Responding with Compassion There are Ways to Stay Safe: Stop and think, say words that mean no, and tell a grown-up. Asking for What You Need or WantSee Weekly Theme 6 Card (PDF), Asking for What You Need or WantSee Weekly Theme 6 Take-Home Activity (PDF), Boy and girl puppets for Early LearningSee puppets in our store. Lesson 4:We Feel Feelings in Our Bodies. Each lesson is developmentally appropriate and sequential. Grade Six Scope and Sequence. The scope and sequence include plans and materials for learning experiences that support children in making progress toward understanding more complex patterns. 0000006449 00000 n 7th Grade- Stepping In. TMS Second Step Program. 0000014192 00000 n Listening with Attention 3. Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) gives students the tools to excel in and out of the classroom. 0000019454 00000 n 0000004712 00000 n It is not okay to be mean or hurt others. … Lesson 1:Setting the Stage for Second StepStudy. The first Problem-Solving Step is to use words to say the problem Lesson 9 Recognizing Bullying If you practice reporting bullying, it’s easier to report bullying when it … 0000008894 00000 n Scope and Sequence. MS Second Step Scope and Sequence. 0000005084 00000 n Studies show that children with stronger social-emotional skills do better in school. h���A 0ð4 �~\Gc���������z�C. That is, it is taught to That is, it is taught to every student in the classroom rather than to selected children. It teaches Skills for Learning, empathy, emotion management, and problem solving - the tools our students need both inside and outside the classroom. Grade 6. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE. Module 1 - 2nd. Recognizing bullying is the first step in getting it to stop. Research Study: Increased Executive Functioning Shown in Preschoolers Who Received Second Step SEL, Research Study: Second Step Early Learning Shown to Positively Affect Executive Function and Ultimately Kindergarten Readiness. Kindergarten Scope and Sequence. Please contact us. 0000001768 00000 n By going schoolwide with the Second Step program, every adult in the building gains access to the program’s lessons, resources, and activities, creating a common language across the school. Reviewing Second Step Skills Grade 1 Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Skills for Learning Empathy Emotion Management Problem Solving 1. 0000055446 00000 n Email Us EMBWEBMASTER@GREATNECK.K12.NY.US. Accepting Differences 7. 0000033207 00000 n Focusing Attention 3. Second Step rogram 2014 Committee for Children Scope and Sequence: Grade 7 Lesson Themes Objectives—Students Will Be Able To EMPATHY AND COMMUNICATION LESSON 1: Working in Groups Understand the relevance of the Stepping In program to their lives Identify skills that contribute to successful group work Apply communication skills © 2002 Committee for Children 1-800-634-4449, ext. How to Grow Your Brain 3. The curriculum is designed to reduce aggressive behavior and increase social competence in children. Grade Three Scope and Sequence. Nothing is more important than protecting children from abuse—and doing so takes vigilance on everyone’s part. objectives • Recognize how your brain is changing during adolescence • Identify Second Step topics that are important to you K-5 Scope and Sequence. Grade Five Scope and Sequence. 6th Grade; 7th Grade; Health/Physical Education Curriculum. 0000006844 00000 n 6th Grade- Stepping up. Grade 7 Scope and Sequence Empathy and Communication Lesson 1: Working in Groups Students will be able to: • Understand the relevance of the Stepping In program to their lives • Identify skills that contribute to successful group work • Apply communication skills • Defineempathy and apply empathy skills Lesson 2: Disagreeing Respectfully 2 nd step Curriculum Scope and Sequence. �wtt@\�(Z�`TrqGH)U�t0(���$����p AA�8fP���s��2k�E4� Grade 3. Madera Unified School District. Scope and Sequence Second Step Program • Determine what others are feeling using physical, verbal, and situational clues • Identify ways to show compassion for others in response to scenarios • Predict others’ feelings in response to scenarios • Offer possible reasons for others’ actions Being Assertive 4. 0000006361 00000 n 2 | | Second Step® Middle School ©2020 Committee for Children Second Step® Middle School | Grade 6 Lesson Title Objectives Students will be able to: Lesson 8 Common Types of Bullying Describe the three most common types of in-person bullying (physical, relational, and verbal). each = 1.5 hours total) In this unit learners will examine educators’ role in crisis response and in nurturing resilience in themselves and their school community. Breaking Down Your Goals 6. New and current Second Step clients are required to provide extensive information about the social-emotional learning (SEL) programs they’re applying for. 1 | | Second Step® Middle School ©2020 Committee for Children Lesson Title Objectives Students will be able to: Lesson 1A Starting Middle School Describe challenges they might face as they start middle school and identify resources where they can get help. See what’s included in our Second Step SEL Early Learning classroom kits. If that describes you, the best place for you to find the courses that meet your goals is on the Browse by Grade or Browse by Subject menus. Making Goals Specific 5. You can access all the concepts to be covered, and the objectives for each lesson, by clicking on the following grade level Scope and Sequence links. Early Learning Full Scope & Sequence (PDF), Early Learning–Grade 8 Full Scope & Sequence (PDF), Early Learning–Grade 8 Short Scope & Sequence (PDF). Get a closer look at how the Second Step curriculum has been successfully and creatively implemented in schools across the country. Culture of Connectedness. Second Step Program 2014 Committee for Children Scope and Sequence: Early Learning Weekly Concepts Objectives—Children Will Be Able To WEEK 11 Accidents An accident is when you do something you didn’t mean to do. Our Scope & Sequence resource will show you the academic goals traditionally held for each grade level and where to find that information on as well as areas where yo… Kindergarten; 1st Grade Identify the feelings learned in the Second Step program when presented with facial clues Demonstrate the Calming-Down Steps in response to scenarios Week 23 Saying the Problem Week 22 Joining In with Play You need to calm down before you solve a problem The first Problem-Solving Step … Looking to make a bigger purchase? Second Step is a registered trademark of Committee for Children. 5-6 lessons) 2: Unit 1 of SEL (original Second Step Lessons) 3: Bullying Prevention Unit (4-5 lessons) 4: Finish the rest of the original SEL Units • Lessons are to be presented at the start of each week, and taught via “follow through” lessons throughout the week. Scope and Sequence Second Step Program • Recall the S: Say the problem step of the Problem-Solving Steps • State a problem without blaming anyone • Generate safe and respectful solutions to a problem • Identify consequences of potential solutions Approach of the Program On the Committee of Children website, many research articles are linked in which students show growth in exhibiting positive behavior after being a And that is what the Second Step program provides. The second step in solving a problem is to think of lots of solutions. Our early learning products are easy for anyone to use and are designed to keep children engaged. Contact Us | | p: 715-845-5735. f: 715-848-3582. 9.Helping New Students 2. 69 Baker Hill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023. 0000013667 00000 n Home. (estimated time: 9 microlearnings, approx. Help your littlest learners harness their energy and potential by teaching them to: When students enter kindergarten with the self-regulation and social-emotional skills taught with evidence-based Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), they’re set up for success. Kindergarten; First Grade; Second Grade; Third Grade; Fourth Grade; Fifth Grade; Each week, on a Wednesday afternoon, the entire school will be taught the Second Step curriculum at a classroom level. Learning to Listen 2. p: 715-845-5735. f: 715-848-3582. During the school year 2018-2019, educators in grades 6-8 should use the new 2018 NYC PK-8 Scope & Sequence as awareness and professional learning tool for the NYSSLS, and use the 2015 Enhanced 6-12 Scope & Sequence to plan and deliver instruction. Watch this series of seven videos to see examples of the activities. Elizabeth M. Baker Elementary School. Education staff at Elmwood Head Start can use the curriculum's sequence of learning experiences to respond to different levels of mathematics development. FULL SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Second Step ... Second Step® Middle School 8 Grade Lesson Title Objectives Students will be able to: Lesson 9 Social Factors that Contribute to Bullying Recognize how social factors contribute to bullying and harassment. Scope and Sequence Grade 4. Following Directions 4. Learn how to order our products with a purchase order. Empathy means feeling and understanding what someone else feels. Second Step SEL for Early Learning has been shown to improve young students’ executive-function skills—like attention, memory, and self-control—which are not only predictive of Kindergarten readiness but are essential for success in and outside the classroom. If you aren’t sure what you need, we’re happy to help! Each kit includes: Skills and concepts are taught through short, daily activities that take 5–7 minutes each, with little or no preparation time needed. 0000015084 00000 n Standards. WELCOME! 0000034086 00000 n Grade 5. Contact us for a quote. Being Assertive 1. Comments (-1) Last Modified on September 8, 2016. It is not okay to be mean or hurt others. Second Step Scope and Sequence­ Eliot School Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Oct. 2018 Skills for Learning: ‐Learning to Listen ‐Focusing Attention ‐Following Directions ‐Self‐Talk for Staying on Task ‐Being Assertive Skills for Learning: Grade Two Scope and Sequence. NJ School Performance Report; NJSLA Testing; Curriculum. Second Step Progra 2014 Committee for Children Scope and Sequence: Grade 1 Lesson Concepts Objectives—Students Will Be Able To UNIT 4: PROBLEM SOLVING LESSON 17 Solving Problems, Part 1 You need to calm down before you solve a problem. Useful Links. Grade 4. 1 | | Second Step® Middle School ©2020 Committee for Children SHORT SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Second Step® Middle School BROUGHT TO YOU BY ® Grade 6 Unit 1 Mindsets & Goals 1A. h�b```b``]�����_� �� �@Q���$�NF~��uLv���8|T-~��i��r� u�y�8��y��yA,�g�^�._��DϢ�j��8L]�\�r�S{3Z���e�������t�L���ws�t��d�C"���.�z�n�&&�Q�~�ᑖ2���Ƥ��� f Second Step Curriculum. GET BETTER FASTER SCOPE & SEQUENCE Top Action Steps Used by Instructional Leaders to Launch a Teacher’s Development 1 PHASE MANAGEMENT TRAJECTORY: RIGOR TRAJECTORY: PHASE 1: PRE- TEACHING (SUMMER PD) DEVELOP ESSENTIAL ROUTINES & PROCEDURES 1. And students are taught age-appropriate lessons on safety, not keeping secrets, and touching. Comments (-1) Pacing Calendar 7-8.