School of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity Chair’s Message; Vision and Mission; Chair's Office; Faculty and Staff Directory Economics was the earliest subject offered by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the predecessor of the School of Social Sciences. 2019.04 - present: Provost's Chair Associate Professor; 2019.03 - present: Associate Professor; 2014.11 - 2019.02: Nanyang Assistant Professor Office: SHHK-05-10 Email: Phone: +65 6592-1781 LIU Hong E-mail: 25-Sep-2020 MAE student wins James Dyson Award. All members of the NTU community are responsible for upholding the values of academic integrity in all academic undertakings. Research Interest: Health behaviors, the influence of culture and emotion on health behaviors, health promotion Sociology Kerri Heng Yi Ping M.A Candidate, 2019, Sociology Research Interest: Disability, Work and Employment, Self and Identity, Education, Social inequalities (class and gender relations) To get more information and to get involved: Mobile Phones, iPads, … You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Research Associate Dr Ananda SIDARTA. NTU and A*STAR scientists discover how a sensor in our air passages activates the body's immune response to common cold. The Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & Research (A*STAR), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the National University of Singapore (NUS). Teaching Areas: Foreign Policy Analysis, Chinese Foreign Policy, Politics in the Developing World, China in Africa. You may also contact me to set up a meeting for discussion. No. Asset Management and Production System (AMPS) Computer-assisted Cel Animation (CACANi) Crowd Simulation Plugin GET STARTED. The websites under and are hosting NTU staff's personal web pages. Join in the celebrations using #NTUsgClassof2020 . Tel: (65) 6790 4142 (General Office) Fax: (65) 6790 9081 E-mail: Sharon NG Head, Division of Marketing Phone: +65 6790 5693 Email: Address: S3-01A-14, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Andrew Duffy lived for a month without leaving NTU and survived to tell the tale. ... For more information please contact the French language coordinators at The password is your NTULearn password. Through the NTU HEY! Tel: (65) 65138572, Student exchange and short-term mobility programmes, TRACS (Talent Recruitment and Career Support Office). Get interesting snippets of varsity life as well as inspirational success stories through HEY!, our bimonthly  magazine for students and alumni. He completed his postdoctoral training at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore in the area of innate immunity and pathogen sensing. 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine)​​​, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE)​​​, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering​​​, Nanyang Technological University Academic Profile; Asst Prof Li Hong Nanyang Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Nanyang Assistant Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Email: If you are interested, please send your CV, list of publications, and reference’s contact information to NTU does not in any way accept any liability nor responsibility for this website, nor the content in it, nor any loss or damage associated with it. Ex-HEY! AEBC Administrative Enquiries MEMILY@NTU.EDU.SG (65) 6592 7559. Phone: 6790 6363 EEE Students Office Law Cai Jin Phone: 6514 1012 Pastoral Care: Karelin Loh Meng Chie Phone: 6790 6365 EEE Alumni Matters May Lim Phone: 6513 7611 Research Grant Matters: Yong-Yap Chwee Hoon Data Protection And Privacy Suitable for professionals working in Engineering, Quality Control, Failure Analysis, Manufacturing and R&D. Email: Phone: (+65) 6790-6661 Fax: (+65) 6790-9081 Office: N4.1-01-02a Biography Prof. Lee received her Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore in 2001. Our 4-year undergraduate programmes lead to the award of a Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) (Hons) degree. Mailing Address College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Nanyang Technological University 48 Nanyang Avenue HSS-05-62 SHHK Building Singapore 639818 E-mail School of Art, Design & Media Tel: (65) 6790 4828 / (65) 6790 5680 Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information offers a wide array of courses for those who are interested in our undergraduate and graduate programmes. Find out more about NTU’s latest developments through our news releases and media reports. Academic Year 2019-20: Desmond Tan Swee Kai, Pan Wenli, Shen Chen, Khaw Eu Sheng, Chan Wei Han Clement, Lim Zhe Xian, Gavin, Low Han Rou . A HEY! Biography: A/Prof Gan Chee Lip is currently in the School of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) since 2003. Connect with NTU, Singapore. Haibo WAN. Connect with NTU … MSE is offering MiniMasters in Materials Science and Engineering through PaCE@NTU and these courses are conducted online so you can learn anywhere, anytime. FYPs. Media at NTU. NTU’s joint research institute in Guangzhou, China, receives S$61 million funding boost to ramp up research and development. For research matters please contact: Research Matters: Email: Tel: 6790 5527/5563 NTU employees donate over S$10 … 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798. GEM Trailblazer Summer Poster See all available courses at a glance! Annie Chong Undergraduate Students NTU and A*STAR scientists discover how a sensor in our air passages activates the body's immune response to common cold. Confucius Institute, 孔子学院, NTU, Singapore. Soochow University. High-achieving students may opt to pursue a Second Major or Double Major programme, or pursue an accelerated course of study to graduate before 4 years.. THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT. Institute for Media Innovation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore 639798. Home About Us. HEY! Reg. NTU united against COVID-19. artist Goh Wei Choon, co-founder and illustrator of The Woke Salaryman, outlines why the comics strike a chord with youths. Information Sheet One-stop detailed information sheet NTU Arrival Guide Everything you need know can be found here. Main Campus; 50 Nanyang Avenue; Singapore 639798; Tel: (65) 67911744; NOVENA CAMPUS NTU study suggests self-determination as key to avoid caregiver burden. Last modified on She joined Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd (now Globalfoundries) in research and technology development department from 2001-2003. Tue, 15 Dec 20. student panel went on a bubble tea hunt around campus to find out which hit the sweet spot. Office: HSS-05-04 Telephone: 6316 8741 Email: Research Areas: Foreign Policy, Development, Chinese Foreign Policy towards developing regions, China-Africa relations. read more A*STAR Graduate Scholarship This is a collaboration between A*STAR Graduate Academy and the University. SHEE Cheng Yap. Biography: Dr Akshar Saxena is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Nanyang Technological University. MW.LIM@NTU.EDU.SG (65) 6592 3013. Project Officer bangyi.tan TAN Kuan Yuee Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, NTU, Global . All programmes are available on a full-time or … Ana Cristina Dias ALVES . NTU scientists Professor Nikolay Zheludev FRS, Associate Professor Chong Yidong and Associate Professor Zhang Baile, have been honoured with the prestigious President’s Science Award, for their pioneering work in topological nanophotonics. Academic Profile; Asst Prof Akshar Saxena Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences Email: Postgraduate Researchers Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh. DR-NTU (Digital Repository of NTU) Communities & Collections; Research Papers ; Organisations; Theses; FYPs; Projects; Academic Profile ; Explore by . Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information offers a wide array of courses for those who are interested in our undergraduate and graduate programmes. Please enable scripts and reload this page. —Had °anyçuid‚ äirectèimƒ ‚©spoƒhwherƒ hey÷€Q?‚eMr‚ÀA‚hiƒÐnl‚]wa… „˜knowledgeƒQhƒˆacquƒ d†yh mƒùre†Sesá…Àg†w†qGoˆøou.Èe ƒ0açˆøle Їagreatïbservatio‰ youƒÊ‰óˆÈfouŠ8th H‰AEgyptians„“ðarticular„ynerŠ!Š¨mi„\Œxranc„øinˆ»i‹ ‹q,ˆÐiŒ gav‡ ‰°†‚lead … I was able to achieve balance for my given curriculum.” NTU podcasts of lectures; Quickly and easily find resources and information that pertain to you such as NTU news, campus events and activities and important announcements. Eye tracker and Magnetoencephalography are used respectively. Asst Prof Akshar Saxena Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences Email: Find out more about NTU’s latest developments through our news releases and media reports. CoNekT is open-source. Tan Hui Lin Tel : (+65) 6592 3702 Claire Wang Tel : (+65) 6790 6672 Email: Biography Law Choi Look Associate Professor Telephone: 6790 7326 Office: S1-B1a-11 Email: Biography Ling Keck Voon Associate Professor Telephone: 6790 5567 Office: S2-B2a-22 Email: ; Personal Homepage Biography Mao Kezhi Associate Professor Telephone: 6790 4284 Office: S2.1-B2-14 Assistant Professor. breathed new life into the printed world by launching itself as an augmented reality (AR) magazine. 18-Aug-2020 E-mail: Main Campus 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744: NOVENA CAMPUS Zheng Yuanjin Tel: (+65) 6592 7764 Office: S2.2-B2-46 Email: Biography Centre Staff- Assistant Professor Chang Wonkeun Tel: (+65) 6790 4843 Stud ent Immersion Programme . Email: About Nanyang Technological University, Singapore A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Engineering, Business, Science, Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, and Graduate colleges. All rights reserved. Showers. … News. Copyright • AEBC Research Enquiries. School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The SPMS building complex, located at the tip of the South Spine of the NTU main academic complex, was opened officially by Dr Ng Eng Hen, Singapore's Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, on 21 July 2009.This scientific complex was designed from the ground up to provide a conducive environment for education and research. AR app, readers can turn photos into 3D objects and creatures that leap into our world. No support for hand-held devices (i.e. Email: Phone: + 65 6592-3772/+65 6514-1048 Teru MIYAKE Associate Professor (Head, Philosophy /Courtesy Appointment) Ph.D., StanfordUniversity Office: SHHK-03-86 Email: Phone: +65 6513 2248 Andrea NANETTI. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, NTU, Global . One in three who are aware of deepfakes say they have inadvertently shared them on social media, finds NTU study. Mailing Address College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Nanyang Technological University 48 Nanyang Avenue HSS-05-62 SHHK Building Singapore 639818 E-mail School of Art, Design & Media Tel: (65) 6790 4828 / (65) 6790 5680 NTU partners Surbana Jurong and ENGIE in sustainable liquid air energy storage research. Through NTU EDGE, I was able to get in touch and hone on my data-visualization skills as well as critical thinking skills where it was essential in conducting root-cause analysis of the project statement. Media Enquiries; Share Article. NTU Singapore partners Hyundai to pave the way for future mobility and smart manufacturing. is an award-winning magazine by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) that delivers surprising facets of campus life into the palm of your hand. 15-Jul-2020 NTU scientists invent glue activated by a magnetic field. Last modified on Main Campus; 50 Nanyang Avenue; Singapore 639798; Tel: (65) 67911744; NOVENA CAMPUS Main Campus 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744: NOVENA CAMPUS 11 MANDALAY ROAD SINGAPORE 308232 Tel: (65) 65138572: Contact Getting to NTU Precautionary measures to protect the NTU community against COVID-19. ZHOUYAN@NTU.EDU.SG (65) 6592 xxxx. NTU Singapore provides real-world exposures, overseas opportunities and career guidance from your first year. See what’s coming up at NTU, from public lectures, performances and exhibitions to sports and recreation. Research Interest: The role of eye blinks 1) in visual attention performance, and 2) as an indicator of modulation between two major brain networks - the default mode network and the attention network. by Corporate Communications Office. 15-Jul-2020, Student exchange and short-term mobility programmes, TRACS (Talent Recruitment and Career Support Office). Get interesting snippets of varsity life as well as inspirational success stories through HEY!, our bimonthly magazine for students and alumni. 27-Nov-2020 Seminar on WHO MOVED MY TOWER? OGEM (Office of Global Education and Mobility) in NTU offers immersion programmes in France during summer and winter. Disclaimer • PhD. Moreover, this program also ensured that I would not compromise my academics while pursuing this program. Project Officer T AN Bang Yi. Emily. Precautionary measures to protect the NTU community against COVID-19. MiniMasters™ seek to provide working adults and our alumni alternate and flexible pathways to upskill, boost their employability or pursue their intellectual enrichment through a selected range of academic accredited CET courses that can be stacked towards a MiniMasters™ Certificate awarded from an acclaimed University. 11 Mandalay Road, Singapore 308232 NTUsg on Youtube. For current undergraduate academic enquiries: E-mail: You can customize what you see and where you see it, creating your own eCampus experience with fun interactive features. Semester Long Courses. Join in the celebrations using #NTUsgClassof2020 . Leong Yew Wing. Tel: (65) 67911744, Novena Campus Find out how to apply to NTU online here. Biography: Dr Akshar Saxena is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Nanyang Technological University. News; Media Release s Media Reports Speeches; Useful Information; News Hub Archives; HEY! Email: Tel: (+65) 6790 5875 Office: S1-B1c-100 Biography Huang Guangbin Email: Tel: (+65) 6790 4489 Office: S2.1-B2-06 Biography Kot Chichung, Alex Email: Tel: (+65) 6790 4946 Office: S1-B1a-20 Biography Lu Yilong Email: Tel: (+65) 6790 4543 One in three who are aware of deepfakes say they have inadvertently shared them on social media, finds NTU study. Connect with NTU MAE, Singapore. Gan Chew Mei Jessica, Senior Executive Office : N1.2-B4-16A Phone :(65) 6316 8814 Email : Octavia Huang, Senior Executive Office : N1.2-B3-12A Head to GitHub for a copy of the source if you want to host your own version with in-house data or other species! We put some affordable – and delicious – microwavable meals on campus through the taste test. Masks aren’t mere essentials, having taken on new meaning for students who use them to get creative or to make a statement. As part of NTU’s College of Engineering, MSE is now recognised worldwide as a premier research institution with top universities, multinational corporations and R&D institutions as its research collaborators and funding partners. For prospective undergraduate admission enquiries: E-mail: NTUsg on Twitter. Email: Phone: +65 6592-1781 KOH Keng We Assistant Professor of History (Alumni & Internship Coordinator) Ph.D., University of Hawai'i at Manoa. In this age of virtual video conferencing, how can you ensure your social graces are not left behind? Supported Browsers & Important Info: Firefox (> 3.5) and Chrome (> 3.22.24) on PC (Win XP, 7 or 8/Mac 10.7 or later) No support for IE or Safari. NTUsg on Twitter Nanyang Assistant Professor Franklin Zhong was awarded the Nanyang Assistant Professor and joined the faculty at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in 2018. His research covers economics of … NTU Library serves as a seamless access to Information, Knowledge and Library services which support learning, teaching and research anytime and anywhere. Biography: Dr. Li Hong (Colin) received his Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Research. Email: Office: SBS-02S-88G Kjelleberg, Staffan Distinguished University Professor Profile Phone: (65) 6592 7886 Email: Office: SBS-B1N-27 Kline, Kimberly Associate Professor Associate Chair (Students) Profile | Lab webpage NTU student Mai Zhi Qi spills on her obsession with bubble tea and teaches us how to make pearls. NTU employees donate over S$10 million worth of unused vacation leave in aid of students. PRIVACY & POLICY | LEGAL NOTES © Copyright 2010 Nanyang Technological University. DO NOT use: student\abc1234 staff\abc1234 NTUSTU\abc1234 . Research Fellow SWAMINATHAN Rohini. If your email is, your username is abc1234. In 2019, HEY! His research interests are in applied economics and econometrics with a focus on health, demography, and behavioral economics. Please browse through the list of research programmes offered by the various Schools/Colleges. Institute for Media Innovation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 200604393R, © 2012 Nanyang Technological University MAGIC, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) offers three graduate programs: Curriculum Vitae Nur Atiqah Binte Azhari PhD Candidate, 2017, Psychology Academic Profile; Prof Gan Chee Lip Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education) Professor, School of Materials Science & Engineering Director, CSA-NTU Joint Center (CNJC) Executive Director, Office of Research and Technology in Defence and Security (ORTDS) Email: Student panel went on a bubble tea and teaches us how to pearls!, TRACS ( Talent Recruitment and career support Office ) magnetic field, Knowledge and services... 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