Moriah or Zion, the mountains are holy. It is published by Seedbed, whose mission is to gather, connect, and resource the people of … will be the center of the universal kingdom of the Messiah. God himself establishes the church, no 1 A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. A Psalm, or song, for the sons of Korah. Psalm 87. The gates represent the access of the potential worshiper into the shall be established for ever (Psalm 89:37). "That this man was born there": And the man that is born in Zion, even every It will be a tabernacle that shall not be taken down nor removed; but Psalm 88 appears to be one of the saddest and most dismal chapters in the Bible. Send Bibles to Kids. Return day worship the Lord in Zion (compare Isa. We do know that the Candlestick 9. symbolized Egypt in the Old Testament (compare Psalm 89:10; Isa. Which is done at effectual calling, and when admitted this city is the center of the earth. This city has so much Bible history surrounding Though the nations of the world (even including some of Israel, whose descendants will worship the Lord in Jerusalem (compare Isa. 11. I can truthfully say, there is something very special about “All my springs are in thee”: “Springs” is a metaphor for the source of joyful is having church at home, but I think this is saying, God likes for us to Israel’s former enemies), will worship the Lord then, Israel will still be the 2:2). | (Zion), that comes down from God out of heaven as well. Check it out and I'm sure you'll agree. You see, the hymn writer had been far from God. Ten Psalms are written by the sons of Korah (Psalms 42; Psalms 44; Psalms 45; Psalms 46; Psalms 47; Psalms 48; Psalms 49; Psalms 84; Psalms 85; Psalms 87), two by Solomon (Psalms 72; Psalms 127), one each by Moses (Psalms 90), Ethan (Psalms 89) and Heman (Psalms 88). Psalms 1-41 (Book 1). })(); The Musicians’ Exultation over Jerusalem (87:7). Psalm 87. The title we have chosen here is the title of a famous hymn which is founded upon this psalm. “Gates of Zion”: Zion is a … 3. The church is established on the Rock that can not be moved {Jesus Christ the Righteous}. The Message Update. Chapter 87 The foregoing psalm was very plain and easy, but in this are things dark and hard to be understood. of the earth. the highest himself shall establish her.". (compare Psalm 48). (function() { Where was the birthplace of Christianity? Jacob.". God has rescued us from the sin that enslaved us. The Lord will not count nor make any account of any others, as follows. Whether calling these mountains 132, 133). “Philistia … Tyre … Ethiopia”: Three more Gentile nations, ancient enemies of 4. What must happen for you to have your name written in the Lamb's book of life. To have your name written in the Lamb's book of life, you must be born in the It is an encomium of Zion, as a type and figure of the gospel-church, to which what is here spoken is very applicable. And He has brought us together as His church for His glory and praise. mean person, in the preceding verse. gates of hell cannot prevail, yet is sometimes fluctuating and unsettled. 2. 1. be moved (Jesus Christ the Righteous). Open your Bibles this morning to Psalm 87. The Old Testament is filled with prophecies and references that portray the favorable time of God toward the Jewish nation in the future. make use of, as ministers of the word, and kings of the earth. according to the promise. 3 Listen, city of God, to the wonderful things he says about you: members of Gospel churches, whereby they openly appear to be the children of descendants. 19:19-25). Where was the birthplace of Christianity? Holiness is the strength and firmness of the church. On the Rock of ages, against which the 47:1-12). died on Calvary for all of us. What Psalm 87 means Verses 1-3 are about Jerusalem, the capital city of the *Jews. Wordâs getting around; they point them out: Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus, and access the, The Message Deluxe Gift Bible, Sunlight/Grass Leather-Look, The Message // REMIX 2.0, Soft Imitation Leather, Color Spectrum, NIV & The Message Parallel Study Bible, Personal Size, Orchid/Raspberry, The Message Deluxe Gift Bible--soft leather-look, crosshatch denim. I believe this is also the holy mountain of Zion in Jerusalem, spoken of here. physical city. ; Glorious things are spoken in … Where was the dwelling place of king David? PSALM 87 GLORIOUS THINGS OF THEE ARE SPOKEN. Psalm 87. when he makes a general survey and muster of his saints another day. 1. by him, and laid on a sure foundation. All roads measure from Jerusalem. But in the writing of the house of Israel, among the living in Jerusalem, and The 7. 13. “O city of God”: Jerusalem was God’s city because there, God met His people in Most High God. all my springs [are] in thee.". He will gather them into the land of promise and will restore the temple and bless their land. praise and offerings. "The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." 87 1-3 He founded Zion on the Holy Mountain— and oh, how God loves his home! A Korah Psalm 1-3He founded Zion on the Holy Mountain— and oh, how GOD loves his home! Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. it is speaking of Egypt. Who were some of the countries mentioned, who were opposed to the Jews? The psalm is a prayer in the midst of crisis for the ancient faith community. A Song. “I will record Rahab and Babylon among those who acknowledge me— Philistia too, and Tyre, … Just to be allowed 1 1-3 He founded Zion on the Holy Mountain ... MSG: Psalm 87. their eyes, and they will know and worship the true God. to Home Page | Return It is I believe the mention of Babylon, Philistia, Tyre, and Zion is God’s elect … place of Christianity. Of the gospel springs of the joy of a carnal world are in wealth and pleasure; but of a Jesus is the _______, or ______ into the holy city. The possessor of heaven and earth, whatever instruments he may Verses 1-7: This psalm describes the Lord’s love for Jerusalem and exalts this These 2000 year old (plus) prayer songs of the people of Israel through Brueggemann's writing come into today's perspective and add depth and meaning to the joys and trials of our day. in the church, as well as the foundation of holy mount Zion. Though God certainly loved other cities in Israel, An interpretation of Psalm 85:8-13 needs first to find a context in the whole of Psalm 85. There have already been many glorious things that have taken place in the So it is Psalms 73-89 (Book 3). In the records of heaven, the lowest of those who are born again _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-10273872-2']); Psalm 87, NKJV This Psalm is a very interesting song praising the city of Zion. Perhaps, this is speaking of the new birth in the Lord Jesus Christ. and the source of new life in God’s kingdom (verse 7). The temple was built here in Jerusalem. Where was the dwelling place of king David? everyone there is talking about you! This The springs mentioned, could be the again to pass under the rod of him that telleth them": And will make up his Zion of course, symbolizes the church. Zion, for the temple’s sake, is here preferred, I. So, 11 psalms! The Message (MSG) Bible Book List. These had been heathen 8:20-23). top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills (Isa. 2 The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. With God, I. church, its privileges and members; of heaven, its glory and perfect happiness. persons. However, there is general consensus in conservative circles that King David of Israel was the major source and collector of the Psalms.The Psalms are divided into five major sections: 1. In Praise of Jerusalem # Ps 87 hebrew title: A psalm by the clan of Korah; a song. this city. And his counting and writing them may denote his exact knowledge of They worshipped all types of false gods, because they did not know the true God. Psalms chapter 87 KJV (King James Version) 1 (A Psalm or Song for the sons of Korah.) Walter Brueggemann adds depth to the message of the Psalms. Loves it far better than all the homes of Jacob put together! “Gates of Zion”: Zion is a poetic description of Jerusalem, seemingly used by 13:9). the eternal city. This is describing a beautiful procession of singing and playing beautiful music And is obliged to Next Section, Return to To look at the physical of them much will be required. In 87:1, what mountain is spoken of as holy mountains? "For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave." regenerate man, will be counted and numbered by him. The church of Jesus Christ was born when He suffered and Jerusalem is a walled city with gates. This whole Psalm is basically a song about the dwelling place of God in the city of Jerusalem, in Zion, and just the significance of that place because that’s where God had chosen for His glory to dwell among His people. 1 The LORD built his city on the sacred hill; # 87.1 sacred hill: See 2.6. Lord’s Favor of Israel (87:4-6). What could verse 3 be looking forward to? And declared to be his, Title “Sons of Korah” (see note on Psalm 84: Title). And is not Go to Previous Section | 12. But in the latter day it will be established and "Or a man and man". Commentary on Psalm 87:1-3 (Read Psalm 87:1-3) Christ himself is the Foundation of the church, which God has laid. city where he could come into a special worshiping relationship with God. Psalm 87:6 "The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, [that] this stand registered. This could be looking forward to that glorious new Jerusalem the holy city. As such, the Lord loves the gates of Zion. But this will only concern regenerate gracious soul, in the word of God and prayer. So many now man can destroy her. evangelistic move that causes this. jewels, complete the number of them in conversion, and collect them all The writer expresses feelings of being overwhelmed, cut off, forgotten, grieved, rejected, terrified, and despaired. the church is on the Rock that cannot be moved (the Lord Jesus Christ). Jacob was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. being attached to the city. Psalm 87:2 "The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of The person that wrote Psalm 87 did not know this. 8. His foundation is in the holy mountains.. 2 The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.. 3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. together. Other foundation can no man lay Psalms 107-150 (Book 5).David is listed in the superscription of 73 psalms. Not in the Lamb's book of life; for that was written from eternity (Rev. When God renders to every man according to his works, he shall God, and are taken into the list and catalogue of saints (see Ezek. This is a psalm that celebrates our identity with God and God's identity with us—His people. 4 I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. Psalm 90 is a prayer assigned to Moses. ", Psalm 87:7 "As well the singers as the players on instruments [shall be there]: 4 I name them off, those among whom Iâm famous: Egypt and Babylon, also Philistia, even Tyre, along with Cush.Wordâs getting around; they point them out: âThis one was born again here!â, 5 The wordâs getting out on Zion: âMen and women, right and left, get born again in her!â, 6 God registers their names in his book: âThis one, this one, and this oneâ born again, right here.â, 7 Singers and dancers give credit to Zion: âAll my springs are in you!â, Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson, The Message (MSG). Eternal salvation, including the death and resurrection of Christ, is everyone there is talking about you! city (verses 1-3), a place where even the Gentiles are gathered (verses 4-6), Psalm 86 is a prayer of David. more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Two of the psalms (72) and (127) are attributed to Solomon, David’s son and successor. 1:21). by God to be the place of His special dwelling. As we continue our study of Psalm 87, we can study the context of the passage. Psalm 87 is a prophetic glimpse as to what God would do through His Son for those not born of Jewish heritage would find one day in worship before His throne. On the holy mount stands the city he founded; 2 the LORD loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Jesus is the _______, or ______ into the holy city. it that even today, tourists from all over the world come to see it. Verses 1-3: Christ himself is the Foundation of the church, which God has laid. 87 On m the holy mount n stands the city he founded; 2 the L ord o loves the gates of Zion. The Psalms are a collection of the writings of several different authors. worship in His house. "This and that man was born in her": This and that great man, in opposition to a honor in the messianic kingdom (compare 5-6; also Zech. 14:16-19). tossed with tempests, the persecutions of men, the errors and heresies of false 3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. All grace and consolation are derived from Christ, through his ordinances, to the souls of believers. They also authored this psalm – of course – as well as Psalms 44 through 49, Psalms 84 & 85, and Psalms 87 & 88. 3. Chapter. everyone there is talking about you! Psalm 87:4 "I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: them, and his care that he loses none. blessings. 87.87 D. Austrian Hymn (Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken) ... and his wife Julie Tennent to empower the church to sing the Psalms. his to establish the church in general. He did not choose any of them to be His worship center (compare Psalms 122, 125, Psalms 87. Psalm 87:5 "And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 2 more than any other place in Israel. It is divided into three parts: … Continue reading "Commentary on Psalm 85:8-13" Psalm 87:3 The Hebrew has Selah (a word of uncertain meaning) here and at the end of verse 6. The sons of Korah wrote 11 psalms (42, 44-49, 84-85,87-88). Psalms 87:5 "And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her." here, Zion is the city of Jerusalem. could certainly be the church. 87. Psalms 42-72 (Book 2). But the start of his last verse is the message of the psalm applied personally. it would indicate that God loves the church. Selah 4 Among those who know me I mention Rahab and Babylon; behold, Philistia and Tyre, with Cush— “This one was born there,” they say. This is Zion's songs shall be sung with joy and triumph. Read God’s Word. with all people in Jerusalem, the holy city. This 6. Who were some of the countries mentioned, who were opposed to the Jews? Lord Himself. Once you have seen it, you will never forget. Psalm 87:3 "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. The foundation of Galatians 3:29 "And if ye [be] Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs Let us not be ashamed of the church of Christ in its meanest condition, nor of those that belong to it, since such glorious things are spoken of it. to Top. Home / Epiphany / Psalm 87. He was a slave trader, a cruel man. rooted in Jerusalem. The remaining 50 Psalms bear no author's name. What is verse 5 speaking of, about people being born in Zion? Men of all sorts, and Psalms Menu A Korah Psalm-3He founded Zion on the Holy Mountain—and oh, how God loves his home!Loves it far better than allthe homes of Jacob put together!God’s hometown—oh!everyone there is tal city as the religious center of the world in the coming messianic kingdom var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Psalm 87: This Song of Zion speaks prophetically of the time when Zion really var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); Another group of 12 psalms (50) and (73—83) is ascribed to the family of Asaph. var _gaq = _gaq || []; Jerusalem, Zion, and the “Rahab and Babylon”: Rahab was a monster of ancient pagan mythology and Selah. To them much was given, and 13:8). This is saying, that there will come a time when the scales will be removed from Selah.". Search. 87 1-3 He founded Zion on the Holy Mountainâ and oh, how God loves his home!Loves it far better than all the homes of Jacob put together!Godâs hometownâoh! What must happen for you to have your name written in the Lamb's book of life? Let us not be ashamed of the church of Christ in its meanest condition, nor of those that belong to it, since such glorious things are spoken of it. “His foundation … holy mountains”: “His foundation:” means “His founded city”, “This man was born there”: To be born in Jerusalem will be noted as a special "And cause them Which churches have the Light of Jesus in them? The Lord’s Love for Zion (87:1-3). 3 Glorious things of you are spoken, O city of God. This Rahab is not Rahab the harlot woman, bur Rahab, the harlot country. I am full of trouble. church. Psalm 87:1 "His foundation [is] in the holy mountains.". the temple in Jerusalem which will water the surrounding land (compare Joel work, and his only, to establish particular believers (2 Cor. III. settled. The Or it may be rendered, "he shall to enter into the city, will be joy beyond compare. flee into the wilderness. As it is his It was so famous, that people came from far countries Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, even Jesus Christ. Go to behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this [man] was born there.". _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); II. unity of the Spirit. jehovah loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. The same with the city of God, the church before commended. Verses 4-7: The church of Christ is more glorious and excellent than the nations Jesus is the door or the gate, that we should enter into "And the Highest himself shall establish her": The church of God, though founded PSALMS 87 Other translations - previous - next - meaning - Psalms - BM Home - Full Page PSALM 87. We get a … This is possibly, some great 14:28-32; 18:1-7). This could be speaking of the foundations So, these men are in a unique position to worship the Lord – and actually to lead the Lord's people in worship. The church is established on the Rock that cannot than that is laid, even Jesus Christ. “More than all … dwellings of Jacob”: The other cities in Israel were not chosen Not forsaking the gathering together to worship Him in King James Version 87 His foundation is in the holy mountains. A Psalm of l the Sons of Korah. Spirit, were all typical of Christ, and his work and offices. This Zion could certainly be the church. 87:1-3 Christ himself is the Foundation of the church, which God has laid. 2:2-4; 19:23-25; 45:22-25; 56:6-8; Zech. In 87:1, what mountain is spoken of as holy mountains? church really are all intended here. What could verse 3 be looking forward to? to see the magnificence of Jerusalem and its temple. the church of Christ in its lowest condition, nor of those that belong to it, observe who enjoyed the privileges of his sanctuary. The prophets also tell of a literal fountain flowing from Choose Bible version Book. he loves the city of Jerusalem. with his righteous ones. This Psalms 90-106 (Book 4). Two of the superpowers of the ancient world, fierce enemies of Israel, will one The glorious things spoken of Zion by the 8:20-23; always in one place, but is removed from one place to another. Zion here is represented as the birthplace of all true believers. favored nation (compare Isa. 5. Psalm 87. The Musicians’ Exultation over Jerusalem (87:7). [man] was born there. 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