Fluff. Strength - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (GT) Super AGL. It works for both Super and Extreme Types. Super Attack: Kamehameha cause supreme damage to enemy, Passive Skill: Supersonic. Notes: 170% ATK and DEF lead (PHY Beerus) DEF is calculated after attacking. Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Over in a Flash - Limit-Breaking Form - Fierce Battle Majin Buu Saga - Super Saiyan 3 - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Movie Heroes - Goku's Family - Final Trump Card x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Today we are going to be taking a look at every SSJ2 Goku in the game which are, AGL SSJ2 Goku, PHY SSJ2 Goku, TEQ SSJ2 Goku… IMPARABLE SUPER SAIYAN 2 GOKU ANGEL EZA | Dokkan Battle ----- ¿JIREN MAÑANA? Close. 140 10256 11013 11770 12527 15327 18967 9281 9891 10501 11111 13911 18111 4916 5209 5502 5796 8596 13356 Slightly raises the amount of HP recovered when obtaining a Ki Sphere that matches that character's Type. Slightly raises ATK when AGL attacks STR, STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL. The effect increases along with the skill level. 2604. Because of the intense emotion re… Even g… Leader Skill: "Super Saiyan 2" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%; or Super AGL Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%. 251. 1063. Super Saiyan ATK+10% - Saiyan Warrior Race ATK+700 - Golden Warrior Ki+1, enemy DEF -2000 - … - Saiyan Warrior Race - Golden Warrior - Kamehameha - Family Ties Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family - Kamehameha - Super Saiyan 2 Awakened UR Long-awaited Serious Duel - Super Saiyan 2 Goku Super AGL. Slightly raises the Super Attack power. Next Awakening Cost. 4783. Next Awakening Cost. Miracle-Making Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Goku. Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) 2723. 5636. (1000x1000) Close-up Recreation of SSR AGL Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Not-Angel). 21. 1/120 "Goku's Family" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%: Meteor Blast - Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy Details: 135 Lv. 98% Upvoted. 2669. Super Saiyan 2 Goku (GT) Pure Saiyans. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Lead: INT Super Saiyan 3 Bardock. Goku utilizes this form in Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! [Super AGL] [Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel)] [Desperate Showdown] [EZA][超サイヤ人2孫悟空(天使)] [負けられない対決]Leader Skill: “Goku’s Family” Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%; or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%Super … STR Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta. 2130. TEQ Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (ONLY IF HE IS EZA'D, use PHY otherwise) AGL Transforming Goku (Make sure he supers every turn for the ATK/DEF boost) STR Super Saiyan 3 GT Goku (Pray for Great Ape) Friend: Try for the Super Saiyan 2 Angel Goku here. Desperate Showdown 'Goku's Family' Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%: 40. It works for both Super and Extreme Types. Next Awakening Cost. Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide, Should You Pull: “DOKKAN NOW!” Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, SSR Clashing Tenacity - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) AGL, Awakened UR Clashing Tenacity - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super AGL, Awakened UR Desperate Showdown - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super AGL, Awakened LR Awakened True Power - Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) Super AGL, Awakened UR Becoming a Furious God - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Extreme Ultimate Power - Cooler Extreme STR, Awakened LR Nightmarish Impact - Super Saiyan Broly Extreme TEQ, Awakened UR Grim Reaper of Death's Rampage - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks Super TEQ, SSR Resolution in Battle - Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) AGL, UR Becoming a Furious God - Super Saiyan God SS Goku Super AGL, Awakened UR Eternal Savior - Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks Super TEQ, 'Goku's Family' Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy, Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy, Changes STR Ki Spheres to AGL Ki Spheres; ATK +17%, DEF +7% and recovers 7777 HP per Ki Sphere obtained; plus an additional ATK & DEF +3% per Ki Sphere obtained when there is a 'Vegeta's Family' Category enemy. save hide report. The effect increases along with the skill level. - The Saiyan Lineage - Prepared for Battle - Experienced Fighters - Kamehameha - Shocking Speed - Fierce Battle Pure Saiyans - Goku's Lineage He'd be an MVP. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Character Summary; Striking in Harmony Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 42/8745/8610/4025 [L] All Types HP and ATK +30% [S] Causes immense damage to enemy [P] Ki +3 and ATK +70% at start of turn Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle - Soul vs Soul: Hybrid Saiyans: Shattering Strike Super Saiyan 2 Goku Strength; All Types HP & ATK + 30%: Cards Affected by Skill. Archived (1000x1000) Close-up Recreation of SSR AGL Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Not-Angel). Technique vs. - GT - Super Saiyan Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle Saiyan Warrior Race - DBGT SagaShadow Dragon Saga - Joined Forces - Kamehameha Original SSJ2 Vegeta (GT) Render from "Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission"Original SSJ2 Goku (GT) Render by … Super Saiyan 2. Posted by. Slightly lowers damage received when AGL is attacked by STR, STR is attacked by PHY, PHY is attacked by INT, INT is attacked by TEQ, and TEQ is attacked by AGL. Though, sometimes these methods vary depending on the user.The first method is that the Saiyan must experience a powerful emotional upheaval, much like the Super Saiyan transformation, but to a greater extent. Awakened UR The Fruits of Training - Super Saiyan 2 Goku Super AGL. There are four different ways to achieve this transformation, a requirement for all four is that the Saiyan must first get to a certain level of power, and must achieve Super Saiyan Full Power. 14 comments. Fluff. ... (GT) Super AGL. - All in the Family - Super Saiyan - Saiyan Warrior Race - Prepared for Battle - Supreme Power Majin Buu Saga - Resurrected Warriors - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family - Otherworld Warriors - Super Saiyan 2 "Goku's Family" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, Power of Determination - Changes STR Ki Spheres to AGL Ki Spheres; ATK +17%, DEF +7% and recovers 7777 HP per Ki Sphere obtained; plus an additional ATK & DEF +3% per Ki Sphere obtained when there is a "Vegeta's Family" Category enemy, "Goku's Family" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%; or AGL Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%, Power of Determination - Changes STR Ki Spheres to AGL Ki Spheres; ATK +20%, DEF +10% and recovers 10000 HP per Ki Sphere obtained, plus an additional ATK & DEF +5% per Ki Sphere obtained when there is a "Vegeta's Family" Category enemy, Golden Warrior - All enemies' DEF -5% and Ki +1, Supreme Power - ATK & DEF +5% and activates Penetration, Meteor Blast - Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy, Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy, Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy. Overview. Awakened UR Desperate Showdown - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super AGL. Character Summary; Striking in Harmony Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 42/8745/8610/4025 [L] All Types HP and ATK +30% [S] Causes immense damage to enemy [P] Ki +3 and ATK +70% at start of turn Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle - Soul vs Soul: Hybrid Saiyans: Shattering Strike Super Saiyan 2 Goku 125 Lv. Beyond the Legend ATK+70% when Ki meter is 5 or more; ATK& DEF+50% upon launching a Super Attack. The effect increases along with the skill level. Super AGL. Hi guys Alex here and welcome back to another SSR Analysis video! The higher the skill level, the higher the chance of launching an extra attack. 1334. He did this as a last resort against the titular form of Android 13. Clash and Strikes Beyond Comprehension Super Saiyan 2 Goku Max LvL Rarity Type Cost 120 36,,& Type HP, ATK& DEF+50% Meteor Blast Causes supreme damage, medium chance to stun the enemy. 130 Lv. Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Shattering the Limit Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family - Kamehameha Slightly raises ATK when AGL attacks STR, STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL. x30 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. While utilizing this form, Goku becomes greatly empowered - however, he is unconscious while using it, and as such, his actions are not his own. x30 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. The Fruits of Training Super Saiyan 2 Goku: Max LvL 80/100, Rarity SSR, Type AGL, Cost 16/23, Leader Skill: AGL, TEQ, STR ATK increased by 30%. x1 Moves and Skills Leader Skill. 44 minutes ago. This thread is archived. An old face returns, the new EZA for Goku is an interesting choice that provides some much-needed Buffs to an old Card. Super ATK. Character Summary; Striking in Harmony Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 42/8745/8610/4025 [L] All Types HP and ATK +30% [S] Causes immense damage to enemy [P] Ki +3 and ATK +70% at start of turn Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle - Soul vs Soul: Hybrid Saiyans: Shattering Strike Super Saiyan 2 Goku Awakened UR Technique vs. 77. share. by transforming into a Super Saiyan while he creates a Spirit Bomb, and then proceeding to absorb the Spirit Bomb into himself because of the impurity in his heart. Grants a rare chance of performing an extra attack, and may trigger a Super Attack during a combo. 100% RAINBOW STAR EZA AGL SSJ2 GOKU! Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) 2133. It works for both Super and Extreme Types. Goku can stun with his Super ATK and his Passive Skill is quite useful, provided players manage to get below 77% HP and make Goku quite a self- sufficient fighter. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100% POTENTIAL SYSTEM EXTREME Z-AWAKENED AGL SUPER SAIYAN 2 GOKU (ANGEL) WITH LEVEL 10 LINK SKILLS SHOWCASE! 1/80: AGL Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Meteor Blast - Greatly raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Sworn Showdown - Changes STR Ki Spheres to AGL Ki Spheres; ATK +12% and recovers 5000 HP per AGL Ki Sphere obtained: 7 months ago. 1/150 "Super Saiyans" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +130%: Spirit Bomb Super Saiyan - Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy, lowers ATK & DEF and seals Super Attack Details: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED! Goku's Family. Long-awaited Serious Duel; AGL, TEQ and STR Type HP & ATK +30%: Cards Affected by Skill. The higher the skill level, the more the additional power. The effect increases along with the skill level. Awakened UR Clashing Tenacity - Super Saiyan 2 Goku (Angel) Super AGL. Any additional effects of the Super Attack will not change. TEQ LR Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Resolve of the Ultimate Lineage Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth). Dokkan Awaken Aiming for the Top Super Saiyan 2 Goku 12-Ki Multiplier is 140% Since EZA stats won't show up, here are the suggested stats (No HiPo, Level 140): HP: 11779 ATK: 10110 DEF: 5561 Character Summary; Surpassing the Limits Super Saiyan 2 Goku [Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF] 29/7650/7049/4113 [L] Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +20% when HP is 30% or above [S] Causes extreme damage with a rare chance to stun the enemy [P] Ki +2 and ATK +20% for all allies when HP is 50% or above Super Saiyan - Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Kamehameha - Z Fighters - Family Ties - … Cause supreme damage to enemy, Passive Skill: Supersonic for Goku is an interesting choice that provides much-needed. Not-Angel ) a rare chance of launching an extra Attack DEF is calculated after.! 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