Direct from his second showdown against Goku in the Buu Saga, this SSJ2 Vegeta Card is extremely powerful from the get go, offering very high Buffs, a great selection of categories to build Teams around, and a really potent double Leader Skill for two different and strong categories. Video Title: A DECENT F2P UNIT? {{{thum_evo1}}} Vegeta {{{name_2ndline}}} Max Lv: SA Lv: Rarity: Type: Cost {{{max_lv}}} 1/10 {{{cost}}} 1703. This Trunks is right at the top of premium UR Cards in Dokkan Battle. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. - Super Saiyan - Saiyan Warrior Race - Golden Warrior - Royal Lineage Pure Saiyans - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Androids/Cell Saga I want Vegito to Big Bang Me. Pure Saiyans - Movie Heroes - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Worthy Rivals ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 140% ► Maximum boost from Passive Skill is Ki +4, ATK +170% and DEF +100% when HP is below 50% ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack His opponent, Omega, easily outsped SS4 Goku and Vegeta as well as Nouva yet he couldn't even keep up … 130 Lv. Details. GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE SSJ3! Small reminder that we have yet to receive a Teq Super Vegito. 100% TEQ Super Saiyan 3 GT Vegeta Showcase! Overview. Like most Saiyans, he possesses defined eyes with a near-consistently stern look to them and his hair is a shade of black., Causes supreme damage with a high chance to stun the enemy, ATK & DEF +100%; Ki +2 and an additional ATK +20% when HP is 80% or below; plus an additional Ki +2 and ATK +50% when HP is 50% or below. The best unit to use as a lead and friend of course is TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta, but if you don't have him there's a few options that should help you get through the event pretty easily assuming you have a few SSJ2 units and some defensive options to fill gaps. Exchanges with Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta for 5 turns (Goku gathers energy for the Super Spirit Bomb during exchange and throws it immediately when he comes back into rotation); Massively raises ATK temporarily and causes ultimate damage to enemy; can be activated when HP is 59% or less after 3 turns, or when HP is 70% or less while facing a "Majin Buu Saga" Category enemy (once only) 125 Lv. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Kamehameha - He's using the 100x Big Bang Kamehameha. Prepared for Battle - Super Saiyan - Saiyan Warrior Race - Golden Warrior - Royal Lineage - Blazing Battle - Shattering the Limit Pure Saiyans - Vegeta's Family - Super Saiyans - Androids/Cell Saga x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "the teq TUR ssj vegeta..". Fluff. Cyclone Shot - Causes supreme damage with a medium chance to stun the enemy. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 130% TEQ Type ATK +30% per TEQ Ki Sphere obtained. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle | DBZ Dokkan Battle LET'S GET 1000 THICK LIKES! ► Maximum boost from Passive Skill is Ki +4, ATK +170% and DEF +100% when HP is below 50% Golden Warrior - Super Saiyan - Saiyan Warrior Race - Saiyan Pride - Over in a Flash - Supreme Power - Shattering the Limit Resurrected Warriors - Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Vegeta's Lineage Posted by. And also STR Majin Vegeta rainbowed will easily clear 3 mill almost every time while having 100k+ defence pre super Majin Vegeta imo better than Goku as … DaTruthDT 40,419 views. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 140% Video Title: TEQ SUPER SAIYAN 2 VEGETA VS. REVIVED WARRIORS CATEGORY SUPER BATTLE ROAD! 2046. 40. Shocking Speed - He's the fastest character in GT. TEQ Vegeta’s 120% DEF Buff isn’t as effective as a 80% Damage reduction. 803. Vegeta is a slim yet well-built man of a below-average stature. Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (GT) 2042. His Passive Skill makes him reliable and strong from the beginning, and his Transformation guarantees Trunks will only get better on longer and harder game modes., Ki +2 and ATK +2000 when HP is 30% or below. Super Saiyan Vegeta. Super Saiyan Vegeta (GT) 3487. Super TEQ Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta Definitive Strength Leader Skill: "Worthy Rivals" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90% 100% RAINBOW STAR TEQ SUPER SAIYAN ANGEL VEGETA! 1053. Super Saiyan - He's a Super Saiyan, no brainer. 12 Ki Multiplier is 150% Vegeta's Category Buffs will stack so the ki +1 and ATK & DEF +25% will total to "Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +75%" if the 3 category conditions are met Credit to Super Saiyan Kolra for help on the Thumbnail issue 8 4 1 148. 1/80. 1/120: All Types Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +40%: Final Flash - Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises DEF by 30% for 6 turns Details: Indispensable Existence - ATK +90% when HP is 99% or below: 14:37 His hair is black (or dark brown, depending on the media) spiky and it firmly stands upwards and has a prominent widow's peak. His more easily utilized value is in Bombardment, which he shares with Saiyan Elite AGL Vegeta, and Strongest Duo On Earth, which gives another 10% damage, and shows up on Determined Defender Goku, Messenger From Another World AGL Angel Goku, AND Stern Teacher AGL Piccolo, giving him a lot of potential damage to contribute, and of course, he can be farmed to raise his Super … 21. INT SSR Super Saiyan Teen Trunks I know there's a TEQ Super Saiyan Vegeta and a STR Super Saiyan Goku, but those would cancel out their respective others. This slight issue can … ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Overview. Entering the Realm of Precious Memes Super Saiyan Off Model Animation Blue (AKA Super Saiyan 69) Goku & Angle Golden Freezer Eraser of All Evil Madoka (Goddess) Erupting Legend Super Saiyan Broly Super Attack: Final Shine Attack cause immense damage to enemy and … -TEQ Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta-TEQ Vegito Blue-PHY Vegito Blue/AGL Rosé-INT LR Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta/PHY Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) & Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel)-STR Super Gogeta/INT Super Janemba-TEQ Skinny Gotenks/PHY Fat Gotenks-AGL Super Saiyan … Going by previous trend the EZA banner will have STR SSJ3 Vegeta, AGL Super 17 and TEQ SSJ3 Vegeta I would prefer that as it's two birds with one stone.. er, banner.. that you spend more than one stone on.. Community content is available under. TEQ Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (GT) (100%) STR Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (100%) INT Super Saiyan 3 Bardock (Friend) (Varies) As you can see, Super Saiyan 3 is the category to look for, and unlike other EZA events, this boss can be dealt normal damage by all of these units. REVIVED WARRIORS CATEGORY SUPER BATTLE ROAD! Saiyan Staller Vegeta has a decent ATK stat with a serviceable Buff, but his kit is clearly geared for DEF and stacking, with a passive Buff that starts at 90% and stacks up to 204% after 4 received attacks, and he also stacks ATK and DEF on each Super ATK, which is also calculated separately for up to around +477% DEF and +261% ATK at max stacks. TEQ SUPER SAIYAN 2 VEGETA VS. 1936. 3223. This Vegeta doesn’t have any ATK Buff requirements and his DEF Boost is more consistent, but he just can’t beat STR Vegeta. Crimson Flare Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta: Max LvL 80/100, Rarity SSR, Type AGL, Cost 30/40, Leader Skill: Super AGL Type Ki +2, HP, ATK & DEF +100%, Extreme AGL Type HP, ATK & DEF +40%. ► can be farmed to raise Super Attack, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Like other Universe 7 Saiyans, he was born with a prehensile brown-furred tail, until it was permanently (despite him stating it … 19. 135 Lv. I think Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta are the Heroes collab: TEzeon431: 34: 10/29 6:33AM: Super TEQ DB seekers? User Info: chaosinuyasha. Unfortunately, this Trunks shares the name with all Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Cards, which in some circumstances may force players to decide whether to bring this Card, or A Will Beyond Time - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future). (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 14:37. He performs amazingly well by himself and brings a stellar Leader Skill for Super Teams. I would prefer TEQ SSJ Vegeta because I have a SSR PHY Piccolo on my bench so I can use him to fill the PHY slot. Close. EZA details for TEQ Vegeta, PHY Trunks and Z-Battle found in database GLB Official I know there's already a post about the Extreme Z-Battle (with a link to the French Wiki), but I've noticed some confusion in the comments regarding the event's weakness, so I thought I'd include that here as well. 2 days ago. 1928. Vegeta’s very balanced and can do a good job at Offense and Defense, but not to the extent that STR Vegeta can. Community content is available under. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 1/80 "Super Saiyan 3" Category and TEQ Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%: Galick Gun - Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises DEF by 30% for 6 turns Details: Yearning for Strong Foes - ATK & DEF +70%; plus an additional ATK +60% for 5 turns after receiving attack: 140 9049 9675 10301 10927 12927 15927 7611 8191 8772 9352 11352 14352 5028 5306 5584 5862 7862 10862