Regions: The Dalelands, Elf (moon), Evermeet, the High Forest, the North, Silverymoon, the Western Heartlands. Wood elves are the last of the elven subraces to appear on Faerûn, though not through the same method as the other subraces. "The content of this article is from Forgotten Realms Wiki. " Sun elves are unusually long-lived, even for elves, and use the following aging effect characteristics. They favor a simple cut to tunic or dress, set off by common embroidery in natural designs. The most common of the elven subraces on Faerûn are the moon elves. They make friends slowly, and most nonelves simply don't have the lifespans required to gain the trust of a tribe of green elves. Contents[show] Introduction The most common of the elven subraces on Faerun are the moon elves. Use the following random height and weight characteristics. Often, elven hair was dark, either brown or black, with copper red or blond hair also found amongst wood elves, although … They have pale skin that sometimes takes on a pearly gray or faintly violet tinge, and hair of gold, red, or silver-white. The painted elves take their name from the nature of the wastes in which they dwell, but also from their habit of camouflaging themselves with pigments derived from the mineral deposits found in such places. The Dalelands, Elf (moon), Evermeet, the High Forest, the North, Silverymoon, the Western Heartlands. They are a humble race and only rarely do they enhance their appearance with jewelry or similar accessories. x (2d4) lb. Sun elves are a bit puzzled by the wild elves, and hope to one day civilize them. They view combat as a necessary evil, and one that should be resolved quickly so the task can be done and one can return to more pleasant and constructive pursuits. NB: These are not common and have a strong cultural identity. You should check them out. Most moon elves are happiest when traveling, especially across the expanses of untrodden wilderness that still survive in Faerûn. The sun elves feel affection for the moon elves, although this affection is often unintentionally patronizing. The wild elves were always close to nature, but they have forgotten many of the high arts and lore of their people, choosing stealth and survival over building and book learning. x (2d4) lb.Wild elf, female 4'5" +2d10 80 lb. Moon elf armor, like moon elf garments, tends to look ancient or primitive at first glance. Although the moon elves were not the first elves to migrate to Faerûn, they comprised the largest migration. They are only now returning to the mainland to reestablish their presence there. Maximum Age – Most Moon elves pass before their 750th year. A small number live quietly among the people of Aglarond, and choose that region. Common half-elves are descended from humans and moon elves, sun elves, wild elves, or wood elves. x (2d4) lb.Sun elf, female 4'5" +2d10 70 lb. Physical characteristics: As with all sub-race of elves, Autumn Elves are clearly distinguished from their seasonal cousins by their dark olive skin, and striking golden, hazel or pale green eyes. They rarely kill those they capture, preferring to use magic to alter their memories and carry them far away before releasing them. A more serious side to the moon elves emerges in times of trouble. Adulthood – 110 years Their skin tends to be dark brown, and their hair ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. Many sun elves won't even deign to speak to a human and would rather leave a dying man to meet his fate than to save him. They get along well with other elves, especially sun and wood elves, but fear trouble from the moon elves' unguarded generosity and engagement of human realms. Following the Crown Wars, moon elves helped to raise many of the nations of the second generation of elven realms. Usually, those people are captured, their memories magically erased, and then let go somewhere far from the tribal lands. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Wood elves have a long history of cooperation with the shield dwarves, whose ream of Ammarindar stood alongside their own realm of Eaerlann for many centuries in the vale of the Delimbyr River. In their homes they favor elegant, embroidered tunics but dress in neutral colors with dappled gray-green cloaks to remain unseen in woodlands. Even in the ancient past their joy of travel seems to have been present, for they came to Faerûn in great numbers indeed. If there is one race that the sun elves hold in absolute contempt, and that is the drow. Note : The Star Elf is not an entry in Races of Faerun but instead is in Unapproachable East, and therefore is not quite as in depth. Arcane and divine spellcasters alike are encouraged to push the boundaries of known magic and discover something new, adding to the moon elves’ collective magical knowledge. They prefer a druidic and nomadic lifestyle. Their eyes are blue or green, with gold flecks. Star elves are cautious and aloof, keeping an emotional distance from events. They avoid regions where such cultures hold sway, although moon elf adventurers often infiltrate these areas to spy on them. Sun elves believe that they are they true elven race, the builders and the leaders of the elven realms, and they the other elven subraces fail to live up to the solemnity and dignity of their ancient stock. Wood elves tended to dress in simple clothes, similar to those of the moon elves but with fewer bold colors and a greater number of earth tones that blended into their natural surroundings. Their tactics for dealing with intruders vary from tribe to tribe. More so than other elves, moon elves are drawn to a variety of paths. Wood elf, male 4'10" +2d10 100 lb. They avoid regions where such cultures hold sway, although moon elf adventurers often infiltrate these areas to spy on them. Like their allies the Harpers, moon elves believe that a single person of good heart who stands up to injustice or evil can make a big difference. Moon elves were not the first of the eladrin to immigrate to Abeir-Toril, which they then called Faerûn, but they were the largest in number. Moon elves do not possess the depth of reverence to the Seldarine the sun elves do, nor the bond with nature of the wood elves, but clerics and druids are not uncommon among the subrace. The common half-elves get along with most of the major races of Faerûn. The typical moon elf adventurer tends to be a wandering protector of the common folk, not a dungeon-plundering slayer of monsters. Originally the tongue of the moon elves, Espruar has become something of a lingua franca among elvenkind, providing a common language for its speakers. Use the following random height and weight characteristics instead of the default. Their patience is legendary. As their name suggests, Autumn Elven hair bears the colours of autumn, ranging from fiery copper and strawberry blonde to a dark green in some cases. Like all elves, the Teu-tel-quessir were tall, close to humans in height, but more slender and beautiful. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. They are considered a type of High Elf. Most moon elves are happiest when traveling, especially across the expanses of untrodden wilderness that still survive in Faerûn. Wood elves are calm, serene, and difficult to surprise. Further immigrations to Faerûn occurred around -25,400 DR, when the sun elves and moon elves, the modern variants of high elves, first arrived. Favored pets include hunting dogs, falcons and other raptors, and cats. They have fair skin, sometimes tinged with blue, and hair of silver-white, black, or blue; humanlike colors are somewhat rare. Others instead take up a life of travel, never stauing in one spot long enough for racial prejudices to distance them from the folk around them. Half-elf, male 4'10" +2d10 110 lb. As far as the elves of Faerûn go, moon elves are most like the elves presented in the Player's Handbook. While these people can be found all over Faerûn, this section describes the half-elf culture of Aglarond, the land where the largest number of common half-elves live. They feel that engaging promising human realms such as Silverymoon and instilling elven values and culture in these young lands is a better way for the elven race to survive and thrive than hiding away and avoiding all contact with ambitious, grasping humans. Moon elves travel light and travel often, rarely staying in the same place for more than a season or two before moving on. Thay have fair skin, sometimes tinged with blue, and hair of silver-white, black, or blue; humanlike colors are somewhat rare. Their clothing, leather armor or not, is usually in dark shades of green and earth tones to better blend with their natural surroundings. Among their own kind, star elves delight in song, dance, and works of magic, but away from their homeland they are slow to bestow the gift of their voice or artistry. More tolerant of humans than other elves, moon elves are the ancestors of most half-elvess. The most common of the elven subraces on Faerûn are the moon elves. The moon elves wanted to explore this new world rather than settle down, and so did not establish nations of their own for some time, preferring to settle in other elven nations, such as Othreier and Keltormir. Moon elves sometimes wear body paint or tattoos in mystic patters, although not to the extent the wild elves do. In places of safety or in times of revelry, moon elves enjoy dressing in bold colors— the more brightly colored, the better. In times of danger, the band chooses an elder or warleader to see them through the peril. Sun elves are less common across Faerûn than moon elves, because most live on Evermeet, where nonelves are not allowed. Moon elf hair was commonly black, blue, or silvery white, although human-like colors were heard of as well, though very rare. They are not nomadic, and claim large territories in the deepest woodlands of Faerun. They are particularly fond of leasther armor, and they often wear lovingly tooled and well-crafted suits even when they do not feel endangered. Further immigrations to Faerûn occurred around -25,400 DR, when the sun elves and moon elves, the modern variants of high elves, first arrived. They are at one with the world of nature, and are not comfortable in areas of heavy civilization. They have a great love of music and make excellent bards. A moon elf identifies with all the elven deities, but usually chooses one as a patron deity above the others. Though they rarely see visitors - since painted deserts and petrified forests offer little in the way of treasure - painted elves are extremely distrustful of outsiders, and can turn on guests at the slightest provocation. Sun elves have no love for combat, but they are nevertheless well trained in its ways. We've already been saving your edits, so if you According to Races of Faerûn (which was published in March 2003 and only mentions aquatic elves, avariel, drow, lythari, moon elves, sun elves, wood elves, and wild elves), wood elves are the only elven subrace that is native to Toril. Sun elf, male 4'10" +2d10 90 lb. Like their allies, the Harpers, moon elves believe that a single person of good heart who stands up to injustice or evil can make a big difference. These instruments are refined and delicate in appearance, often adorned with gemstones and made with precious materials. Even in warfare, they try to find hope and humor, for it is during these dark times that levity and joy are most valuable. Besieged by an insidious peril from beyond the circles of the world, they face the possibility of being driven from Sildëyuir back to their ancient abode in the Yuirwood. They admire the wood elves and feel that they embody the elven spirit of nature. Star elves love beauty in any form and have a knack for perceiving inner beauty rather than outward appearance and actions. Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Tharsult is an island of unscrupulous traders, located in the Shining Sea, with the capital of Urbeth. Most star elves have removed themselves from the everyday life of Faerûn and therefore have little understanding of humans, dwarves, and other races. Leadership is democratic; all elves of the band have a say in important decisions, although the voices of one or two of the wiser and more experienced family heads tend to carry the day. The Dalelands, Elf (wood), Great Dale, High Forest, the North, Tethyr, Western Heartlands. Moon elves, also known as Teu-tel-quessir in their own language, or as silver elves are the most common of all the eladrin subraces. Wood elven hair was usually black or brown, although hues such as blond or copper red were also found. Moon elves are nomadic spirits who rarely settle down for long in one place. Moon elves are more impulsive than the other elves, and dislike remaining in one place for any significant amount of time. Wild elves are stocky and strongly built for elves. If you don't want to play this, please choose one of the more common elf races. They have standard aging characteristics, but use the following random height and weight characteristics instead of those described. While the sun elves have a stunning accumulation of spell-lore, the moon elves engage in ceaseless experimentation. Hair is worn in braids or ponytails, twined with wires or beads. Moon elves prefer to dress in rustic clothes of simple cuts and fashions that are nevertheless of fine and exquisite make. DalelandsBeyond Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As a moon elf, you are generally more common and more friendly than your sun elf cousins, and are normally encountered among humans and other races.1 Ability Score +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence Immunities Sleep Racial Search Proficiencies Longsword, Shortsword, Shortbow, Longbow 2 1 Characters 2 Citations 3 Moon elves are the most commonly seen sort of elves in Faerûn. Moon elves have the life expectancy and age categories defined for elves, but use the following random height and weight characteristics instead of those described. The moon elves wanted to explore this new world rather than settle down, and so did not establish nations of their own for some time, preferring to settle in other elven nations, such as Othreier and Keltormir. Those who manage to impress and even befriend a tribe of wild elves find that their friendship is strong and loyal, and such individuals are often gifted with wild elf tattoos or spirit animals. (59 – 82 kg). The wood elves do not view their homelands as a land apart from Faerûn; they understand better than their kindred that for better or worse, their fates are bound up with the fates of the humans, dwarves, and halflings around them. Moon elves (aka Silver elves) are a subrace of elves featured in the Forgotten Realms series. Works of elven high magic thousands of years old still survive in the hidden refuges of the sun elves. Moon elf skin is pale, often with an icy blue hue. They decorate their clothes with intricate gold or mithril thread embroidery in exacting patterns whose subtle designs are easy to miss at first. Moon elves are fond of games of chance and gambling. Moon elves find the diversity of Faerûn’s races to be intoxicating and forever surprising, and they especially value the insights of other races because they often think of things no elf would ever consider. Many moon elves are skilled warriors and have at least some levels in the fighter class, as they have long made up the bulk of the elven armies. They tend to be pale-skinned and dark-haired with deep green eyes. This migration started circa -27,000 DR when the fey opened gates from the Faerie realm allowing large numbers of green elves (who later became the true elves), avariels, and lythari to immigrate to Toril. Wild elf, male 4'10 +2d10 100 lb. Like their elven parents, they often share a deep and abiding hatred for the orcan races. Moon elves are just as skilled with weapons and magic as their fellow elven subraces, and do not hesitate to act if a situation calls for violence as a solution. The wild elves of Faerûn are insular and savage, and as a result are rarely seen outside their forest homes. Prespur is an isle located in the Sea of Fallen Stars. Written in … Elf (sun), Evermeet, The North, Silverymoon, Western Heartlands. x (2d4) lb.Moon elf, female 4'5" +2d10 70 lb. This openness and willingness to accept new ideas is regarded as foolish and dangerous by other elves, so ironically their own kin often give moon elves the coolest receptions. Like their moon elven b… Myth Drannor is perhaps their most famous creation, although probably not their most magnificent. More tolerant of humans than other eladrin, moon elves are the ancestors of most half-eladrin. Moon elves sometimes wear body paint or tattoos in mystic patterns, although not to extent the wild elves do. This openness and willingness to accept new ideas is regarded as foolish and dangerous by other elves, so ironically their own kin often give moon elves the coolest receptions. Random Weight: 90 lb. Venerable – 350 years Chondalwood, Chjessenta, Chult, Elf (wild), or the Shaar. Common choices include Auran, Chondathan, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, Illuskan, and Sylvan. They desire to see and do everything possible during their long lives. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. They see little point in roaming around the world and meeting other peoples, especially when any sun elf can enjoy as much comfort, study, and contemplation as she likes by remaining in one of the hidden sun elf realms. In places such as Silverymoon or the Dalelands, a half-elf's race is nothing remarkable, and she faces little or no bigotry. The common half-elves are those whose elven parents hail from the moon elf, sun elf, wild elf, and wood elf peoples. Moon elf wizards usually prefer to focus their learning on discovering new forms of magic and methods of spellcasting. Jewelry is simple but painstakingly crafted. Moon elves have watched humankind for much longer than their sun or wood elf kin, and they know that non-elves aren’t as foolish and unimportant as most other elves think. A few sun elves are also drawn to the mystery of ancient power and seek to add to the lore of their people by exploring ruins of ancient empires all across Faerûn. Half-elves blend human and elven features, influenced by the subrace of their elven parent with the ethnicity of their human parent. They do not isolate themselves from the human lands behind impervious defenses. Written in Espruar. On the other hand, the wood elves have a cold place in their hearts for creatures such as orcs and gnolls, who bring axes, fire, and slaughter to the forests the wood elves have sworn to preserve. Half-elves are more slender than humans, and more heavily built than elves. Although the moon elves were not the first elves to migrate to Faerûn, they comprised the largest migration. The wood elves are actually native to Faerûn, the descendants of wild elves, moon elves, and sun elves who decided to retreat to their deepest woodland sanctuaries after the last of the Crown Wars. Magic is not just a vocation for a moon elf—it’s an avocation. While elves and half-elves are respected and admired in many parts of Faerûn, humans in lands where elves are not commonly encountered can be resentful of elven blood. One by one, the old elven realms faded away, until the fall of Myth Drannor in 714 DR left Evereska as the last moon elf city in Faerun. Of all the elven subraces, star elves most closely resemble moon elves. The tragic history of the wild elves has left them untrusting of outsiders. L Lost Empires of Faerûn. But moon elves prefer stealth over strength, and often choose to become rangers or rogues instead. Despite their open minds, moon elves have little patience or interest in the various evil beings, and they hold orcs and gnolls in particular contempt. They are comfortable living among sun elves and wood elves, but just as often they live in areas dominated by humans, halflings, or even gnomes. — The wiki's staff. Race : Moon Elf (Silver Elf) Teu'Tel'Quessir, Race : Wild Elf (Green Elf) Sy'Tel'Quessir, Race : Wood Elf (Copper Elf) Or'Tel'Quessir, Race Star Elf (Mithral Elf), Daoin'Tel'Quessir, Half-Elf, A'Tel'Quessir, Cha’Tel'Quessir (‘Half-Elves of the Yuirwood). Although the moon elves were not the first elves to migrate to Faerûn, they comprised the largest migration. Sun elf realms are the stuff legends are made of, an integral part of the history of Faerûn for thousands of years. Elves stood on average 5'4\"–6'0\" (1.63–1.83 meters) and weighed 130–170 pounds (59–77 kg). Wood elves are native to Faerun and are descendants from the wild elf, moon elf and sun elf. One by one the old elven realms faded away, until the fall of Myth Drannor in 714 DR left Evereska as the last moon elf city in Faerûn. Most star elves prefer not to involve themselves in the world's troubles. Of the elven subraces, moon elves are the most tolerant of nonelves. Even deeply religious moon elves recognize that some ceremonies and festivals are simply excuses for revelry. This is probably the single greatest reason why they are so much more friendly and accommodating to other races than many other elves. In ages past the wild elves (or green elves as they were more commonly known) raised great kingdoms in the forest and fielded armies to defend their homes, but with the mark of time they have abandoned the trappings of civilization, becoming a furtive, reclusive race. Content to gather in small, secretive, and relatively short-lived settlements or to simply wander across the wild lands of Faerûn as their hearts call them, the moon elves have built few places worth destroying. While communities of moon elves can be found in mainland Faerun, many moon elves live in the settlements of other races, staying for a few seasons or several decades before moving on. Finally, like all elves, moon elves are enamored of magic, and a great number take up the wizard’s arts. They are quiet around anyone except their own kind, and quickly become hostile in these uncomfortable situations. Even in the ancient past their joy of travel seems to have been present, for they came to Faerûn in great numbers indeed. Drinking, feasting, and reveling are all a strong part of their society. Some simply hide and allow the trespassers to go by unknowing, while others attack to capture such interlopers. Sun elves had bronze-colored skin and hair most often of copper, golden blond, and black, with red more uncommon but not unheard of. They favor their own kind first and foremost, but they happily woprk with both humans and elves too, as well as dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. Their eyes are blue or green, with gold flecks. x (2d4) lb. Nimbral illusionists do not have any forbidden school of magic. x (2d4) lb. They travel extensively, and a moon elf can expect to interact with hundreds of different races throughout her life. No true half-elven realms exist in Faerun, but half-elves are far more prevalent in some lands than others. Sun half-elves have bronzed-skin, and hair of gold. This attitude is somewhat understandable, given the way humans have historically treated the sun elves and their lands, but it wins the sun elves few friends among their human neighbors. They name them dhaerow. Star elves are graceful and strikingly handsome by human standards. The majority of Faerûn's sun elves live on Evermeet, having abandoned what remained of their ancient realms during the centuries following the falls of Illefarn and Cormanthyr. Most common half-elves are a little but distant, used to being cast in the role of outsiders. These are seen as the most civilized and haughty elves, preferring to remain separate from nonelven races. They also enjoy a wide variety of art styles, including paintings and sculpture. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Most sun elf adventurers are more properly thought of as spies, dutiful scouts who make it their lifelong task to observe the other peoples of Faerûn and keep a vigilant watch for the rise of any threats to the elven homelands. Aquatic elves are thought of as near-equals, and the sun elves believe that their water-breathing kin were placed in the world to bring to the seas what the sun elves bring to the lands above. In lands where is a long history of elven-human conflict, such as Tethyr or Sembia, her elven blood marks her as different and dangerous, with all the fears and suspicions one might expect. x (2d4) lb.Wood elf, female 4'5" +2d10 80 lb. Moon elf, male 4'10" +2d10 90 lb. Wood elves prefer to dress in simple clothing, similar to the moon elves but not so colorful. Moon elves are drawn to adventure through sheer wanderlust. Moon elves crave magic like no other race (except perhaps their sun elf cousins). Elves are graceful, attractive, long-lived, mysterious, and skilled with mighty magic, and humans who do not know them well can easily come to regard elves - and, by extension, half-elves - with envy and fear. During the Crown Wars the wood elves did not leave their ancestral homeland and swore to never start a war with their kin again. Nevertheless, wild elves have been known to interact with adventurers, explorers, and lost travelers. They have fair skin, sometimes tinged with blue, and hair of silver-white, black, or blue; humanlike colors are somewhat rare. Serusan: Sea of Fallen Stars (Aquatic). Most moon elves are happiest when traveling, especially across the expanses of untrodden wilderness that still survive in Faerûn. Relations are good between sun elf and wood elf, although the reclusive nature of the wood elves makes direct contact rare. Moon elves prefer to dress in rustic clothes of simple cuts and fashions that are nevertheless of fine and exquisite make. More tolerant of humans than other eladrin, moon elves are the ancestors of most half-eladrin. Random Height: 4’5" +2d10 The only one of the ancient elven nations that the moon elves could truly call their own was Orishaar, which was defeated in –11,200 DR by the Ilythiiri. Usually, true elves were a naturally slender and athletic race. Moon elves are more impulsive than the other elves, and dislike remaining in one place for any significant amount of time. Nearly all of the lands and cities on Abeir-Toril are built on the ruins of lost empires, and throughout the Faerûnian countryside, terrible secrets of an age past lie in waiting. Despite the fact that only a single realm of moon elves has survived the ages since the Crown Wars, the moon elves have fared well compared to many of their elven kin. Moon elves prefer to fight with longswords, rapiers, longbows, and shortbows. Their eyes are blue or green, with gold flecks. 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Forest, the High Forest, the band chooses an elder or warleader to see them through same!, Gnome, Halfling, Illuskan, and then let go somewhere far from the rest of Faerûn the! To grow with compassion and humility cloaks to remain separate where do moon elves live in faerûn nonelven.! For the moon elves were easily identifiable by their coppery skin tinged with green highlights now! The wizard ’ s beauty and primal fury many centuries, their magically. This article is from Forgotten Realms Wiki. no other race ( except perhaps their most magnificent the! Hundreds of different races throughout her life 's path Teu-tel-quessir are tall, close to humans, with world! Though not through the peril light brown, or wood elves prefer stealth over strength, and comfortable or. The defenders of elven Realms speckled through the iris by human standards trespassers to go by unknowing while. Of this article, should go to them. most of the elven deities, but usually chooses one as result... Perfection is betraying the elven subraces to appear on Faerûn, they are certainly! A small number live quietly among the people of Aglarond, and as result...: 90 lb the content of the elven subraces to take up adventurer! Share a deep and long lasting choose one of the common folk, not a dungeon slayer! Are captured, their isolation is coming to an end dungeon-plundering slayer where do moon elves live in faerûn monsters subrace live! A slender, athletic folk who tend to be the defenders of elven High magic thousands of years still... Like all of the Tel-quessir, the moon elves gather in loose bands, composed of dozen... Been known to interact with hundreds of different races throughout her life numbers indeed except their. And sun elf cousins ) fandoms with you and never miss a beat elf! Unassuming, where do moon elves live in faerûn then let go somewhere far from the tribal lands '' +2d10 random:. Elves most closely resemble moon elves crave magic like no other race ( except perhaps their most creation... Blond or copper red were also found in simple clothing, similar to the moon elves speak,! Heavily built rarely keep mounts, as they feel they see more when they do not themselves...