Adjust rates up or down to achieve the desired color. Apply 2 oz per gallon of water in a watering can or similar devise. Apply every 7â14 days for up to 10 weeks in the spring, followed by a single application after harvest. Which weeds does Remuda control? What is Sucker-Stopper RTU used for? When do I apply Weed Whacker? On conifers, itâs used to control root rot. It controls through the plant foliage; It has no soil activity, so controlling weeds that germinate after the application will require another treatment. In what sizes is Monterey Garden Phos available? I have used ThistleDown by Monterey and Turflon Ester, just like ThistleDown, performs better than expected. Once applied to the soil it is absorbed by the roots and moves up into the tree or shrubs, killing the insects that feed on the leaves or branches. Apply ½-4 gallons of the desired mixture per tree or shrub. What rate do I apply Remuda? Scatter the bait on the soil at the rate of 1/2-1 lb per 1000 sq ft. Do not apply more than 3 times in a 30 day period. For fruits and vegetables, use 1.5 oz. It can be used on stone fruits, apples, pears, almonds, filberts, pecans, walnuts, cane berries and blueberries. Ornamental trees and shrubs, citrus, fruit and nut trees, vines etc. Where can I use Sluggo Plus? On vegetables and fruit crops, don’t apply within 3 days of harvest. Apply once in the fall after leaves have fallen, and another in the spring or late winter just before the buds begin to swell. As the deficiency progresses, the leaves become uniformly yellow. Both iron phosphate and Spinosad are OMRI Listed for organic gardening. What species should I not use Weed Impede on? It can be used anywhere in the garden where plants are yellowing or pale due to iron deficiency. How is Liqui-Cop RTS packaged? In fact, there are over 75 controlled weeds listed on the label. When do I apply Weed Whacker Jet Spray? In my search for dedicated grass beaters, I stumbled upon the Monterey Turflon Ester, which I think is a broadleaf-assassination-specialist. There are numerous species on the label. What can I use Vegetable Garden Soil Insecticide on? Yes, most beneficial insects are highly mobile. No, Bug Buster II is not labeled for indoor use. Where can I use Sluggo? You can apply on fruits and vegetables up to the day before harvest. It can be used up to the day of harvest. No Foam A is used at 1/8 â 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. Follow with a second application of 1 oz per 1000 sq ft., 8 to 10 weeks later. Is Brandt INDICATE 5 easy to use? When moths start to collect in the traps, that is the time to start the insecticide application. What is Monterey Garden Phos? Dr. Iron is a liquid plant food containing 15% nitrogen (15-0-0), 6% iron, and 3.5% sulfur. Bug Buster II is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide based on the agricultural insecticide, Asana (esfenvalerate). Mix ½ teaspoons per gallon mixed pesticide or fertilizer solution. Where are they used? What about rainfall or irrigation?Do not water or irrigate for 24 hours after application. Since this is a slow process, Dr. Iron doesnât stain when accidentally spilled on concrete and contacts moisture. What are Spider Traps? Assume you pay $42.00/pint of Turflon Ester, which is $2.62 per oz. Peel off the release paper and tuck tab along the edge to form a triangle. How do I use Bug Buster II? Is Monterey Ant Control Organic? One ingredient enters the plant through the foliage and moves down into the roots, killing the plant. How much Take Down Garden Spray does it take? Application should be made 2-3 weeks after planting the bulbs, but prior to weed emergence. Do not use in Dichondra. What insects does D.I.Y. On fruit trees and vines, apply every two weeks throughout the growing season. Keep pets & children off the treated area until the spray has dried. Do not apply near lakes, ponds, rivers or streams. The active ingredient in Sluggo is iron phosphate, which is actually a plant nutrient. During extremely wet years, however, a second application just before bud swell is recommended. No. At what rate do I use Herbicide Helper? A soil drench is the best method. Use a pump sprayer, back pack, hose-end applicator, or similar devise. Formerly, this product was named Poast. How is Peach Tree Borer Trap & Lure packaged? For shrubs (including berries, grapes, roses, etc.) On fruit trees and vines, apply every two weeks throughout the growing season. The content of the container is 62.4 oz. What is Foli-Cal? Adequate calcium in fruit assures longer shelf life once it’s been harvested. It is a grain bait based on zinc phosphide used for the control of gophers that damage the landscape and lawns. It can be used as a monitor to determine when to begin spraying with Monterey Garden Insect Spray. It should be applied just until the bermudagrass is wet. Since calcium does not move well within the plant, death of the growing point or tissue breakdown are the symptoms commonly seen. What is Go-Die Gopher Bait II? Fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, spices, roses, houseplants, flowers, shrubs and turf. What does Weed Impede do? In fact there are 45 insects listed on the label. It is a herbicide based on the active ingredient triclopyr designed to control brush, vines, and perennial weeds in non-crop areas such as around homes, cabins, fences, walkways etc. Yes. WALKWAYS: use to remove and control heavy algal growth on greenhouse or garden walkways, GARDEN BIRD BATHS: Use to remove built-up algae from an empty bird bath. Secondary poisoning occurs when another animal eats the poisoned animal and there is enough poison in the body to affect the animal that eats it. It controls broadleaf weeds in warm and cool season turf. More watering only worsens the symptoms, and the plant slowly dies. One application of Sucker-Stopper RTU can prevent growth of suckers. Clean all equipment immediately after use. You should only use Weed Whacker two times per year in the same area. It is used to correct and prevent iron deficiency in plants. Once mixed with water, use all the spray mixture within 24 hours. Yes! On what turf grasses can I use it on? It is used on various fruit & vegetable crops to control various diseases. Store above 50° F. If applied over concrete or other material, wash off immediately to prevent staining since this is not a non-staining formulation like our other Dr. Iron products. First up we have this Grass Beater from Bonide. Can Sluggo Plus be used around pets and wildlife? Do not use on turf grass that contains desirable clovers. Apply bait evenly at 1 lb. Aphids, cucumber beetles, leaf hoppers, thrips, white flies, colorado potato beetles, flea beetles, japanese beetles, sharpshooters, mealybugs, scales, asian citrus psyllid, spittle bugs and other leaf-feeding insects. Magnesium is absorbed through either the plant roots or foliage. One symptom is that, even though the plant is well irrigated, it looks like it needs water. How much Foli-Cal do I use? Depending on weather conditions one application should last about 3-4 weeks. They can be used throughout the season to keep beneficial insects in your garden. The product is to be spread evenly and not placed in piles. Avoid drift. What is Weed Whacker? RTU on? Unlike metaldehyde baits, dead snails may not be visible since they crawl back to hiding places to die. Avoid drift since most vegetables and ornamentals are susceptible. How is Monterey Garden Phos used? Monterey Horticultural Oil is not a poisonous material. These traps imitate an effective hiding place for spiders. What insects does Bug Buster II control? Place the trap 1â2 feet inside the tree canopy. What will Monterey Brush & Vine Control kill? For fruit and vegetable applications, it is best used as a preventive fungicide so it should be applied before the disease is apparent. Do not use Weed Whacker around desirable ornamentals. What other weeds does Thistledown® control? To prevent this disease, Liqui-Cop should be applied in the early fall before the rains. Remuda is a 41% concentrate of glyphosate herbicide the same active ingredient as Roundup®. Don’t walk on the lawn until the application has dried. Simply apply 3½ lbs per 1000 sq ft. and water-in after application. Do not use on pastures that contain alfalfa or clovers, as they will be killed. What is Honey Bee Attractant? It controls leafminers, thrips, borers, colorado potato beetles, leafrollers, cornbores, sod webworms, armyworms, sawflies, gall midges, and many more. All Rights Reserved. Sluggo is now OMRI Listed (Organic Materials Review Institute). Apply thoroughly to the area to be sprayed to the point of runoff. is a combination of seed oil and non-ionic surfactants to be used with herbicides for improved penetration of the waxy leaf cuticle. It is packaged in a 22 oz spray bottle. No, Ammonia is used in the manufacturing process. Apply indoors or outdoors on houseplants to promote dark green color. First Class Lawn Control: Monterey LG5518 Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide Concentrate Broadleaf Weed Killer for Lawns This new turflon formula is very effective at killing pests such as oxalis, ground ivy, wild violet, clover, and ragweed. On trees and shrubs, scatter ½-1 cup beneath the plants. Primarily to save water. Foliar Spray: Mix ¼ cup Epsom Salts in 1-2 gallons of water and apply with your sprayer to cover 500-1000 sq ft. SANITIZER-DEODORANT: Use in homes, nursing homes, hospitals, offices, schools, and institutions. Insects do not eat it. This is a post-emergence herbicide, effective only on weeds that have already sprouted. Hold the aerosol can 24-36 inches away from the plant. How do I use Fish & Guano? What sizes and formulation is Take Down Garden Spray? For trees and shrubs, apply to at least 1/2 the area of the drip line of the tree or to the entire area under the canopy of the tree. On planting shrubs, trees, transplant vegetable and bedding plants, mix ½ the recommended rate in the planting hole and then use the other ½ rate in the backfill sod. This product can be used around garbage cans and dumpsters, and on walls, carpets, floors, crawl spaces, bathrooms, urinals, kennels, dog and cat sleeping quarters, etc. No. Place the lure in the trap. Add about one-half the required amount of clean water to the spray tank. A spreader sticker may be used such as Monterey Nature’s Own Spray Helper to help make the product more rainfast. Place the tip into one of the drilled holes and slowly squeeze D.I.Y. Three to four addilional applications at 4 We get a lot of questions about the proper timing and products to use as a dormant spray on backyard fruit trees. Yes, Weed Impede® can be used on iris, daffodil, narcissus, gladiolus, hyacinth, and tulips. When can I reseed after application? It is a pelletized bait that contains iron phosphate and spinosad. It is a non-selective systemic material that controls both broadleaf weeds and grasses. How do I use this product? These are spaced at 7 day intervals or more. On tree crops, apply at first sign of infestation. Are there temperature restrictions? Does Remuda have residual control? Box 35000Fresno, California 93745-5000USA. Do not use treated lawn clippings as mulch in the flowerbed. Use the higher rate if infestation is severe. Wait at least three weeks. On tomatoes and other vegetables, apply every two weeks during the blooming period. Use twice a year. How soon can I replant after application? What is Peach Tree Borer Trap & Lure? The recommended rate of application is 1½-3 oz per 1000 sq ft. in sufficient water for coverage. Thorough leaf coverage is necessary. It should not be applied to fruit trees after full bud swell. It can also be used on vegetables and ornamentals to control various foliar diseases. Do not apply to the foliage of desirable plants. Does Fish & Guano smell bad? Dispose of traps when full of insects or the food source is gone. Bug Buster II RTS attaches to a garden hose, with no mixing or need for a tank sprayer. If the herbicide you are using calls for an oil concentrate, Nature’s Own is not the product to use. Place traps early in the season when infestation is low for the best results. Is Liqui-Cop the same as Bordeaux? You will need one capsule for every 4-6 inches of trunk circumference. Once it has been watered into the soil, additional cultivation does not decrease the weed control. What are Yellow Sticky Traps? What is Grass Getter Twin Pack? It also helps with some herbicides. Do not apply in temperatures above 85° F. (Apply in the morning or evening when temperatures are lower) If rain or irrigation occurs before product has dried on the plant, you should re-apply. How do I use Odor Eliminator RTU?As much as possible, remove the source of the odor, then apply Odor Eliminator RTU. On most vegetables and fruits, up to 6 applications can be made per season. Turflon Ester-For Control of Bermuda Grass, Kikuyugrass and Broadleaf Weeds in Cool Season Lawns. At what rate do I use Monterey M.S.O.? Turflon Ester Weed Control, Triclopyr, is a spring must do! apply 1/2 â 2 oz for each inch of trunk diameter measured at chest level. Yes. In outdoor situations for use on structural surfaces (such as windows, doors and eaves) apply as a crack, crevice, or spot treatment only. Avoid drift. Apply monthly. Use only on these vegetables. This is an excellent product for curing and preventing nutrient deficiencies. Adjuvants are products that are added to a spray mixture to make it more effective. The bacteria in Monterey B.t. Spinosad comes from a naturally-occurring actinomycete. What are Water Retention Granules? What precautions should be observed? In California, it is the only product currently registered to control Sudden Oak Death. Do not disturb the mound before treatment. These include bedding plants, ground covers, shrubs and trees. Weed control is best performed prior to establishing your new lawn. These naturally occurring products were discovered in the 1960’s and have been used ever since for worm and caterpillar control. ~Iy TURFLON Ester at a rate of 112 to 1 quart per acre (1/3 to 314 j ounce per 1,000 square feet) in enough water to provide uniform orage of Ihe target area. Bi-Carb Old-Fashioned Fungicide is a preventative and eradicant fungicide for the control of powdery mildew, based on potassium bicarbonate. There are over 250 controlled weeds listed on the label. Does it control any weeds that aren’t listed on the label? It’s best to apply early in the morning during the hot summer months. D.I.Y. Flowering vegetables such as peppers, eggplant, squash, melons, berries, okra, etc. P. ramorum can also be controlled with a basal bark treatment on large oak trees, and with a soil drench on rhododendrons, camellias, etc. What precautions do I observe? It gives poor control for caterpillars & worms. Only Lepidoptera insects (caterpillars and worm type insects.). and the Pentra-Bark contains 3.2 oz. The use of this trap & lure will attract the male moths. This handy Twin Pack with the herbicide and oil concentrate together is sold in ½ pint and 1 pint sizes. Freshly cut tree stumps over the counter to homeowners without a permit results in very plant. Controls insects by suffocation rather than poisoning them that equals $ 1.30 oz... Treat when the plants the seed oil and non-ionic surfactants and anti-foaming agents, cole crops, apply at cats! 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Of California to use Turflon Ester through a hose-end sprayer food lure syringe ; you need! Apply 3½ lbs per 1000 sq leaf hoppers, leaf spots, and as drench... You need is an adjuvant be applied in the same plant or attach it to wooden stakes usages! Established, which is a true liquid available on the soil least two traps year...