Aug 23, 2020 - Explore Stacey Green's board "ssj4 vegito & gogeta", followed by 533 people on Pinterest. akira toyriama said that vegito is the strongest charecter in dragon ball z Why you’ll ask me, ’cause it was stated, shortly after the release of the Broly movie that Gogeta is as strong as his ‘bro’. Why have I never seen this before?? If it was SB2 and it's movie Gogeta than this would be a close match. True, but if he did, SSJ4 Vegito would beat the crap out of that 10 to 30 mintue fusion. - SSJ4 drains fusion time by 66% - SSB drains fusion time by 33% with would still put them ahead by a nice margen. I believe it was the elder kai correct me if I'm wrong that stated the ring fusion is stronger. SSJ4 Gogeta is WAY more powerful than SSB Vegito… case in point Goku (& Vegeta for that matter), at the end of the Frieza/Namek arc, Goku w/out SSJ1 is 3.000.000 units. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. If it was SB1 rather than SB2 that was said to be stronger (don't remember) then SSJ4 Goku would be at least 20x stronger. SSj3 Vegito would be way to powerful for SSj4 Gogeta This is the best argument and was exactly what I was thinking. At max, that would mean that Gogeta is 36x stronger than SSJ4 Goku for instance. If we take use SSJ3 as our baseline, then two SSJ4 characters have 10x multipliers each. Goku seems not to be aware of it, and Im sure the people … oops messed up there i dont know how to spell metamoran, vegito doesnt need ssj4 to beat gogeta,all he needs is ssj1 well not even that. To put it in short, it's been proven SSGSSS or SSB Vegito is stronger by monstrous leagues. I think you're exaggerating a little on that one. His DNA was used along with his potara counterpart vegito to create Bowen. I think He could even be stronger. Vegeto. As the SSJ4 boost is 1.600.000 times base (‘cause Oozaru is 10 & SSJ is 50 + it’s likely that a x8 boost is applied when a Saiyan pass from Golden Oozaru to SSJ4, which comes as 4000 & 4000 x 400 is 1.600.000): 160000 x 8,7x10^(38) = 1,4x10^(45). Its a stalemate on power but fusion with portal earrings lasts indefinite ultimately favoring Vegeto. Super Saiyan 4 is a formed obtained from Oozaru. now look at ss4 gogeta, their powers must be identical meaning goku could not use his full strength even though he was still more powerfull than vegeta, and if they used potara fusion is everlasting and limitless in terms of their individual power. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. It's been stated by the Kais that Potara >>>> dance. Vegetto Blue beats the crap out of Gogeta but defuses into base Goku and base Vegeta. Vegeto ssj1 was at least as strong as Gogeta ssj3. Now in the Hero's Legacy comics, it states that Vegito is possibly stronger than a SSJ4. Well he couldn’t even hit SSB Gogeta. This is a picture of SSJ4 Gogeta vs Vegito Blue, Ssj5 vegito came from dragon ball absalon and ssj5 goku and vegeta are from dbaf manga by defeating ize saga and super shadow dragons saga. Nope, u buffoon, SSJ4 Gogeta is WAY more powerful than SSB Vegito… case in point Goku (& Vegeta for that matter), at the end of the Frieza/Namek arc, Goku w/out SSJ1 is 3.000.000 units. Yes, as SSJ4 Gogeta is WAY more powerful than SSB Vegito… case in point Goku (& Vegeta for that matter), at the end of the Frieza/Namek arc, Goku w/out SSJ1 is 3.000.000 units. The Perfect Files, volume 2 I believe, states that SSJ4 Gogeta is a few dozen times stronger than a SSJ4. Next comes the 7-year ellipsis, assuming both Goku & Vegeta trained hard every day, let’s say they got 1 boost per day, which is 7 x 365 (number of days in a year) = 2555 days, 2555 x 11 = 28105. Gogeta beats Vegito even if Vegito gets SSJ4. Then, u do 7,3 sextillions x 7,3 sextillions (‘cause fusion (both Potara & Dance) is X’s power x Y’s power) = 5,4x10^(43) (w/ is Vegito blue) & FINALLY x 20 (Kaioken) = 1,08x10^(45). Vegito wins the fight but has to live with chi chi and Bulma for the rest of his life. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. BloodRain already ended it months ago. Deal with it you son of a bitch, Multiversal? SSJ4 Goku is at least 10x SSJ Vegetto. SSJ4 Gogeta is WAY more powerful than SSB Vegito… case in point Goku (& Vegeta for that matter), at the end of the Frieza/Namek arc, Goku w/out SSJ1 is 3.000.000 units. Well anyone who Knows DBZ would know that ssj4 gogeta would win.For one ssj4 gogeta is ten times stronger than ss2 vegito and ssj4 vegito is still weeker that goget ssj4, plus in that 30 min ssj4 gogeta would end it in 15 min! It makes SSJ4 Gogeta comparable to SSB Vegito Besides that SSB Vegito cant handle Zamasu Black such easy as SSJ4 Gogeta handled Omega Shenron. Haven't seen the fight, but is it as one sided as SSJ Vegito vs. Buuhan or SSJ4 Gogeta vs. Omega Shenron? GT may not be canon, but SSJ4 Vegito doesn't even exist. And since his appearances have been limited and short, it is difficult to tell if his personality is a separate one, or a composite of both Goku and Vegeta, although at Super Saiyan 4 it seems that his personality is like that of Vegito (which leans more tow… Are you stupid or what, everyone knows that potara fusion is far stronger than the normal fusion. As a Super Saiyan, Gogeta is a 5,000. However, given that anime series' non-canonical status, it is unclear if this is official. Although they are made in the very same way, Gogeta has personality traits that are different from Vegito, though it is impossible to tell which counterparts' personality is the dominant one. Add this together for the fusion (20x) and multiply it by "tens" of times and we have a multiplier range for a SSJ4 fusion of 400-2000x SSJ3. Since we never see SS4 Gogeta its hard to tell who would be stronger. SSJ3 Vegito FTW! Without him stating its a stronger form that 'better' would only attest to the time issue the Dance has. Why you’ll ask me, ’cause it was stated, shortly after the release of the Broly movie that Gogeta is as strong as his ‘bro’. Gogeta 4 can destroy with a single finger a Multiverse that means he would not only destroy Vegito, he would destroy the whole DBS verse with his finger. SS4 Vegito had the power to thrash Omega with all DB absorbed with not problem. Where is this info from, or like Astner said is it just speculations. Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Next comes the 7-year ellipsis, assuming both Goku & Vegeta trained hard every day, let’s say they got 1 boost per day, which is 7 x 365 (number of days in a year) = 2555 days, 2555 x 11 = 28105. Lol, your the buffoon, all that Math you did, it’s nothing but your head cannon, also, back then, Fusion Dance wasn’t the same multiplier as Potara, the GT Perfect Files state SSJ4 Gogeta is Tens or Dozens of Times stronger then a Normal SSJ4, I go off of feats, SSJ4 Gogeta was able to nullify Omega’s Minus Energy Ball Which was going to gradually destroy the Universe in a short period of time, since Elder Kai said they wouldn’t be spared, While Beerus, whom was Heavily Suppressed to BoG Arc SSJ God Goku’s Level, was able to nullify an Attack that was going to destroy the Mortal Universe, the Afterlife (Heaven and Hell), the Demon Realm and the Kaioshin Realm located outside the Universe pretty much instantly and turn it into Nothing, so DBS characters at the end of the first Arc already had a feat comparable to SSJ4 Gogeta, if not superior, Goku then absorbs SSJ God’s Power into his Base and both him and Vegeta train with Whis for Months leading out to RoF, Base Goku and Base Vegeta at that point scale above the SSJ God Goku and Heavily Suppressed Beerus from the previous Arc, Goku and Vegeta can then stack SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3 (Obviously only for Goku), SSJ God and SSJ Blue (which is SSJ God going SSJ) on top of their already insane Base forms, then later on, SSJ Blue Vegeta grew in power to the point that he beat Rose Goku Black down and he received an adaptation boost that made him Surpassed Kaioken x10 Blue Goku from the previous Arc, meaning Vegeta and possibly Goku had increased their power over 10x since RoF and are 10x stronger then God Goku from BoG in their Base forms at least, Then both fuse into Vegito, Base Vegito already surpasses Blue Goku and Blue Vegeta, then Vegito can stack SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJ God and SSJ Blue on top of his Base that already surpasses SSJ Blue Goku and SSJ Blue Vegeta XD, so no, SSJ Blue Vegito is the one that’s MUCH stronger then SSJ4 Gogeta, You are the buffoon, idiot, it's not my fault that ur IQ is below 0 (in other words, in the negatives), it's not headcanon, u shit it's LOGIC! (SSJ1 or 2?) That’s massive. He battles his evil clone and sometimes he even is the hero of the day. Not my fault that u don't have an ounce of it, Logical? Turns out, they used too much power, and they can't even go Blue. All we know is that it's supposed to be better and it has no time limit. [ The anime comics for Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy states that Super Vegito is perhaps even stronger than a Super Saiyan 4 (Goku was the only Super Saiyan 4 at the time the anime comics was released ] So, Goku at Super Saiyan 4 can probably compete with Super Vegito and they are in the … SSJ4 drains fusion time more than SSB (believe it or not). You didn't "end" the discussion. So get dunked on! Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Goku and Vegeta underwent vigorous training in Super, and their base forms are light years ahead of their GT counterparts. SSJ4 Gogeta? Vegito and (SSJ4) Gogeta are the strongest people in DB/Z/GT and a (SSJ3) Vegito would totally destroy SSJ4 Goku. See more ideas about dragon ball, dragon ball super, gogeta and vegito. So Goku trained for 15 years, between Z & GT, during the 1st 10 years it’s likely that he (& the other Z fighters) got 2 Zenkais/day, w/ is 22 (2x11), so it’s 10x365 = 3650, x22 it comes out as 80300, & then he goes training Uub intensively for 5 straight years, an estimation of 4 Zenkais/day is fair, so it is 44 x 1825 (‘cause 5x365=1825), w/ is 80300 (again). If either side is a stomp then add in Omega Shenron to the side that would be stomped. SSJ4 is commonly attributed a 10x boost on the prior max power (so SSJ3).. Fusion is now stated as their combined powers multiplied "tens" of times. Well anyone who Knows DBZ would know that ssj4 gogeta would win.For one ssj4 gogeta is ten times stronger than ss2 vegito and ssj4 vegito is still weeker that goget ssj4, plus in that 30 min ssj4 gogeta would end it in 15 min! No. 3. All this is from the GT Perfect Files & is backed up by the series itself, so it's not "a wank made by the creators", like some people say it supposedly """is"""... proofs: , , , so it should be, at least 10K (bruits wave amount multiplied) x 50; 10K x 400 (ssj3 multiplier, 'cause Baby Vegeta Golden Oozaru had his SSJ3 hair) or what I first said (10K x 500). Ur too dumb, I'm ending this conversation, fuck off now! I'd rely on that more than the online scans since those are pretty ass. A Zenkai Boost is either 10,5 or 11x the original strength of the Sayian, & during the Android/Cell arc there were at least 6 Zenkais, 6x11 is 66, so it’s 3 million x 66 which is 198 million units 4 base Goku, at the end of this saga. So 2 * 20-99. 80300 x 2 =160600, so we do this x 183 trillion (end of Buu Saga remember) & that’s 29 quintillions, for BASE GT Goku ONLY, so then u redo 29 quintillions x itself & obtains 8,7x10^(38). the time difference between shenron and buu in a good amount of time witch means goku and vegeta also would have increased their powers greatly. Like holy hell, this is crazy in the best way!! Uhh no. You're just parroting him. Then things get a little more complicated, I’ll do Vegito first: so, after gaining SSG (which is a boost of x800K, to base power, ’cause the 5 Saiyans who give their most powerful aura (yeah, it’s a highball 4 Vegito)) so 183 trillion x 800K = 147 quintillions, x50 for SSB is 7,3 sextillions. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. The only reason they didn't have to in the case of SSJ4 Gogeta is because they were already both SSJ4s and thus equal in power. re: SSJ3 Vegito vs SSJ4 Gogeta Personally I feel rivals boost is a Potara thing only. Omega is a Multiverse buster and Gogeta 4 can kills him with only one finger (stated in show and in the perfect files). In Dragon Ball GT, Goku and Vegeta fused into Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta so this will be a first for the anime.After seeing a new Vegito form in Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken Vegito… Gogeta Vs. Vegito: Which Dragon Ball Fusion Form is Stronger? Super announced a new information about Vegito that his form is only lasts for an hour but at SSB it was not an hour at all either, actually SSB Vegito defused more quickly than SSJ4 Gogeta. It would be fun tho! ... GT had similarly established that energy consumption could shorten Metamoran fusion, with Goku unable to sustain his Super Saiyan 4 form to continue the fusion with Vegeta. This gives a 4000x multiplier of ssj3. Is this movie or hypothetical canon Gogeta? The only thing given si that potara is stronger. If either isn't true than Goku wins I think Vegeto ssj3 is not far from Gogeta ssj4. Vegito - potara fusion is canonically stronger than regular fusion and doesn't have a time limit. Gogeta is a little bit more powerful than Vegito Blue Kaiokenx20, period. It would logically make sense that Vegito is stronger but we're all just making dumb guesses. The guys didn't even last ten minutes which is SSJ4 Gogeta's limit. The only differences are the addition of a black sleeveless shirt covering his torso and black pants, as well as the padding around the neck and shoulders of the vest being yellow as opposed to his original's reddish orange.As a Super Saiyan 4, Xeno Gogeta's skin is tanner than it was in the Shadow Dragon Saga, with slightly lighter hair, dark magenta fur, and a sash and p… So 28105 x 198 million = 5 trillion units at the start of the Buu arc and then, there were 3 boosts during this saga, so 33 x 5 trillion = 183 trillion. This form is pretty powerful. Nope, this just proves that SSJ4 is TRUE Ki control, meanwhile SS(shit) blue is not. So 28105 x 198 million = 5 trillion units at the start of the Buu arc and then, there were 3 boosts during this saga, so 33 x 5 trillion = 183 trillion. Then, u do 7,3 sextillions x 7,3 sextillions (‘cause fusion (both Potara & Dance) is X’s power x Y’s power) = 5,4x10^(43) (w/ is Vegito blue) & FINALLY x 20 (Kaioken) = 1,08x10^(45). Gogeta (ゴジータ Gojīta) appears in Dragon Ball AF, even reaching Super Saiyan 5. vegeto stomp...Potara Earring > Fusion Dance...that's a fact.. we see gogeta as a super saiyan yet not a ss3 even though goku could become ss3, where as if they had the potara earrings and became vegito they would be immensely more powerfull because goku could unlock the power of ss3 without actually becoming one. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. This means that the numbers don't come from nowhere. ... Vegito wins, but SSJ1 vs. SSJ4? So Goku trained for 15 years, between Z & GT, during the 1st 10 years it’s likely that he (& the other Z fighters) got 2 Zenkais/day, w/ is 22 (2x11), so it’s 10x365 = 3650, x22 it comes out as 80300, & then he goes training Uub intensively for 5 straight years, an estimation of 4 Zenkais/day is fair, so it is 44 x 1825 (‘cause 5x365=1825), w/ is 80300 (again). OK, now I'll give my opinion. SSJ4 Vegito and SSJ4 Gogeta vs Thanos For the purpose of this fight Gogeta has no time limit. ssj2 vegito colud probaly beat ssj4goku SSj 4 Goku vs, ssj3 Vegito. Gogeta is a little bit more powerful than Vegito Blue Kaiokenx20, period. Also the potara gives a power boost for rivals which is not stated for the dance. well ssj5 vegito is from dragon ball absalon and ssj5 goku and vegeta are from dbaf, Vegito blue drains 1 hour fusion in 5-8 minutes, this is really good artwork, and i like that you used the tournament of power for the background, nice work,,,,, SSJ4 Vegito is A What if Character Meaning What if Goku and Vegeta used the Potara Fusion to Fight Omega Shenron Being A Fusion of 2 Super Saiyan 4"s Vegito"s Powers are Increased By 10% Unlike Gogeta He Didnt Fool Around when Fused and Easily Beat Omega Shenron in Battle He Used the 100X Final Kamehameha To Make Omega Shenron Spit Out the Dragon Balls Making him Revert back into … I'm not sure what the first part of that has anything to do with what I posted or how that can't be countered with them powering up /after/ fusing. Although I have heard that in terms of strength Gogeta SSJ4 is considered the strongest being in the series, I think … It would be fun tho! Vegito hands down!! Now onto Gogeta, first things first, Metamol Dance & Potara earrings are EQUALS! Actually the two fusions are not far off depending on the subjects. One outclassed their opponent while the other kept up to par before defeating them. While all fusions have immense power, Gogeta's power is abnormal even by regular standards, as Vegeta and Goku's intense rivalry has brought out an exceptional power. Gogeta then wins but feels bad that he won in such a lame way. Gogeta is much more powerful than Vegito, hands down. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Then (Dreams beings dreams again), the plot somehow changed to Goku vs. Vegeta as the last battle and SSJ4 Vegeta actually beats SSJ4 Red hair Goku. Where is the evidence to support your claim? Gohan at this point was more powerful than I think anybody else, now in Buu. Gogeta didn’t even break a sweat or seemed like he went anywhere close to being all out. Ssj4 Gogeta vs Ssjb Gogeta and Ssjb Vegito Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Vegito is cool in his own right and we don’t deny his fancy earrings, but come on, take a look at the truly supreme being: That sick jacket (which only appears on those who successfully pulled off the fusion dance, by the way) that extra spiky hair, and that stoic look. Technically since SS4 vegito doesn't exist in an continuity, we don't know what he's capable of. No, it's pretty clear the Old Kai is just talking about pure strength, otherwise he'd have mentioned that as the reason at that moment, instead of later on when Goku asks: Actually, the Fusion Dance merely ADDS up the power of two individuals with the SAME POWER LEVELS. Now onto Gogeta, first things first, Metamol Dance & Potara earrings are EQUALS! With in mind that SSJ4 is not much stronger than Golden Oozaru (SSJ x Oozaru) while SSB is SSJ x SSG, and the fact that GT Base can't stomp a Buu tier opponent while RoF Base can stomp tiers many times stronger than Buu, SSJ4 Gogeta really would get the Yamcha treatment in this fight. SSB is terrible weak like everything else from this shitty parody show, Shaking Hell doesn't make Base Goku Universal XD, Beerus nullified an attack that was going to destroy the Mortal Universe, the Entire Afterlife (Hell AND Heaven) and the Kaioshin Realm located outside the Macrocosm while he was Suppressed to BoG God Goku level, SSJ4 Gogeta nullified Omega's Attack that was also going to destroy the Universe over time, So BoG God Goku and Heavily Suppressed Beerus also have a feat that's comparable to SSJ4 Gogeta, if not stronger, Base Goku also gathered Energy throughout the Universe and that was capable of one shotting Omega, while SSJ4 Gogeta couldn't one shot Omega with a Big Bang Kamehameha, Goku and Vegeta then surpassed that same God Goku and Suppressed Beerus from BoG in their Base forms during RoF, then can stack SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3 (Only for Goku obviously) God again and then SSJ Blue which is SSJ God going SSJ, Then Prior to the ToP, Goku overpowered a stronger Hit without using Kaioken, meaning Goku and Vegeta both had gotten over 10x stronger since RoF, meaning Base Goku and Vegeta are over 10x stronger then BoG God Goku and Suppressed Beerus and over 10x Macrocosm/Low Multiversal level, then Base Vegito scales above the Blue Goku and Blue Vegeta that scale above Kaioken x10 Blue Goku that fought Hit, then Vegito can stack SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3, God and Blue on top of his Base lol, Also, "Shitty Parody Show" right XD, GT is more a parody then Super is, Super is actually Canon, while GT is just a Non Canon side story, also, Super in terms of ratings has done better then GT, not to mention has over twice the amount of episodes, also, Blue and God make SSJ4 look pathetically weak in comparison, at least the God forms don't turn Goku into a Furry. Gogeta is the Metamoran Fusion of Son Goku and Vegeta, originally formed to defeat Janemba, and later reappearing in Dragon Ball GT to face off against Omega Shenron. Here u go, u have to scroll a bit tho. ok first i want 2 state the fact that old kai only said that the potara fusion was better he never said y it could have been just becuz of the unlimited time so lets say theyre even also ppl r saying o well 1 know big bang kamehameha ppl they both they r exactly the same 2 mind put in 1 they both know bigbang/final kamehameha but vegito wins becuz of unlimited time n they r both very kocky so that would waste alot of time. In the case with Goku and Vegeta, this means that Goku would have to power down before being able to fuse effectively, and even then they'd hae to be in perfect sync. The craziest, ultimate fight happens between SSJ4 Vegito and the ultimate villain as the red volcanic planet crumbles (Again, DBS Broly got really close to my dream), but then SSJ4 vegito defuses. Xeno Gogeta's appearance is identical to his main counterpart's. Pobre gogeta.. va a recibir la paliza de su vida... Vegito would be killing Gogeta in a single blink XD, super saiyan blue vegito cant win against super saiyan 5 vegito, I think he would win by default due to SSJ5 Vegito not being real XD, also, where did SSJ5 Vegito come from? Cba to get the scan, but as I recall he never said anything about it being stronger, just better. No, vegeto ssj3 IS stronger than Gogeta ssj4. Don't make me laugh, if you seriously believe those random numbers you pulled out of your ass, your IQ is below 0,, Huh, guess he indeed must’ve fucked off, good riddance. In battle, Dragon Ball AF, even reaching Super Saiyan 4 is a stomp then add in Shenron. Zamasu Black such easy as SSJ4 Gogeta this is the Hero of graphics!, given that anime series ' non-canonical status, it 's supposed to be better and it has time. 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