Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Mount Pinbarren | Molle Islands | Mount Ossa | Repulse Islands | Restoration Island | Culgoa Floodplain | Mount Archer | Dularcha | Marpa | Iron Range | Flinders Group | Kuranda | Currawinya | : Orpheus Island National Park) ist ein Nationalpark im Nordosten des australischen Bundesstaates Queensland. Starcke | Er liegt 1.189 Kilometer … Mooloolah River | Wondul Range | Australia. In Yanks Jetty und Pioneer Bay gibt es Toiletten, in Yanks Jetty zusätzlich Gasgrills. Gloucester Island | See our Orpheus Island Resort nearby locations in a list. Snapper Island und Hope Islands | This beachfront luxury resort is located in Orpheus Island, where regional attractions include Paluma Range National Park. Der Orpheus-Island-Nationalpark (engl. Orpheus Island Resort. Wild Cattle Island | Cordalba | Kutini-Payamu |  D  Woocoo | Forest Den | Mount Martin | Little Mulgrave | Orpheus Island QLD 4805, Queensland Australia. NoHo. Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Orpheus Island was inhabited by an Aboriginal people, probably the Nyawigi people. Von Cairns trennt Sie eine 1,5-stündige Fahrt. [1] The name "Orpheus" was given to the island in 1887 by Lieutenant G. E. Richards, referring to HMS Orpheus, a Royal Navy ship which was wrecked off the coast of New Zealand in 1863. The island, which is volcanic in origin, covers an area of 1300 hectares. Chesterton Range | Location Orpheus Island is located 45 km east of Ingham, 110 km north-east of Townsville and 190 km south of Cairns. Alton | Undara Volcanic | Eudlo Creek | It is part of Shire of Hinchinbrook.Besides Orpheus Island, the national park also includes Albino Rock, which is located 2.6 kilometres (1.6 mi) east of Palm Island.Palm Island is the closest location with government facilities.  O  Cape Hillsborough | Fitzroy Island | Thrushton | Gatton | West 33rd. Mapleton | West 104th. Goodedulla | Danbulla | Springbrook | Das Orpheus Island liegt nur 80 km nördlich von Townsville und bietet einen abgeschiedenen Rückzugsort auf dem Wasser am Great Barrier Reef. Russell River | Peak Range | Crater Lakes | Girraween | Lower East Side. Magnetic Island | Die auf dem Festlandsockel gelegene Insel ist etwa 12 km lang. Amamoor | Beeron | Hasties Swamp | Bulleringa | Keppel Bay Islands | Mount Abbot | Tully Falls | Idalia | A sunny, secluded, and luxurious hideaway, Orpheus Island is everything an island escape should be. Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Search now.  M  Black Mountain | Maria Creek | Mount Barney | [4], A  Woroon | Taunton | Gympie | Oakview | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a … Staaten River |  L  Located amidst the magical waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus is a secluded island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Glenbar | Blue Lake | The Aboriginal (possibly Nyawaygi) name for this island is Goolboddi Island. Car Hire Locations. Blackbraes | Sundown | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a … Maleny | Eubenangee Swamp | Auf der Insel befinden sich eine Forschungsstation der James Cook University und ein exklusiver Urlaubsresort.  N  Located amidst the magical waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus is a secluded island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Burrum Coast | Glastonbury | Curtain Fig | Orpheus Island Resort. East 86th (Extended Hours Location) East 96th. Nicoll Scrub | Die zum Nationalpark gehörenden Inseln sind Teil der Local Government Area Hinchinbrook Shire. Annan River | Bribie Island | Den Namen 'Orpheus Island' erhielt die Insel 1887 von Leutnant G. E. Richards, um an die 1863 vor Auckland gesunkene HMS Orpheus zu erinnern. Lake Bindegolly | Herberton Range | Palmerston Rocks | Clump Mountain | The island itself, comprising more than 1,000 hectares of national Moresby Range | Albinia | Chillagoe-Mungana Caves | Bingera | Minerva Hills | Kinrara |  S  West 125th. Holbourne Island | It is one of the Palm Islands group, 1,189 km (739 mi) northwest of Brisbane, as is Pelorus Island 800 metres (2,600 ft) to the north; both are in the Shire of Hinchinbrook. An island paradise 190km south of Cairns, 80km north of Townsville and 24km off the North Queensland coast of Australia, Orpheus Island is situated in one of the several bays on the western side of the island offering privacy, tranquillity and total relaxation in an unspoilt environment. Qouin Island | West 146th. Description of the island It is a small island only 12 km long and, on average, about 1 km wide. [2], There is also a luxury resort on the island, the Orpheus Island Great Barrier Reef Luxury Resort. Diamantina | Bendidee |  K  Fort Lytton | Location - Orpheus Island National Park, Queensland, Australia. Occupying an idyllic location on Orpheus Island on the Great Barrier Reef, surrounded by the clear turquoise waters of the Coral Sea, this exclusive, secluded island hideaway accommodates no more than 28 guests at a time in relaxed and indulgent luxury with the highest standards of service. Ngalba Bulal | Auburn River |  W  Teerk Roo Ra | 9 Seater Rental in Orpheus Island Resort Popular vehicle types in Orpheus Island Resort. Koombooloomba | Tuchekoi | Orpheus Island wurde vor 280 Mio. Brook Islands | 14-seaters 15-seaters Minibuses People Carriers Economy Car Hire SUV Hire MPV Hire. Hinchinbrook Island | Woowoonga | Cudmore | Green Island | 9 Seater Car Hire. When is check-in time and check-out time at Orpheus Island Lodge? Yank's Jetty is the closest landmark to Orpheus Island Lodge. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Orpheus Island in höchster Qualität. Homevale | Orpheus erstreckt sich über 11 km und umfasst 1.368 Hektar unberührten National Parks. Pipeclay | Littabella | Orpheus Islan… Search now. It is fringed by coral reefs, making it a haven for snorkelling and diving. Goomboorian | Warro | A sunny, secluded, and luxurious hideaway, Orpheus Island is everything an island escape should be. It is a 30-minute scenic helicopter ride from Townsville Airport or a 1.5 hour ride from Cairns. Bluff Hill | Yuwi Paree Toolkoon, Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.derm.qld.gov.au, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Orpheus-Island-Nationalpark&oldid=199092009, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-05, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, felsige Kaps, Sandstrände, Eukalyptus- und Regenwald. Mount Binga | Uncover a secluded Great Barrier Reef Island that offers immaculate coastlines and a tranquil tropical escape at Orpheus Island. Cherbourg | Freshwater | Crows Nest | Located between Cairns and Townsville, the island is surrounded by 3212 acres (1300 hectares) of national park. [3], Great Palm Island is the closest location with government facilities. Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Wietalaba | Lake Eacham | Girramay | Ban Ban | Halifax Bay Wetlands | Palm Island. West 88th (Extended Hours Location) West Harlem. South Cumberland Islands | West 14th (Extended Hours Location) West 181st. Frankland Group | Main Range |  I  Boodjamulla | [1], In 1960 it was declared a national park. Über die Karte können Sie nach Hotels in der gewünschten Umgebung von Orpheus Island suchen. Lindeman Islands | Tam O'Shanter | Castle Tower | Reliance Creek | Accommodating just 28 people, Orpheus is an all-inclusive, private island lodge located in the Great Barrier Reef. Paluma Range | Hampton | Mount Chinghee |  F  Cape Upstart | Orpheus Island Resort. Entertainment comes courtesy of free watersports gear and daily, guide-led activities, but 'flop and droppers' can hit the spa or pool. West 57th (Extended Hours Location) West 69th. St. Helena Island | Location - Orpheus Island National Park, Queensland, Australia. Mount Lewis | Mount Walsh | Orpheus Island is located off of North Queensland's coast within the Shire of Hinchinbrook and is part of the Palm Island Group that is 110 km north of Townsville and 45 km east of Ingham. McIlwraith Range | Tregole | Girringun | [4], Die Insel ist mit privaten oder Charterbooten erreichbar. Access is either via a 30 minute helicopter journey from Townsville, or a 1.5 hour private helicopter charter from Cairns. Millstream Falls | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once in a lifetime experiences! Er liegt 1.189 Kilometer nordwestlich von Brisbane und 45 Kilometer östlich von Ingham.[3]. D’Aguilar | Wenn Sie nach einer Unterkunft suchen, stöbern Sie doch mal durch die Hotels und anderen Unterkunftsarten, die Expedia in … Cliff Island | Cedar Bay | Barnard Island Group |  Q  Pelorus Island liegt 800 Meter nördlich von Orpheus Island. Great Barrier Reef Private Island Luxury with All-Inclusive Drinks & D... more ⇒ Orpheus Island Lodge. Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Cape Palmerston | Gelegentlich trifft man auch auf kleine Streifen von Grasland. Mithilfe der Filter können Sie Hotels in einer bestimmten Gegend von Orpheus Island anzeigen oder ein bestimmtes Thema, eine bestimmte Marke oder einen Hotelstandard von einfach (1 Stern) bis luxuriös (5 Sterne) in Orpheus Island festlegen. Located just 50 mi north of Townsville, Orpheus Island offers a secluded paradise escape set on the waters of the Great Barrier Reef. Coalstoun Lakes | Narrien Range | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once in a lifetime experiences! Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Orpheus Island sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Welford | Beispiel für die Wasservögel sind der Fischadler und der Reiher, für die Landvögel das Reinwardthuhn. Brampton Islands | Den Flughafen Townsville erreichen Sie nach einer 30-minütigen Fahrt mit dem Helikopter. Orpheus Island Lodge is located at Orpheus Island, 1.5 miles from the center of Orpheus Island. Kroombit Tops | Besides Orpheus Island, the national park also includes Albino Rock, which is located 2.6 kilometres (1.6 mi) east of Great Palm Island (usually known as Palm Island).  P  Three Islands Group | Yungaburra | Newry Islands |  C  Orpheus Island National Park is a national park on Orpheus Island, in North Queensland, Australia. Dipperu | From Cudo $ 5,399. Sie bietet felsige Kaps und feine Sandstrände und ist von Korallenriffen umgeben. Lochern | Dabei entstanden typische, ringförmige Dykes, die sich in Spinnennetzform ausbreiteten. Grongah | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. All were interesting, well-informed, and clearly in awe of their Island and it’s unique environment and history. Bellthorpe | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Hann Tableland | Bulburin | Orpheus Island Research Station World-Class Research and Teaching on the Great Barrier Reef From historic shipwrecks to Indigenous sites and reef flats to mangroves, Orpheus Island is your gateway to the region. Rinyirru | Carnavon | Goold Island | Nour Nour | Mount Mackay | Tully Gorge | Location Orpheus Island is located 45 km east of Ingham, 110 km north-east of Townsville and 190 km south of Cairns. [4], Die Insel ist hauptsächlich mit lichtem Eukalyptus- und Akazienwald bedeckt. Broad Sound Islands | Pidna | Claremont Isles | Wickham | Esk |  J  Piper Islands | Nuga Nuga | Lake Barrine | [1], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Orpheus_Island_National_Park&oldid=953179901, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 April 2020, at 02:46. Family Islands | Rundle Range | Palmgrove | Errk Oykangand |  R  Camooweal Caves | Dawes | … This beachfront luxury resort is located in Orpheus Island, where regional attractions include Paluma Range National Park. Dunk Island. Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. There are a number of pleasant walks. : Orpheus Island National Park) ist ein Nationalpark im Nordosten des australischen Bundesstaates Queensland. Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Eurimbula |  Y  Bowling Green Bay | Mount Fox | Straßen und angelegte Wanderwege gibt es nicht. Kirrama | Endeavour River | Fringed by coral reefs and covered by national park, Orpheus Island is a paradise for nature lovers. Wrattens | Venman Bushland | By Allie Metz. Previous Deals. Glass House Mountains | Jen, who’s been on the Island for almost 2 decades, is a font of wisdom and a dear friend to the Island’s echidna. Forty Mile Scrub | Woondum | Poona | Denham Group | What really makes Orpheus unique is their staff. Airports near Orpheus Island Resort Cities near Orpheus Island Resort Palm Island Airport (PMK) Dunk Island Airport (DKI) Ingham Airport (IGH) Visit our Australia airports page for more information on airports in Australia . Fulton. With only 14 suites and villas, Orpheus Island is the ultimate in secluded, unspoilt tropical paradise, and stretches across 11km of immaculate turquoise coastline. In der Nachbarschaft liegen die Nationalparks Hinchinbrook Island, Halifax Bay Wetlands und Paluma Range. Orpheus Island | Topaz Road | Swain Reefs | Orpheus Island Lodge Accommodating just 28 people, Orpheus is an all-inclusive, private island lodge located in the Great Barrier Reef. Moogerah Peaks | Bunya Mountains | Naree Budjong Djara |  H   T  Orpheus Island National Park is a national park on Orpheus Island, in North Queensland, Australia. Lama Lama | Howick Group | Orpheus Island is located off of North Queensland's coast within the Shire of Hinchinbrook and is part of the Palm Island Group that is 110 km north of Townsville and 45 km east of Ingham. Dan Dan | Mount Aberdeen | Mount Etna Caves | Orpheus Experience 4 Nights, Heli Transfers, All Meals, Wine & Beer, Daily Orpheus Experience AU$3,559.00 pp Travel From: 01Dec2020 Orpheus Island: Stay 5 & Only Pay 4 5 Nights, Heli Transfers, All Meals, Wine & Beer, Daily Orpheus Experience AU$3,869.00 pp Travel From: 01Dec2020 All Loved Up Package 4 Nights, Heli Transfers, All Meals, Wine & Beer, Signature Dining, Spa Treatment … Smith Islands | Dalrymple | Mount Windsor | Description of the island It is a small island only 12 km long and, on average, about 1 km wide. Orpheus Island. Romantically remote resort Orpheus Island is a 14-bungalow boutique stay amid the Great Barrier Reef. Tamborine | Der Orpheus-Island-Nationalpark (engl. Gondwana-Regenwälder | Orpheus Island is a true Great Barrier Reef island, located 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of Townsville and 190 kilometres (120 miles) south of Cairns and is 24 kilometres (15 miles) offshore. Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Bania | Wongi | West 23rd. Lockyer | Wenn Sie nach Orpheus Island, Queensland (ORS-Orpheus Island Seaplane Base) fliegen, sollten Sie sich etwas Zeit nehmen, um die Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Stadt zu sehen. By Allie Metz. Southern Moreton Bay Islands | Binya | Townsville. Orpheus is an all-inclusive, luxury island resort located in the Great Barrier Reef, providing accommodation for up to 28 people. Michaelmas und Upolu Cays | Kondalilla | Experience a range of different habitats including fringing and mid shelf reefs, intertidal, forests and grass plains. Moreton Island | Jahren von Magma geformt, das in die Spalten der Granitfelsbasis drang. Saunders Islands | Orpheus Island is a national park in North Queensland, Australia, 1,189 km (739 mi) northwest of Brisbane, as is Pelorus Island 800 metres to the north. In 2002 the island was bought by Jim Wilson who had developed the Freycinet Lodge in Tasmania, and bought off him in 2011 by Chris Morris, the Computershare mogul. [4], Das Zelten ist in Yanks Jetty, South Beach und Pioneer Bay gestattet. Wuthara Island | Mount Cook | Erringibba | Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests.  V  Jardine River | Ma’alpiku Island | Dort findet man Feigenbäume und die typischen Macarangabäume mit ihren herzförmigen Blättern. Mount Jim Crow | Davies Creek | Bild von Orpheus Island Lodge, Orpheus Island: orpheus island - Schauen Sie sich 683 authentische Fotos und Videos von Orpheus Island Lodge an, die von Tripadvisor-Mitgliedern gemacht wurden. Mowbray | West 42nd. Mount Coolum | Located on Australia’s World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island is situated between Cairns and Townsville and is surrounded by 1,300 hectares of unspoilt national park. With only 14 rooms, suites and villas, Orpheus Island is the ultimate in secluded, unspoilt tropical paradise, and stretches across 11km of immaculate turquoise coastline. Hull River | Orpheus Island is a continental island. Forbes Islands | Tropischer Regenwald wächst in geschützten Tallagen und Buchten. Zum Nationalpark gehört ebenfalls der Albino Rock 2,6 Kilometer westlich von Great Palm Island. Ingham. Benarkin | It is fringed by coral reefs, making it a haven for snorkelling and diving. TriBeCa. West 29th. Malaan | Bladensburg | Besides Orpheus Island, the national park also includes Albino Rock, which is located 2.6 kilometres (1.6 mi) east of Great Palm Island(usually known as Palm Island). Goneaway | Great Sandy | Tewantin | Die örtlichen Aborigines nennen die Insel Goolboddi Island. Gadgarra | Raine Island | Great Basalt Wall | Moorrinya |  E  W W W … Located between Cairns and Townsville, the island is surrounded by 3212 acres (1300 hectares) of national park. At its widest point it is 2.5 km. Financial District. Southwood | Orpheus showcases a plethora of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Pinnacles | Expedition | Deer Reserve | Mount Hipypamee | Access is either via a 30 minute helicopter journey from Townsville, or a 1.5 hour private helicopter charter from Cairns. Cape Melville | Japoon | Eungella | Precipice | Ravensbourne | Triunia | Macalister Range | Kelvin | Isla Gorge | Narkoola | Simpson Desert | Ella Bay | Noosa | Nairana | Geham | Percy Isles | Mariala | Fairlies Knob | Since 2000, St Michael's Grammar School (of St Kilda, Victoria) has run a marine biology project each June. Multiple Locations: Orpheus Island, Garbutt East North Beachfront Suite, Cudo Holidays 5 North Beachfront Suite, Cudo Holidays 5 Orpheus Island QLD 4805, Queensland Australia. Pioneer Peaks | Alwal | KULLA (McIlwraith Range) | Ferntree Creek | Good Night Scrub | The island, which is volcanic in … Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20. Located amidst the glistening waters of the Great Barrier Reef, Orpheus Island Lodge is a rare island hideaway accommodating just 28 indulged guests. Possession Island | Nangur | Daintree | Byfield | Barron Gorge | Enjoy newlywed bliss at the Great Barrier Reef’s most romantic and idyllic island honeymoon destination. Northumberland Islands | Wooroonooran | Melsonby (Gaarraay) | Orpheus Island Angebote: Finden Sie tolle Angebote von Hunderten von Websites und buchen Sie das richtige Hotel mit 350 bewertungen von Orpheus Island Hotels auf Tripadvisor. April 2020 um 14:49 Uhr bearbeitet. Oyala Thumotang | Hope Islands | Lamington | Blackwood | Basilisk Range | Conondale | Sir Charles Hardy Group | It is one of the Palm Islands group, 1,189 km (739 mi) northwest of Brisbane, as is Pelorus Island 800 metres (2,600 ft) to the north; both are in the Shire of Hinchinbrook. Orpheus Island Lodge LocationNorth Queensland RoleArchitectsInterior Designers Orpheus is an all-inclusive, private island lodge located in the Great Barrier Reef. For up to 28 people, Orpheus Island was inhabited by an Aboriginal people, probably the Nyawigi people luxurious. Die Nationalparks Hinchinbrook Island, ebenso wie Wasser- und Landvögel nearby locations a! Accommodation for up to 28 people, probably the Nyawigi people Inseln sind Teil der Local Government Hinchinbrook... Nyawaygi ) name for this Island is Goolboddi Island … Orpheus Island south of.! Luxury Island resort nearby locations in a lifetime experiences an Island escape should be [ ]! 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Located in Orpheus Island Lodge LocationNorth Queensland RoleArchitectsInterior Designers Orpheus is an all-inclusive private.