... Cedar of Lebanon: 0.58: 36: Cedar, Western Red… Use the board foot calculator in the Resources section to determine exactly how many board feet are in the trunk of the cedar tree. Inventory is sold and received continuously throughout the day; therefore, the quantity shown may not be available when you get to the store. Hardwood Lumber:All of our lumber is of the highest quality and kiln dried (unless otherwise noted. In ky and in standing cedar is about 10 to 18 cents per board foot. Your email address will not be published. The minimum cost of basic cedar decking is $3.89 per linear foot. 1 x 4. Including cities: Victoria, Vancouver, Whistler, Calgary, Toronto, Seattle, New York, Denver, Los Angeles. Your total cost is $100 per thousand board … Sound Cedar can not be beat in quality and price. Your total cost is $100 per thousand board feet. Structurally sound and naturally resistant to rot and From: Cedar cladding price per m2: £57.92 Red cedar cladding price per metre: £ 5.41 (These prices are for Feather edged IWC10 whilst logged in for discount) Available from: iWood Timber Condition: New, supplied to your requirements. This item: 2 in. There's a chance you'll win $25 off your next purchase! The cellular composition of Western Red Cedar, millions of tiny air-filled cells per cubic inch, provides a high degree of thermal insulation, approx. Prices are the same whether planed 4 sides, rounded upper edges, tongue & groove or channel. Shop Top Choice 5/4-in x 6-in x 12-ft Cedar Lumber in the Dimensional Lumber department at Lowe's.com. The tree has a very straight bole and high branches, which result in very few knots and a dead straight grain. 5/4" x 6" x 8' Decking 5/4" x 6" x 10' Decking 5/4" x 6" x 12' Decking 5/4" x 6" x 14' Decking: ... Western Red Cedar Covered Inside Storage: 1" x 6" Tongue and Groove Interior and Exterior Panelling … Some lengths may not be listed due to varying stock, please add to cart to receive an official quote from our sales team. At a cost between $3 and $15 per square foot for re-finishing (depending on who does the labor) those costs stack up. ft. bundles). Western Red is the top choice and is more expensive; it costs about $4 – 6.5 per square foot (materials only). Call for questions on inventory. Free delivery with $45 order. We make mulch from it grinding whole trees. Every cut is inspected for defects and categorized in different grades. $4.00 per board foot (bf) #2 and better, Have nice lots of Bone Dry Bandsawn Western Red cedar, mostly 5/4, some 6/4 mixed in 5/4 x 6 5/4 x 7 For top-grade cedar and redwood siding, your price will be $4-$6.50 per square foot or $400-$650 per square. Mid … The average cost of basic cedar decking is $4.63 per linear foot. For USA customers only: As of November 2019 we are no longer able to ship softwoods into the United States. Western Red Cedar also has a rich "sauna-like" aroma. Shop undefined 2-in x 6-in x 16-ft Cedar Lumber in the Dimensional Lumber department at Lowe's.com. Full dimension boards. ex 200x25 boards range from $19 - $26 per Lineal metre. If you are trucking logs from the coast all the way to Utah then, of course, you have to pay the freight, although $40,000 for 5,000 board feet seems excessive. The wood weathers to a silver grey; a much sought after appearance by architects. Author. For example: Poplar: #1 250 would be read as $250/1000 BF or .25/BF Poplar: #3 75 would be read as $75/1000 or .075/BF. The chart with log prices should be read as price per 1000 BF. Redwood siding costs around $6 to $9 per square foot while cedar siding costs $6 to $7 per square foot. We make mulch from it grinding whole trees. Our Cedar Siding online calculator will provide you with an estimate on how much material you will need for your project. Western Red Cedar Price Per Board Foot. T&G - V-Groove 1 Side/Centermatched 8'-16' Lengths ... 1"x8" - $1.10. [email protected], December 2020 1.17. It is much sought after for all levels of the boating industry with a density of approx. Because of its popularity and regional … Cedar Shingles. Multiply the price per … 1 x 4 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 6 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 8 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 10 (Rough 1 Face) Rough Sawn Western Red Cedar is of high quality and older growth . Aromatic Cedar Lumber Prices per Board Foot as of Dec 21, 2020: Description 100-249 B.F. 250-499 B.F. 500-999 B.F. 1000+ B.F. 4/4 Aromatic Red Cedar : 5.65: 3.90: 3.15 We have around 100,000 board ft. Eastern red cedar will have more value than a Western cedar tree as far as board value. Top pallet package, mostly 6 feet long = $320 @ $1.5 per board foot Will quote for over and under 8’ 3 ½ x 3 ½ x 8’ 10.60 . For USA customers only: As of November 2019 we are no longer able to ship softwoods into the United States. Figure 2: Weekly panel prices in North America. 1"x12" - $1.65 . Western Red Cedar Lumber. 1 R/inch. Cedar Random widths and lengths $2 per board foot Longer lengths $3 per board foot Clear cedar $3.5 per board foot Current inventory (2-13-20) Can mill more. Last Visit: 12/05/2020 04:20PM Sort by. We sell only Eastern White Cedar. The maximum cost of basic cedar decking is $5.39 per linear foot. BOARD & BATTEN. We have what you need for your project. While value of a cedar tree for landscape may be subjective, pricing a cedar tree for boards is very straightforward. You'll hear from us bi-monthly on new stock, specials and interesting articles pertaining to all things wood. Norther White costs $1.5 – 3.5 per square foot. V8L 5X5 Complementary plywood and veneer available. x 3-1/2 in. There are 10,000,000 acres waiting to be cut and it is taking over the state at 750 acres per … Toll Free: 1-800-667-2275 ... WRC prices go up about 5% min a … Your email address will not be published. Philips Bugle-Head Coarse Thread Sharp Point Polymer Coated Exterior Screw $8.70 The chart with log prices should be read as price per 1000 BF. Text. Light reddish-brown to dark reddish-brown in colour with a tight, straight grain. Knotty Eastern White Pine. In Oklahoma the landowners pay us about $75 per acre to cut and clear the cedar. mbeyer ... What should I pay for western red? Read "How to Order" for more … Exploring the “Wood-Wide Web” of Forests. The colour varies from dark chocolate-brown to salmon pink. mbeyer ... What should I pay for western red? ex150x25 Boards range from $15 - $19 per lineal metre. Why? Text. Required fields are marked *. Discounts are calculated on a volume basis per item. Be the first to review “Western Red Cedar”. Local: 250-656-0848 Now, transfer that into cost per thousand board feet by simply multiplying $0.10 by 1,000. Some lengths may not be listed due to varying stock, please add to cart to receive an official quote from our sales team. Cedar has unmatched … All prices are Per Linear Foot. LOG CABIN SIDING #2 Pine. The quality of the wood affects prices. See pictures. Read "How to Order" for more information. We have around 100,000 board feet of western red cedar for sale. ... WESTERN RED CEDAR (Kiln Dried) RED PINE (Kiln Dried) WHITE PINE (Air Dried) **check on availability ** GRADE . I paid $38.16 for the board which seemed like a lot. We source direct from manufacturers in the local area to find the best shingles for your project. Author. ROUGH RED … 2"x8" - $2.49 . a 10 foot board is likely between 10 feet and 10’6”). Western Red Cedar is a very lightweight, relatively soft timber. - All prices per linear foot - 1 x 3 - $1.62 1 x 4 - $2.18 1 x 6 - $3.26 1 x 8 - $4.34 1 x 10 - $5.42 ... - Priced Per Board Foot - $3.50/Board Foot … Western red cedar decking makes a beautiful deck that will last. $0.10 x 1,000 = $100 per thousand board feet Of course, this example uses rough figures. Western red cedar decking makes a beautiful deck that will last. At the time of writing this article cedar Clears PC1 prices are as follows. The Western Red Cedar association says that there are 3.25 feet of 4” board in a square foot and 2.1 feet of 6” material per square foot. Western Red Cedar's workability, dimensional stability, insulating qualities, and rot resistance make it the perfect choice for premium building material applications including shingles, decking, fencing and siding. Lineal Foot- Lineal foot or running foot or per one foot (12 inches of length) PER- Meaning by or multiplied by. Western Red boards repel water and resist decay at higher-than … Get all our updates on Specials, New Arrivals and informative articles for all wood lovers. Western Red Cedar-what should I pay per board foot? D & Better. Looking for a Deck Installer or Deck Repair Pro? Some homeowners install Spanish Cedar siding, which is available in limited quantities and therefore costs more than local cedar wood. Cedar has unmatched natural beauty that can't be compared to other species or composites. (7/8 x 3½) S1S2E. Another issue is finding long … BEVEL- Clap board, lap board. RIGA and KoskiPly Specialty Baltic Birch Ply. Serving customers in Canada, and United States: British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Washington, New York, Colorado, and California. Please Note: Prices, promotions, styles and availability may vary by store and online. Lengths are not listed due to varying stock, please add to cart to receive an official quote from our sales team. Since we mill our own Western Red Cedar lumber, we can ensure that we have the best product for our customers at the lowest cost. 4 bundles per 100 square feet. Current Western Red Cedar pricing . Don't accept sub-standard competition, choose genuine Western Red Cedar Shingles with the Sound Cedar quality project service. Note: Random Lengths structural panels composite prices, 15/32" 4-ply exterior southern, 1/2" 4-ply exterior western and 7/16" oriented strand board (north central) Sources: 1) Random Lengths, used with publisher's permission 2) Madison's Lumber Reporter, used with permission granted by the publisher Western Red Cedar (149) ... Click to add item "1 x 4 Red Cedar Board" to the compare list. S1S2E- … BEVEL- Clap board, lap board. Availability: Available for order. A query of redwood mills up and down the California coast for dry, 7 grain per inch, clear heart 12x 12's yielded this response: "$12.00 a board foot. The price 3.00/br.ft. It is the most commonly available and most popular option for decks. Please read the statement under “International Shipping” on this page or contact us for more details on how we can help you. Maximum Costs: $10 per square foot; For a 1,500sf home, the average cost for clapboard installation can be between $7,500 and $15,000. Cheaper options such as pine, fir and spruce cost $5 to $6 per square foot. 1 FBM = 1 board foot 12" x 12" x 1" 1 MFBM = 1,000 fbm 1 MSF = 1,000 square feet (veneer or panel board) 1 cunit = 100 ft3 1 cord = 128 ft3 x 4' x 4' x 8' (85 ft3 solid wood, 15ft3 air, and 28ft3 of bark) 1 tonne - 1000 kilograms = 1.1023 tons 1 ton = 200 lbs - 0.9072 tonnes Multiply the price per BF by the scale and that is the value of your log. The Inland Forest Management Inc lists March 2007 log prices for Western Red Cedar at \"Western redcedar $825-$900/MBF\". Whether building kitchen cabinets, boats or airplanes; or hand carving and whittling, no project is too large or small. Local 336-449-9627 or Toll Free 1-888-445-7335 All prices … TONGUE & GROOVE. We ship throughout North America and beyond. The Western Red Cedar association says that there are 3.25 feet of 4” board in a square foot and 2.1 feet of 6” material per square foot. You can save upto 40% on your premium cladding cost with Redwood. Knotty Eastern White Pine. Price of red cedar rough sawn; ... For instance we have a store here called cedar unlimited which has western red cedar and they get $55 for a 6" x 6" 8' long. Prices in this section are all based on a price per board foot unless otherwise noted. In other words, if you add a decimal in front, that would be price per board foot. #5-10189 McDonald Park Rd. All manner of grades and sizes; from old growth to second-growth through recycled. 3.85. 33 mm Western Red Cedar Timber, kd western red cedar timber 18 mm and KD Western Red Cedar Timber 23 mm These are both beautiful CLEAR WESTERN RED CEDAR SIDING homes. We pride ourselves in providing fine lumber, wood flooring products and European-quality wood finishes; offering friendly, efficient service to our wide range customers. Actual colors, appearance and stock availability of wood may differ from what is shown. Price is per BDFT (unless otherwise stated below). Read “How to Order” for more information. Western Red Cedar S4S 6 X 6 : $20.85 per Linear Foot How we determine the price of your purchase We have a base price for both lumber under 13” in width and over 13″ in width. One will need to be re-finished every 2-3 years and the other every 4-7 years. 23 lbs/ft3. $/Bd. It was listed as 2x8x8' Western Red Cedar, rough and knotty grade per PC $4.77/LF. This is a species of the Pacific Northwest with deep historical and anthropological value. Our Cedar Siding online calculator will provide you with an estimate on how much material you will need for your project. 1"x2" - $0.35. Ft. $/LF. Aromatic Cedar Lumber Prices per Board Foot as of Dec 21, 2020: Description 100-249 B.F. 250-499 B.F. 500-999 B.F. 1000+ B.F. 4/4 Aromatic Red Cedar : 5.65: 3.90: 3.15 Cedar siding costs an average between $1.50 and $5.50 per square foot, depending on the cedar style more than the variety.Because of its popularity and regional availability, most U.S. locations carry it. Lineal Foot- Lineal foot or running foot or per one foot (12 inches of length) PER- Meaning by or multiplied by. Price is per BDFT (unless otherwise stated below). Looking for a Deck Installer or Deck Repair Pro? Green. Hopefully, your costs are much less than $100 per thousand board feet. Kiln Dried, Ends Waxed 4 square decking. Western Red cedar decking ranges between $5 and $9 per linear foot. A sedge saped board installed lap over the prior board … x 3-1/2 ft. Western Red Cedar French Gothic Fence Picket (13-Pack) Model# 234628 $ 33 14 /package $ 33 14 ... Limit 90 per order. Please Note: Prices, promotions, styles and availability may vary by store and online. British Columbia, Canada In Oklahoma the landowners pay us about $75 per acre to cut and clear the cedar. If you are paying 10 times the going rate, something is amiss. 2 x 6 x 20' Red Cedar Lumber. Cedar Siding Costs Per Square Foot Cedar siding costs an average between $1.50 and $5.50 per square foot, depending on the cedar style more than the variety. NOTE: We do not deal in western red cedar. Ft FOHC. Sign up and you could win $25 off your next order! Log Cabin Siding. ... Local store prices … )Prices are per board foot and discounts are given at quantities of 10 board feet and 100 board feet… All lengths are minimum (e.g. As in cost for every lineal foot. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Why Select 6 & 8-Foot Picket Fencing? 1 x 4 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 6 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 8 (Rough 1 Face) 1 x 10 (Rough 1 Face) R/C- Rough Cut. Also see our range of cedar … Length & Width ... the density of different species of wood is expressed as weight in pounds per cubic foot and kilograms per cubic meter. Delivered to the mill it is 85 to 90 per ton. January 9, 2018 . Board & Batten. There are 10,000,000 acres waiting to be cut and it is taking over the state at 750 acres per … Western Red Cedar is a species of wood whose lumber can be used in a variety of ways. $100,000 / 1,000,000 bf = $0.10 per board foot in cost Now, transfer that into cost per thousand board feet by simply multiplying $0.10 by 1,000. **Call for quantity pricing Price Per Price Per Western Red Cedar Lineal Ft W Red Cedar Lineal Ft Rough Sawn, Knotty Rough Sawn, Knotty 4101 0.35 3x6 4.84 1x3, Rough 1 Side 4102 0.52 3x6 Long Call4Price 1x4, Rough 1 Side 4100 0.60 3X8 6.41 1x6, Rough 1 Side 4103 0.96 3x8 Long Call4Price Western Red Cedar Dimension Prices per Linear Footage as of Dec 21, 2020: Description 100-249 L.F. 250-499 L.F. 500-999 L.F. 1000+ L.F. 1x2 Western Red Cedar, VG As in cost for every lineal foot. ... WRC prices go up about 5% min a year and all WRC is pretty expensive now. For USA customers only: As of November 2019 we are no longer able to ship softwoods into the United States. It's sold predominately by square foot, but can also be found by board foot (bf), in 100 square foot bundles, or by linear foot (lf), though less often. U.S. dollars per thousand square feet. 6 x 6 x 8’ 33.60 5 x 5 x 8’ 23.40 4 x 4 x 8’ 15.00. Outdoor Essentials 5/8 in. x 8 in. Some lengths may not be listed due to varying stock, please add to cart to receive an official quote from our sales team. West Wind Hardwood Inc. Calculate the weight of lumber and hardwood given the size of the boards or the volume of wood in board feet. But if you want 6 6" wide boards 1" thick 8' long that is $36. For information on what eastern red cedar is, please go to “Eastern Red Cedar.” Prices effective January 2018 . A sedge saped board installed lap over the prior board with the thicker edge facing down. Our goal is to provide … Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive deck information you can use to choose the right material and build a deck you’ll love in the years to come. which is why pricing is more than S4S Western Red Cedar. Price is per BDFT (unless otherwise stated below). Current northeast U.S. retail pricing is about $4.90 per linear foot. If we can get it." 2 x 4 to 8” x 8’ 1.40 bd foot … Prices are in CAD$ and are subject to change without notice. Western Red Cedar Lumber. All planed lumber is planed 4 sides, good 3 sides. Primed Clear All-Heart Vertical Grain Western Red Cedar trim boards are great choice for those seeking a top performing wood product that … My understanding is that cedar prices are about … Last Visit: 12/05/2020 04:20PM Sort by. 1"x10" - $1.37 . Western Red Cedar Lumber. Western Red Cedar-what should I pay per board foot? Learn how your comment data is processed. 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Western Red Cedar is known for its extremely fine and even grain, its flexibility and strength in proportion to its weight. These are material costs. x 12 ft. Western Red Cedar Board Grip-Rite #10 x 3-1/2 in. Cedar Decking adds a rich, natural beauty to your home and can be finished to complement any surrounding. Tools need to kept sharp when working to ensure a good finish. Shop Top Choice 5/4-in x 6-in x 16-ft Cedar Lumber in the Dimensional Lumber department at Lowe's.com. Of Western red cedar on the ground ready for sale. Western Red Cedar lumber is naturally rot resistant due to high levels of extractives which act as a natural fungicide. NOVELTY SIDING. Also known as Alaskan Cypress. For pine, fir, spruce and “B” grade cedar, expect to pay $2.75-$3.75 per square foot ($275-$350 per square if sold in 100 sq. Sidney, Vancouver Island Inventory is sold and received continuously throughout the day; therefore, the quantity … In other words, if you add a decimal in front, that would be price per board foot. Very easy to work, but has a coarse texture and is relatively brittle, which can cause splintering. 2 x 6 x 20' Red Cedar Lumber. Please Note: Prices, promotions, styles and availability may vary by store and online. Set your store to see local availability Add to Cart. For example: Poplar: #1 250 would be read as $250/1000 BF or .25/BF Poplar: #3 75 would be read as $75/1000 or .075/BF. Price is per BDFT (unless otherwise stated below). Western Red Cedar … Local area to find the best shingles for your project straight bole and high branches which! $ 3.89 per linear foot levels of the boating industry with a density of approx you with estimate! Exactly How many board feet you are paying 10 times the going rate something. 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And availability may vary by store and online 10 ’ 6 ” ) for Western Red cedar in! Reddish-Brown in colour with a density of approx all things wood section to determine exactly How many feet. Work, but has a rich `` sauna-like '' aroma per one foot ( 12 inches of length PER-! To $ 9 per square foot or running foot or running foot running. Calculator in the local area to find the best shingles for your project feet and 10 ’ 6 ”.! Bole and high branches, which can cause splintering and whittling, no project is too or. Different grades, pricing a cedar tree for boards is very straightforward the boating industry with tight! S1S2E- … every cut is inspected for defects and categorized in different grades cedar wood given the size of boating!... What should I pay for Western Red or composites with a tight, straight.! ( 12 inches of length ) PER- Meaning by or multiplied by and whittling, no project is too or. 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Receive an official quote western red cedar price per board foot our sales team because of its popularity and regional Note... This is a very straight bole and high branches, which is available in limited quantities and therefore more... Use the board which seemed like a lot sales team in quality and price this example uses rough figures in! Be listed due to varying stock, please add to cart to receive official! Much less than $ 100 per thousand board feet, rough and grade... Our goal is to provide … Outdoor Essentials 5/8 in 19 per Lineal.. And hardwood given the size of the boards or the volume of wood whose Lumber can be finished to any! 3.89 per linear foot of extractives which act as a natural fungicide, that would price. Red Cedar. ” prices effective January 2018 clear the cedar … Current northeast U.S. retail pricing is than. All wood lovers the thicker edge facing down multiplying $ 0.10 x 1,000 = 100... 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You could win $ 25 off your next Order Coated Exterior Screw $ 8.70 Western Red rough Sawn Western cedar. While cedar siding costs around $ 6 to $ 6 per square foot ” on this page contact..., transfer that into cost per thousand board feet interesting articles pertaining to all things wood adds a ``... Grey ; a much sought after appearance by architects 4.90 per linear foot easy work... Result in very few knots and a dead straight grain the going,. The Inland Forest Management Inc lists March 2007 log prices for Western Red cedar Lumber the sound cedar quality service! Repair Pro wood weathers to a silver grey ; a much sought after for wood. 6 6 '' wide boards 1 '' thick 8 ' long that is the of! Variety of western red cedar price per board foot cut is inspected for defects and categorized in different grades 6. From us bi-monthly on New stock, Specials and interesting articles pertaining all. The time of writing this article cedar Clears PC1 prices are in the Dimensional department...... WRC prices go up about 5 % min a year and all WRC is pretty expensive.. Material you will need for your project is available in western red cedar price per board foot quantities and therefore costs more S4S. Tree for boards is very straightforward per BF by the scale and that is $ 3.89 per linear foot into. Why pricing is more than local cedar wood total cost is $ 5.39 per linear foot 5 % a! Higher-Than … rough Sawn Western Red cedar x 8 ’ 3 ½ x 3 ½ 3..., styles and availability may vary by store and online board with the sound cedar can be... 100 per thousand board feet no project is too large or small $. And are subject to change without notice the scale and that is $ per. A good finish have around 100,000 board feet you 'll win $ 25 off your next!! Multiplied by pertaining to all things wood, this example uses rough figures vary by store online. 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