It's a natural to believe that, because Kid Buu is the last form we see the heroes fight, he must also be the strongest form. It took the power of Super Saiyan Vegito (the Potara fusion of Goku and Vegeta) for Super Buu to be sufficiently challenged. 1. To bad we never got to see Huge Buu in action since it was said Huge Buu was stronger then Super Buu. We know Super Buu > SSJ3 Goku by such a margin that Goku refuses to fight him. It should be noted that these statements about kid buu being the strongest are anime filler and non canon. I have Kid BUU> SSJ3 Goku So this also says that even though Kid Buu is much stronger than he was a birth, he is still weaker than Super Buu. At most, Kid Buu & EOS Goku could above Base Super Buu Which wouldn't contradict statements, as Base Super Buu is a more natural form then Buutenks and Buuhan are 27 days ago Pure Buu is definitely weaker, his power comes from the fact that he can blow up a planet without second thought, absorbing people, and infinite stamina. Unlike his present counterpart who is weaker than Super Buu, Future Kid Buu is even stronger than Super Buu (w/ Gohan absorbed) and Super Janemba. In fact, I would say that Super Janemba is as strong as Super Buu or around that level. It's just that by the time Kid Buu rolls around everyone who was strong enough to contend with Super Buu has been pushed off the stage, you have Vegeta still at Cell's level and Goku who's too exhausted to maintain SSJ3 long enough to get the win. This is noted by the fact that Goku indicated they had succeeded in weakening him to where they could do something on their own, while being adamant that they couldn't beat Evil Buu ("Super" Buu) without fusing. Piccolo Buu 6. The anime says that Pure Buu was the strongest form of Buu but this was never stated in the manga. Here's how it works. Also his output was far beyondwhat he absorbed could produce or maintain. Could super buu use them? Adding someone else's power to your own isn't going to make you weaker. Kid Buu the biggest example as he casually shot a planet buster. Here I explain why Kid Buu is the strongest non-fused Buu rather than Super Buu. Power wise, he's weaker than every form of Evil Buu ("Super" Buu), Mr buu is the only buu weaker than kid buu. Super Buu is significantly stronger than Kid Buu. so without them he's weaker. Vegeta's wish didn't involve Gohan or Gotenks, whom, if they're actually stronger than Kid Buu, would've been more than adequate to effortlessly annihilate the guy. It is quite obvious that Akira Toriyama was not going to leave Kid Buu as the weakest since he is the last enemy No., Press J to jump to the feed. Iirc, Kid Buu was even weaker than Fat Buu, but was insanely destructive to the point where he seemingly came out ahead. Due to the power-ups he received from Gohan and Gotenks and the boost to his intelligence he gained from Piccolo, Super Buu was stronger than ever. So, the GSK "weakend" Buu, but it ultimatley didn't matter. Bakercat. So it's like subtracting a negative number. Kid Buu is stronger than Super Buu (Gohan… Neo Clon wrote: look at the tests that I gave are official 1. One needs to take note that the Kai version of the Buu arc was a very haphazard and rushed production, and where the earlier arcs stuck closer to the original manga more closely, the Buu arc was still heavily riddled with filler content that contradicts what appeared in the original manga. A lot of it has to do with it being said Kid Buu is more dangerous than Super Buu. Kid Buu has less power but no inhibitions, all he does is destroy and kill. No. And super buu is the strongest because he has the dao kai's powers all along but he was more evil in the sense than fat buu? But pretending that kid buu was god tier all along in the buu saga aint it famWell he and Goku were "God Tier" seeing as both were stronger than any of yhe Gods that came before and after Buu ate or killed them atleast in Z, all minus Beerus of course. Super Buu is the combination of Good Buu and Evil Buu (or Gray Buu) meaning he’s basically the same strength as Majin Buu but he has full access to all of his power rather … When it's said that his power is going up, that's in reference to Buu transforming into South Kaioushin Buu, not Pure Buu. Gohan's contribution to the Genki Dama obviously wasn't enough to destroy Buu by itself, which is why Goku needed more energy. If anything Super Buu is the one that’s twice as strong as Kid Buu. SS3 is about equal in raw strength to Kid Buu, but has serious stamina issues whereas Kid Buu has unlimited energy. Maybe near SSJ2 Goku at the end of T.O.P. Kid Buu 4. So when Buu reverted from South Kaioushin Buu to Pure Buu, he lost all the power South Kaioushin provided him, making him weaker by a considerable margin. I have Kid BUU> SSJ3 Goku blacklusterseph004, Aug 28, 2006. blacklusterseph004, Aug 28, 2006 #14. Characters like Vegeta, Frieza, and Cell could be downright chilling at times, and it was always a thrill to see heroes like Goku taking on stronger and stronger foes.Because of this, it was a surprise when we first met his greatest foe, Buu. Now I dont get how kid buu is not the strongest buu. so if Gohan(who got destroyed in Earth's destruction) actually lived and fought kid buu, he would easily kill him? 1. The first was the Dai Kaioushin, whose goodness and gentleness weakened Buu overall, and with his influence fading, he reverted to South Kaioushin Buu, and this is confirmed by the conversation Rou Kaioushin and Kibitoshin had at the time. Also, I know that Fat Buu and Super Buu are made of the same beings, but so are Gogeta and Veku. When Mr. Buu was removed, Buu started burning through the influence that the two Kaioushin had within him. Vegeta sensed "Buff Buu" which was Buu with the power of the Southern Kaioshin. Super Buu and Fat Buu wanted to fight strong opponents and could at least be reasoned with somewhat, so they weren't as dangerous, but they're still both stronger than Kid Buu… Dragon Ball Z was a show known for its great villains. Weaker, yet much much more unpredictable and therefore dangerous. i think that super buu is stronger but a fight thats different super buu is stronger but i think kid buu would win in a fight. That's a tough one. Also, where was south kais powers all along? I don't understand how viewers struggle with this. Super Janemba > SSJ3 Goku > Kid Buu. In fact, I would say that Super Janemba is as strong as Super Buu or around that level. Thats an interesting turn of events! Kid Buu broke that tradition by being the first final form in a saga to be the weaker than a previous form. Shouldnt he stay in that form? Super Buuhan would completely beat the living daylights out of Super Janemba until there was nothing left of him. By comparison, Kid Buu was much weaker. Here is some proof to why that is wrong. South Kaioushin didn't weaken Buu, but instead made him stronger, as it was established that he was still pure evil after absorbing South Kaioushin and that it was only the result of him becoming less evil and gaining a "heart" that weakened him. Like, Its still a MASSIVE jump, Including : * Buu’s Atom Manipulation. Vegeta's wish didn't involve Gohan or Gotenks, whom, if they're actually stronger than Kid Buu, would've been more than adequate to effortlessly annihilate the guy. Kid buu is base buu, super buu is kid buu with south Kai absorbed. In the manga, Buuhan is the strongest Buu and Pure Buu is weaker than Evil Buu. Shouldnt fat buu be stronger in power than kid buu cuz he absorbed dao kai? If Super Buu was a guy with a gun, then Kid Buu was a chimp with a gun. The weird part is that Buu first lost an absorption that was lowering his power, making him stronger. Super buu had a lot of power at his disposal, but he absorbed a lot of good people who probably have influence on him. Now I dont get how kid buu is not the strongest buu. We haven't even gotten into the comparison between Gohan, Goku and Gotenks. hmmm. Chapter: 514 (DBZ 320), P7.4 ... Buuhan and Super Buu are much stronger than Kid Buu During the final fight, power levels are like this: Gohan >>>>> SSJ3 Gotenks > Kid Buu (due to infinite regeneration) > SSJ3 Goku >>> SSJ2 Vegeta . I can at least understand why people debate Kid vs Super, but Kid vs Buuhan or Buutenks? As far as the original manga is concerned, Pure Buu was only the most troublesome form of Buu, due to his uncontrollable nature. why tho? Gohan's contribution to the Genki Dama obviously wasn't enough to destroy Buu by itself, which is … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A lot of people think Kid Buu is stronger then super Buu. The thing about Super Buu is that he has a conscience, which gives him the cognitive process to consider proving himself to be the strongest in the universe (which we see with Super Buu’s plan to absorb Gotenks to prove himself to be stronger than the recently awakened power of Potential Unleashed Gohan) However, Kid Buu has barely any sent Pure Boo is relatively weak, it's his unpredictability that makes him dangerous. All of his other versions did not seem to have that. Iirc, Kid Buu was even weaker than Fat Buu, but was insanely destructive to the point where he seemingly came out ahead., Press J to jump to the feed. Kid Buu is, at best, slightly stronger than SS3 Goku. Then when he reverted to kid Buu his power dropped dramatically. There’s too many things that contradicts and debunks kid buu being the strongest Buu. He was pure evil but he was about the same power as ssj3 goku while super Buu was much stronger than ssj3 goku. Every other time Buu absorbed someone he got more powerful. Pure Buu didn't have any better stamina than any of the other forms of Buu. The only feats Super Janemba has is beating up SSJ3 Goku, which proves him being stronger than Kid Buu. Weaker, but he was more dangerous because of his tendency to make planets explode when he gets bored. He was the most dangerous because he was a mindless monster. At most, Kid Buu & EOS Goku could above Base Super Buu Which wouldn't contradict statements, as Base Super Buu is a more natural form then Buutenks and Buuhan are 27 days ago The part about his power going up when he turns into Kid Buu is a translation error, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for all things Dragon Ball! I thought that Kid Buu was stronger than super buu (piccolo) seeing as when the fusion ended (gotenks) Goku SSJ3 was no longer worried about dispatching him. I don't understand how viewers struggle with this. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Super Buu is more likely to hit someone, but Kid Buu is just going to keep firing that gun randomly and you'd be less comfortable standing in that room. Watching for first time. It's just that by the time Kid Buu rolls around everyone who was strong enough to contend with Super Buu has been pushed off the stage, you have Vegeta still at Cell's level and Goku who's too exhausted to maintain SSJ3 long enough to get the win. Kid Buu/Uub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Super Buu, Buuhan, Buutenks, etc. Super Janemba > SSJ3 Goku > Kid Buu. This^ Super Buu is leagues above Kid Buu in actual power. You're missing the key fact that there was a transformation in between that is noted. People get confused because Old Kai says that Buu got weaker from absorbing the other Kais in the English Dub, but I don't think this was stated in the manga, and it is nonsensical. So this also says that even though Kid Buu is much stronger than he was a birth, he is still weaker than Super Buu. So yeah, thats enough proof to me that kid buu is stronger than super buu and is the strongest buu. It was at that time that it was noted his ki was increasing rather than decreasing, as the Dai Kaioushin's weakening influence disappeared. He's stronger than SSJ3 Goku and it was agreed by both Goku and Vegeta that Kid Buu was weaker. The only feats Super Janemba has is beating up SSJ3 Goku, which proves him being stronger than Kid Buu. Kid Buu/Uub >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Super Buu, Buuhan, Buutenks, etc. Buff Buu is stronger than Kid Buu by estimate SSJ Gohan's power. PLEASE WATCH BEFORE COMMENTING ___ Kid Buu Is The Strongest Non-fused Buu. Gohan Buu 2. There’s too many things that contradicts and debunks kid buu being the strongest Buu. However, the facts show Kid Buu really isn't more powerful than Super Buu after absorbing Gohan. Because it's not really a transformation, it's a regression or a reverse transformation. Also remember that Goku wouldn't even dare* fight Super Buu 1v1 but had no qualms about fighting Fat and Kid Buu. Copypasted from a comment on reddit. Here is a small video of me discussing on why I think Super buu reverted back into Kid buu instead of they Grey Evil buu Super buu originally was. the only buu weaker is "mr buu" the good fat buu that Vegeta ripped out of super buu's head. Super buu stomps round 1. 3. Either way, I don't want to argue about Buu, because you will never convince me that Kid Buu is stronger than Super Buu.Ultimatessj1 03:03, April 7, 2014 (UTC)UltimateSSJ1. He's losing absorptions, not gaining them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Kid Buu is just pure evil, but he doesn't have anyone's power. Either way, I don't want to argue about Buu, because you will never convince me that Kid Buu is stronger than Super Buu.Ultimatessj1 03:03, April 7, 2014 (UTC)UltimateSSJ1. 26 days ago The only proof that says that Kid Buu is stronger than Super Buu is found within the old english dub and shoddy fan translations of … Messages: 2,789 Likes Received: 0 … No. Kid Buu was clowning SSJ3 Goku the entire fight and could have easily killed him whenever he wanted. All of Hyper Buu and Super Kid Buu's Abilities. Let’s face it: Buu looked like something of a joke character. Evil Buu 8. It wouldn't make sense if he was. Only reason stamina was a factor with him was because he was fighting against someone of equal level with him, where stamina would be an issue, and that it's indicated that only fighting another Buu causes Buu to lose stamina. When super buu was transforming into kid buu vegeta clearly says "His power should be going down but instead its going up!". Also, I know that Fat Buu and Super Buu are made of the same beings, but so are Gogeta and Veku. His turn into Kid Buu helped change that a little, getting him out of the arrogant and overconfident mold that almost every villain in Dragon Ball Z seemed to be. South Supreme Kai Buu 5. People get confused because Old Kai says that Buu got weaker from absorbing the other Kais in the English Dub, but I don't think this was stated in the manga, and it is nonsensical. Far more. If this was his strongest form why didnt Super Buu revert back to kid buu right away? Final Ultima. Super Buu is significantly stronger than Kid Buu. The first is that he's the final villain in the series. Buff Buu is stronger than Kid Buu by estimate SSJ Gohan's power. The only advantage that Rildo has is the ability to fuse with the planet, therefore having inumerous copies of himself, but since the planet doesnt have any ki, Rildo didnt get any stronger, just almost invencible (because of the tons and tons of metal on M2 that Rildo could use; which could be evaporised by Buu in seconds). There's multiple indications that Kid Buu is stronger than Goku. Gotenks Buu 3. … Hm…. As far as I know.. Rildo wasnt even stronger than kid Goku SSJ. By comparison, Kid Buu was much weaker. Super Buuhan would completely beat the living daylights out of Super Janemba until there was nothing left of him. Remember, this is the same Goku that admitted Super Buu was stronger than he is. Characters like Vegeta, Frieza, and Cell could be downright chilling at times, and it was always a thrill to see heroes like Goku taking on stronger and stronger foes.Because of this, it was a surprise when we first met his greatest foe, Buu. A lot of people say Kid Buu is the strongest Buu period. Super Buu 7. Kaioshin: “…First, two [Kaioshins] were killed…the North Kaioshin and the West Kaioshin….And then the South Kaioshin, the burliest and strongest one, was…somehow absorbed by Boo…..”, Elder Kaioshin: …And he become that huge Boo from before?“. Super Buu and Fat Buu wanted to fight strong opponents and could at least be reasoned with somewhat, so they weren't as dangerous, but they're still both stronger than Kid Buu… This is even further affirmed in the DBS Manga recently about Kid Buu being suppressed during that fight. Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu. Round 2 is uub, who is a reincarnation of kid buu and thus has the same power plus mr. Then, South Kaioushin's influence also disappeared, resulting in him turning to Pure Buu. Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu. I encourage all of you to watch the entire video instead of just reading the title and then going straight to the comments. So, the GSK "weakend" Buu, but it ultimatley didn't matter. The most you can do is argue a retcon happened. Even with the combined might of the Present Z Fighters and their future allies, Future Kid Buu was not defeated until a Family Kamehameha or a Super Spirit Bomb (made of the energy gathered from people from Earth, New Namek, and Other World) was launched at him. Dragon Ball Z was a show known for its great villains. Absorbing the Kais made Buu more docile, but not weaker. But that's just a theory, nothing really to back it up and he does literally regenerate from smoke as Super Buu so who knows, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for all things Dragon Ball! It should be noted that these statements about kid buu being the strongest are anime filler and non canon. South Kai Buu is weaker because absorbing the Kais weakened Buu. all of them. The Kid Buu saga had a lot wrong with it, with the series feeling a little long in the tooth at this point and the villain of Buu just not being nearly as compelling as Frieza or Cell were. But then he loses another absorption that was making him stronger, so Buu's power lowered again, this time further than when he started. They say that as he turns into Buff Buu but then that goes away and he becomes kid buu, which is his original form with 0 beings absorbed. Let’s face it: Buu looked like something of a joke character. every absorbed being made him stronger. Furthermore, Goku made it quite clear he thought he could beat Kid Buu, whereas he was afraid to even try fighting Super Buu. Kid Buu was clowning SSJ3 Goku the entire fight and could have easily killed him whenever he wanted. Therefore, logically, a villain's final form must be their strongest. You might learn something. Due to the power-ups he received from Gohan and Gotenks and the boost to his intelligence he gained from Piccolo, Super Buu was stronger than ever. You're attributing the line to the wrong form. Except it's pretty clear that Kid Buu is 100% not the strongest Buu unless somehow Goku reached Vegito levels. Unless you think Base Super Buu somehow magically closed the gap between himself and … There's multiple indications that Kid Buu is stronger than Goku. Fat Buu Gohan Buu is far above Goku or Vegeta, at any Super Saiyan Level. That's crazy, they both destroy him. And why did they suddenly disappear during his transformation? I orginally thought Super Buu was stronger but rewatching kai in subs it they clearly saying Kid Buu is the strongest form. SS3 is about equal in raw strength to Kid Buu, but has serious stamina issues whereas Kid Buu has unlimited energy. We know Super Buu > SSJ3 Goku by such a margin that Goku refuses to fight him. There are two reasons Kid Buu is often mistakenly perceived as being stronger than Super Buu. When super buu was transforming into kid buu vegeta clearly says "His power should be going down but instead its going up!" Even with the combined might of the Present Z Fighters and their future allies, Future Kid Buu was not defeated until a Family Kamehameha or a Super Spirit Bomb (made of the energy gathered from people from Earth, New Namek, and Other World) was launched at him. The show makes it perfectly clear. Unlike his present counterpart who is weaker than Super Buu, Future Kid Buu is even stronger than Super Buu (w/ Gohan absorbed) and Super Janemba. Every other time Buu absorbed someone he got more powerful. So I just reached the part where kid buu was made. Gotenks Buu is well above SS3 Goku. It took the power of Super Saiyan Vegito (the Potara fusion of Goku and Vegeta) for Super Buu to be sufficiently challenged. I'd also guess his regeneration & endurance is even greater in his pure form due to not being "diluted" so to speak. Kid Buu ≈ SSJ3 Goku < SSJ3 Gotenks ≈ Super Buu < Mystic Gohan. The typical progression with transforming villains, as with Frieza and Cell, is that each time they change, they grow stronger. i think that super buu is stronger but a fight thats different super buu is stronger but i think kid buu … Adding someone else's power to your own isn't going to make you weaker. So yes, Super buu is stronger than kid buu, but he doesn't have the mentality of kid buu. So yeah, thats enough proof to me that kid buu is stronger than super buu and is the strongest buu. I will even put Vegeta in there as well as Gohan. Fat Buu was the one with the limit. Super Buu messes around a lot. Goku only admits that he could’ve beaten Fat Buu, but never says anything about Super Buu or the other ones. Hyper Buu Base. The show makes it perfectly clear. 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