This is a large, curved bony prominence which is accepted into the olecranon fossa, located on the humerus, during elbow extension. Trochlea. Susan Standring. Where is the radius located in reference to the ulna? Description: The olecranon of the elbow articulates with the trochlea of the humerus. Medially, the joint capsule thickens to form the medial or ulnar collateral ligament, which extends from the medial epicondyle of the humerus to the coronoid and olecranon of the ulna. The big hollow on the back of the humerus, the olecranon fossa, accommodates the end of the ulna, the olecranon, in full extension. – Articulates with the head of the radius Trochlea – Articulates with the trochlear notch of the ulna Medial epicondyle – Site for attachment of a key muscle Lateral epicondyle – Site for attachment of a key muscle Olecranon fossa – Receives the olecranon process when the arm is extended at the elbow joint Radius. 2. The olecranon is a large, thick, curved bony projection of the ulna that extends proximally behind the elbow, forming a part of the trochlear notch. It is present over the posterior surface of the elbow and forms the palpable 'point' of the elbow during its full extension. Check for errors and try again. process, together with the forward projection of both the lower humeral and the upper ulnar extremities, allows a con-siderable range of flexion–extension between forearm and upper arm. Moreover, just inferior to the coronoid fossa, the capitulum and the trochlea can be identified which promote articulation with the radius and the ulna. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. The olecranon, together with the coronoid process, forms the semilunar or greater sigmoid notch of the ulna. 50 (6): 673-9. The head articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula to form the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. In dogs and cats, it articulates with the ulna medially via a trochlea and the radius laterally via a capitulum Caudally, all species show an olecranon fossa which articulates with the olecranon of the ulna. Gray's Anatomy. The olecranon forms the upper part of the semi-lunar notch which is a smooth, large depression and articulates with the humeral trochlea during elbow flexion and extension. The olecranon fossa is a deep triangular depression on the posterior side of the humerus, superior to the trochlea, in which the summit of the olecranon is received during extension of the forearm. ulna fits, as is the case for the olecranon fossa and olecranon . The olecranon has a beak-like structure and is bent forwards into the olecranon fossa of the humerus during extension of the elbow. A bone contains a. olecranon fossa, b. deltoid tuberosity, c. head, and d. medial epicondyle. Hence, the olecranon assists in creating a hinge motion in the … The oblique band is a part of ulnar or medial collateral band. a. contains the olecranon process. •Olecranon Process –Forms the proximal border of ulna –Fits into humeral olecranon fossa at full extension •Coronoid process –Distal border of the trochlear fossa. The non-articular part consists of the medial and lateral epicondyles as well as the olecranon fossa, coronoid fossa and radial fossae. Transcribed Image Text from this Question. The coronoid fossa is located superior to the trochlea and accommodates the coronoid process of the ulna and superior to the capitulum on the anterior surface of the condyle, which is the radial fossa which receives with the head of the radius, both upon flexion of the elbow joint. The radius: The head of the radius has a concave top that articulates with the capitulum of the humerus. Olecranon fossa; : bony depression on the dorsal aspect of the distal humerus (receives the olecranon process of the ulna when the forearm is extended) “Broken ARM:” the A xillary, R adial, and M edian nerves can be injured as a result of a humerus fracture. Flexion–extension. The olecranon is a large bony prominence at the proximal end of the ulna. The term olecranon originates from the Greek words olene meaning elbow and kranon meaning head.