Ping. Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr 60.45% Herbicide - 2.5 Gal. It is always best to refer to the product label for specific application rates and details. Doesn't kill grasses, sedges, flax or other monocots or ferns foliar active, slightly root active; low-volatility; moderately low toxicity, short soil residue. It can also be used basal treatment to kill large trees. Absorbed mainly through leaves and stems and translocated in the plant to interfere with cell pision and elongation. Triclopyr 7k.2 Weed Control Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy, Tu et al. Garlon 4 Ultra Triclopyr herbicide for fence rows and more 787593. Safe to grasses and widely used where damage to pasture grasses undesirable. Buy and sell Car transporter on Trade Me. Visit your local store for the widest range of home improvement products. Log in, 400g/L amitrole plus 100g/L ammonium thiocyanate, Eg. To list a used motorcycle simply click on the 'Sell My Motorcycle' button above the search panel. Triclopyr as an active ingredient is a systemic foliar herbicide, which means it is applied to the foliage of a plant and then travels down to the roots.Triclopyr is used primary to control broadleaf, woody, and herbaceous weeds while leaving grasses and conifers unharmed. Hi-Yield Range and Pasture Triclopyr 4 is designed to control woody plants, perennial and annuals broadleaf weeds on grass pastures, forests, rangeland, rights-of-way, conservation reserve program acres, in non-crop areas and ornamental turf, industrial sites and non-irrigation ditch banks. Aprilia (1) Benelli (1) BMW (3) Hi-Yield Range and Pasture Triclopyr 4. The use of wetting agent/penetrant is recommended to improve coverage under dry or dusty conditions. Free shipping. Ingredients are based on naturally renewable resources. Half fill the spray container with water, add the required amount of Eliminate, continue to fill up while agitating. Check out our range of Herbicide products at your local Bunnings Warehouse. Note: Yates Woody Weedkiller is half the strength (100g/L 24D and 50g/L dicamba), so quantities identified below should be doubled. Crossbow â Uses triclopyr with 2,4-D and is suitable for large livestock grazing areas. Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No P7155. Super Feature listings. Shop with confidence. Use from late spring to early autumn when weeds are actively growing. Triclo is a great triclopyr herbicide to use on grass or pasture, clearing out a wide range of broadleaf weeds. For most common brush weeds use 10L/Ha, or up to 300ml/100L for spot spraying. $11,385. Some formulations of triclopyr (several trade names) are labeled for control of woody weeds in landscape plantings. Green assassin is a Non Toxic, Biodegradable weed killer. The product shows dramatic twisting effects on target species within a few days of application. Search for products or services, then visit the suppliers website for prices, SDS or more information. Trending at C $98.36 Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. 600g/L triclopyr as the butoxy ethyl ester in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate. Confront â This specialty herbicide combines clopyralid with triclopyr. German wasps arrived in NZ about 60 years ago and common wasps arrived about 20 years ago. Various - used to improve ability of herbicide to penetrate leaf cuticle or stomata, and increase rate and volume of herbicide uptake. Eliminate may be tank mixed with most commonly used herbicides. The perfect solution to weed growth. To order this product online, login to My Ravensdown and place your order, A herbicide used to control broom, gorse and other brushweeds, Safe to grass species and is most commonly used where pasture damage is not desirable, Used during late spring, summer and early autumn providing brushweeds are actively growing. Uses. per acre per year of triclopyr (8 qts./A/yr Alligare Triclopyr 4). Ford 7840 Tractor. Find where to buy products from suppliers in NZ, including: distributors, manufacturers, bulk supplies and wholesalers of raw ingredients & finished goods. ... Orion AgriScience is a leading supplier of crop protection products in New Zealand. Shop for groceries online and checkout great free recipes at - large variety of groceries for sale ae per acre per year of triclopyr (2 qts./A/yr of Alligare Triclopyr 4) . LTD A.C.N. This herbicide is particularly effective for controlling poison ivy and brambles. PACKAGING At brush weed rates it is damaging to clover. Identifying and Controlling Wasps. Eliminate is suitable for application by handgun, mist blower, knapsack, stump swabbing or by aerial application. Access â Combines picloram with triclopyr and is best for industrial areas. 600 g/litre triclopyr as the butoxy ethyl ester A general purpose brushweed herbicide used to control gorse, broom, blackberry and a range of other brush weeds. Triclopyr 4 Herbicide is a herbicide for control of woody plants, annuals and perennial broadleaf weeds in forests, grass pastures, rangeland, CRP acres, rights-of-way, and in non-crop areas and ornamental turf, industrial sites and non-irrigation ditch banks. It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the New Zealand (Maximum Residues Other options New from $234.60. 20 LITRES KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING POISON 4FARMERS PTY. We are the only co-operative who test for, advise about, buy, ship, make, store, spread, measure and map soil nutrients and fertiliser in a truly integrated way. C $69.07. Used with Haloxyfop. In a nutshell, we’re here to help you improve the fertility of your soil, the quality of your crops and livestock, and the profitability of your farm. Eliminate has good grass safety making it suitable for use as a spot treatment in both new and established pastures or situations where maintenance of grass cover is preferred. They have had a dramatic effect on a range of native birds and insects, competing for nectar with birds such as tuis and bellbirds, and killing large numbers of native insects. Seller: farmersmailbox (19,175) 99.8%, Location: WHITTLESEA, Victoria, Ships to: AU, NZ, Item: 112382285477 Dow Grazon Extra Herbicide (Triclopyr / Picloram) 5 Litre. Triclopyr: 600 g/litre triclopyr: Eg. Agitate thoroughly while filling and spraying. Alligare Triclopyr 4 . Alligare Triclopyr 4 with Triclopyr 61.6% is more economical than other Triclopyr 60.0% products such as Remedy Ultra and Garlon 4. What is triclopyr? I mixed up 1.5 oz of 8% triclopyr with 1.5 gallons of water with 1.5 oz of non-ionic surfactant. Brand New. FREE Shipping. A Herbicide for Control of Woody Plants, Annuals and Perennial Broadleaf Weeds in Forests, Grass Pastures, Rangeland, CRP acres, Rights-of-Way, and in Non-Crop Areas and Ornamental Turf, Industrial Sites and Non-Irrigation Ditch Banks. It is often used in common green areas such as parks and golf courses where wildlife can take up residence. • Store in original container tightly closed in a locked, dry, cool, well ventilated area away from foodstuffs, fertilizers and seeds. Where herbicides other than Group I herbicides have been used, allow 2 seasons regrowth to occur before respraying. Tordon Brushkiller XT: Picloram gel: 4.3% 43g/kg Picloram as ⦠100g/L picloram 8g/L aminopyralid 300g/L triclopyr, 4.3% 43g/kg Picloram as the potassium salt. ⢠On use sites that may be grazed, including rights-of-way, pasture, fence rows, and range-land, do not apply more than 2 lbs. More options available. Replant sites only after seedlings appear naturally A grass friendly herbicide for control of broom, gorse & other brushweeds. A broad spectrum systemic herbicide for the control of gorse, blackberry, lupin and many troublesome brushweeds and broadleaf weeds without damaging pasture grasses. Triclopyr 4. GrassMate (triclopyr / picloram) GrassMate is pasture and grass-friendly herbicide that kills a wide range of broadleaf weeds and brushweeds. APPLICATION RATE. As a co-operative we're all about essential farm inputs, and smart people using smart tools with the latest science in mind and our shareholders’ interests at heart. The key benefit of Eliminate is it's safety to most grass species. Please contact your Ravensdown Account Manager, or the Customer Centre on 0800 100 123, for further information about the use of any product that is older than this. Dow Grazon Extra Herbicide 5 Litre Item Description Grazon Extra is primarily used for brushweed control plus difficult to control broadleaf weeds in fallow situations in northern Australia. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. $262.70 $ 262. Contains 600g/litre triclopyr as the butoxyethyl ester in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate. Buy Now. New Zealand only; Region. From United States. Triclopyr is an herbicide used to control woody plants and many broadleaf weeds including rights-of-way, industrial areas, forestry, railways, rangeland, home lawns, and permanent grass pastures, rice, turf, and plantation crops such as palm oil. Triclopyr (present as the butoxyethyl ester). Pasture weeds controlled include ragwort, thistles, fennel, nettle, and inkweed. Grazon, Brushoff, Triclop 600 (many triclopyr products are 300g/litre strength, so quantities identified below may need to be doubled) Tordon Brushkiller ® 100g/L picloram 8g/L aminopyralid 300g/L triclopyr: Ie. Triclopyr (Grazon®, Vanguard, Victory, Renovate, Brushoff® etc) kills conifers and broadleaf spp. Do not use acidic spray marker dyes with Eliminate. Southern Ag CROSSBOW32 Weed & Brush Killer, 32oz-1 Quart Crossbow Specialty Herbicide 2 4 D & Triclopyr Weed & Brus, (s) (32 oz) 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,373 $23.47 Triclopyr 4E provides excellent selective contr Herbicide Details Chemical Formula: [(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyl)oxy]acetic acid Trade Names: There are two basic formulations of triclopyr: a triethylamine salt (triclopyr amine or salt), and a butoxyethyl ester (triclopyr ⦠Various - additive which improves spray wetting, reduces evaporation and increases herbicide uptake. 258 listings, showing 1 to 60. Triclopyr NZ Suppliers. Rates of application vary depending on the crop and weed species present. S. Ramasahayam, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014. Car transporter for sale in New Zealand. You can also view suppliers in Australia, UK or the USA. District. Triclopyr 600 Herbicide is compatible with most commonly used herbicides. Active Ingredients: Triclopyr 61.6% Foruulation Type: Ester Herbicide Mode of Action: 4 Please refer to the product label for product handling and storage details. Half fill the spray container with water, add the required amount of Eliminate, continue to fill up while agitating. View current listings or list your motorbike for free. Add surfactants last.Eliminate may be tank mixed with most commonly used herbicides. C $389.04. 3.3 out of 5 stars 8. Contains 600g/litre triclopyr as the butoxyethyl ester in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate. Activated Amitrole, (Product rates vary. • Keep out of reach of children.• Store in accordance with NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals.• Store in original container tightly closed in a locked, dry, cool, well ventilated area away from foodstuffs, fertilizers and seeds. Visit us today for the widest range of Garden Pest & Weed Control products. Triclopyr 4 Herbicide is the same as Garlon 4 Herbicide and is designed to control mesquite, sumac, tallow, poison oak, cactus, and other heavy brush. 70. Find McGregor's 200ml 120g/Litre Triclopyr Hydrocotyle at Bunnings Warehouse. Save ... On sale. Buy It Now. stump swab barberry, Old Man's Beard, woolly nightshade, wattle willow, and many more. View. Adjust quantities identified below based on active ingredient concentration). To order this product contact the customer centre and place your order. 11 product ratings - Southern Ag Brush Killer Triclopyr Herbicide - 1 Gallon. Alligare's Triclopyr 4 is a selective herbicide that is works well against brush, unwanted woody plants, small trees and tough to control perennial broadleaf weeds. Please contact our Customer Centre for pricing information 0800 100 123. TRICLOPYR 600 HERBICIDE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 600g/L TRICLOPYR present as butoxyethyl For control of a range of woody weeds and melons as specified in the Directions For Use Table. • Store in accordance with NZS 8409 Management of Agrichemicals. We will ship your Triclo triclopyr 600 NZ wide. Does not harm grasses. Triclopyr + *Picloram: Grass-up⢠(300 g/L + 100 g/L: 35 - 50 ml/10 L : nil: Use the high rates on plants which have been damaged by grazing stock or on known difficult to kill blackberry. Add surfactants last. If you are buying or selling a used motorcycle you are at the right place. When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for two years from the date of manufacture. Do not use acidic spray marker dyes with Eliminate. Details. Find great deals on eBay for triclopyr and triclopyr 4. For broadleaf weeds in pasture, use 2L/Ha or 200ml/100L. It hasn't even been a week and I can already tell the clover is hurting. Why Use Eliminate A grass friendly herbicide for control of broom, gorse & other brushweeds. PGG Wrightson stocks agricultural chemicals from reputable brands with each formulated to protect arable, forage, vegetable or fruit crops from weeds and diseases. Please refer to the product label for product handling and storage details. But it can also be very injurious to ornamental plants, so the user must be cautious not to contact desirable plants with the spray applications. Used Motorcycles for Sale Welcome to New Zealand's hottest online classifieds. On Friday I hit it with triclopyr from Ortho Poison Ivy and Brush Killer. The Nature Conservancy, Tu et al as ⦠Green assassin is a leading supplier of protection. Picloram 8g/L aminopyralid 300g/L triclopyr, 4.3 % 43g/kg Picloram as ⦠Green assassin is a supplier! 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More information or by aerial application include ragwort, thistles, fennel, nettle, and inkweed (., allow 2 seasons regrowth to occur before respraying, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology ( Third Edition ), quantities... Of CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS before OPENING or USING Poison 4FARMERS PTY to New Zealand ester in form... Mixed with most commonly used herbicides early autumn when weeds are actively growing be basal... Grasses undesirable triclopyr, 4.3 % 43g/kg Picloram as ⦠Green assassin is a Non Toxic Biodegradable... View suppliers in Australia, UK or the USA triclopyr Hydrocotyle at Bunnings..