That was his failing” And now only Yudhisthira and the dog were left, continuing the journey together. The first wife of yudhisthira as we know is Draupdi, hence the king of Indraprastha has also one wife, the name is Devika, She was the daughter of Govasana. Skills - Soft-Spoken. Thus, as respect for their mother, Draupadi was taken as wife by all the five Pandavas: Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva (Bhawalkar 6-7). DEVIKA YUDHISTHIRA: Birthdate: estimated between 3232BCE and 3112BCE : Death: Immediate Family: Daughter of Govasana SAIVYA TRIBE Saivya Wife of YUDHISHTIRA Pāndava Mother of Yaudheya Yudhistrar. Laura Gibbs, Ph.D. I don’t see any supporting reference link either. Sanatan Dharma is a code of ethics, human value system, principles of life and a way to enlightenment and liberation. She has two elder sisters, Radhika Pillai and Methil Renuka. Yudhishthira had two wives, Draupadi and Devika. Sahadeva married his maternal cousin Vijaya, the daughter of Dyutimat, the king of Madra, and had a son named Suhotra. Did Shri Krishna ever pointed out ... mahabharata yudhisthira. A LOVE STORY - LOST AMONG THE PAGES OF GRETAEST EPIC MAHABHARAT SAMRAT YUDHISTHIRA AND SHAIVYA KUMARI DEVIKA . Dharmaraj Yudhisthira and his moral Values. asked Jul 23 '19 at 1:17. Everyone knows that the five Pandava brothers in the epic Mahabharata shared a wife called Draupadi. [6] Performing the Rajasuya. Yudhisthira / युधिष्ठिर Yudhisthira was the eldest of the five Pandav princes, son of Kunti, begotten on her by the god Dharm.He was known for his righteousness and sense of justice. Forgotten love story by Queen of Dwarka. King Yudhisthira Performs the Rajasuya Sacrifice. Very little is known of her, except that she was daughter of Govasana from Shivi tribe, and was married to Yudhisthira in a self-choice ceremony. 1. vote. For a fact of matter, any body can go and edit Wikipedia pages and it depends on page owners. Refer : Yudhisthira . King Yudhisthira Performs the Rajasuya Sacrifice. Yudhisthira was the eldest of the five Pandav princes, son of Kunti, begotten on her by the god Dharm.He was known for his righteousness and sense of justice. Yudhisthira spoke while walking on: “Bheema was boastful about his strength and ate in excess. Yudhisthira's father Pandu, the king of Hastinapura, soon after his marriage accidentally shot a Brahmin and his wife, mistaking them for deer, while the couple were making love. Spear-fighting, Linguist , Chariot Racing etc. Vyasa Mahabharata mention Devika only in Adi Parva in the list of Kuru wives. As was the custom those days, it was not customary for one Kshatriya to refuse a game of dice when invited by another Kshatriya. He praised the extraordinary qualities of Yudhisthira and invited him into the chariot to ascend to heaven. 2,402 2 2 gold badges 8 8 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges. After the coronation at Indraprastha, Yudhisthira set out to perform the Rajasuya yagna to become the "Emperor of the World". Indian Epics. What most people do not know is that each of the brothers had other wives too. This is … Draupadi bore Yudhishthira a son, Prativindhya and a daughter, Suthanu. And finally, Indra descended in his chariot. Managed by: Private User Last Updated: November 28, 2016 And none of Pandavas opposed it! Another wife of Yudhisthira was Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya tribe, who bore him a son named Yaudheya. Performing the Rajasuya. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Methil Devika was born in 1976 in Dubai, where she attended the The Indian High School. Refer : Nakul. After the coronation at Indraprastha, Yudhisthira set out to perform the Rajasuya yagna to become the Emperor of the World. Well, technically he could not. Wife of Yudhisthira in Mahabharat. The textual material made available at this website is licensed under a Creative Commons License. I have no idea why does Wikipedia mention Devika as first wife of Yudisthira. Modern Languages MLLL-4993. It is well known that Draupadi is wife of Yudhishthira. Before he died, the Brahmin cursed the king himself to die at once, the minute he engaged in intercourse with one of his two wives. Resha Konkar as Kunti Mother of Karna, Yudhisthira,Bhima,Arjuna, Wife of Pandu step Mother of Nakula,Sahadeva Balaram, Krishna and Subadhra's Paternal Aunt Ansha Sayed as Shikhandini - Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumna 's sister later brother, Drupad ’s daughter later she becomes the reason for Bheeshma 's death. Indraprastha Performing The Rajasuya Besides being a wife, Draupadi had a cordial friendship with Yudhisthira and they counseled each other frequently. Due to this curse, Pandu was unable to father children. YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE. Pandava : Apart from Draupadi, Yudhishthira had one more wife Devika युधिष्ठिर की पत्नी का नाम देविका था और उनके पुत्र का नाम यौधेय था Wikipedia and several other sources say that there is another wife to him and her name is Devika. Yudhisthira was known for his dharma but he seemed to have had addiction to dice game and his wife Draupadi was also staked for it. The following excerpt from Chapter 95, Sambhava Parva, Mahabharata clarifies it.. STORY OF A PRINCESS WHO GAVE EVERYTHING FOR YUDHISHTHIR... love; devika; mahabharat +1 more #9. Devika; Yudhisthira (Mahabharata) Yaudheya; The Pandavas; Draupadi; Kurukshtera; Angst; Anger; PTSD; acrimony; Guilt; Secrets; Summary. Parabrahman Jyoti. Nakula had other wife Karenumati, the daughter of the king of the Chedi Kingdom, who bore him a son, Niramitra. Early life. Yudhisthira had other wife Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya tribe, who bore him a son named Yaudheya. King Yudhisthira Performs the Rajasuya Sacrifice After the coronation at Indraprastha, Yudhisthira set out to perform the Rajasuyayagna to become the Emperor of the World. Home; About Us; Contact Us; Sanatan Dharma The term Sanatan Dharma is the original and the oldest most religion on earth. Hence Draupadi was married to all the five brothers, making her the wife of the Pandavas. Draupadi had special relationship with her husbands. 4.9K 363 33. Yudhishthira had a son named Yaudheya by his wife Devika; but the Vishnu Purana makes the son's name Devaka and the mother's Yaudheyi. You must give the original author credit. Yudhisthira listened to her council in areas of politics and running of … Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share … Another wife of Yudhisthira was Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya tribe, who bore him a son named Yaudheya. This story is set in times of mahabharata, with tale of a forgotten princess, who was the wife of an emperor. It is originated from Vedas. Another wife of Yudhisthira was Devika, the daughter of Govasana of the Saivya tribe, who bore him a son named Yaudheya. Performing the Rajasuya . Draupadi was the common wife of all the Pandavas, and she bore children for each of the 5. Thanks for A2A.