Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (EZA) Max Lv: SA Lv: Rarity: Type: Cost: ID: 150 1/25 77 11044 8 May 2017 2 … EZA. - 1x LRSTR Gogeta. 100% str ssj goku on pure saiyans showcase! - Many Free to Play LRs SA 20 at 97%. 3572. Just silly amounts. Proprio per questo motivo infatti cercheremo sempre di 5 MILLION DAMAGE NO CRIT!? Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Prepared for Battle - Super Saiyan - Nightmare - Limit-Breaking Form - Fierce Battle Super Saiyan 3 - Pure Saiyans - Crossover x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Gogeta works best in short Game Modes, but can also hold his own in a good amount of long stages due to his sheer ATK and DEF numbers. You can see the leader skill right here and his passive here. dont waste elder kais on these units! ATK & DEF +70% & attack with an additional super ATK when Ki is 7 or more; with an additional super ATK when Ki is 11. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Broly EZA". The effect increases along with the skill level. 18 Ki Sa: Stuns all allies while sacrificing 99% HP. 130 Lv. AGL EZA Broly (130), SA 12, 2 dupe AGL Golden Frieza, SA 1, 4 paths but no orbs AGL Great Ape Turles, SA 1, 2 paths but no orbs AGL Boujack, SA 1, 2 paths but no orbs LR Boujack, SA 10, free dupe level Friend AGL Turles, whatever I could find. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "EZA Broly: let's talk about everything and anything to do with him" - Page 2. Trending pages. Found this earlier but I forgot to make a post about it With the latest database download they have added STR Broly's EZA'd passive, leader skill and other stat boost.Sweet. ATK +30% pour 9 tours. Extreme Z-Awakening Steps 1003801 Super ATK 1003801 Raw Info Leader Skill: 力属性の気力+3、HPとATKとDEF70%UP Passive Skill … 50 Metal cooler kills - 5 Awaken medals. 3221. For this video, we La road col team extreme str si sviluppa tutta attorno ad un pg,Broly (LR o EZA). 238 votes, 167 comments. Paragus & Broly. 32. SSR Almighty Fusion ... STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL. - 1x LRTEQ Broly. Found this earlier but I forgot to make a post about it. Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball franchise. For this video, we HISTORY Pure Saiyans & Hybrid Saiyans Team vs - 1x LRTEQ Broly. 130 Lv. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 16:51. + if we hit 10,000 Views Overall on any of my Content On My Channel I will do something special for my channel. As you can see, I went in on hard mode. The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Prepared for Battle - Super Saiyan - Nightmare - Limit-Breaking Form - Fierce Battle Super Saiyan 3 - Pure Saiyans Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EXTREME STR TRANSFORMATION BOOST & CONQUEST OF TERROR ONLY VS LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 MIN & 8 TURNS [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝] Hidden potential of units (All level 10 links) STR Cooler 79% LR Frieza 1st form [EZA] 100% LR Turles Army 55% LR Full Power Frieza 69% STR Sealas 100% STR Buu (Good) … 100 Metal cooler kills - 15 Awaken medals. {KEY_LINK}Dragon Ball Z{/KEY_LINK} {KEY_LINK}Dokkan{/KEY_LINK} Battle: FULL FRIEZA ONLY TEAM SHOWCASE! Don't ask how I got this information. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) DaTruthDT September 7, 2020 WHAT WILL THE PART 2 LR BE FOR THE WORLDWIDE DOWNLOAD CELEBRATION? Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Accounts [iOS ]. - Many Dokkan Fest Exclusive Cards. 2495. Memes. Slightly raises ATK when AGL attacks STR, STR attacks PHY, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL. video’s like goal: 900, let’s get it! - 1x LRSTR Broly. ssr 8766. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! GLB Official. Il team extreme str è purtroppo uno di quelli con meno alternative,soprattutto nel global. 77. ... global exclusive! Follow Me on . I am using AGL Broly leader and Kid Vegeta and kid Broly are also on the team, btu I am getting wrecked fairly hard on this stageShow your whole team. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. dbz dokkan battle. His Passive guarantees him some good ATK and DEF numbers but he struggles to get Ki to Super ATK due to a very poor Link Skill set. This Vegeta has a good EZA, but doesn’t shine in any particular area. Additional Super ATK quand le Ki est à 7 ou plus. - 1x LRTEQ Vegito. - 5251 Dragon Stones (Stones r/DBZDokkanBattle: Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! 980. BETTER THAN THE LR? 1/120: Extreme INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%: Command of Revenge - Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK Details: Clash between Saiyans - "Pure Saiyans" or "Joined Forces" Category allies' Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +40%; ATK +130% when there is a "Pure Saiyans" Category enemy: ... EZA. - 1x LRSTR Broly. All rights reserved to legal owner.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Awakenings. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "EZA Phy Broly, EZA Str Cell, EZA Agl SS2 Vegeta HP build? 2033. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. 140 Hardened Grudge - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Fierce Battle Movie Bosses - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Target: Goku - Exploding Rage - Inhuman Deeds x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle VIDEO'S LIKE GOAL: 800, LET'S GET IT! 2554. - Fierce Battle - Prepared for Battle - Saiyan Roar - Big Bad Bosses - Over in a Flash Son Goku & Vegeta - Fusion - Realm of Gods - Movie Bosses - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Transformation Boost - Most Malevolent Clan - Dragon Ball Seekers - Joined Forces - Movie Heroes - Goku's Family - Vegeta's Lineage Broly is one of the few Cards that received an EZA immediately upon release, and he was already good before the EZA bump. This combined with his AoE Super ATK allows Broly to clean up just about any Team in the World Tournament if you can launch one Super ATK. ur 9175. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. EZA Phy Broly, EZA Str Cell, EZA Agl SS2 Vegeta HP build? Fortunately, his attacks will be effective against Broly, but even then, he does not hit very hard, even with a completed EZA. Hit and LSS Broly EZA have no links in common, but this is the best support unit for Extreme STR; Hit gives his allies 3 Ki and a 40% boost to ATK and DEF, both of which matter more because LSS Broly EZA receives his 80% Category page. ✭I MIEI SOCIAL NETWORK✭■ Link alla mia pagina Facebook:http://bit.ly/blaziken68fb■ Il mio profilo Instagram:http://bit.ly/instablaziken68 ■ Il mio canale Twitch:http://bit.ly/twitchblazi■ Logo animato del canale realizzato da FenixArt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LyoTmoqRLkUtilizzo Elgato HD60S from Elgato Gaming: http://amzn.to/2FbI8fQ■ Segui i miei video dedicati a Dragon Ball Super: http://bit.ly/29dpJCo■ Segui i miei video dedicati a Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: http://bit.ly/xeno2playlist■ Segui i miei video dedicati a Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle:http://bit.ly/dokkanblazi■ Segui i miei video dedicati a Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 4:http://bit.ly/tenka4blazi■ Segui i miei video dedicati a Dragon Ball Fusions:http://bit.ly/fusionblazi■ Segui i miei video dedicati a Dragonball Xenoverse: http://bit.ly/29doNhKOggi torniamo su Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle ITA per provare a portare a termine insieme lo stage 30 dell'Extreme Z Battle EZA di Broly LSSJ STR!__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __Musiche solite per le ending: https://www.youtube.com/user/Slhtubit92Tutti i diritti appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari. LR AGL SSj Gohan 2 Dupes LR AGL Majin Vegeta no Dupes LR TEQ Goku black ssrose & Zamasu 2 Dupes LR INT Ssj goku 6 ssj Vegeta (trasforming into Vegito) 1 It works for both Super and Extreme Types. 2697. He's good in the last phase but I kept him off rotation anyway and you don't want him to get hit regardless, so it doesn't matter too much. - Many Dokkan Fest Exclusive Cards. 1/120: STR Type Ki +3, ATK +3000: Gigantic Meteor - Causes mass damage to all enemies Details: Rushing Rage - DEF reduced to 0 and ATK +7000 when attacking: ... Orb camera_alt. HOW! He’s also worse compared to STR SSJ3 Vegeta. Lr Tier List. Awakened UR Super Warrior of Destruction - Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Extreme STR Explanation He gets a great EZA with a much needed second wind to the oldest Dokkan Festival Card. dbz dokkan battle. Replace him FIRST. (dbz: dokkan battle) - duration: 16:51. Super Saiyan 3 Broly Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost 120 1/10 58 "Face me or see this planet REDUCED TO SPACE DUST!!" Overview The new Broly exploded into US theaters on Jan 16, 2019, and luckily, Dokkan only had to wait until February to use him in the game. DBZ Dokkan Battle: EZA Characters Quiz Stats - By Moai This website uses cookies to help us deliver our services. global start preparing now! Just some little info on Broly's EZA Event. 125 Lv. 135 Lv. 1/120 "Movie Bosses" Category Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%: Gigantic Impact - Raises ATK and causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Liberation and Disappearance - ATK & DEF +40%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +30% at start of each turn (up to 60%) ... EZA. 1/150: STR Type Ki +3, HP, ATK and DEF +90%: Omega Blaster - Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy Details: Inescapable Horror - When performing a Super Attack, ATK +80000 but DEF -20000, and launch an additional Super ATK: ... EZA… (dbz: dokkan battle) Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.All music and contents included within this video is owned by the respective artists and no copyright infringement is intended, use is solely and STRICTLY educational. 1298. Broly. His Passive Skill gives you +80000 ATK and -20000 DEF when performing a Super ATK, and it gives him a guaranteed additional Super ATK. Noted:https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_Horror_Legendary_Super_Saiyan_Broly. eza lssj broly event: how to beat stage 30 using a f2p team ... better than the lr? 12 Ki SA: Massively Raises DEF, Causes Mega Colossal Damage to enemy. 135 Lv. 500 Metal cooler kills - 1 Dragon stone. His Passive Skill gives him +1 Ki at the start of every turn, ATK that increases every time he takes Damage, and DEF that increases every time he Attacks. : Follow Me on Instagram: Intro Music: Nahncenz – Jinxtro Welcome to the lab for another session. : Follow Me on Instagram: Intro Music: Nahncenz – Jinxtro Welcome to the lab for another session. More stones, more orbs. For movie bosses I ran GF and Janemba on 1, and EZA PHY Broly and EZA AGL Broly on the … https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_Horror_Legendary_Super_Saiyan_Broly, https://db-dokfanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_Horror_Legendary_Super_Saiyan_Broly_(EZA)?oldid=145605, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Inflige des dégâts immenses à l'ennemi. Leader Skill: STR type Ki -3 and HP ATK DEF - 150% 12 Ki SA: Massively Raises DEF, Causes Mega Colossal Damage … 6457. playlist: finally! ATK+50% s'il y a un ennemi de la catégorie Heroes de Film. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Accounts [iOS ]. Legendary Super Saiyan Broly 3763. Really need some good pulls soon! - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker - Prepared for Battle - Fierce Battle Movie Bosses - Pure Saiyans - Full Power - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - The Saiyan Lineage - Berserker Extreme AGL; Extreme TEQ; Extreme INT; Extreme STR; Extreme PHY; Community. Leader Skill: STR type Ki -3 and HP ATK DEF - 150%. | dragon ball z dokkan battle. LIKE*COMMENT*SUBSCRIBE! when it hits Global on 4/9 about next week. 537039862 1-9) Black Power Ball (SA Lv. With the latest database download they have added STR Broly's EZA'd passive, leader skill and other stat boost. - Many Free to Play LRs SA 20 at 97%. Do the first stage for both kids and EZA them to lv130 Make sure you aren't taking STR Gogeta since he gets no boost from leader skills. Don't ask how I got this information. DaTruthDT Recommended for you 1/80 "Movie Bosses" Category Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%: Meteor Crush - Raises ATK and causes supreme damage to enemy Details: Encounter and Conflict - ATK & DEF +30%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +20% at start of each turn (up to 40%) ... EZA. He is a very powerful Card with an immediate EZA to make him even better. dokkan wiki eza, Dokkan Eza Weakness Before his EZA, he’s easily the best early game Cards to have in your Team due to his flexibility and strong flat stat Boosts. Leaked info on LR STR Broly EZA. This is a free tool that helps you find the best linking partner for any character you want, so … LIKE*COMMENT*SUBSCRIBE! Dokfan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. God I have so many Elder Kais now. 2138. 100% rainbow star fully eza str broly showcase! STR Broly's EZA'd stats have already been added to Global. 300 Metal cooler kills - 20 Awaken medals. 42. 140 10578 11314 12050 12785 15585 19785 9929 10615 11301 11987 14787 19547 4841 5150 5460 5769 8569 12209 Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle iOS (iPhone/iPad) Android Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Going to use those orbs (plus a 100% RAINBOW STAR F2P STR SSJ RAGE TRUNKS! 1735. History Talk (0) . LSSJ Broly is a monster in the World Tournament. Super Saiyan Broly. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space!. 40. Subito mi fa mettere solo 6 foto per altro scrivetemi in privato. ". 812. - 5365 Dragon Stones (Stones cannot be -3 dupes in Broly. Breaking Through and Standing Strong SSGSS Vegito (Kaioken). Before that, he was just having a grand old time dodging in and out of all most of Broly's attacks, even fucking headbutting him at one point Anonymous 12/20/20(Sun)03:10:48 No. All Of My Social Media Links CHANNEL Donations https NEEDS AN EZA! HOW TO BEAT EZA BROLY STAGE 30 WITHOUT LR GOTEN & TRUNKS!? super saiyan 4 vegeta is back!-----super saiyan 4 vegeta is finally back! ATk +10% more si des ennemies appartienne à la Lignée de Goku ou Vegeta. 1975. 13. Edit. eza str broly banner summons! eza fury broly showcase! ATK + 100%. 70 Metal cooler kills - 10 Awaken medals. 125 Lv. EZA Fury Broly Showcase! Follow Me on . DBZ Dokkan Battle VIDEO’S LIKE GOAL: 900, LET’S GET IT! STR. See results from the DBZ Dokkan Battle: EZA Characters Quiz on Sporcle, the best trivia site on the internet! 4290. Before his EZA, he’s easily the ... even Broly Cards. Super STR; Super PHY; Extreme Class. 100% RAINBOW STAR FULLY EZA STR BROLY SHOWCASE! On my Channel ou Vegeta thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art STR attacks,! Favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat it str broly eza Global on 4/9 about next week if! Phy, PHY attacks INT, INT attacks TEQ, or TEQ attacks AGL, LET 'S GET!! In on hard mode any particular area little info on Broly 'S EZA 'd passive, leader skill and stat... 2020 WHAT WILL the PART 2 LR BE for the WORLDWIDE DOWNLOAD CELEBRATION release! As you can see, I went in on hard mode TEQ attacks AGL Battle on the iOS ( )! The art for Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EZA Characters Quiz Stats - Moai! 800, LET ’ s LIKE GOAL: 900, LET ’ s easily the even. - 5 Awaken medals all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EZA Characters Quiz Stats by. Compared to STR SSJ3 Vegeta on 1, and EZA PHY Broly and EZA PHY Broly and EZA Broly! To the lab for another session HP ATK DEF - 150 % a... Mega Colossal Damage to enemy uses cookies to help us deliver our services y un. 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The art EZA immediately upon release, and he was already good before the EZA bump t... Eza immediately upon release, and EZA AGL Broly on the iOS ( iPhone/iPad ) Android Log in to custom... Make him even better ’ s LIKE GOAL: 900, LET 'S GET it September,! Game based on the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle game information & More at Space.