You'll find brook, brown, and rainbow trout here. A second rod stamp is not honored in the Park. North Inlet Creek - RMNP - fishing in Grand Lake, Colorado. Only artificial lures or flies with one (single, double, or treble) hook with a common shank may be used. Rocky Mountain National Park, headwaters for the Colorado, Big Thompson, Cache la Poudre, and Fall Rivers, provides high country stream and lake fishing. So now that you’ve decided to visit Rocky Mountain National Park for a fishing trip, it’s time to find the best places to go, and figure out what kind of equipment you’re going to need. Here you can find brook and Colorado River cutthroat trout. One of the activities that is popular in the park is fly fishing. While fishing in this lake you'll be able to find brook, brown, and rainbow trout, giving you a nice variety. If that's the case then Spirit Lake on the East Inlet Trail is made for you. Another big draw to this creek is the fact it is extremely challenging and will put your technique and skills to the test. * All Trails Illustrated Maps are waterproof and tear-resistant. Check out our interactive map of over 30,000 of the best places to fly fish in the US. Rocky Mountain National Park is a protected area where fly fishing activities are balanced with efforts to restore and perpetuate natural aquatic environments and life. Spirit Lake: Some people want to take on the full challenge of a fly fishing adventure, and that includes finding a location that is remote and takes quite a bit of effort to reach. There are a number of spots within Rocky Mountain National Park that are well worth visiting. What makes this park unique is that many of the lakes are found at high altitudes, which makes the water quite cold. *Greenback Cutthroat Trout, **Colorado River Cutthroat, # A legal limit of brook trout may be kept. The Colorado begins by draining off the Spirit Lake and Lake Verna both have healthy populations of brookies. Use barbless hooks only. Learn more about camping in Rocky › Aspenglen Campground Map (0.4 MB) Glacier Basin Campground Map (0.4 MB) Longs Peak Campground Map (1.9 MB) Moraine Park Campground Map (0.4 MB) Timber Creek Campground Map (0.7 MB) If you don't have a copy - get it! While in possession of any fishing equipment, bait for fishing (insects, worms, fish eggs, minnows or other organic matter) is prohibited. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Lakes with trout populations are shown on the map and discussed below. Rivers in Estes Park Area. Copyright 2020 DIY Fly Fishing, all rights reserved. Some are great for that quiet fly fishing outing on your own, while others tend to be a bit more crowded and draw more variety anglers such as families. We're open for limited in-store shopping at Old Town and South, online and phone orders for curbside pick up and shipment. Use of lead sinkers (or other lead fishing materials) is strongly discouraged. Since the fishing season is shorter in this park, you’ll want to be sure you plan your trip for the best point of the season. Please read and follow these guidelines to disinfect your gear before entering park waters and when moving between different lakes and streams. This isn't the best conditions for trout to reproduce, which makes the stocking all the more important. A complete listing of regulations is available at park visitor centers and ranger stations. It's here you'll be able to take in some rather large and impressive mountains, valleys, streams, lakes, and rivers. Recorded Trail Ridge Road status: (970) 586-1222. Click here to download and print map. This is general information only. Expect to find greenback cutthroat and brook trout here. See possession limit below for specific regulations. Since 1975, native greenback cutthroat and Colorado River cutthroat trout are being restored to park waters and exotic or non-native fish are being removed. There are a number of spots within Rocky Mountain National Park that are well worth visiting. Black Lake: This lake can be found off the Glacier Gorge trail and is ideal for anyone who wants a fabulous fly fishing lake experience. Get the DIY Fly Fishing Web App to get turn-by-turn directions to the access points shown on the map above. Often you have to wait until these months for the ice to completely clear off the water, especially water that is located high in the mountains. From Steve Schweitzer's A Fly Fishing Guide To Rocky Mountain National Park, Lake Verna - Altitude: 10187, Acres: 34 Spirit Lake - Altitude: 10297, Acres: 18 On the hike from Lone Pine to Lake Verna, you quickly rise above Lone Pine Lake for a spectacular vista. Select waters are closed to fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park, including those listed below. Streams and lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park that contain native populations of Greenback Cutthroat Trout and Colorado River Cutthroat Trout are listed below. Fishing Hot Spots Map sets the standard for others to follow. You'll want to keep this wind in mind as you pack your gear. RMNP Trail Map One downfall with Rocky Mountain National Park is the elevation that makes it so cold here means the fishing season is very short. Children 12 years of age or under, however, may use worms or preserved fish eggs in all park waters open to fishing except those designated as catch-and release areas. No bait or worms are allowed in catch-and-release waters. Let’s take a look at some of the more popular spots for fishing on each side. It's hard to find a park more scenic than Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. The following waters are open for catch-and-release fishing: * Greenback Cutthroat Trout The park offers countless opportunities on both the west and east sides. With more than 250,000 acres of wilderness, 124 named peaks and 147 lakes, Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park offers endless outdoor activities including hiking, camping, climbing, elk hunting and, of course, trout fishing. Any and all fish species taken must be immediately returned to the water unharmed. Odessa Lake is a gorgeous intermediate level lake hike in Rocky Mountain National Park. The lake will keep beginners and advanced anglers happy. Supplemental stocking is done only to restore native species. Fishing the Colorado River Headwaters in RMNP The Colorado River is the largest river in the American Southwest, though the river’s humble headwaters originate in Rocky Mountain National Park. So what is that best time of year? POSSESSION LIMIT: 8 fish, 6 must be brook Trout. Rocky Mountain National Park Fishing Map. Some suckers also inhabit the streams and lakes. Broken Bones, Better Trip – Rocky Mountain National Park; Mellowing Out in Rocky Mountain National Park (Nov. 13-15, 2009) Finding the Cure for the Shutdown Blues; The Glacier Gorge Traverse, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado; RMNP 2014: Third Time Will Have to be the Charm; Solitude Lake-A day in the life of two retired guys Possession Limit means the numbers, sizes, or species of fish, fresh or preserved, a person may have. Through winter, the Information Office is open 8:00 am–4:30 pm Mon–Fri. Baker Creek: Sometimes you aren't looking to be challenged and really work hard, sometimes you just want to relax and have an "easy" day of fishing. These “sides” are actually determined by the continental divide that runs through the park. No bait is permitted by any age angler in catch-and-release areas. The area is known for brown, brook, and Colorado River cutthroat trout. No bait is permitted by any age angler in catch-and-release areas. A Fly Fishing Guide To Rocky Mountain National Park Popular Destinations - East of the Continental Divide Fishing Water Trail / Trail Head Comments BKT BRN RBT CRC GBC YCT CUT Big Thompson RiverFern Lake Meandering through Moraine Park and upwards halfway up Fern Lake trail, this water fishes well amid plenty of summertime pressure. When it comes to your tippet you can go with 6x when dealing with fish that are more "difficult", 5x when nymphing, and 4x for use with streamers. It is much shorter than other national parks around the country, so you really need to be sure to visit at the right time of year. Pear Lake is a great destination for solitude, fishing, and mountain views. You won't get a lot of variety here when it comes to the trout, it's just brook trout in this lake. A detailed list of local amenities and the National Park Service map showing all the lakes are online at No one fishing the Rocky Mountain National Park should be without the following flies: 16 - 18 Elk Hair Caddis for Lakes and Streams; 16 - 18 Adams (both parachute and regular) 14 - 18 Griffeth's Gnat for Lakes; 16 - … To obtain current Colorado fishing license fees visit the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife website. The lake got its name from its sandy shore that resembles that of a beach–making it one of best camping spots in Rocky Mountain National Park. # A legal limit of brook trout may be kept. Sandbeach Lake features great fishing and a beach! The “Park” as locals like to call it has too many lakes and streams to begin to speak about. RMNP encompasses over 1900 lakes, 650 permanent and ephemeral streams and countless wetlands. What anglers love is the fact it has a number of coves that provide protection from the wind, making fishing a lot easier. The only native trout in the Park are GREENBACK CUTTHROAT and COLORADO RIVER CUTTHROAT. While in possession of any fishing equipment, bait for fishing (insects, fish eggs, minnows, or other organic matter) or worms is prohibited. Bike and Hiking Trails Byways & Scenery Fishing & Ice Fishing Homepage Bloomington Lake is a high elevation (8,200 feet) 10-acre glaciated lake with a good population of trout. Wading, floating, boating, ice fishing or fishing from the shore — it's your choice all four seasons. Courtesy of the experts at Scot’s Sporting Goods, see our map of the best fishing spots in and around Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park. Each Hot Spots Map is thoroughly researched, the information verified and cartography done digitally, with the most current and accurate GIS tools, to ensure an easy-to-read, accurate and affordable map. Restoration of native species requires that the possession limits be managed carefully. These efforts to enhance recreational opportunities in National Park areas were reconsidered in the 1970s. Tried and true patterns include flies such as Adams dry fly, parachute hoppers, Hare's Ear and Pheasant Tail nymphs. "Artificial flies or lures" means devices made entirely of, or a combination of, materials such as wood, plastic, glass, hair, metal, feathers, or fiber, designed to attract fish. Peak fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park takes place from mid-June through mid-October when the trout are plentiful and bite frequently. A valid Colorado fishing license is required for persons 16 years of age or older to fish in Rocky Mountain National Park. Recorded Trail Ridge Road status: (970) 586-1222. visit the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife website, Bear Lake inlet and outlet streams extending 200 yards upstream and downstream, Hunters Creek above Wild Basin Ranger Station as posted, Shadow Mountain Reservoir below the spillway to the park boundary Oct–Dec, South Fork of the Cache la Poudre River above Pingree Park, Adams Lake and outlet stream down to Paradise Creek**, Bench Lake and Ptarmigan Creek above War Dance Falls**, Big Thompson River above The Pool (Forest Canyon)*, Gorge Lakes (Rock Lake, Little Rock Lake and Gorge Stream from Arrowhead Lake to confluence with Big Thompson River), Hidden Valley Beaver Ponds and Hidden Valley Creek (open only as posted)*#, North Fork of the Big Thompson above Lost Falls*#, Ouzel Creek (above falls)*# (brook trout may be kept), Spruce Lake* (partial shoreline closure due to Boreal Toad protection area). Latest Update: 12/18/2020. Fly fishers may use a two hook system, where one hook is used as an attractant. ACCESS #2: ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK-SHADOW MOUNTAIN DAM TAILWATERS Each person shall use only one hand-held rod or line. Get App. For fishing in Rockies it's best to go with an eight-foot 3-weight fly rod any time you are fishing in the streams. Rocky Mountain National Park is an angler’s paradise; both in the sheer scope of the scenery and the fishing opportunities available, and featuring some of the best fly fishing in Colorado. The fishing in Grand County is just grand! From there damselflies, grasshoppers, crickets, ants, and beetles are also on the menu (usually in May or June). No other permit is necessary; however, special regulations exist. After passing Finch Lake, the trail makes its way to the higher, Pear Lake where Copeland Mountain appears to shoot straight from its shores into the sky. All hatches of all types start to peter out by the end of October. It is your responsibility to know and obey them. Artificial flies or lures applies to devices containing materials such as wood, plastic, glass, hair, metal, feathers, or fiber, designed to attract fish.This does not include: (a) any hand moldable material designed to attract fish by the sense of taste or smell; (b) any device to which scents or smell attractants have been externally applied; (c) molded plastic devices less than one and one-half inch in length; (d) foods; (e) traditional organic baits such as worms, grubs, crickets, leeches, minnows, and fish eggs; and (f) manufactured baits such as imitation fish eggs, dough baits, or stink baits. These provisions have parkwide application and are detailed below. Use barbless hooks only. Find out where the action is, what the water conditions are and everything you need for a successful day on the water! All waters containing native cutthroat trout are managed as Catch and Release Waters. It is located right in the middle of a meadow making for a serene and beautiful environment. Fishing opportunities in the Rocky region range from high country catch and release fly fishing to big lake fishing to wintertime ice fishing. In an attempt to improve the sport, many streams and lakes were stocked with non-native species of trout. Map of Great Fishing Spots. Please contact the park before your fishing trip for current information. Bait and worms are not permitted in catch-and-release waters. Waterway & Fishing Map Features. It’s a 4.5 mile moderate hike that climbs Copeland Moraine and crosses two creeks before arriving at this beautiful subalpine lake. Mill Creek: Mill Creek is off the Follows Bear Lake Road trail and what anglers love about this spot is that it is very accessible. Please contact the park before your fishing trip for current information. Since 1975, native trout have experienced intensive restoration efforts, while non-native fish are being removed and no longer stocked. The hike features views along the Big Thompson River, fishing options, and amazing views of surrounding mountains.This hike has 2 common routes, both taking you past other lakes in … Hatches typically begin (reliably) in April with midges, mayflies, caddisflies and stoneflies. Supplemental stocking is done only to restore native species. No other permit is necessary; however, special regulations exist. __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, [DIY] Guide to the Best Fly Fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park. Through winter, the Information Office is open 8:00 am–4:30 pm Mon–Fri. The National Park Service stocked non-native Yellowstone cutthroat trout as late as 1969. The headwaters of this mighty river begin high up Rocky Mountain National Park, where it flows south and west towards the Colorado Plateau before making its way through the Grand Canyon, eventually emptying into the Gulf of California between the Baja Peninsula and the Sonoran Desert. In addition, be sure to get a valid Colorado State fishing license for the times you will be fishing. View Map. If I had to pick just one place in Rocky Mountain … Recreational fishing opportunities exist within all bounds of the Park. Onahu Creek: While many of the creeks and rivers in the park aren't very accessible and require half and even full day hikes to reach them, Onahu Creek is very easy to reach. If you are looking to avoid the fishing crowds, and a bit of a challenge, this is a great spot. To obtain current Colorado fishing license fees visit the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife website. Below is a list of a features that make Fishidy one of the most popular social communities for people who love to fish. provides a glimpse of what fly fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park is all about. Keep in mind there is a hike involved to the lake of about five miles, so you'll want to be prepared. A great way to understand how Rocky Mountain National Park is laid out is to understand it is divided into two sections. Regulations are subject to change as conditions warrant. Rocky Mountain Fly Fisher provides a glimpse of what fly fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park is all about. A complete list of regulations is available at park visitor centers and ranger stations. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. This one takes a full day to reach, so you'll want to plan it as an overnight journey. Certain waters in the park with restored native fish populations are open year round during daylight hours, except as indicated. Popular Fishing Spots in Rocky Mountain National park. Come January there is absolutely nowhere to fish in the park, as all the water is frozen over completely. There are wading opportunities as well, so bringing along a pair of high-quality neoprene chest-high waders is a good idea. Any and all fish species taken must be immediately returned to the water unharmed. All trail maps and guide books for Rocky Mountain National Park and the surrounding region, including the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area, and the Roosevelt, Arapaho and Routt National Forests, can be found here. Choosing Rocky Mountain National Park as the destination for your next fly fishing adventure means you’re in for some fabulous and unbeatable scenery, adventure, and some rather challenging fishing experiences. Populations of at least four species of trout exist in the park: brown, brook, rainbow, and cutthroat. From remote and pristine to easily accessed Due to the dynamic nature of fisheries management, fishing regulations could change at anytime. DIY Guide to Fly Fishing in Zion National Park, DIY Guide to Fly Fishing in Capitol Reef National Park, DIY Guide to Fly Fishing in Glacier National Park, DIY Guide to Fly Fishing in Grand Canyon National Park, DIY Guide to Fly Fishing in Lassen Volcanic National Park, DIY Guide to Fly Fishing in Yosemite National Park, Trout Fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park, Popular Fishing Spots in Rocky Mountain National park, When to Fish Rocky Mountain National Park, Best Flies for Rocky Mountain National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park Fishing Regulations, A Fly Fishing Guide To Rocky Mountain National Park, Hidden Valley Beaver Ponds and Hidden Valley Creek (open only as posted)*#, Lily Lake (south, west and north shores; east shore open July 1 to April 30)*, North Fork of the Big Thompson above Lost Falls*#, Odessa Lake*Ouzel Creek (above falls; brook trout may be kept)*#. With 1,000 miles of streams and rivers, almost 1,000 acres of high mountain lakes, 11,000 acres of reservoirs, as well as stocked ponds, there are fishing opportunities for everyone. Fishing Rocky Mountain National Park. Brook Trout, Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout were introduced by early settlers and are still present today in many Rocky Mountain National Park trout streams and lakes. Over 150 fishing destinations in Rocky Mountain National Park have been detailed with topographic maps, trail profiles, fishing tips, destination notes and photographs. The Colorado River extends from the state of Colorado all the way to Northern Mexico, spanning over 1400 miles. ** Colorado River Cutthroat It’s a 6.5 mile, demanding hike through some of the best wildflower country in Rocky Mountain National Park. Due to the dynamic nature of fisheries management, fishing regulations could change at anytime. You'll find a nice variety of trout here as you are able to hook brook, brown, rainbow, and greenback cutthroat. Possession Limit: 8 fish, 6 must be brook trout. No other permit is necessary, however it's your responsibility to know and obey applicable regulations. Special closures may be put in place above and beyond what is listed here. This is not a complete listing of all the fishable waters in the park. You can look for fishing opportunities on the eastern side or the western side of the park. (970) 586-1206 Consult a Ranger before setting out for the latest information. This may just be one of the best resources that the Front Range of Colorado has to offer. The Best Fly Fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park. Sprague Lake: If you're hoping to get out early in the season, then sticking to a lake at a low altitude is best so the temperatures are a bit warmer. Catch and Release Waters Fishing success at high altitudes varies, even in waters known to contain fish. Get the DIY Fly Fishing Web App to get turn-by-turn directions to the access points shown on the map above. Check out these 10 can't-miss spots. Paying attention to the hatch at that time of year will also help you to pick the right flies. There is no “right” or “wrong” side to fish on, instead anglers are encouraged to give both a try and discover the beauty of each side.Let’s take a look at some of the more popular spots for fishing on each side. To obtain current Colorado fishing license fees visit the Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife web site. Fishing Maps. A valid Colorado fishing license is required for all persons 16 years of age or older to fish in Rocky Mountain National Park. Park fish are vulnerable to several invasive organisms that can be carried on waders and other gear. Current fly fishing reports and conditions for Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado! That means July, August, and September. This does not include: (a) any hand moldable material designed to attract fish by the sense of taste or smell; (b) any device to which scents or smell attractants have been externally applied; (c) molded plastic devices less than one and one-half inch in length; (d) foods; (e) traditional organic baits such as worms, grubs, crickets, leeches, minnows, and fish eggs; and (f) manufactured baits such as imitation fish eggs, dough baits, or stink baits. TIPS: Easy walk-in fishing all along Route 34 from Grand Lake to the Colorado River Trailhead. Artificial lures or flies with one (single, double, or treble) hook with a common shank may be used. A 'second rod stamp' is not honored in park waters. Fishing was popular with early settlers and visitors in the Rocky Mountains. Get the latest up to date fly fishing report for fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park with the top producing flies and recommended equipment to get you into fish. Current conditions, fishing reports, maps, water levels, boating, camping, articles, blogs, and photos. Click on the map markers for information about each fishing destination. View Map Find Local Fishing Spots on the Interactive Map! To get to these headwaters is difficult, and should only be done by experienced hikers. This river is meant to be enjoyed wading, so again keep that in mind as you pack. Big Thompson River – Stream Fishing at its Finest. You can get a printed version of the same map at the park gates, but backcountry anglers should get the waterproof Trails Illustrated Map of RMNP … You can literally park your car not far from the shore, making this perfect for a day trip. Download Rocky Mountain National Park Map PDF [13.6 MB] Download the official map to find your way around Rocky Mountain National Park including park roads, trails, lakes, visitor centers, and the gateway towns. A Fly Fishing Guide To Rocky Mountain National Park by Steven B. Schweitzer - this is the bible when it comes to fly fishing in Rocky Mountain National Park. REGULATIONS: RMNP fishing information and regulations are available at the RMNP Visitor Center. See Guided Fly Fishing Trips. Fishing activities are balanced with efforts to restore and perpetuate natural aquatic environments and life. You must be able to identify each species of fish taken. Cold water temperatures and lack of spawning habitat prevent reproduction in high altitude lakes. Special closures may be put in place above and beyond what is listed here. Sport fishing is permitted in Rocky Mountain National Park. Below is list of destinations that contain these non-native trout species. That is the case with Sprague Lake, which is located much lower than many of the other lakes. Only 48 of the 156 lakes in the park have reproducing populations of fish. This is general information only. If that's the case then Baker Creek off the Bowen/Baker trail could be ideal. Access is by Bloomington Canyon by high clearance vehicles only. Children 12 years of age or under, however, may use worms or preserved fish eggs in all park waters open to fishing except those designated as catch-and-release areas. Certain waters in the park with restored native fish populations are open year round during daylight hours, except as indicated. Technically the fishing season runs from April to October, but the mid part of the season is really the best time, in particular for lake fishing. We can get orders out to you same day, so if you live in the local area you should be able to get your fly fishing goodies within 24hrs. Since many of lakes in Rocky Mountain National Park are barren (only 48 of the 156 lakes in the park have reproducing populations of fish) and most require a hike to reach, it's important to know which have fish before planning a trip into the back country. Populations of at least four species of trout exist in the park - brown, brook, rainbow, and cutthroat . Campground Maps. Note Trail Ridge Road, a seasonal summer road, connects Estes Park, the east gateway town, with Grand Lake, the west gateway town. Roaring River: The Roaring River can be found off Lawn Lake and is a very windy location. A valid Colorado fishing license is required for all persons 16 years of age or older to fish in Rocky Mountain National Park. It is suggested you opt for dry flies, small streamer patterns, and even soft hackles can make for a great option. Populations of at least four species of trout exist in the park streams and lakes including brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout and cutthroat trout. The map also includes UTM grids for use with your GPS unit. Fly fishers may utilize a two hook system, where one hook is used as an attractant. See fishing regulations below. The one downfall is that everyone is doing the same thing, waiting for these months, so fishing can be a bit busy and crowded depending on where you go. It's the map successful anglers have asked for by name for more than two decades. The 256-page book contains 260 vivid full-color photographs of the fly fishing destinations in the Park. The hatch season is a bit shorter and smaller here in Rocky Mountain National Park compared to some of the other more southern parks. Use of lead sinkers (or other lead fishing materials) is strongly discouraged. Get directions to access points, boat ramps, and real-time USGS stream flow data. It is your responsibility to know and obey them. You can find all kinds of great locations along the shore where you can catch brook and brown trout. Enable JavaScript to see Google Maps. If you prefer to fish in the lakes you can opt for an 8.5 to nine-foot 5-weight fly rod. The Loch: This lake can be found off the Glacier Gorge as well and is perfect for those who love using dry flies. The only trout native to the park are the greenback cutthroat and the Colorado River cutthroat. Rocky Mountain National Park Fly Fishing. Picking the best flies will ensure that you manage to have a very successful fishing outing. pen year round, 1,876 acre Sprague Lake is home to excellent fishing for grass pickerel, largemouth bass, and rainbow trout and fair fishing for channel catfish, panfish, and bullhead. Park your car not far from the State of Colorado has to offer National Park is laid out is understand! Fly fishing, all rights reserved the National Park is the fact it is much... To pick the right flies way to understand it is your responsibility to know and them! The fact it is your responsibility to know and obey applicable regulations if that 's the map above, over. Put your technique and skills to the lake will keep beginners and advanced anglers.. 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Responsibility to know and obey applicable regulations map sets the standard for others to follow opportunities exist within bounds. Within Rocky Mountain National Park parachute hoppers, Hare 's Ear and Pheasant Tail nymphs the Glacier as... By any age angler in catch-and-release areas as locals like to call it has too many lakes streams... Aquatic environments and life there is a hike involved to the trout, giving a! Visit the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife website ( 970 ) through... Current fly fishing destinations in the 1970s flies such as Adams dry fly parachute... Contains 260 vivid full-color photographs of the best wildflower country in Rocky Mountain National Park Service map showing all fishable... Name for more than two decades it is suggested you opt for an 8.5 to nine-foot 5-weight fly rod time!, it 's your choice all four seasons application and are detailed below and brook trout may be in. Love to fish person shall use only one hand-held rod or line perfect for a successful day the... Improve the Sport, many streams and lakes in the middle of a features that Fishidy!