous leaf variegation. Thank you for the clear definition of the differences of the pothos and philodendron. Similarities Between Pathos And Philodendron There is only one “official” botanical name for each plant, but there are MANY common names. If you’d like to know how to care for these plants, I wrote separate blog posts on the care of the plain old pothos (Epipremnum aureum) as well as the stunning ‘Cebu Blue.’ I also talk about propagation in those posts. I hope you and your family and friends stay safe out there too. The general guidelines outlined here will help you to identify any species of pothos or trailing philodendron with ease. One of the easiest ways to tell pothos and philodendrons apart is by their leaves. Also, check out my shop on Amazon for all your houseplant care needs:OHIO TROPICS PLANT CARE STOREFRONT. American Plant Exchange Golden Pothos in 6-In. In the photo above, the top leaf and the second from the bottom came off of the same Golden Pothos plant. This distinction makes it very easy to quickly tell the difference! Pothos and vining philodendron varieties are arguably some of the most popular houseplants around, and ironically they are often mistaken for one another. This distinction makes it very easy to quickly tell the difference! Of course there are MANY species and varieties of Pothos (Epipremnum genus) and Philodendron (Philodendron genus). Let’s take a look at a few more kinds below so you can see all the beautiful varieties that are available. Pothos leaves don’t have this sheath. It’s a little easier to propagate a Philode Pothos leaves are smoother than those of philodendrons and you can feel a … The Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus) is native to Southeast Asia and has the reputation of being one of the easiest houseplants to keep alive. As the Philodendron grows, the sheaths will turn brown and papery, as you saw in the photo in the previous section on the right hand side of that picture. Philodendrons and pothos also act as living air-purifiers, quietly removing household toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from your home’s atmosphere. The first is commonly referred to as 'Silver Philodendron', the second as 'Satin Pothos' but confusingly have both been botanically filed under Scindapsus pictus. Heyits Davy (dah-v), so in today's video I wanted to discuss the different between the neon pothos & lemon lime philodendron. Decorative and easy to grow, the philodendron has many amazing varieties! This would be moderate or medium light levels. Posted on March 25, 2020 Categories Houseplants, Container gardening, Indoor gardening. Namely, at the widest part of the leaf. I’m going to start on a very high level first to clear up some common confusion, and then I’ll get to some visual specifics that you can use. These leaf differences are especially noticeable in the area where the petiole connects to the base of the leaf. Plants come and go, but the love for philodendron among the indoor plant growers remain the same! Check out our article on pothos vs. philodendron here to know the difference between them! Taxonomy is just a fancy word to describe the naming convention of plants by botanists. Much like pothos plants and heart-leaf philodendron, this is a very easy plant to propagate. Pro tip: DON’T constantly check for roots. It is characterized by a vining growth habit, and shimmery silver patches across all of its leaves that gives it an iridescent glow and has very similar growth requirements to both pothos and philodendron. It is known for its heart-shaped leaves, splashed with spots of iridescent gray, and fast-growing trailing vines. Considering that nothing goes wrong with it along with its pollutants absorbing nature, makes it unique in the plant world! Satin Pothos vs. Philodendron Silver. According to studies by NASA the most efficient way to clean the air is by adding … I use a blend of large-chunk orchid bark, coarse-grade perlite, and peatmoss at equal ratios; and then I add about 10% charcoal which helps remove toxicities that can build up (over many months) in the potting mix. This is why common names are so confusing. Pothos, on the other hand, have leaves that are larger, thicker, and waxier. There are many varieties of pothos and trailing philodendrons that look similar to one another. December 2019. The petiole is what joins the leaf to the vine. There are some very obvious, and some NOT so obvious ways to tell the difference between a Pothos and a Philodendron. What is the difference between philodendron vs pothos? While both pothos and philodendrons can tolerate low light, pothos tolerate low light more readily than philodendrons. A Pothos has solitary aerial roots and grooved petioles, whereas Philodendrons have thin, clustered aerial roots, smooth petioles, distinctive cataphylls, and variation of new growth color. Philodendron and pothos can look similar, but they are actually different kinds of plants. Aroid Care & Culture – Growing Indoors Potting Mix for Anthuriums & Philodendrons. Also, philodendron stems may be rounder, compared to lines that can be found in pothos stems. Pothos on the other hand get leggy more slowly, and their leaf size remains relatively unaffected by low light. Leaf texture: Softer, thin leaves with a smooth texture are typical of Philodendrons, while Pothos have a thicker, waxier and more textured leaf surface. Two plants that often get confused as the same. Pothos plant care for different pothos varieties and propagation is simple and a great place to start learning for beginning gardeners.. Pothos plants usually … I noticed two main differences between the two. While the leaves of these two plants are similar in shape, the stems of pothos plants are grooved, while those of philodendrons are not. I love the beautiful variegation in the N’Joy. Philodendron leaves are also a distinct heart shape and tend to lay flat with little-to-no curve. Pothos plants fall under the genus Epipremnum. Taxonomy is the branch of science that is concerned with classifying groups of biological organisms and is how plants are named and organized into genera and families. Philodendron houseplants are often confused with pothos plants. Differences Between Pothos & Philodendrons, 5 Rare Plants That Are Totally Worth the Splurge, Definition of Petioles, Phyllodes, and Phylloclades in Plants, 10 Houseplants That Will Thrive in Your Kitchen, The 10 Best Plants for Your Office or Desk, How to Grow Grape Ivy Vines (Cissus) Indoors. What makes common names super confusing is that sometimes there are many common names for the same plant! I have another question, is the Brasil philodendron the same as the Rio philodendron? Repotting can be done only when necessary and is not compulsory at all. Philodendrons have more heart-shaped leaves that are thinner with a soft texture. Another way to tell the difference between Pothos and Philodendron is by looking at the aerial roots. Even the internet cannot seem to come to a conclusion as some plant care blogs and threads claim Monstera and split-leaf Philodendron are the same plant while others do not, and looking up images is no help, either. Check out the Philodendron selection on Amazon. Take a look at the wider and stubbier pothos roots on the left, compared to the thinner aerial roots on the Heart Leaf Philodendron on the right. There are others kinds of pothos though including ‘Marble Queen,’ ‘Pearls and Jade,’ ‘Jade,’ and ‘Cebu Blue.’ All of these have distinct colors and/or variegation in the leaves. Surprising as it may seem, they’re all used for the exact same popular houseplant. Thanks, you have very clearly explained the difference between Pothos and Philodendron plants. One difference between Pothos and Philodendron is the genus. Cori is a freelance writer based out of Ontario, Canada, who specializes in houseplants and houseplant care. But, they have very similar requirements for water, light and care. Philodendrons will get leggy more quickly than pothos, and will begin to grow very small leaves if they don’t receive enough light. Article by Raffaele DiLallo. Pothos vs. Philodendron: 5 Easy Ways to Tell the Difference! Both pothos and philodendrons bask in the luxury of a regular misting of water on their foliage; once a week or so. Philodendron petioles also tend to be thinner than the petioles of pothos. The Pothos petiole on the left has an indentation, is not completely round, and will eventually form two brown, papery edges. 10. Isn’t she gorgeous? The second leaf from the top is commonly known as the Heart Leaf Philodendron. Take a look at the photo below and look at the petiole. Rather than emerging from cataphylls, new leaves on pothos plants simply grow and unfurl from the previous leaf. Pothos Pothos leaves are heart-shaped, green, and pointed, somewhat resembling philodendron. Philodendron plants are tropical flowering plants in the family Araceae.Many of the 480 species of Philodendron plants are popular houseplants thanks to their large, green leaves. The Pothos leaf lacks this characteristic. The pothos plant can thrive in shady or partially shady areas. If the leaves on your plant appear pale, it probably means that they are getting excess sun exposure. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and hopefully by now you can easily tell the difference between a Pothos and a Philodendron! Grow with caution around pets. Not your fault at all. Continue with Marble Pothos care as usual 9. The appearance is a bit different for each variety. Mine sits on a floating shelf in my kitchen next to a sliding glass door in an east exposure. The potting media should be porous but water retentive. However, pothos (pictured right) only have one large aerial root per node, while philodendrons (pictured left) may have several smaller aerial roots per node, and tend to look more wild and untamed. Pothos plants have leaves with a silver or white coloration, whereas philodendron leaves are completely green. Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. You can also propagate scindapsus pictus cuttings directly in soil.