In addition, these chemicals improve libido, which is probably why chocolate is so popular on Valentine ’s Day! ⬖ Cayenne pepper gives a nice kick and increases the effect of cacao. These Cacao Coconut Energy Balls, filled with antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, will satisfy your sweet tooth and afternoon hunger! Go on, take a moment for yourself! Get shiny hair, strong nails, and take care of your liver and pancreas with this great source of sulfur. The Department of Nutrition at University of California, Davis, discovered that cacao thins blood and can prevent blood clots. Crumble walnuts in a food processor then add dates and raw cacao to create three-ingredient energy balls. Raw cacao powder (2tbsp) contains 52mg or 14% of daily value. Cacao powder also provides a burst of energy. Raw cacao contains both caffeine, a stimulant, and theobromine, another milder stimulant, similar to what is found in green tea. I love this smoothie recipe because of the full rich chocolate flavor of the raw cacao bean. (The only other food on earth that contains PEA is blue-green algae.) You should never feel "guilty" about eating certain foods, but if you've ever felt a little naughty when indulging in chocolate, these 14 ridiculously good reasons to eat cacao will help you realize that high-quality chocolate and cacao are, in fact, a fantastic, healthy addition to your diet: Some days you just need to find your bliss – cacao is one of the healthiest foods you can consume. Easy Cacao Nut Date Energy Balls are delicious treats for Ramadan or any time of the year. Please visit for more information on Krystal and her healing journey. Some people find that this stimulation can … When women are experiencing PMS serotonin levels drop dramatically. privacy. Most homemade bites contain dates for sweetness, which pairs nicely with the slight bitterness of cacao nibs. The key to getting the most benefit is making your own chocolate, or consuming raw chocolate, as studies have found that by adding dairy to cacao, it stops you from absorbing the antioxidants. To learn more about this nutritious and delicious powder, including its … By using Food Matters Website, you accept our use of cookies. A note about the coconut Method: Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until well combined. Cacao helps to stimulate the central nervous system, whilst inducing relaxation at the same time. Since the old ages, cacao has been an energy booster. 8. These anthocyanins (found in dark colored fruits) and catechins (found in green tea) protect our cells from premature oxidation or destruction and can keep us looking and feeling younger longer. You can make protein bars with raw cacao and hemp protein and a few other wonderful ingredients including coconut oil. These often release naturally when we fall in love and during sexual activity. Positive energy Theobromine is an alkaloid responsible for the stimulating effects of cacao. Raw cacao, maca, maple syrup, macadamia nuts, coconut….yummmmm. Cacao is also high in healthy fats to help us stay satiated and energized, she adds. Infusion. Chunks of Energy are the original tasty bite-sized natural snack that fuel your passions. These beans are known to have more 300 nutritional benefits, including an extremely high antioxidant count. It is a heart stimulant, dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. Polyphenol antioxidants found in cacao belong to the same group of antioxidants as green tea and red wine. Compared to caffeine, theobromine gives a longer and softer energy without the peak and dip that many people experience. Use cacao nibs in energy ball recipes. Plus it's loaded with theobromine, found to halt coughs better than codeine or commercial cough suppressants with the equivalent of two cups! ⬖ Maca powder gives a smooth, nutty flavor and an energy boost. James Colquhoun is the filmmaker behind Food Matters, Hungry For Change, and Transcendence Seasons 1 & 2 and founder of Food Matters and FMTV. Cacao Powder Energy Balls These protein-packed cacao & date energy bombs will help keep your body sustained and your mind focused, without the sugar crash from other sweet snacks. Not getting enough antioxidants in your diet can have dangerous long-term health consequences. Luckily now I can enjoy chocolate and feel GOOD about it. Cherry Cacao Energy Balls These no-bake Cherry Cacao Energy Balls combine fresh pitted cherries with dates, almonds and cacao for a delicious and nutritious little morsel. Most people will feel the cacao within 20-30 minutes. Creates new energy. Cacao beans are a great food for cardiovascular health, natural weight-loss, increased energy and for feelings of happiness and well-being. From improving your memory, increasing your bliss, reducing heart disease, boosting immunity, and giving you loads of energy. It's official, we love chocolate even more! I remember my surprise (and insane excitement) when I found out that cacao beans have more antioxidants that blueberries, green tea and red wine. This site uses cookies, to provide you a great user experience. The Incas considered it the drink of gods, an association that gave rise to the scientific name of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao, from the Greek words theo (god) and broma (drink). Fasting appears onerous to the uninitiated, yet despite its impressiveness, selecting nutritional foods lessens its burdens. Theobromine is a bitter alkaloid that can dilate blood vessels and act as a mild diuretic. A Harvard study by Dr. Gary Small, showed that middle-aged people who drank two cups a day had improved memory and increased blood flow to the brain. Magnesium also helps to protect against osteoporosis, reduces type II diabetes, and lowers blood pressure. Some days you just need to find your bliss – cacao is one of the healthiest … Enjoy! Real, organic, raw cacao is a superfood containing a variety of unique phytonutrients, including high amounts of flavonoids, sulfur, magnesium and phenylethylamine. Powder. Krystals Healthy Raw Chia Breakfast Bomb! Let me say this upfront … email Naturally sun-dried, cacao nibs can be consumed with cereal, smoothies, and desserts, and they are a great source of antioxidants, as well as essential amino acids. Cacao contains the mood improver, anandamide – known as the bliss molecule, which creates a feeling of euphoria. (Makes 8 balls) Another mood-enhancing compound found in cacao is PEA or phenethylamine, which triggers the release of endorphins and pleasurable opium-like neurochemicals. The beans are then sun dried and gently roasted for a chocolate flavor to savor that gives you a happy energy that sustains all day. ADAPTOGENS + CACAO: Original Rasa + fair-trade, organic, single origin Ecuadorian criollo cacao beans for a mood-lifting cacao brew with just 5 mg caffeine so you can enjoy any time of day. treat. Cacao boosts brain levels of serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical. Before being introduced to all the magic of raw foods I would struggle with finding ‘healthy’ options for chocolate desserts … and found most just left me feeling tired, heavy and grumpy. Here’s 5 Ways To Pull Yourself Out of A Downward Spiral. Supports Brain Health. Another perk to cacao is its alkaloid content. Theobromine can provide a similar feeling of euphoria and contentment, and it gives you a smoother, crash-free boost of energy. Our cacao is sourced direct-trade, which offers a closer relationship with our suppliers and affords them better than fair-trade pricing. Recent studies from Tulane University discovered that an extract of cacao powder was even more effective than fluoride in preventing cavities. Along with Laurentine ten Bosch, James founded the Food Matters community ... Food Matters may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our website. Magnesium is essential for humans and is required in relatively large amounts. It really is a superfood worth enjoying regularly! German scientists found that cacao may protect against harmful UV rays that cause cancer. There is science behind this. I just love when a snack can be filled with nourishing, … Create loads of energy and combat fatigue with one of the highest concentrations of magnesium found in this natural food source. Raw cacao is a superfood, loaded with antioxidants, protein, polyphenols, minerals, and vitamins. Soak the dates in warm water for 10 minutes (picture 1) Blitz the almonds and walnuts on high speed for 45 seconds, using a S blade. A warm tisane can be brewed using cacao nibs or husks for a mild energy boost, due to its theobromine content. Food Fun! In fact, the UK-based study by the British Lung Foundation discovered codeine was only slightly more effective than the placebo at preventing coughing with no side effects. In 2006 the Journal of Nutrition found that women who drank cacao with at least 326 mg of flavonols a day had better skin texture, improved microcirculation, increased oxygen saturation, and improved skin hydration than those didn’t. While cacao contains little to no caffeine, it does contain theobromine, a natural stimulant that works like caffeine, but without the jitters and inevitable crash. Please log in to save this item to your account. It has the ability to continuously build and rebuild collagen and keratin which is important for hair, skin and nails to get their shine whilst also playing an important role in driving nutrients into and out of cells, blood sugar regulation, tissue repair and our immune system. So it's definitely worth the extra effort to make your own! Every single ingredient is a bit of a superstar here, to be honest. It is a hormone balancer and can increase your libido ;-). Mineral-rich cacao energizes the body without overstimulating the nervous system, giving you incredible long-lasting energy! The answer lies in the high amounts of magnesium hidden inside of this beneficial plant. Cacao contains very small amounts of caffeine and larger amounts of theobromine, which acts as a stimulant similar to caffeine. Anyone who knows me would agree that I have an absolute obsession with anything chocolate. Yes, raw cacao is still a stimulant and isn’t right for everyone – but it is a great, raw, healthy option when you’re craving that delicious and divine chocolately flavor. The approach of this auspicious month of fasting brings excitement, anticipation, and reaffirms our relationship with God. Cacao nibs are chock-full of magnesium, fiber and potent antioxidants. The benefits of cacao are proven to boost the brain levels of calming hormones and restore feelings of well-being. While cacao contains little to no caffeine, it has plenty of theobromine, a compound that’s closely related and acts as a gentle stimulant. This finding shows that eating raw cacao can be just as beneficial as taking an aspirin a day. Why not make one of these quick and easy treats: Chocolate Bliss Balls 3-Ingredient Raw Chocolate Real Chocolate Milkshake. This potential energy meets the energy needs for the production process. This kick-ass recipe gets its sweetness solely from dates. Cacao is a vasodilator, meaning your blood vessels and muscular systems relax. If you live a high-stress life with lots of things to do, cacao might be a good aid. Is Cacao A Stimulant? They make a delicious (and good for you!) ⬖ Coconut oil makes the taste softer and smoother. Magnesium is also a good guard against osteoporosis. Organic Raw Cacao Goji Energy Squares $7.99 Add to cart The superb savor of cacao, as stated, can also soup up a needed source of nourishment. After spending years battling her own health challenges, including multiple autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue, Krystal works with clients and develops programs to make healthy living easy and fun. Get Happy With Cacao. The Sugar Free Detox App Helps You Break Your Sugar Addiction in 7 Days, Feeling Blue? Flavanols are an anti-inflammatory and heart-protective antioxidant group found in cacao. This means drinking cacao won’t leave you feeling nervous or jittery. With only 130 calories per serving, these treats make a healthy addition to any diet. Cacao promotes insulin sensitivity – cacao good for blood glucose control. In fact this superfood has been considered a natural anti-depressant as it contains dopamine, serotonin and phenylethylamine (PEA) which all … A Swiss study found that in just under two weeks cacao reduced the stress hormone cortisol, improved metabolism, and even improved gut microbial activity. Our mission is to make eating R.E.A.L. Fascinating! Bringing them all together is just divine alchemy. Sulfur has a significant impact on our complexion, hair and how our skin glows. Plus, you'll know exactly what's in it, avoiding processed sugars and other unwanted ingredients. You want the … Krystal Vrba is a Whole-Food Nutrition Coach and the creator of the 3-Day Glowing Skin Diet and the 14-Day Liver Reset Program. There are so many raw goodies you can make with cacao that are really healthy. Dietary flavanols from cocoa and cacao contribute to sunlight protection, improves dermal blood circulation, and improve your skin's surface and hydration! Believe it or not, cacao nibs are one of the best sources of polyphenols and have more antioxidant activity than tea, wine, blueberries and even goji berries. Raw cacao offers amazing health benefits for your entire body! Cacao beans are produced by the Theobroma cacao plant and have been called the “food of the Gods”. Us too! 7 Vegan Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth, How My Relationship with Food has Changed Through Motherhood, 6 Delicious Foods That Help Fight Depression, Magnesium and Iron Rich Strengthening Basil Smoothie, Top Up with this Iron Enhancing Green Smoothie, Set Your Day Alight with this BlueFlame Smoothie, Sip on this Light Pink Strawberry Smoothie, Avocado Magic Green Smoothie For Glowing Skin and Healthy Joints, Dairy Free and Super Healthy Mint Chocolate Protein Smoothie. After pouring us each a small cup of cacao, Bojórquez instructed us to close our eyes and hold it in front of our bellies. Cacao beans are becoming more popular and can be purchased through many raw food suppliers. Though we don't recommend brushing your teeth with chocolate just yet... Cacao appears to improve cognitive function and prevents Alzheimer’s! And rightfully so. This smoothie is jam packed with some of my favorite superfoods! This crystalline extract similar to caffeine helps harden teeth enamel. How to make cacao energy balls. These energy squares offer a supply of vigor to restore energy and aid recovery amidst an enduring hike or after an exhausting workout. Stir some cacao powder in your cup of coffee or add to a smoothie. There is usually a strong focus of energy around the heart and an expansive feeling. When working with ceremonial doses of cacao, one can increase their blood flow by up to 30%, meaning that more blood, (life force energy) is moving through your body and nourishing all of your systems. Cacao contains over 700 compounds and the complex antioxidants found in it known as polyphenols help reduce ‘bad cholesterol’ and prevent hardening of the arteries. Try this Cherry Cacao Energy … A recent study by London scientists found participants who ate 20 grams of cacao for 12 weeks were able to stay in the sun for twice as long as those who didn’t, without getting sunburned. Studies show they can protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve blood circulation! Got a craving for chocolate now? The results showed that cacao industry with 4,500 kg of cacao capacity per day has the potential energy of 14,561,290 k cal per day derived from the pod husk and bean shells. If successful, this new bio-energy infrastructure would support the Ghanaian government’s aim for universal access to electricity by 2030.” The technology works by burning used cacao pods in a gasification system to produce into a substance known as syngas, or synthesis gas. 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