Today we try out the Brand New Transforming Goku Black Time Travel Team here on DBZ Dokkan Battle! Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Time Travelers LGE, w/o Int Black". 2500: Hard: 6: 5160. A new Super Strike Event is now on! Time Travelers. Event Announcement. Summon Rates: Featured (7) 5% … Popular Pages Today. Collect the Awakening Medals to Dokkan Awaken Trunks (Xeno)! Dokkan Battle hat nämlich nichts mit Geschicklichkeit und schnellen Reflexen zu tun, sondern funktioniert eher wie ein Puzzle. Demon Kong Piccolo Is at two dupes. They were underwhelming when they came out and they are underwhelming now. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Consists of characters who traveled through time or were revived from the past. The Deadly Cell Games Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr. A Will Beyond Time Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), A Lesson in Good and Evil Gowasu & Zamasu, Merciless Condemnation Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu, Swelling Power of Evil Super Saiyan Cumber (Giant Ape Cumber), Hero Who Unites the World Great Saiyaman 3, Unwavering Conviction Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), All-New Power Super Saiyan 3 Trunks (Teen), Life Form of Hate and Ruin Cell (1st Form), Bonds Beyond Time Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta, Phantom Majin Sealed Within Tapion (Hirudegarn), Alternate Ending Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), Victor of the Future Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), Overwhelming Power Restored Demon King Piccolo (Elder), Future-Carving Power Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen), To a New Future Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), Roaring Hatred from Hell Cell (Perfect Form) (GT), Humanity's Hope Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), Time's Guidance Super Saiyan Trunks (Xeno), Terrifying Plot Demon King Piccolo (Elder), The Love to Light the Future Mai (Future),, - His links are rather restrictive in this category, - Insane all-round unit capable of hitting hard and tank while never struggling for Ki at the same time, - Excellent all-round unit capable of hitting hard and tank decently at the same time, - Excellent all-round unit capable of hitting hard and tank at the same time, - Faces stiff competition with his LR counterpart, - Great all-round unit that can hit decently hard and tank really well especially in long events, - Loses the ability to stack DEF upon using Active Skill which could actually be detrimental in long events, - Requires another Boujack unit such as his STR counterpart to activate most of his links, - Will easily be get to their full boost in this category, - Only SSJ4 units fully benefits from his support, - Forgoes running his PHY support counterpart, - Support only encompasses himself, Vegito and SSB Goku, - Will be able to hit extremely hard thanks to his EZA stats, - Requires specific category enemy to utilize him to his full power, - Hits decently hard while also supporting other Zamasu units at the same time, - Generally outclassed by his LR counterpart, - Decent tank with a bit of DEF boost from supports, - Unable to properly tank without sufficient defensive boosts, - Can only tank if he launches a Super Attack, - Insane hard-hitting unit that can be further amplified through supports, - Shares the same name with his Dokkan Fest counterparts, - Hits extremely hard for a general unit, particularly when all conditions are met, - Very restrictive, requires specific enemies and allies to be utilized to their full potential, - Requires specific DB Heroes units for him to be utilized to his full potential, - Very effective on events with multiple enemies such as, - Great hard-hitting unit and self-sustainable that also acts as a semi-support, - Only Ahms, Cell and Innocent Buu fully benefit from his support, - Requires KOing enemies to get the full boost which is difficult given his low initial boost, - Supports the majority of the relevant units in this category, - Great support unit that can hold his own at the same time, - Needs TEQ Trunks as the leader to be utilized to his full potential, - Best defensive support unit in the game, - Does not give ATK boosts to other allies, - Easily gives the full boost to his allies due to a strong category overlap, - Hits decently hard after given enough stacks, - Incredibly restrictive transformation condition, - Unable to link well with non-Cell units, - Will easily get the full boost in this category, - Only stuns Super Class enemies and not really at a reliable rate, - Passive will only fully activate if you're low on HP, - Amazing support unit that can hold very well on his own, - Hits decently hard for a Prime Battle LR, - Decent support unit that can hold on his own, - Forgoes running his INT EZA counterpart, - Can hit decently hard thanks to his LR stats particularly against multiple enemies, - Hits and tanks decently hard for a general pool unit, - His passive restricts him as the first attacker in a turn, - Can only be utilized to his full potential against multiple enemies, - Completely outclassed by his TEQ and STR counterpart, - Ineffective in events facing only one enemy, - Can trigger his GT Frieza counterpart's additional ATK boost, - ATK boost only procs if your HP falls below a certain threshold, - Good hard-hitting unit and tank that also acts as a semi-support, - Generally would not receive the boost from having other, - Flat boosts that won't even work at full HP, - No passive whatsoever aside from the afromented healing, Blade of Hope and Dreams Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) promoted to S. The Space-Time Traveler. Video Title: TIME TRAVELERS & LR TRUNKS VS. Which has worse design? For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Future Saga/Time Travelers". can be used to raise the Super Attack level of other Trunks (Xeno) cards. Edit. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Level 1: Defeating guarantees the drop of , with a chance for a double drop. Why does the game keep telling me "trade failed due to the limit reached? Community content is available under. Top Tier Hybrid Saiyans Team Guide Super UR Tier List Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide F2P Mono PHY Team Guide Top Tier Giant Form Team Guide Top Tier Goku's Family Team Guide Extreme UR Tier List Should You Pull: Dokkan Festival Newsletter. Diff: STA: EXP: Zeni: Normal: 4: 1600. Wir erklären dir in einer einfachen Anleitung wie du die App auf jedem Rechner installieren kannst. Int Goku black sucks. History Talk (0) Comments Share. 860 … Time Travelers. Gaming Quiz / DBZ Dokkan Battle: Time Travelers Category Random Gaming or Animation Quiz Can you name the Time Travelers Category characters in Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle (Global)? Latest Content. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! ". the extra 40% hp, atk, and def you get from having two goku black leaders are meaningless if goku black gets hit with an attack. TIME TRAVELERS CATEGORY TIER LIST! You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The Time-Traveling Warrior. Tier List: Time Travelers. That said, they are a better leader than wimpy int goku black. by Moai Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can anyone explain to me the reason why Time Traveller category". What is the in deck glitch and what should i do? History Talk (0) Comments Share. History Talk (0) Comments Share. I've got 2 variants that I run, depending on mood. Card. 01 - The Time-Traveling Warrior. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Sign-up for other newsletters here. 400 EXP/STA. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! x5 or x30 (3 times) or x50: Following cards are also in the mix but not as featured cards. A MAN claiming to be a time traveller from the year 2030 has revealed what lies in store for us after getting “stuck” in 2017. Dragon Ball Son Goku (Ultra Instinct – Dokkan Battle), Bandai Ichibanfigur Bandai Spirits Ichibansho ist stolz darauf, seine neueste Version von Dragon Ball zu präsentieren: Son Goku (Ultra Instinct - Dokkan Battle). Find the cards, build your team, create a graph to see how they link - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Edit. Dokkan Battle The Space-Time Traveler guide, how to beat, tips, and team. Video Title: TIME TRAVELERS CATEGORY SUPER BATTLE ROAD BEATEN! View source. Video Title: A 7 LR CATEGORY!! Events. Fri 02/09/2018 10:00 pm PST ~ Tue 12/31/2030 03:59 pm PST. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! This Category increases drops on these events. Dieses verschiedenfarbige KI liegt in jedem Kampf zwischen dir und deinem Gegner. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Mark of Almighty Power Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé), Azure Omnipotence Super Saiyan God SS Vegito, Rose Stained Super Saiyan Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé), Resilient Will to Protect the Future Trunks (Teen) (Future), The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form), Galaxy-Threatening Invasion Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior), Hopes and Promises for the Future Trunks (Teen) (Future) & Mai (Future), All-Piercing Fusion Power Super Saiyan 4 Vegito (Xeno), Sacred Power of Time Supreme Kai of Time (Power of Time Unleashed), Ingenious Scientist's Sorcery Demon Goddess Towa, Blade of Hope and Dreams Super Saiyan Trunks (Future), Passion of the Warrior Race Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta, Warrior Shrouded in Darkness Dark Masked King, Power-Up Through the Mask Black Masked Saiyan, Furious Punishment Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé), Second Super Saiyan Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen), Mark of Saiyan Strength Super Saiyan 3 Bardock, Strength Beyond Gods Super Saiyan God SS Vegito, All or Nothing Super Saiyan God SS Vegito, Limit-Breaking Super Power Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Xeno), Human Pride Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) & Mai (Future), Roused Prince Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (Xeno). 1 Time Travelers 2 DB Heroes STAN Trunks/Mai are an underwhelming card. Chain Battle or the no item punch machine? For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Time Travelers Teams". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bis jetzt gibt es das erfolgreiche DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE von BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. nur für mobile Geräte und noch nicht für herkömmliche Computer. Category Summon: Time Travelers. edited 3 months ago. Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. Sign-up for other newsletters here. Doch mit diesem Programm kannst du DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE bereits Heute an deinem PC spielen. Diese Statue ist fachmännisch gefertigt und akribisch geformt, um wie Son Goku (Ultra Instinct - Dokkan Battle) aus ihrem jeweiligen Anime auszusehen. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Wasn't expecting much from time travelers cat". Tier Lists Navigation; Time Travelers. THE LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT! The alleged time traveller, who supposedly calls himself &… Popular Pages … Hintergrund ist die Spielmechanik, mit der du die Energieblasen für deine Angriffe einsammelst. Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. Consists of characters who traveled through time or were revived from the past. Summon Rates: Featured (7) 5% (0.71% each) (212) 5% (0.023% each) 60%: 30%: 1 Guaranteed Featured per Multi-Summon : Featured 100%: Non-Featured 0%: Gacha Coins : 1 for each 5 used. This Category has extra benefits on these events., 3DS friend code: 4398-9791-1950 // Switch friend code:SW-8152-8329-5512, Whenever INT Goku Black Arrives on Global you might wanna try to go for him if you want. For the first time in my years of playing, I experience this... On your hard hitting units, would you drop a lvl 4 ATK skill orb for.