View the Size Guide. Cornus alterniifolia 'Golden Shadow' has predominately golden yellow oval shaped leaves with a central christmas tree shaped splash of dark green, tinted with shades of pink and crimson towards the autumn. A big bold gold margin surrounds the emerald green center. Les nouvelles pousses sont teintées de rouge orangé. In many places---especially in the southern US---the leaves of this cultivar are said to burn with too much direct sun. Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows® ('W. © 2020 NVK Nurseries All Rights Reserved. Add to Favorites. Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows™ | White Flower Farm The common name for Cornus alternifolia, Pagoda Dogwood, comes from the graceful, horizontal branching habit of this small tree. Contact Us . Stackman' - Golden Shadows® Dogwood. Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia 'W. This plant is listed in the RHS Plant Finder book. Availability: In stock. Stackman' is the cultivar name. 9 … It has large leaves that are golden yellow, with irregular green markings, and the new growth is often flushed with hues of reddish orange. The pagoda cultivar Golden Shadows (Cornus alternifolia ‘Golden Shadows’) is a light and lively little dogwood. Stackman' PP11,287 $ 175.00 Preorder now for Spring delivery. Stackman' Family Cornaceae – Dogwood family Trade name: Golden Shadowsâ„¢ Custom Search. Large heart-shaped leaves are bright golden yellow and green with new growth flushed red-orange in cool conditions. Depuis 1985 la Pépinière Boucher est une organisation opérant dans l’industrie de l’horticulture en tant que grossiste. It appears that Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwoods can handle our cold winter temperatures and hot humid summers just fine, but have thin bark that can sunburn if direct … Know Your Zones. The pointy leaves are highly ornamental but do not develop any appreciable fall colour. It has attractive yellow-variegated light green foliage which emerges scarlet in spring. Argentea (Cornus alternifolia 'Argentea') Hillier calls this one of the best silver variegated shrubs. Golden Shadows® is a beautiful Pagoda Dogwood with an elegant habit. Add To Cart. Site Produced by Clarity Connect, Inc. your own Pins on Pinterest A slow growing shrub or small tree with pretty golden-green variegated leaves. Attractive lacy white flowers in spring add to its charm. The Golden Shadow Pagoda Dogwood will grow to be about 12 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 15 feet. Dogwood - Pagoda Tree - Golden Shadows Cornus alternifolia ‘Wstackman’ Ask a question (0) A brilliant small tree horizontally branched, this pagoda dogwood deserves a special place in your home landscape. 9 members have or want this plant for trade. The horizontal lines of this plant will add sophistication to the home landscape. The pagoda cultivar Golden Shadows (Cornus alternifolia ‘Golden Shadows’) is a light and lively little dogwood. Utilisé en isolé ou en association dans les grandes plates-bandes. View gallery. Cornus alternifolia trees have a graceful, horizontal branching habit that resulted in the common name “pagoda dogwood”. It produces navy blue berries in mid summer. Variété à tiges rouges. An outstanding new variegated selection of Pagoda dogwood with bright golden-yellow variegated foliage shaped like a hosta. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: On May 23, 2014, coriaceous from ROSLINDALE, MA wrote: Cornus alternifolia is a highly shade tolerant forest understory tree/shrub with beautifully tiered horizontal branching (in whorls). Like the species tree, Golden Shadows is deciduous, losing its leaves in winter. It does best in climates with cool summers and does not tolerate the warm nights (over 70F) of the eastern US south of Z7. Stackman'): A variegated form with creamy-white margins; best grown in part shade. Be the first to learn of limited-time sales, get valuable technical advice, and much more! Attractive lacy white flowers in spring add to its charm. It grows at a slow rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 30 years. As was pointed out in this thread, Golden Shadows is a trademark name. Attractive, lacy white flowers grace the stunning foliage in the spring. More View Wishlist. Like the species tree, Golden Shadows is deciduous, losing its leaves in winter. When you're seeking a plant for shady areas (partial, open shade), consider one of the excellent cultivars of pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia), such as 'Golden Shadows,' with brightly-colored variegated leaves. Thrives in some shade and in full sun if roots are shaded. Golden Shadows® Dogwood Growing and Maintenance Tips Grows best in medium moisture and a well-drained soil, however, they will tolerate a wide range of soils. The plant's common name derives from the tiered, pagoda-like shape of the growth habit, and the Latin species name derives from the alternate position of the leaves on the stems. Cornus alternifolia 'W. Unfortunately, as has been known for over a century, this species is highly susceptible to Cryptodiaporthe canker. Cornus alternifolia 'W. Golden Shadows ® dogwood is the ideal candidate to grace a spot of honor in your landscape. Pagoda Dogwood gets its name from its branching habit's resemblance to the tiers of a Chinese pagoda. At present our information about this plant is limited to a list of the nurseries that supply it. Weight: 2 lb. The pagoda dogwood gets its common name because its distinctive horizontal branching habit appears to belong in a Japanese garden, though it is a native species. Description: 'Golden Shadows' naturally grows with a distinctive horizontal branching habit, which gives it a strong but not overwhelming presence. Its large heart-shaped leaves are bright yellow, dotted with an irregular green thumbprint, and the new growth flushes reddish orange in cool conditions. Attractive lacy white flowers in spring add to its charm. Heart-shaped leaves are large and brilliantly coloured with wide, canary-yellow margins blending dramatically into solid green centres. Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadows' Dogwood. Qty. European propagators keep new rooted cuttings in active growth through their first winter, and that solves the problem. zone 3 Native Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii ‘Goldspot’) How large is this tree? Cornouiller / DogwoodCornus alternifolia "Golden Shadow" Le rendu de la plante peut varier en fonction du moment dans l'année. May 19, 2018 - Golden Shadows® is a beautiful Pagoda Dogwood with an elegant habit. It has a low canopy with a typical clearance of 1 foot from the ground, and is suitable for planting under power lines. The leaves are oval, emerging scarlet in spring, soon turning green and gold-variegated, and gaining copper tints in autumn. Cuttings can be rooted, but then usually don't emerge from dormancy the next spring. Listed in the RHS Plant Finder. According to the patent information, this was discovered in West Chicago as a naturally occurring branch sport of the species. A wide, gold margin surrounds the emerald green center and new growth is often infused with hints of reddish-orange. Family: Cornaceae: Genus: Cornus (KOR-nus) Species: alternifolia (al-tern-ee-FOH-lee-uh) Cultivar: Golden Shadows : Additional cultivar information: (PP11287, aka Wstackman) Hybridized : by Stackman: Registered or introduced: 1997: 2 vendors have this plant for sale. W. Stackman. It does best in climates with cool summers and does not tolerate the warm nights (over 70F) of the eastern US south of Z7. May 28, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Rindy Mae. The Golden Shadow Pagoda Dogwood has clusters of fragrant creamy white flowers held atop the branches in late spring. In many places---especially in the southern US---the leaves of this cultivar are said to burn with too much direct sun. Central Phoenix -- I have an Aloe Christmas Carol, ... read more, I just found one upside down on our patio and put him ... read more, Flocks to the suet feeder along with the dozen or so ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Lacy white flowers in spring. The small tree will get to perhaps 8′ with small leaves ringed in white in summer and pink in fall. × 18in. Another common name is "alternate-leaf dogwood", as it's the only member of the genus with alternate leaf arrangement. S'adapte à plusieurs sols, mais préfère un sol humide et bien drainé. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects. Quantity: * Plant: Golden Shadows® - Pagoda Dogwood - Cornus alternifolia. Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadows' Cornus - Bush Dogwood ; Family: Cornaceae ; (Corn-us: Latin meaning horn, describes the toughness of the wood) ; Nearly Solid Gold Foliage Fragrant blooms and delectable berries add to the ornamental appeal Plant Patent 11,287. cv. It is also small, rarely growing over 12 feet (3.5 m.) tall. Cornus, Green Osier, Pagoda Dogwood 'Golden Shadows' Cornus alternifolia. Thrives in some shade and in full sun if roots are shaded. A new form of Wedding Cake Tree. 32115 Prairie Lane Winona, MN 55987; Toll Free / 866-417-8156 Local / 507-452-1362 Email Us; Let's Connect. This large shrub/ medium tree grows to 1… The branches spread wide, making the mature tree almost as wide as it is tall. (Dogwood) Golden Shadows ® Cornus is an outstanding new variegated selection of ‘Pagoda’ dogwood with bright, golden-yellow, variegated foliage. Golden Shadows pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) is the perfect small tree to accentuate your landscape or garden. × 6in. Join now. Elegant structure + unbelievable color = one perfect little tree! Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadow' Variegated Pagoda Dogwood. Gold Bullion™ Pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia 'Bachone'): Golden yellow foliage turns chartruse-yellow in the fall. Grows best in medium moisture and a well-drained soil, however, they will tolerate a wide range of soils. Golden Shadows Pagoda Dogwood – Cornus alternifolia. Once established it develops an eye-catching, tiered habit. Stackman'): GOLDEN SHADOWS pagoda dogwood features variegated foliage -- wide golden margins with a splash of deep green in the center. Plants reach 8 to 10 feet high and wide. Contact Us. Dimensions: 6in. Discover (and save!) Large heart-shaped variegated leaves are bright yellow with irregular blotched emerald thumbprint centers. $15.99. "Golden Shadows" is a trademark. Stackman') (PP11287) Characteristics Golden Shadows ® is a beautiful pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia) noted for its distinctive color and elegant, horizontal habit. £45.00. GOLDEN SHADOWS® DOGWOOD Cornus alternifolia 'Wstackman' PP11287 Plant propagation prohibited . This species' strongest ornamental feature is its layered horizontal branching pattern, which accounts for the common name "pagoda dogwood". SKU: 11304_QT. Its scientific name Cornus alternifolia >
Golden Shadows ® - Pagoda Dogwood - Cornus alternifolia. It is in flower in June, and the seeds ripen in October. It isn't drought tolerant and needs consistent moisture. Cornus alternifolia is a deciduous Shrub growing to 6 m (19ft) by 6 m (19ft) at a fast rate. Tell a friend about Cornus alternifolia (Pagoda Dogwood) Your Name: Your Email Address: Your Friend's Email Address: Message: Join Our Newsletter. A great choice for the smaller garden, the Gold-variegated Pagoda Dogwood, Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows, is a small, slow-growing deciduous tree with an elegant, narrow habit and beautiful, tiered branches. Une taille de nettoyage se fera au printemps, si nécessaire; elle doit être des plus légères, pour ne pas perdre les fruits. In cool weather, the new growth may display tones of pink. It is hardy to zone (UK) 3. Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, Grow outdoors year-round in hardiness zone, Allow unblemished fruit to ripen; clean and dry seeds, Unblemished fruit must be significantly overripe before harvesting seed; clean and dry seeds, Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored, N/A: plant does not set seed, flowers are sterile, or plants will not come true from seed. ... read more>
Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows = 'Wstackman' (PBR) (v) Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la production de cèdres, de plants en multicellules, d’arbustes indigènes, de conifères, de vivaces, d’arbres fruitiers et ornementaux de petits et gros calibres. Big bold gold margin surrounds the emerald green center and new growth is often infused with hints reddish-orange! 'Argentea ' ): Golden Shadowsâ „ ¢ Custom Search was discovered by Rindy Mae like the species,... Display tones of pink alternifolia 'Argentea ' ): Golden Shadowsâ „ ¢ Search. The best silver variegated shrubs keep new rooted cuttings in active growth through their first winter and. 4 '' for approximately 30 years green with new growth may display tones of pink dogwood has clusters of creamy! Turns chartruse-yellow in the spring and gaining copper tints in autumn PP11287 Walter. Perhaps 8′ with small leaves ringed in white in summer and pink in fall / 866-417-8156 /... 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