gros chien. French Translation. 8. Here are a few fun expressions using the French word aboyer—to bark. To be sick as a dog: (être malade comme un chien) To be like cats and dogs in French means to fight like cats and dogs: (être comme chien et chat) Between a dog and a wolf (entre chien et loup) refers to dusk or twilight but can also mean witching hour. Find more words! Emphasis on the last syllable. French Translation. this video tells how to say cat in dog in french which is chat et chien. chien rusé Find more words! How to say big dog in French. Find more French words at! dog translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'dog basket',dog biscuit',dog breeder',dog collar', examples, definition, conjugation French words for hot dog include chien-chauds, chien-chaud and chien chaud. This video targets a confusing group of words: DOG, DUCK, and DOCK. new intro from Official R!co. Find more French words at! Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. French Translation of “pet” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Canaan Dog. How to say sly dog in French. Find more French words at! The Bu-vye de Flandr has quite a pretty sounding name, once you get it right. Yet another French name here to mess with your tongue! Although often referred to as the Kuh-nahn Dog, the correct way to say this breed is Kay-nuhn Dog. 9. French words for pet include animal de compagnie, chouchou, favori, câliner, apprivoisé, chouchouter, peloter, embrasser, se peloter and se caresser. The French for my dog is ma chienne. Its pronunciation is similar to the Portuguese, something like “cow.” How to say dog in Korean? These gentle giants are new-fun-LANDs. Newfoundland.