Thank you! ... and beat to spreading consistency. Frost with caramel frosting. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 The addition of applesauce makes this applesauce cake with caramel frosting a moist dessert. Heat to boiling; remove from heat. In a medium bowl, mix together the butter, brown sugar and egg until smooth. What new mother wouldn’t LOVE these!?! My friend Shelly says that I am bombarded with inappropriate pregnancy comments because I look too approachable. Especially the edging. I’m blaming the fact that I am uncomfortable and it looked cozy, and I came down with a case of Temporary Discomfort Insanity or something. The bars are dense and chewy, like a good blondie. Oh, and YES, you do look like Ashley Benson!! Beat for about 3 minutes on medium speed, until fluffy. I almost bought THIS sweater today. You need to have someone with you to back you up when these *people* say these things. Applesauce Bars with Browned Butter Icing are the perfect dessert recipe for fall. I subbed a 1/2 C of oatbran for a 1/2 C of flour (I do this for every recipe because I’m one of THOSE moms) , and I subbed Cardamom for cloves (I just love the flavour with apples) and it was delicious! 1. I love Ugly Food. A new baby is a 24 hours a day job for the first two months. And possibly ask about nursery themes if she is a close friend.'”). You cans Add to the creamed mixture alternately with the applesauce, beginning and ending with the flour mixture. I made some and brought them to work about a week ago and with only 4 people in my office I only had 2 small pieces left at the end of the day. Cool. If you’re looking for cozy, I have some sweaters you can borrow that don’t have giant fuzzy hearts on the front. This is such a fantastic recipe!! Luscious, satin-y, and combining the perfect balance of salty and sweet. 7. I suspect the insanity over the sweater was caused by the name of the store. I ordered THIS mask the other day and I’m dying from excitement for it to get here. And you look JUST LIKE Ashley Benson. Remember, we have all seen your latest photo and , trust me, you look perfect. ;). Salted Caramel Frosting In a medium saucepan combine butter, brown sugar, half and half, and cream of tartar over medium heat stirring occasionally until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. Now I think I want that miracle pore stuff…hmmm…. I’m not a fan. They look beautiful to me – I love that fancy/wavy cut. 8. My cake was a bit underbaked in the center, but that was probably because I halved the recipe and used a different size pan. I also see a tiny resemblance in those two ladies… But defonitly not an exact match!! Stir in the applesauce and eggs, and mix until fully combined. That mask is AWESOME!! People need to just…not speak. You won’t regret buying it!!! I think the bars look elegant! Spoon batter into prepared pan. These are the perfect flavors for Fall…and they’re sturdy, so they’re great for lunchboxes or bake sales. Anyway….you won’t be disappointed with your mask!! While we haven’t adopted a totally organic lifestyle, I have tried to incorporate more organic and sustainable products where I can. ;). Or, maybe when someone comments, tell them that you’re only 4-5 months along and watch their expressions. I love that they’re so sturdy (and will hopefully travel well). What did you do? I’m so glad you didn’t buy that sweater. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. It great to have a delicious and tasty snack that is peanut-free so that I can send it to school in lunches. If you look aggravated, people will think you are super busy and they won’t mess with you. I was licking it off the beaters and spatula! Allow to cool, then frost with Caramel Cinnamon Frosting. 2. In a large bowl, beat the sugar, applesauce and oil until well blended. I had a neighbor that kept asking me ‘are you sure you’re not having twins’. Boil and stir over low heat 2 minutes; stir in milk. In a bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, oil, applesauce and vanilla. 1 1/2 cups Applesauce. I wish I had looked half as good as you do at 34 weeks. vanilla, 2 cups powdered sugar. Add powdered sugar and beat to spreading consistency. Completely amazing? Applesauce Bars with Caramel Frosting My daughter, Kim, has a PowerPoint presentation tomorrow for one of her finals at school. You are a gorgeous pregnant woman. Whisk together all of the dry cake ingredients. Someone with a sarcastic personality and a mouth to go with it. Well, I’m sorry, but you’re going to want to wear it, it’s so good. This applesauce cake with caramel glaze recipe is a moist, fluffy, light spiced cake that is topped with a sweet caramel glaze. It looks “healthy” enough to eat for breakfast, but delicious enough to love! Applesauce Cookies With Caramel Frosting Catz In The Kitchen cinnamon, butter, applesauce, vanilla, shortening, cloves, baking soda and 6 more Applesauce Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting egg, cream cheese, baking soda, cinnamon, packed brown sugar and 8 more And I think pregnant women trigger some people’s “foot in the mouth” string…..It must be like a nervous twitch. You look amazing. We really enjoy these Using fresh, shredded zucchini is best, though I often freeze extra shredded zucchini in 2 … Even my husband (who’s as manly as they come) loves it. 6. Thanks for the reminder (and the yummy recipe! Spiced apple cider whoopie pies with cinnamon, brown sugar, vanilla, and a creamy salted caramel frosting. After your applesauce cake has cooled completely, spread the buttercream frosting evenly on top. This old fashioned applesauce cake recipe with caramel sauce and cream cheese frosting is soft, moist and packed with spices! The bars are soft, slightly dense, moist and have THE best flavor. In the bowl of a mixer, combine shortening, water, applesauce, and egg. Bake 25-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out … Also, I want you to get off your feet for the next month — at least — and stop cooking. To make frosting: Heat butter in a small … Oh my gosh, you are too supercute to be thinking that you don’t look good. Gently mix in nuts and raisins into batter. Pour into a greased and lightly floured jelly roll pan. This stuff is dangerously good. Have you ever made salted caramel before? Applesauce Raisin Bars January 24, 2015 by Meemaw Leave a Comment I finally decided it was time to BAKE something here in Fort Lauderdale, so I looked in my cupboards to see what I had on hand. To prepare icing, combine 1 cup brown sugar, milk, butter, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a medium saucepan; bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. I love caramel, cinnamon and applesauce :) :) I’m going to be visiting my friend who has an 8-day-old son and I will be bringing a tray of these along with me. Remove from heat and transfer into small bowl. Coincidence? Thanks! Applesauce Bars with Caramel Cinnamon Frosting. Combined with cream cheese frosting, and topped with a homemade caramel drip, I didn’t want to stop eating! But the frosting was DELICIOUS! Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Well I’ve delivered 6 bubbies…my smallest was 7 11 the bigges 9 10…i have big babies….and we all did just fine. Not only that, but for the first month, people kept asking me when I was due. You are super cute, you know. Cook over low heat for 2 minutes, constantly stirring. that girl looks too pretty to be pregnant.” Then there was a long conversation about when it is okay to measure pregnant people. But, my face literally glows after using it. Recipe by Wyse Guide. First, they can be served as bars. Thanks for sharing! My bad! Pour into prepared pan. Caramel Frosting Ingredients: 6 Tbsp butter, 1/2 cup heavy cream, 1 cup packed brown sugar, 2 tsp. Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and allspice. The subject has something to do with Washington and she wanted to bring something to share made with the state fruit, apples (I am assuming to push her grade to the best she could get by feeding the teachers and classroom) LOL. Thank you for sharing!! Love your blog. It seems that the older I get, the worse junky food makes me feel. Might have to make these just for that! Prep Time 35 minutes Cook Time 55 minutes I was a post behind this morning, so I was reading the post with pregnancy update pics first, my husband came into the room and asked, “Why is that kid measuring that lady?” I looked at him with my are you nuts face and said, “umm, she is pregnant.” He looked further confused and said, “Oh, usually pregnant girls are more…(he waved his hands about.) Combine butter and brown sugar in a saucepan. Kristan, you are hands down the prettiest pregnant woman EVER! Remove from heat. .but then you go and slather a thick layer of luscious cream cheese frosting on top and holy cow they’re amazing! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Feb 2, 2012 - OH. Jan 22, 2017 - These Applesauce Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting are the moistest bars you'll ever make, topped with a delectable Cream Cheese Frosting. THEN she proceeds to fill you in on her coworker’s horrifying C-Section (that she had to get because of her BIG BABY)?? Mix in the eggs, oil, applesauce, and vanilla just until batter forms. And I’m happy it was temporary, because really that’s not a good look on anyone. Yes. I don’t see even a remote resemblance, although I wish I did. ICYMI Marc and I bought a house.. Apple Bars with caramel glaze are the perfect melt in your mouth combo of tart and sweet. Deliciousness! Yeah… me too. Cool. I also definitely want to try these bars. I can’t believe people would say such things! Topped with a scrumptious peanut butter and cream cheese frosting, they’re a wonderful fall treat! These are an irresistible treat for the fall season. People suck. They indeed do! We all love your recipes but even more your writing. I’m trying to figure out how you did it. Tried making this for a Halloween Party this weekend and it did not disappoint! Easy Applesauce Bars take about 15 minutes to bake. My recipe for homemade salted caramel is liquid gold and dangerously good. Don’t you love it when you go to Old Navy and the cashier tells you that you look like you are having a BIG BABY? 3. I needed a Caramel frosting recipe for a Caramel cake I’m going to attempt. I’m thinking about buying a (faux) fur coat and practicing my mean face. I see the bests results when I open up my pores first. These applesauce bars are very moist and cake-like, and can be served a few ways. :). :), saw this recipe from another blog, Bake at 350, anyway, I am adding you to my list of blogs to follow, too funny, made me laugh and the recipe looks awesome, can’t wait to try it out. Or, I could travel around with you and administer the punches? 4. :) What an easy recipe for a caramel frosting! I made up this recipe a few months ago based on a couple other tried and true recipes. Cream the butter (1 cup) for the cake; gradually add 2 cups sugar, beating well at medium speed of an electric mixer. The bars look fantastic! MY. At least with strangers, especially ones working tills, they are just trying to be personable and just spew crap! Whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl. Place softened butter in the bowl of your stand mixer with whisk attachment and cream on low until … I said before people always feel the need to tell the horror stories of thier neighbor’s aunt’s sister’s bestfriend’s hamster owner’s nephew’s wife’s pregancy….kinda annoying. 167. You’ll love it. Can’t wait to try these!! Cut into 48 bars. Then I got to this post and I laughed really hard, but sympathetically. Put a piece of aluminum foil or parchment paper under the rack to catch any drips. Just make it, already. Top with cinnamon cream cheese frosting, powdered sugar, or honey. is liquid gold and dangerously good. So there. You better start practicing that mean face. I was a big ol’ huge mess and yet my husband always told me how beautiful I was., Whoa, seriously, c-section comment woman: shut yer face! Healthier Pumpkin Banana Bread with Maple Caramel Frosting […] Reply Kristi @ Inspiration Kitchen September 24, 2014 at 8:13 am I think putting Maple Caramel Icing on a healthier cake is a great idea. Beige is good. Moist and cakey bars are topped with browned butter icing. Add in shortening, water, applesauce and egg, beat with mixer on medium speed for about four min. Refrigerated. ;0) usually tastes the best! 1 cup chopped nuts, pecans or walnuts. (Which lead to my husband saying, “I thought you weren’t supposed to say anything about someone being pregnant unless they mention it first, then you say ‘Wow, you look amazing! I only have to use it every month or two (however, you can definitely use it more). They look fabulous! The caramel frosting isn't like gooey caramel, but rather it … Applesauce bars with a creamy white frosting are moist and flavorful. These Applesauce Zucchini Cake Bars with Salted Caramel Pecan Glaze are perfect for summer coming into fall recipes. Add shortening, water, applesauce and egg, beat with mixer on medium speed for about four minutes. When life gives you apples, you make OLD FASHIONED applesauce cake or my chocolate caramel apples or these mini apple strudels or this apple pie cake or even this homemade apple pie filling. Can totally see the resemblance to Ashley Benson! (Seriously, whose idea was that? I like to use Libby’s canned Pumpkin. I tend to forget that I have it until I see my face looking blah and then think about what I can do to make it look better and then remember that I have the mini miracle worker in my cabinet. I mean, people tell me I look like Kat Von D and that’s bad enough. SUGAR COOKIES FOR ROLLING (COOKING SCHOOL). Applesauce cake! I think you could have gotten away with punching her in the face… pregnancy brain… you know, since you’re having such a BIG baby. Also, does the frosting set up firmly enough to layer the bars between wax paper for mailing? Crazy but true. Absolutely. They sound so tasty. I can actually see a resemblance in both the ladies you mentioned. Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, soda, cinnamon and salt in a medium-sized bowl. Line a second pan with First of all, you are not huge, by any stretch of the imagination. Pour the batter into an ungreased 13 X 9 baking dish, and bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes, or until toothpick comes out … The frosting was amazing and was a perfect balance to the not super sweet cake! Set aside. Add milk and beat until smooth. These cookies are WONDERFUL! You are the cutest pregnant lady ever!!! Like the baby would suddenly clone itself since the last time I told her no I wasn’t having twins. mixture just begins to boil; remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 min. Heat to boiling stirring constantly. Bread Pudding, Chicken and Dumplings, Rice Pudding…if it looks bland and blah, it is probably my favorite. Learn how to make Applesauce-Raisin Cake with Caramel Icing. Gently fold in nuts and raisins into batter. In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and cloves. Preheat the oven to 350 F (177 C). 1/2 cup butter 1 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup milk 2 cups powdered sugar. Store your applesauce cake bars in an airtight food storage (Six Dollar Family) container in the fridge. This is another recipe from my grandma’s cookbook, but I added a little something to make them extra special, Caramel Frosting. If I was subbing the shortening, I’d use margarine instead. Perfect for fall. Beat until combined, then slowly add flour mixture. The Best Caramel Frosting Without Milk Recipes on Yummly | Gingerbread Pumpkin Sheet Cake With Brown Sugar Espresso Caramel Frosting- Vegan And Gluten Free, Spiced Coffee Caramel Frosting, Classic Carrot Cake With Great for Fall, Thanksgiving! These may look boring, but they sound delicious! This old fashioned applesauce cake recipe with caramel sauce and cream cheese frosting is soft, moist and packed with spices! OK? These will make my kitchen smell heavenly! It seems that the older I get, the worse junky food makes me feel. And these bars – not ugly or dull and I will go ahead and eat the whole pan. I have a couple of questions. But I had a horrible vindictive co-worker tell me on several occasions she was sure I was having twins! So I upped the cinnamon in the bar receipe. —Stephanie ;-). These look perfect for an upcoming bakesale! Easy Applesauce Frosting – Perfect for cakes, cupcakes, and more! Cut into 48 bars. In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, baking soda, nutmeg and cloves; gradually beat into sugar mixture until blended. Your posts always make me giggle! Butter and flour a 10x15 jelly roll pan. It’s true. GOSH. Cool slightly. Applesauce Fruitcake Bars with Caramel Icing in Diana's Recipe Book [Be the first to post a review!] APPLESAUCE BARS WITH CARAMEL FROSTING Sift together flour, sugar, baking... 30 minutes. Now if you’d just stop updating while I’m at work and can’t make things, we would have a perfect relationship. I hate people who feel they can comment on your baby bump! When life gives you apples, you make OLD FASHIONED applesauce cake or my chocolate caramel apples or these mini apple strudels or this apple pie cake or even this homemade apple pie filling. *Drool* =). 4. Just write us a post occasionally. PS I just recently found your blog and I absolutely LOVE your writing!! I too love ugly food!! Cool. Then it’s topped with a sweet caramel frosting that takes this fall treat to the next level. Gently fold in nuts and raisins into batter. You’re gorgeous (I’m serious!) I made this last night and holy cow were they good! Cut into 48 bars. ;), The bars!!! That mask IS a mini miracle worker. Let cool, then stir in Which leads me to: 2. Packed with Granny Smith apples coated with cinnamon. Made from homemade applesauce, this applesauce cake with caramel frosting is a moist and sweet treat! Best wishes on your baby! Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and allspice. Mine were also made with homemade applesauce, but with no cinnamon. Every time I saw her on the street. A simple and cozy Applesauce Cake filled with warm spices and applesauce. Next time, just punch em! I’d apply for that position if you lived anywhere close to me! and then a change of tact.) I also had chunky applesauce. 16 ingredients. Absolutely delicious. And thanks for this recipe. Combine flour and next 6 cake ingredients in a bowl. Maybe they’re just jealous because you’re such a super cute pregnant person. :). Someone just hide my debit card until the baby gets here. Servings: Makes 48 bars : Comments: A quick and easy treat for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Been there with the huge comments. Seriously. Pour into a greased and floured jelly roll pan. Applesauce and caramel in a cookie bar has to be delicious! ;). How to serve applesauce bars. You are half the size I was so no worries! ;), Big baby OR baby is in there having a party left to right up and down because of these babies. I love all of the fall flavors and love anything that includes cloves. Easy Applesauce Frosting – Perfect for cakes, cupcakes, and more! Remove the cake from the baking pan and cut into bars. And lucy is not huge….she is perfect. Deliciously moist bars. I need to stop thinking about this before I accidentally (on purpose) punch someone. Those bars look awesome. Great for Fall, Thanksgiving! Frosting: In a medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. To make the And, that Cream Cheese Frosting? Gently mix in nuts and raisins into batter. Also, it takes a bit to fully dry (15ish minutes) and it’s a bit messy to remove. Learn More Heat butter in a 2-quart saucepan until melted. So, go get those zucchini out of your garden, or go to your local farmer’s market and stock up. This apple cinnamon spice cake with caramel apple frosting is sure to delight even the pickiest eater. For now, let's focus on this EASY applesauce … Get the recipe at … Yu-u-uuum! Boil and stir for 1 minute or until slightly thickened. This Summer, people kept telling me that I looked like that “Not Impressed” Gymnast, Mckayla. The Best Caramel Frosting Without Milk Recipes on Yummly | Spiced Coffee Caramel Frosting, Raisin Applesauce Bars & Caramel Frosting, Fairy Cakes With Caramel Frosting Sign Up / Log In My Feed Articles Meal Planner New Pantry-Ready Recipes New Browse Yummly Pro Guided Recipes Hanukkah New Christmas New Smart Thermometer Upon reflection, I’m pretty sure “having a big baby”means “you are super huge”. ’nuff said. Yum! Preheat oven to 350ºF. Add in shortening, water, applesauce and egg, beat with mixer on medium speed for about four min. Like the Applesauce Bars I made. Reduce heat, and simmer until slightly thick (about 5 minutes), stirring occasionally. They really are a miracle. Geez louise! this just might be one of those recipes I can’t let myself make! I had already tried the plain applesauce bars (same recipe as this one except it uses butter instead of shortening) from this site and I thought they would taste even better with nuts or raisins. Love your way of sharing stories. I think not. Even when I had him with me. Add milk and continue stirring until boiling. It’s a little denser in texture to support the chunks of apple, and the crumb is tender and soft. Applesauce Cake with Brown Sugar Frosting - West of the Loop Next, add powdered sugar 1/2 cup at a time until you have a thick and fluffy frosting. Apples and caramel are a classic fall flavor combination and I baked today’s cupcakes as an excuse to make salted caramel frosting. Applesauce Bars with caramel frosting. In this creation, I blended the Fall flavors of juicy apple, spicy cinnamon and sweet caramel to give you the perfect dessert for the cooler season. Add shortening, water, applesauce and egg, beat with mixer on medium speed for about four minutes. Stir in brown sugar. Please. Directions. This delicious recipe can easily be made into cupcakes or bars. Applesauce Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting egg, vanilla, butter, cinnamon, powdered sugar, baking soda, packed brown sugar and 6 more Spiced Applesauce Bars with Pumpkin Frosting Foxes Love Lemons Cashier lady needs to keep her big mouth shut. ), Sigh. If they will work in a lunch box, it sounds like they might be great in a care package. Caramel Frosting Instructions: In a … They were, in a word, DIVINE, and I think may rival my family’s other fall favorite, pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting. Combine the brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, melted butter, vanilla extract and applesauce … Bars: Taste & Texture Oh so Moist and soft Sturdy and not cake like Perfectly spiced with a blend of cozy spices Topped with fluffy, sweet and tangy cream cheese frosting Recipe Ingredients: Pumpkin Puree: I like to use Libby’s canned Pumpkin. Baking soda, cinnamon, cloves and allspice huge or like your having a big baby or baby is there... Trust me, you look beautiful to me Fall…and they ’ re sturdy, so they ’ re a... ” means “ you are the perfect melt in your mouth combo of tart and sweet frustration on inside! First two months I actually tweaked the recipe at … these applesauce Zucchini cake bars an! This apple cinnamon spice cake with caramel frosting off your feet for the first two months apple cake is simple. 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