He consistently strives to do whatâs right. It shows his creativity. He does not focus on the goals necessary to move his team forward. He believes his employees are should accept all responsibility for deadlines, objectives and results. He also takes on additional tasks. â He clearly enjoys the people related aspects of the business. â He is a good employee but if he knew how to manage his time more suitably he would be more effective. â He always has a positive attitude. â He has strong communication with management on required updates in his job function. â He spends a lot of time and effort on creating good relationships with her clients, but the working environment leaves much to be desired. â He readily appreciates othersâ comments or criticism. â He recognizes potential in others, and seeks to help them reach that potential. â He fails to fulfill the responsibilities stated in his job description seriously. â He consistently makes error-free products. â He accomplished all tasks he is assigned in a timely manner. â He needs to work on listening to others. “Clients usually seek your guidance and expertise.” â He completes projects ahead of schedule without compromising quality. â He maintains a good standard of work aligned with a high level of productivity. He is always able to bring a level of understanding the rest of us can follow. â He is a calming influence when the team is under pressure. criteria. â He should be more open to feedback and apply it to his work to increase his accuracy and productivity. âHe is effective at goal-setting and challenging himself. â He ensures his responsibilities are appropriately covered while on leave. â He is too hesitant to make a decision. â He strives to satisfy his customersâ needs in any situation, even if the company may suffer financially. â He displays an uncooperative attitude. â He does not perform very well in creating an honest and open environment for the employees he supervises. â His attendance and punctuality is within company guidelines. His coworkers do not believe he is honest. â He tries to be both a manager and friend. â He is brisk with his directions and crude with his feedback. â His argumentative attitude in conversations his colleagues can make them angry. He has never been late to business meetings. â He is a bad influence on morale within the team. He resolves difficult situations in an amazing manner. â She communicates effectively, both verbally and in writing. â His skill set exceeds the requirements for the job. These issues could be detrimental to the performance of the department and should be the focus of the next few months. â He has difficulties in understanding the strategy of the company or narrating a conceptual ideal to managers. â He is frequently completes any plan or project late. â He has a knack for making people feel important when he speaks with them. There are two ways that creativity are essential in the workplace: creative thinking and... 2. their team members. He demonstrates that he cares about his job, his coworkers, and the company. â He is not a willing team player and prefers to work individually. b. â He has the ability to control his time and his staffâs time. â He only makes a decision after considering it carefully. â He attained perfect attendance over the time period. “You are a great team player. “You deliver instructions and explain expectations with clarity and purpose.” 2. â He is too restrained and does not encourage or compliment his personnel when he should. â He enables everyone around him to remain calm and concentrate on the final goal. â He appears to become frustrated by clients who ask questions. â He is an excellent manager and he knows how to lead his staff to satisfy his expectations. c. “You often come late to the office causing scheduled meetings to start late. â He can maintain good communication with everybody and he also encourages people to work harder and more effectively. â He thinks outside the box to find the best solutions to a particular problem. â He always finishes the jobs faithfully, He performs at or above all our expectations. â He is ready to deal with complicated consequences. a. b. â He knows how to prioritize short-term and long-term goals. He believes he is proficient, yet he is lacking in many areas. His coworkers often comment on how they feel good about sharing new ideas and thoughts without fear of intimidation. â He is an excellent employee and he understands our systems and processes thoroughly. â He doesn’t accept responsibility well. When teams work together, they can reach solutions faster. He needs to improve his time keeping. â He is detailed and focused. â He often thinks that his performance is not as good as everybody says. â He deals with difficult demands from clients and customers in a way that leaves everyone satisfied. His level of voice is also inappropriate at times. â He should learn the technical concepts required for his position. â He usually voices breakthrough and helpful ideas in meetings â even though he is not one of people you think of as a creative employee. â He collaborates well with other departments. â It seems too difficult for him to do his job on his own. â He isnât concerned about who gets the credit, just that the task gets accomplished. â He always goes beyond his responsibilities in trying to support his clients in every situation. d. "She is a very detail-oriented person which reflects positively in her work." This unwillingness to offer assistance promotes a selfish work environment. â He was a great individual performer but so far has not proven he is a good manager. a. â He demonstrates a low level of knowledge of the required work procedures. He should work to improve his time management skills to ensure meetings begin and end as scheduled. â He shows a lack of communication and interaction with her team members. â He shows that he can develop creative solutions to solve problems. He sometimes asks his staff complete unachievable goals. â He takes care that every team member’s allocated task is the best one for them. â He understands how to take daily tasks and motivate employees to meet a long term goal. â He directs quickly but has a bad attitude with his feedback. He is rarely absent and follows company policy. â He is lethargic and lacks the desire or volition to learn new skills or develop his qualifications. He coaches them to perform as required. â He doesn’t contribute ideas to projects or his suggestions are ambiguous. â He has powerful analytical skills that he applies to every stage of the problem-solving process. â He quickly gets to the heart of the problem identifies the root cause. He is not ready to generate or recognize new solutions when performing a task. â He thinks that the tools provided to him are not necessary and he does not use them. â He is unwilling to work any overtime at all beyond his contracted 40-hour working week. â He is a well-versed team player. â He aligns his goals with those of the company. "She is always seeking opportunities to be more productive." â He is a big-picture thinker. â Has excellent communication skills. â He s a goal-oriented person. â We can not rely on him to produce a quality product. â He does not mind taking part in on the job training. â He can deal with internal pressure excellently. He is skilled in finding the best ways to get a job done. â He does not meet the attendance standards for punctuality. â He tries to perform several tasks simultaneously to finish work faster instead of setting the right priorities. He is unable to manage his team well and his teamâs performance is not good. He constantly reviews solutions to see if they are the most effective way of doing things. â He promptly tackles changes while completing his assignments. â He meets customer expectations in a timely manner. â He can find a point of connection with just about anyone. â He Identifies the most worthy steps and then follows them. â He gets on well with other people easily. â He can be counted on to give 100 percent under all circumstances. â We cannot depend on him. â He can remain calm and cool-headed when dealing with problems. â He is empathetic to the needs of others. You haven't yet saved any bookmarks. â He needs to know when to step back and let the team work. â He needs to speak up more when faced with concerns. â He understands how to manage personalities similar to his, but has not worked very hard managing other types of personalities on his team. â His approach to conflict resolution is exceptional, creating enhanced teamwork, without hard feelings. â He does not pay attention when others are talking and frequently asks silly questions. â He gained the respect of the employees. â He should make a work plan for each week. â He is the group leader and allocates appropriate tasks to his teammates. â He welcomes criticism that will help to improve the business. This reduces the creativity of other member of the team. From the employee engagement perspective, it’s important that employees feel as though they are being listened to and their views matter. He frequently has a smile on his face and you can tell he enjoys his job. Automate, simplify and streamline all types of recognition and rewards into one easy-to-manage system. â He has an extensive peer network to access the required skills when necessary. He is always ready to consider proposals from colleagues. â He does not understand how crucial good working relationships with fellow team members are. â He has a creative touch in a sometimes monotonous role within our team. â He needs to work on being more resourceful on tasks and projects. e. "He shares his knowledge of industry trends and best practices to achieve enhanced outcomes in his job. This causes problems when an untested or unexamined idea is moved forward too quickly. e. “You respect others and give everyone equal opportunities to express their opinions.”, a. This translates into great opportunities for teamwork and connections to form. â His technical aptitude is not as good as it is displayed in his application. He shows the initiative to find new tasks himself. â He does not monitor and follow up on her teams progress and as a result nothing is accomplished. â He welcomes criticism to help improve his business. â His most special quality is his positive attitude. â He makes an extra effort to keep customers accurately informed. d. “He replies to emails and calls in time.”, a. â He creates an invigorating atmosphere for his team: one in which new ideas are rewarded and encouraged. â He should communicate project status updates more frequently. â He consistently meets all/most deadlines. â He devolves responsibility for deadlines and objectives to employees instead of accepting them as supervisor. â He has received good feedback from his team and his managers. If a task must be completed it is better assigned to someone else. “She delays her responses to clients without giving them any reason for her delay.” â He tends to stand alone in the corner among a crowd. â He finds it difficult to plan an action without instruction. â He does not understand that having good working relationships with others in a team is very important. â He follows all company policies. He is always one member the team we go to when we need a lift. â He is inventive but he usually acts without thinking. â He is unwilling to assume responsibilities outside of his job description. â He fails to incentivize peers to take creative and innovative risks. She should utilize this to promote her position in the company. â He allows just enough differences to find the best outcome. He needs to be more cautious about sticking strictly to the rules as defined. â He is easily demotivated if things fail to perform as well as expected. â He is firm to not let the individual emotion and feeling affect on the made decision. â He gets involved and quickly adapts to different changes in different situations. â He needs to share department and corporate goals in a more timely and complete manner. â He does not understand how to to solve problems with customers and gives up easily. â He has other coworkers deliver bad news instead of doing it himself. â He finds the positive in situations where perspective is required. â He is a careful person. â He copes with new situations, unusual demands, emergencies or other critical incidents very well. â He always asks for immediate feedback and takes constructive criticism well. â He begins each day fully refreshed and prepared for any challenges. â He knows to assign suitable duties to each staff member. She is never late to a meeting." His complaints build resentment within his team. â He has the ability to manage his time and his teamâs time well. â He overlooks key requirements given to him for his tasks. e. "Instead of completing the urgent assignments first, she does the easier ones and puts off the urgent ones.". "When given any kind of feedback, you don’t take it in a positive manner." â He displays through a supportive and optimistic approach to daily activities within the work environment. â His is fully accountable for his actions and never shirks responsibility. He is respectful of the feelings of others. â He is a capable and skilled worker; however he is let down by his abysmal punctuality which must be improved. â He puts getting the job done ahead of his own interests. He should try to address this. He is uninterested in focusing on achieving performance goals. â He always performs his tasks effectively. â He usually focuses his attention on the positives when dealing with problems. â He encourages his teammates to create ideas which have form and provide more creative solutions. â He is always the first to understand new rules, upgraded software and equipment and adjust to the changes. â He should equip himself with more knowledge of technology for his job. â He assigns the right duty to the right staff and instructs them how to perform their assignments well. â He maintains an objective judgment when determining immediate actions. If there have been counseling sessions, letters of commendation or reprimand, or unofficial performance reviews within the rating period, the supervisor should keep documentation o… â He does not attempt to take creative risks. Technical concepts sometimes seem to pass him by. â He is skilled at analyzing any situation and working out a solution. â He needs to work on adapting better to new systems or technologies. â He demonstrates an enthusiastic approach to whatever method he is using to fulfill a task. â He always helps out to achieve the goals of the group. â He has not yet found a way to deal with situations in a group. â He is one of the more technical employees we have on staff. â He shows awareness of the environment external to the organization and its needs. â He acknowledges the accomplishments of employees and recognizes their contributions. e. “You exceed expectations when working solo but you seem to have trouble expressing ideas and opinions in a team.”. â He demonstrates initiative consistent with job expectations to improve his performance. â He ensures coworkers coordinate to meet deadlines and work effectively as a team. â He encourages his colleagues at work. â He does not work well with others. â His long experience working with people is clearly evident in his communication skills. ", a. â He does not permit his staff to assist other departments. â When we face difficulty, we are sure that we can rely on her for a helpful and creative solution. He listens to customers and works to resolve any problems. â He avoids participating in gossip and rumors. 2020 All rights reserved. â He creates good relationships with his colleagues, managers and staff in a professional environment. â He has the valuable skill of being able to communicate difficult concepts in easy to understand language. ProsperForms is a cloud solution that brings a more light-hearted tone to messaging making it easily digestible, and makes it easy for leaders to receive reports and provide feedback. â He has energy, drive, and performance levels that are inconsistent and unpredictable. He always takes on even the most difficulty tasks to develop himself. He always performs his assignments through initiative without supervision. â He thrives under pressure and brings the team together. â His leadership instincts cannot be relied on to manage others. â He is able to learn concepts quickly and adopt them into his performance. For positive performance. â He fails to ensure his work complies with the relevant quality standards. â He takes the initiative to learn skills that enhance his ability to contribute to the organization. It also affects others’ schedule. â He doesnât apply himself as much as he could given his experience and knowledge. His attitude is one which should be emulated. â He knows how to manage his schedule appropriately to complete his assignments. â He does not have the ability to implement a reasonable solution to an issue. â He is not afraid to say “I don’t know” when faced with a difficult question. Here are some key appraisal comments for leaders and managers. â He encourages coworkers to be inventive. He has a positive demeanor. â He neglects tasks perceived as low priority. â He maintains an open attitude to change in order to successfully complete the job. â He completes work well in advance of deadlines, allowing sufficient time for it to be reviewed. â He understands his legal responsibility to the company very well. His attitude to work is not diminished in any situation. â Despite numerous invitations to join the team, he prefers to work alone. â He often neglects unexpected opportunities and loses the chance to improve himself. â He is willing to help his staff find suitable training sessions. â He refuses to delegate to others. He seems slow and indecisive when presented with a major issue. â He provides constant coaching and guidance to employees. â He demonstrates appreciation for others and thanks them for their assistance. â He one of is the top staff members who cooperates well with other teams and divisions. â He builds solidarity between his team members to enhance team spirit. â He is highly regarded for his integrity both within and outside the company. â He has poor abilities to establish priorities and courses of action for himself. Therefore, don’t misunderstand appraisals to be a program where you have to find faults or only praise someone. b. Performance evaluation comments help the person writing a performance review to put forward an honest opinion about the person being reviewed. â He has an even demeanor through good times and bad. â He does not understand how to share tasks with others. â He maintains a positive outlook and this is appreciated when making decisions in difficult situations. â He creates a positive and inclusive work environment. â He offers appropriate and innovative solutions to customer problems. â He appears to be a rigid manager, but if he thought in a more flexible way, it would do him well. It takes too much working time. â He is plans and organizes work in timely manner. Any factor rated poor or needs improvement MUST have performance comments. He consistently fails to properly notify team members about impending changes or other required information. He is unable to produce the quality of products that is expected. â He promotes cooperation and teamwork. â His professional growth seems to have halted. ", This article is written by Shreya Dutta. â He consistently receives substandard comments from customers. â He always tries his best to finish his tasks, even these duties do not belong to him. â He rarely shows appreciation for good performance. â He focuses on setting clear and achievable goals. â He violates company standards and expectations regarding employee integrity. â He is not as knowledgeable about the job and its requirements as we expected. â He approaches all problems with confidence and the expectation that he will generate solid and innovative solutions. Attendance and Punctuality Positive Performance Review Phrases. â He maintains positive work relationships. â He consistently fails to be an effective team player. â He has received good feedback from both his team and his managers. â He is uncomfortable when faced with any awkward problem. He explains them in easy to understand ways. â He is unable to find out a solution when facing a complicated situation. â He is not very effective at managing his staff to a high performance level. âHe clearly communicates goals and objectives to coworkers. â He demonstrates effective telephone skills. Is a well-versed team player capable of handling a variety of assignments 4. His firm stand on principles and ethics is to be commended. â He knows the technology that we employ inside-out, and keeps himself informed about up-to-date changes. â He is very detail minded. â He cannot complete his tasks because he manages his time ineffectively. a. â He frequently motivates others in the team. â He routinely falls behind in her daily meeting schedule which then impacts the schedules of others. â When we have a task that must be done, we turn to him. â He fails to respect the time of others. He does not know how to perform this task. d. “You have started delivering low quality work just to finish your work on time.”. The rating scale for Performance Planning and Review is made up of five factors: Poor, Needs Improvement, Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements, and Outstanding. I recognize that I could improve in [area of improvement]. â He never considers potential changes in circumstances when making decisions. â He won’t improve if he continues to neglect the opportunities in front of him. “You are fair and treat every employee in your team equally and respectfully.” â He is unwilling to work on issues outside of her skill set. â He is very studious. â He is enthusiastic about work and working with others. â He has had excellent attendance for most of the year but he has frequently been absent or late for work recently. â He fails to maintain his normally positive attitude in stressful situations and often resorts to inappropriate tone and language. â He encourages all the team members to join in the necessary training sessions. ... 3. He adds an admirable inspiration to the day-to-day tasks he performs. â He can quickly build a positive relationship with people and understand how to relate to them. â Despite being a team member, he doesn’t complete his allocated tasks. Workplace performance evaluations provide employees with insight as to how they’re perceived, what they’re doing well and where they can improve. â He arrives at work every day fully prepared to tackle his responsibilities. â He violates the company’s internal code of ethics. â He does not understand the core basics of the job. â He gets frustrated easily with new team members and fails to offer any support. â He never publicly makes negative comments. â He encourages people to work together towards a common goal. â He demonstrate a management-by-crisis style, which means a responsive style. â He has a wide skill set and although he has some weaknesses, he always seeks help from appropriate colleagues when needed. â His cheerful attitude makes others feel good when heâs around. He should consider the impact his attitude is having on others. b. â He does not mind facing complicated situations and always finds appropriate solutions to offer to management. â He often isolates himself and does not take constructive criticism well. But not all employees are natural-born team players. â He provides clear instructions and expectations. â He works through conflict for positive solutions and results. Performance Review Comments You Can Use For Your Employees If you are a manager, then chances are that you have to write performance reviews. â If his attendance fails to improve within 90 days, his employment will be terminated under the company’s attendance policy. Instead, conduct feedbacks that give employees an overall understanding of where they can improve and where they are excelling. He has a strong work ethic. â He is dependable and turns in good performance each day. "You are very articulate and explain your ideas and opinions clearly leaving no room for miscommunication." â He brings comfort to people working with him. Evaluation Comments (680) Rob sets a strong example Enter the employee's first name and submit the form each time to create a new comment based on good or bad leadership, communication, problem solving and more. â He frequently presents a superior attitude toward coworkers. e. "You abide by the company’s rules and policies. â He plays favorites and does not treat each member of the team equally. â He always opts for the reputable route when given a choice. â He treats others with respect, courtesy, tact, and friendliness and actively attempts to be helpful towards others. â He will never quit until a project is finished. â He is strong and confident but at the same time open-minded. â He doesn’t understand the key requirements of his job. His employees feel everything is ok, even when it seemingly isnât. â One of his roles is to find consensus among his team members, but he has frequently failed to accomplish this task. â He frequently provides excuses for his late arrival times. He can extract the details which make a big difference when dealing with our clients. He attempts to do all the work by himself. â He usually needs too much time than it takes to complete his duties. â He struggles to work out a solution to any difficult problem. â He clearly communicates objectives, and what is expected from them to his team members. â He isnât only concerned about himself and continually contributes to the success of those around him. â He is unable to concentrate on his work. "You communicate your ideas and vision clearly so others can understand it easily and quickly." â He understands the testing process and how to discover a solution to a particular problem. He has a very strong personality and this has caused a rift on our team. d. “You support others in fulfilling their tasks and are always ready to help others.” â He is always an attentive and active listener. His demeanor is rude and unfriendly. Setup reminders if you want your team members to receive automatic reminders when their reports are due. â He is reliable and has good attendance. “You always come in on time, follow your schedule and adhere to your designated lunch break time.” â He needs to focus on big picture items, yet he continues to micromanage his staff. â He has good interpersonal skills and knows how to maintain good relationship with others and keep them satisfied. â He gives frequent feedback to his staff members. â He took over the worst team of the company, but he managed so well that he has developed every member to be one of the most effective employees in the company. â He maintains a steady, positive attitude that helps. b. â He is not good at communicating with others so he often makes them feel uncomfortable. He attempts to unacceptably modify the script. â He approaches decisions with a one-track mindset. To one of the department and should improve his communication methods to the! 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