https: --- Temple, the Church, and in God's presence. This may be a literary or musical term. Verse 10.. From the lips of babes and infants you have established strength, because of your adversaries, that … Here we have David's professions of desire towards God and dependence on him. Lead me, LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies— make your way straight before me. Ein Psalm Davids. Go to. Verse 8. 2013. "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers". Psalms 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: [are they] not in thy book? Now we come to the second part, in which the Psalmist repeats his arguments, and goes over the same ground again. Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness - That is, conduct me safely in the manifestation of the principles of justice or righteousness which belong to thy nature. looking up to Jesus, shall we not say, Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness, even thine only, that thy way may be straight before me? way, that I may walk straight on, without any difficulty or Das Wort „Psalm“ kommt von dem griechischen Verb psallo – die Saiten zupfen. 3 But you, O L ord, are r a shield s about me, my glory, and t the lifter of my head. Psalms 59:9-10. That is, he gets comfort and encouragement by seeing the Lord avenge his cause against his adversaries. God Alone Rewards Us (vs 9-12). : 2 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. BibliographyTrapp, John. judgments, and ordinances; in which way the Lord does lead his Verse 3 states, "Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence." We should, therefore, walk exactly, Ephesians 5:15, and pray earnestly, as here. revealed in the Gospel, from faith to faith, and is imputed by The words, "because of mine enemies," i.e. "The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge". It is that he may be divinely instructed in the right path. Lead me, O Lord — Direct my heart, and counsels, and affairs, and all the course and actions of my life; in thy righteousness — In thy righteous laws, or, for, or, because of, or, according to, thy righteousness, a phrase and argument frequently used in the Psalms. psalm definition: 1. a holy poem or song, especially one of the 150 collected together in the Bible 2. a holy poem or…. Wie begrenzt ist das Leben, das du mir gabst! The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand. A Psalm of David, n when he fled from Absalom his son. He who walks uprightly: In describing the character of the man who can live in God’s presence David begins with two general descriptions (walks uprightly, and works righteousness).i. Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my … https: Ein Psalm (Plural Psalmen) (von gr. Is it luck and nothing more? John Trapp Complete Commentary. All Rightes Reserved, Larry Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario.A printed copy of this work can be ordered from: The Baptist Standard Bearer, 1 Iron Oaks Dr, Paris, AR, 72855. As the victorious survivor of a conflict, walking over the battle field, might be said to do. This meaning is unquestionably a pious and a useful one. Psalm 8 is cited early in Hebrews (Hebrews 2:5–9) to defend the idea that God would send a human Savior. Aquila and Jerome both give “those lying in ambush.” God’s guidance and protection would enable the good man to avoid their snares, and to walk straight in the way of righteousness. 5:8, BDB 1004). Psalm 5:8 O Lord, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes;Make Your way straight before me. https: He can walk in righteousness because the righteous God leads him, and because he has been forgiven. "Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible". The psalm falls into three stanzas, the first two ending with “Selah.” The first section (62:1-4) we may label “Composure in threatening times.” The second section (62:5-8) is “Composure reaffirmed.” The final section (62:9-12) is “Contrast,” where David shows us what not to trust in and whom to trust in. 4 Aber du, HERR, bist der Schild für mich, du bist meine Ehre und hebst mein Haupt empor. ), Two men aspire to be inventors of first-rate rank. of The world, fellow Christians, ministers, angels, and God. Explanation and Commentary of Psalm 27:1 Penned in a time of distress, David reaffirms his faith in his God, strengthening himself by the strength of God. Er lässt mich lagern auf grünen Auen und führt mich zum Ruheplatz am Wasser. "Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary". He recognizes that God takes no pleasure in … This view is confirmed as the right one, by a comparison with Psalms 5:5, where David pleads for help on the same ground, and also with Psalms 5:12, where it is said, "Thou, O Lord, blessest the righteous." How we love to fret and worry about this and that – indeed I have heard it said, how worrying it would be if we did not have anything to worry about! In der Bibel gibt es viele solcher Gebete, die meisten stehen im Buch der Psalmen, im Alten Testament. Psalm 1). Who are our observers? PSALM 8 * Divine Majesty and Human Dignity. BibliographyHaydock, George Leo. Walk the straight path of God and cast all your care upon Him (1 Pet. 1. "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". Themes. Die Textüberlieferung von Vers 2b ist gestört. Psalm 58 - For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be sung to the tune “Do Not Destroy!” Justice—do you rulers know the meaning of the word? 1840-57. What does this verse really mean? https: hinderance. "That I may walk on it evenly and smoothly, without stumbling, which mine enemies would gladly take hold of." Copyright StatementThese files are public domain.Text Courtesy of He asks God, because He is righteous, to lead him, in view of those who lie in wait for him. R. T. Society's Notes. Verse 10. : " כי, dropt out in the translation, is not here a proper logical for, and is often an expletive;" and also from the remark made in the fourth edit., on Psalms 5:9, "the ground, on account of which God should uphold him in righteousness, and protect him against his enemies,"—which last words he is obliged to supply, though his exposition of the preceding verse does not justify him in doing so. He desires Divine guidance in the path of Christian experience, in the path of practice, and in the path of precept. the original verbs פי almost always borrow their forms from the פו; comp. It would puzzle Oedipus himself to make any tolerable sense of the English translation of this verse. Joseph Caryl. Psalm 39:5-8 HFA »HERR, lass mich erkennen, wie kurz mein Leben ist und dass meine Tage gezählt sind; wie vergänglich bin ich doch! David's central request in Psalm 5: Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies, make Your way straight before my face. Psalm 5:7 Psalm 5:9 EXPOSITION. . Hengstenberg explains it-`God's own righteousness, whereby He gives to every one His own, befriends the pious, and destroys the ungodly.' The Psalmist makes here, as it were, a new onset. Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness,.... Not in mine, but thine; in the righteousness of God, which is revealed in the Gospel, from faith to faith, and is imputed by God, and received by faith; in this righteousness the psalmist desired to be led into the house of God, and appear before him; nor is there any other righteousness in which man can stand before God and worship. -a) Psalm 26, 8. : 1 For the Leader; upon the Nehiloth. Verse 10. We need God not only to bring us to his house, but to keep our feet while we are there. Reader! Make thy way straight before my face - The way in which thou wouldst have me to walk. Lead me ... in thy righteousness - i:e., in the righteousness which thou requirest, which thou dost impart of thy "mercy" (Psalms 5:7), and which thou rewardest with thy blessing (Psalms 5:12). (To the chief Musician upon Nehiloth, A Psalm of David.) Or, for, or because of, or according to thy righteousness; which is a phrase and argument frequently used in this Book of Psalms. "Commentary on Psalms 5:8". Psalms 5:8. 1859. 5:1-2. "George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary". It begins with praise to God in Zion (verse 1), a setting which continues through verse 4. A Song. You spread violence throughout the land. Before my face; to my view and for my walk; for men walk forward, not backward. The Psalmist prays the Lord, that He would display His righteousness in His dealings, and bring salvation to His servant. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Because of mine enemies - His conduct was marked; his enemies looked upon and watched him with an evil eye. For the choir director: A psalm#:TITLE Hebrew miktam. Words really can’t do it justice. Psalms 5:7 But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. 1909-1922. 1857. "E.W. Such a ground of appeal is always proper when we are in danger or in trouble from the injustice of others, for we may always ask of God to interpose, and to cause that which is right to be done. Psalm 62:5(NASB) Verse Thoughts. The psalmist is far from Jerusalem, and longs for the divine presence that Israel experienced in the Temple liturgy. Psalm 23/ Der Hirtenpsalm ein Psalm Davids Der Herr ist mein Hirte, nichts wird mir fehlen. God is addressed as a friend. sensible that the way of man is not in himself, and that he could Das liegt daran, dass die Psalmen nicht nur gesprochen, sondern meistens auch gesungen wurden. Despite sadness, the psalmist hopes once again to join the worshiping crowds. That is, mark out or make plain before me the path for me to tread - the path in which thou wilt deliver me. The Psalmist, David, notes the incredible power God displays in nature. Used by Permission. do I lift up my soul, v. 1. Lead me, O Lord — Direct my heart, and counsels, and affairs, and all the course and actions of my life; in thy righteousness — In thy righteous laws, or, for, or, because of, or, according to, thy righteousness, a phrase and argument frequently used in the Psalms. You just need to get out of the way and let people see it! The confident hope expressed in Psalms 5:7, so far from causing remissness, only stimulates him to pray afresh, on the ground of that hope. of David, to be sung to the tune “Do Not Destroy!”Justice—do you rulers#:1 Or you gods. Chapter Summary Psalm 5 begins with David's urgent prayer for the Lord to heed his groaning and cry. and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD. Because of mine enemies] Or, because of mine observers, who narrowly watch for my halting, that they might blaspheme thee, and thy religion through my default, 1 Samuel 18:9. before God and worship. 1905-1909. In thy righteousness; in thy righteous laws; which sometimes are called righteousness, as Psalms 119:172 Matthew 3:15. 3.) The word of God may seem fearsome in its demands, but it is . Because of mine enemies - Hebrew, 'those who observe' or "lie in wait for me" (Psalms 27:11, margin; Luke 11:54; cf. the Lord, and to be led by the right hand of his righteousness, My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore. so that this reason is not sufficient. My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. The one spends all his life in study and experiment, and lights upon nothing new; but the other has some surprising discovery to put before the public every year or two. Psalm 65 – At the Temple, In the Earth. "Commentary on Psalms 5:8". Psalm 5 is the fifth psalm from the Book of Psalms. He who walks uprightly,And works righteousness,And speaks the truth in his heart;He who does not backbite with his tongue,Nor does evil to his neighbor,Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend;a. Make thy ways straight, &c.— Make thy way plain before me; i.e. From the time ... (Hos 11,5.8). Verses 1-4 call all of God’s people to give thanks for His goodness and steadfast love; in verse 5, the psalmist begins to recount his own personal experience of this goodness and steadfast love. Whole Psalm. Psalm 5:8 . https: Psalms 5:8. Through the whole he has only to do with Divine aid against his enemies. Psalm 3 Lutherbibel 2017 Morgenlied in böser Zeit 1 Ein Psalm Davids, als er vor seinem Sohn Absalom floh. https: Psalm 5:8. 3 Aus dem Munde der jungen Kinder und Säuglinge hast du eine Macht zugerichtet um deiner Feinde willen, daß du vertilgest den Feind und den Rachgierigen. "John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". "Commentary on Psalms 5:8". The unsuccessful inventor, with perhaps equal ingenuity, is following impracticable and unremunerative paths for a lifetime. Do you judge the people fairly? BibliographyPett, Peter. See Psalms on "Psalms 58:6" for further information. Psa 25:1-7. These verses may set forth man's position among the creatures before he fell; but as they are, by the apostle Paul, appropriated to man as represented by the Lord Jesus, it … BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. https: Departure from it was a possibility because of the influence of the wicked. New York. BibliographyTorrey, R. A. (Title.) These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way. The form of the text is here, as always, to be preferred; for in Hiph. Do. https: https: O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; Make Your way straight before me. You do your own homework---taken out of context it would imply a completely different meaning than the author meant. "Commentary on Psalms 5:8". Psalm 5, 8 Das Buch der Psalmen Kapitel: 5, Vers: 8 Psalm 5, 7 Psalm 5, 9. Ein Nichts ist es in deinen Augen! Psalm 7 ist ein „Gebet des verfolgten Gerechten“, wie es in der Überschrift in der Jerusalemer Bibel lautet, und für Psalm 9 steht: „Gott stürzt die Gottlosen und rettet die Demütigen“. And thus he acknowledges how impossible it was for him to avoid being entangled in the snares of his enemies, (75) unless God both gave him wisdom, and opened up for him a way where no way is. My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. https: Psalm 8:5. 5:7). Psalm 62 - PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: SERMON OUTLINE: God Alone Saves Us (vs 1-4). 8.O Jehovah, lead me forth, etc. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. 1599-1645. enemies — literally, “watchers” (Psalm 27:11), hence special need of guidance. What does Psalm chapter 8 mean? Even here the topics of praise are varied, including prayer being answered (verse 2), sins being forgiven (verse … Continue reading "Commentary on Psalm 65:[1-8] 9-13" Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. "The Adam Clarke Commentary". https: "Whedon's Commentary on the Bible". The successful inventor knows in what direction others have toiled without profit, and scarcely ever spends a week on a misleading scent. BibliographyCoke, Thomas. 3 with the mouths of babes a and infants.. You have established a bulwark * against your foes,. NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: PSALM 5:8-10 ... 5:9 The psalmist is concerned about the words and deeds of his foes ("enemies," Ps. The sun shall not strike you by day, Nor the moon by night. King David was not exempt from the trials and tribulations that come from living in a fallen world. Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness, because of mine enemies; make Thy way smooth before my face. "Commentary on Psalms 5:8". He shall; wash his feet, etc. A Psalm of David. BibliographyConstable, Thomas. https: Proud member Of the same import is the last clause of the verse, where he prays that the way of God may be made straight before his face, in other words, that he might be delivered by the power of God from the distresses with which he was so completely surrounded, that, according to the judgment of the flesh, he never expected to find a way of escape. 3. their throat is an open grave. (5:8) 2. Consequently, in thy righteousness means the same thing as for or according to thy righteousness. Make thy way straight before my face] Remove all rubs and remoras, and lay all plain and level, that I may walk and not be weary, run and not faint, Isaiah 40:31. BibliographyHawker, Robert, D.D. to silence enemy and avenger. Ver. sake; because of his faithfulness to his promises, that he would There are many examples of this type of psalm in the book of Psalms (for example, Psalms 93, 136, 150). Jeremiah 5:26; Hosea 13:7). Make ... straight - i:e., unimpeded (Isaiah 40:3). duty; let it appear plain and manifest, that I may know in which A prayer; the plea whereon it rests; the hope resulting thence. 5:8 This is the content of the psalmist's prayer mentioned in Ps. PSALM 85 AND THE MEANING OF PEACE always turning back to love and forgiveness and hope. I prefer the former explanation, as confirmed by "thy way" in the parallel clause. 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