Rated with 5 out of 5 stars. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Before colouring, use Logona Mineral Clay Pre-Treatment which is a hair mask that will help to remove all traces of styling products so that the hair colour pigments will be able to adhere better to your hair. Whether you want to get more depth in your own color or completely change your color, you have many beautiful colors to choose from. Lagona Shine Conditioner, 6.8 Ounce CDN$ 32.39 CDN$ 32. Please forward any other order-related questions to our Customer Herbal Hair Colour Powder 080 natural brown 3.4 … Rated with 2 out of 5 stars. Logona Cream Hair Color by: Terri I was very excited when I found a henna hair color that did not involved any mixing. Logona has over 25 years of experience in the organic Questions & Answers about LOGONA Herbal Hair Colour 050 Mahogany Brown Pose a question about this product to customers who have already purchased … Logona - Herbal Hair Color Cream Teak - 5.1 oz. Great hair color: my hair is beautifully colored, shiny and super healthy! Logona Hair Color Flame Red Natural Herbal Vegan 3.5 Ounce 3.6 out of 5 stars 15 Logona Herbal Hair Color, Golden Blonde 3.7 out of 5 stars 69 Currently unavailable. Has Logona henna dye changed for the bad? If you mix it exactly as directed with HOT water the consistency will be just right. Bio-Henna Essence The leaves of the senna and indigo plants provide the hair with color, care and shine. Logona herbal hair color powder "natural brown" is the best hair color that I have ever used! It contains organic burdock oil which soothes the scalp and helps smooth out the surface of the hair. 【日本正規輸入品】 ロゴナ カラーケア・シャンプー 250ml(ヘナご愛用の方に)がビューティーストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 It's easy to use, no mixing just squeeze out of the tube and apply. Shop for Logona Hair Color at Walmart.com. Logona natural, chemical free hair colour creams with all natural colourants, organic henna extract and no ppd or peroxide. Logona color plus cleanses deeply and prepares your hair optimally for coloring with any Logona herbal hair color. Logona Herbal Hair Colour Cream totally changes the way that you approach hair colouring.This innovative product is based on decades of experience with our popular Hair Colour powdered mixtures and it improves upon the process by adding more simplicity and convenience.. Logona Herbal Hair Color, Natural Brown, 3 5 fl oz - Duration: 0:48. I am always amazed how well Logona hair colors (powders) cover my gray hair and how long they stay on! Logona Herbal Hair Colour Cream Nougat Brown is designed for people with Medium Blonde to Light and Medium Brown hair, and also provides excellent Grey hair coverage. Logona Herbal Hair Color Cream, 230 Chestnut Brown, 150 ml 3.6 out of 5 stars 43 £20.76 Only 4 left in stock. $. Logona's hair colors work differently than chemical hair colors. 整えにくいくせ毛だって、傷んだ髪だって シリコンフリーのヘアリペアオイルやシャインヘアフリュイドで、髪をきちんとケアしてあげましょう。 自然からの貴重な成分が、傷んだ髪やまとまらない髪をケアします。べとつかないヘアオイルは、キューティクルのダメージをしっかり補修。 Electrode, Comp-0a802355-7a62-4ac4-9987-2cfff3c07391, DC-eus2-prod-a9, ENV-prod-a, PROF-PROD, VER-20.0.39, SHA I've used Logona Sahara Herbal Hair Color for over 7 years. Logona Pamper yourself with Logona's totally pure organic henna Herbal Hair Color without PPD (para-phenylene diamine) and other aggressive chemicals. Logona offers an effective natural range of cosmetics and skin care formulated with natural ingredients and no parabens, petrochemicals or synthetic colour or fragrance. Lagona Color Care Shampoo, Hazelnut, 8.5 Ounce 4.7 out of 5 stars 8 $19.51 - … IRB [iReviewBeauty] 922 views 0:48 Language: English Location: United States … Naturally Beautiful Hair! Logona Herbal Hair Color Plus Preparation, 5.1 Fluid Ounce 3.6 out of 5 stars 39 $20.00 Only 6 left in stock - order soon. $. Questions & Answers about LOGONA Herbal Hair Colour 090 - Dark Brown Pose a question about this product to customers who have already purchased the item. We use organic henna, and ingredients such as walnut shells, indigo or beetroot to gently dye and protect your hair at the same time. With LOGONA herbal hair colours, you can nuance or intensify your natural hair colour, enjoy a completely new shade or even experiment with highlights all without affecting your hair… LOGONA herbal hair colors are mixtures of finely ground pigmented plants enriched by nourishing avocado oil and plant proteins, that nurture hair even during the dyeing process. I used to dye with Logona 4y ago with the darkest brown and black shades,and it was absolutely fantastic then-it gave to my hair this wonderful feeling of coating the hair strand with weight,made it shiny and much thicker,providing with wonderful dark cool brown. Before I describe why, I want to say "Don't waste your time or money on the Logona creme color. Just go slow and don't apply too much on at once Logona Color Fix Post-Treatment is specially designed to enhance the brilliance of your naturally coloured hair which has been treated with herbal dyes, bringing out the shimmering and multifaceted colour in each strand. Live better. I have fine, graying copper-red hair. Logona - Cream Concealer 01 Pearl .17 oz See All $. I purchased the Logona Cream Hair Color in “Teak” along with some of the hair color aids. A Logona Herbal Hair Color combines with your individual hair color and hair structure to produce an individual colour result not completely predictable. Save money. Sante and Logona hair care and styling products gently cleanse, intensively condition and help you to easily manage any hair style – based on mild formulations of certified natural ingredients. Logona - Hair Color Cream, Indian Summer, 5.1 oz Logona - Hair Color, Chestnut Brown, 3.5 oz See All Logona Face $.