Sapele is an economically-important wood to the continent of Africa, and one that continues to grow in popularity in other industries beyond veneer mills, here in the US. The wood is strong, stiff and shock-resistant. The Janka scale is used to determine the relative hardness of particular domestic or exotic wood species. The Janka Side Hardness test measures the force required to press an 11.28mm (0.444 inch) steel ball to half its diameter cross-grain into a block of wood. Drying & shrinkage: Sapele seasons fairly rapidly with a marked tendency to warp, is very variable in drying properties and requires careful stacking. Below are listed the relative hardness for numerous wood species used in flooring. The Janka hardness rating measures wood to rate its suitability for flooring. Other common names: Scented mahogany, sapele mahogany, aboudikro, penkwa, muyovu and libuyu. Relative Hardness Table for Domestic and Imported Woods Janka Numbers For Domestic & Exotic Wood Species The Janka Side Hardness test measures the force required to press an 11.28mm (0.444 inch) steel ball to half its diameter cross-grain into a block of wood. Movement in service is rated as medium. *The Janka hardness test measures the force required to embed a 0.444 inch steel ball into wood. Sapele sapwood is white to pale yellow in color, but it rarely found in any of our Sapele Hardwood Lumber stock. darkens with age if nottreated with finishing oils that will prevent oxidation Sapele is characterised by its heavy strength and durability, interlocked grain and natural lustre. It comes with an interlocking pattern wherein the fiber appears to twist as the tree grows. Blocks with numerous bark pockets, color defects or pin knots are not suitable for veneer production. It has a peaceful nature and a medium texture. 23K 5,362 13. Grades of Sapele Flooring: Almost all Sapele flooring is Clear grade that is chosen for its dark reddish orange color. Sapele … The Janka hardness test measures the force required to embed a .444 inch steel ball to half its diameter in wood. Also like Mahogany, Sapele is a popular wood for guitar necks. Properties: Moderate-to-good dimensional stability. Diameter(14) x 3.14 divided by 16 . The hardness of wood varies with the direction of the wood grain, and varies from piece to piece. Table of hardness of wood species. Janka Hardness: 1510 – 75% harder than Genuine Mahogany. The wood is a dark, rich, reddish brown with a fine, interlocked grain. It reflects the force in pounds required to push a small steel ball into the wood. This force is recorded in both pounds-force (lbf) and kilo-Newtons (kN). Sapele takes a moulded edge very well, and the flat sawn cut is best used for moulding applications due to its consistent appearance. Also known as Sapeli, Sapelli, Sapelle. *The Janka hardness test measures the force required to embed a 0.444 inch steel ball into wood. The higher the number, the harder the wood is.This should be used as a general guide when comparing various species of wood flooring. Kiln-dried wood has a density of 36 pounds per cubic foot. Sapele wood is actually more durable than mahoganies, with a strength similar to oaks. Average reported shrinkage … So a Janka rating is an average of numerous tests performed on all directions and numerous pieces. All aspects of the purchase, ordering, pre-ship customer service (proactive ..." - John (more). Red Oak is the reference species for comparing wood hardness. ORIGIN A large African tree ranging from Sierra Leone to Angola and eastward through the Congo to Uganda. Like all our other wooden boards, the Braai Block does not have any glue or joints! However, since wood … So a Janka rating is an average of numerous tests performed on all directions and numerous pieces. Sapele is in the same family as mahogany. Working with a beautiful wood like Sapele will yield … Sapele flooring has characteristics of the Sapele tree. Sapele – Sapele is an exotic hardwood similar in many ways to mahogany. It is a great alternative to Mahogany. Texture fine and even. - Custom Orders Welcome: (877) 770-9663, "The wood is outstanding! Color: The heartwood of Sapele is a golden to dark reddish brown in color with a creamy sapwood. 15 Species Available in all Lengths and Options, Choose from 3 unique sizes featuring beautiful colors, Long Lengths, and Wide Widths. Use the Janka hardness rating as guide, not a definitive answer. Values are given in pounds. Interlocked grain produces beautiful ribbon pattern on quarter-sawn Sapele. Sapele is an economically-important wood to the continent of Africa, and one that continues to grow in popularity in other industries beyond veneer mills, here in the US. It can be highly figured with a variety of patterns including pomele, beeswing, mottled, fiddleback, and can have ribbon stripes when quartersawn. The heartwood of Sapele Hardwood Lumber can have a rich smell similar to Cedar Wood. Hard maple ranks 1,450, while red oak ranks 1,290. The grain of sugar maple … The wood has a slight cedar like odour when freshly cut. Heartwood is pink when freshly cut to red brown or purple brown. Sapele, Sapelli, Sapeli: WORKING PROPERTIES: It's highly recommended to be patient and work slow if machining Sapele because of its interlocked grain. Mahogany, Honduran 800 Padauk 1725 Mahogany, Santos 2200 Tabaccowood 1750 Maple, Hard North American 1450 Rosewood, Bolivian 1780 Maple, Ivory 1500 Bamboo, Carbonized 1800 Maple, … Sapele Lumber Angela Raimato 2020-07-23T11:29:33-04:00 SAPELE EXOTIC WOOD Once considered a more refined member of the mahogany family, Sapele is now being used as the industry standard for … The Janka scale is used to determine the relative hardness of particular … Sapele is a widely used and popular redwood, similar to mahogany, with a deep, rich finish suited to furniture projects, conservatories and much more. Sapele is now also being used as a tonewood. Home Articles/FAQ's Hardwood Flooring 101: For Beginners Wood Charts: Density, Hardness, Stiffness and Strength Hardness Chart Hardness Chart Acacia 1,750 lbs It comes in two different woods, Sapele and Afromesia. Sapele Wood Flooring Species Scientific Name: Entandrophragma cylindricum. Boutique headphone manufacture Forte Audio uses Sapele Wood in the construction of their ‘Forte Clarity’ line of hi-end head-phones . Distribution: Tropical Africa. The wood also benefits from a distinctive red-brown colour that darkens as it matures and ages. Variations within Species and Grades: If the wood is quarter sawn, it has a ribbon stripped effect. Woods with a higher rating are harder than woods with a lower rating. The wood is light to deep reddish brown. These boards are handcrafted from specially-selected planks and have extra-large grooves with purpose. The Sapele Decking has a medium level of hardness with a rating of about 1510lbs. Red Oak is the reference species for comparing wood hardness. It is commonly used as a substitute for Genuine Mahogany -- also belonging to the Meliaceae family -- and it, too, is considered moderately durable and stable. For example, testing hardness on the surface of a plank (i.e., perpendicular to its grain) provides a measure of the wood’s side hardness; whereas testing on either end of the plank measures its end hardness. Origin: It grows in Africa from Ghana to the Congo and Uganda, including the Ivory Coast, the Cameroons and Zaire. The heartwood of Sapele Hardwood Lumber can have a rich smell similar to Cedar Wood. Color/Appearance: Heartwood is a … There is a heavy demand for narrowly streaked blocks (pencil stripe) with an average diameter of 1 m and over. Sapele's propensity to exhibit such a diversity of figure types makes it a valuable source of decorative veneer. Brenco Exotic Woods, … offers 228 sapele wood hardness products. This Janka hardness makes it harder compared to the domestic species in North America. This scent signifies its resistance to termite infestation. The higher the number, the harder the wood. The wood is light to deep reddish brown. It measures the force required to embed an 11.28 millimetres (0.444 in) diameter steel ball halfway into a sample of wood. These ratings were done using the Janka Hardness Test. Sapele is an economically-important wood to the continent of Africa, and one that continues to grow in popularity in other industries beyond veneer mills, here in the US. Very hard ( I dont know the Janska hardness). Grain is straight to interlocked. The Janka test measures the amount of force required to embed a 0.444" steel ball into the wood to half of its diameter. Reliable shipping from multiple locations to all 50 states, Canada, and surrounding countries. OVER 100 SPECIES OF EXOTIC WOOD! Sapele has a medium to coarse texture. Maple trees are classified as either hard or soft. 23K 5,362 13. Registered Member. Origin: Sapele trees are found in Africa, from Ghana to the Congo and Uganda. "The wood is outstanding! Sapele is in the same family as Mahogany and the same genus as Utile, and as a result it shares many of the same qualities with these woods.. Hailing from Africa, Sapele contains an interlocking grain that produces light and dark ribbon stripes throughout the boards. Additionally Sapele … Sapele glues, nails, and takes screws well. About the wood: Sapele. It is used for both veneers and lumber and is highly prized when figured. It dries rapidly, but the interlocked grain results in a strong tendency to warp. Heart pine rates a median value of 1225 on the Janka hardness scale, but dimensional stability can vary with the species, age and prior usage of the wood. This hardwood lumber is a very durable wood … Harder woods create good, solid long-lasting joinery in furniture. A wide variety of sapele wood hardness options are available to you, such as free samples, paid samples. It is one of the best measures of the ability of a wood species to withstand denting and wear. Sapele is similar in density to red oak, but heavier than mahogany. The first step was to cut the stave material to the proper width. Much harder than African Mahogany and red oak. Utile: Janka Hardness 1,180 lbf (5,260 N) For a frame of reference White Oak is 1,350 lb f (5,990 N) while Eastern White Pine has a … The hardness of the Sapele wood makes it better than … Like Mahogany, Sapele is used as both a top wood and a back/sides wood. Here you'll find each wood species listed by hardness levels. Hardness/Janka: With a rating of 1,500, sapele is about 16% harder than the traditional red oak. - Custom Orders Welcome: (877) 770-9663 ... 39 lbs/ft 3 (620 kg/m 3) | Janka Hardness : 1500lb f (6672 N) | Specific Gravity : 0.62 Overview; Wood Blanks; Lumber; Hand-Pick; Photos; Sapele … Sapele sapwood is white to pale yellow in color, but it rarely found in any of our Sapele Hardwood Lumber stock. Each wood species is listed in alphabetical order with its corresponding number next to it. The hardness of wood varies with the direction of the wood grain, and varies from piece to piece. This test is also used to determine the degree of difficulty in sawing and nailing. Other Names and Species: Aboudikro Libuyu Muyovu Penkwa Sapelli Sapelii Origin: West and East Africa, from the Ivory Coast to the Cameroons and eastward through Zaire to Uganda. There have been threads in the past comparing 000-15S's, some of that may be over in the slot-head club thread. It is a great alternative to Mahogany. It’s harder than both Honduran and African Mahogany. Sipo Mahogany (commonly referred to as either just "Sipo" or "Utile") is an African wood that is considered to be the closest, aesthetically, to Genuine Mahogany (although not a true "Swietenia"). Browse our online collection of Sapele woodworking photos. Grain is straight to interlocked. About 3% of these are plywoods. Species (Alphabetical) Hardness Species (by Hardness) Hardness. Aboudikro-Sapele, which generally grows along the Ivory Coast, normally is darker than the wood from other growing areas. The test measures the pressure required to embed an 11.28mm (.444 in) diameter steel ball into wood … It is commonly used as a substitute … Since we were using 16 staves on our 14" snare drum, we cut them to 2.75 " wide. This scent signifies its resistance to termite infestation. All aspects of the purchase, ordering, pre-ship customer service (proactive ..." - John (Read More), 200 E. Hematite Dr. | Ishpeming, MI 49849 | 877-770-9663 | 0.0182 | 127.1.1421. Mon-Fri 8-5 PM, Sat 9-1 PM (EST), ©2020 Hurst Hardwoods. Color: Sapele has a medium to dark reddish brown color which will darken with time and exposure to UV light. Janka Hardness: 1510 Sapele is about four percent harder than hard maple, roughly eleven percent harder than white oak, about fifty-one percent harder than teak, close to four percent harder than sugar … Use the Janka hardness rating as guide, not a definitive answer. With a 1500 rating on the Janka hardness scale, it is slightly harder than sugar maple but over 20% harder than mahogany. The Sapele Decking has a medium level of hardness with a rating of about 1510lbs. Ratings will vary depending on various environmental factors. This is the latests in our series of videos on our blog and youtube channel for your enjoyment. It is one of the best measures of the ability of a wood species to withstand denting and wear. Elastic Modulus: 1,746,000 lb f /in 2 (12.04 GPa) Crushing Strength: 8,750 lb f /in 2 (60.4 MPa) Shrinkage: Radial: 4.8%, Tangential: 7.2%, Volumetric: 12.8%, T/R Ratio: 1.5. Sapele … Sipo Mahogany (commonly referred to as either just "Sipo" or "Utile") is an African wood that is considered to be the closest, aesthetically, to Genuine Mahogany (although not a true "Swietenia"). Interlocked grain producing a narrow and uniformly distributed stripe on the radial surface. The Janka hardness test (from the Austrian-born emigrant Gabriel Janka, 1864–1932) measures the resistance of a sample of wood to denting and wear. Tropical (Honduran) Mahogany: 900 lb: African Mahogany: 1,070 lb: Sapele: 1,410 lb: East Indian Rosewood : 2,440 lb: Of course, this hardness isn’t the only thing that determines the sound qualities. The color is red, almost purple, similar to the red wine. Sapele has a medium to coarse texture. Despite the wood’s strength and hardness and subsequent durability, it does dry quickly and have a tendency to warp if not properly stacked. fichtmueller . Appearance: The sapwood of sapele tends toward whitish or pale yellow and is distinct from the heartwood, which ranges in color from a … Sugar maple and black maple are hard. Ebony measures 3,220 on the Janka scale; balsa wood measures 100. We have found this to be one of the best measures of the ability of wood species to withstand denting and wear. The average hardness of a piece of Honduran Mahogany would be around 900lb while a Sapele wood piece would be around 1,410lb. Lumber planed to ¾ inch thickness 7 percent MC will weigh about 2 … The name sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria, where there is a preponderance of the tree.African Timber and Plywood (AT&P), a division of the United Africa Company, had a factory at this location where the wood, along with Triplochiton scleroxylon, Obeche, mahogany, and Khaya was processed into timber which was then exported from the Port of Sapele worldwide. Sapele: Janka Hardness 1,410 lbf (6,280 N) The hardest of the three options. Scientific Name: Entandrophragma cylindricum. Sapele photos! It is almost two times harder … This hardwood lumber is a very durable wood that stains easy and finishes well. The Janka hardness test measures the force required to embed a .444 inch steel ball to half its diameter in wood. All Rights Reserved. In sawing and nailing here you 'll find each wood species fasteners can be a problem when. Comparing wood hardness Options are Available to you, such as free samples, paid samples pre-ship service... Have any glue or joints: If the wood is.This should be used both! Pounds per cubic foot average hardness and an individual piece of wood varies with the direction of the wood,! The proper width found this to be `` generally tonally identical '' them. Hardness of the wood to rate its suitability for flooring Coast, the harder the wood is.This should used! 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