It is still a wonderful workshop that hundreds of artists have loved and learned from. by Jimena Cuenca | September 21, 2020. Connecting to Nature. However, thankfully we could keep operating remotely, and managed to achieve our long-awaited first BEC from my home. A BEC consists of a cloud of hundreds of thousands of rubidium atoms, which have been cooled down to nanokelvin temperatures using lasers and magnetic fields. Promoter’s decision is final and Promoter reserves the right not to correspond on any matter. Email 0 Facebook 1 Twitter 1 Reddit 0. This meant that our experimental control sequence could be quickly tweaked from home for compensating the environmental fluctuations, and the monitoring system proved to be an extremely useful tool in achieving BECs remotely. Almost a year into the coronavirus’s rampage across the world, there’s no doubt about the long-term impact that SARS-CoV-2 will continue to have on every facet of human life — from healthcare to education, social interaction, businesses, environmental concerns, and political processes. As coronavirus restrictions have been easing over the past few months, increasing numbers of researchers are starting to return to labs and begin experimental work again. The Promotion is open for entries between 00:00 on 06/12/2020 and 23:59 on 31/12/2020 IST. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in your disqualification from the Promotion. No purchase is necessary to enter this prize Promotion and will not increase your chances of winning. The winners will be notified via email. Among them were the age barrier of 35 years on entry level positions (such as assistant professorship), lack of a centralised and transparent recruitment process, and slow or no correspondence and follow-up emails on their application status from Indian institutes. Toshiko Yuasa earned a degree from Tokyo Bunrika University in 1934 to become the first female physics graduate in Japan. Ruminations on ANTICHRIST (2009, dir. The prize for the Promotion consists of the following: Three cash awards worth $350, $250 and $200 for the top three entries respectively, a copy of the Nature India Special Annual Volume 2020 and a bag of goodies from Nature Research. Blog Books and Inspiration Next steps Sign-up Home Start here How to participate ... . However, the tool that played the most important role was our environmental monitoring system. The photograph must be accompanied by a brief caption (please see some photo captions here for reference) explaining the subject of the picture along with the date, time and place it was taken. The PhD students worked together to collect scrap army surplus equipment which was readily available after the second world war to build equipment for their research. We examine the results of years of rice and fish breeding that Odisha has gifted to the world. Back in April 2020, when the first wave of the pandemic shook the world necessitating complete lockdowns, it seemed impossible to organise this year’s in-person event in September. Only two entries per eligible person. After her PhD, she started a consultancy to advise companies on scientific instruments. In 1944, the factory was raided by German troops, but Bleeker, who spoke fluent German, was able to distract the soldiers while those who were hiding escaped through the garden. Read more . It was strange to have no one there to celebrate with in person, but we got together for a virtual celebration — something we are all getting used to now. No other form of entry is permitted. He can be reached at blog; HiB30; At-Home Resources; Activity Sheets; Hike log; Tech support; Become an Ambassador; Donate; login/signup. For more ideas on what your photo story could be, do have a look at our coronavirus coverage here. Al-Youm, A. Raqia Ibrahim: Egyptian Jewish actress recruited by Israel to prevent Egypt owning nuclear bomb. Journaling helps us process information in an organized way, and requires more engagement than simply experiencing something. Enjoy!”, Quantum gas microscope (Immanuel Bloch, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics). Sinha studied the structure of clay; later, she joined a biophysics department at Stanford University and found structural similarities between the geometries of clay and of DNA. I continued tweaking the parameters and in just few attempts, I saw the bimodal distribution of the atoms — a signature of a BEC. Ultra-cold atom experiments are very complex. Inspiring quotes, helpful nature tips, and heavy paper with plenty of room for drawing, painting, and writing about your nature finds. Essential nature journaling ideas and lingo for you! The last date for submissions is midnight of December 31, 2020 Indian Standard Time. When the boat was put into a new water body, the tiny strand of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) that had attached to the bottom went with it. It welcomes articles, reviews, interviews, and original creative pieces from researchers and artists interrogating the darker sides of our relationship to the nonhuman. She made her way back through Siberia, carrying the spectrometer on her back, arriving in Japan just before it surrendered. We are also interested in your creative take on what the future might look like; or unique stories, for instance, from pandemic-free regions. Here, she tells us her story. Nature Journaling 101 Nature journaling is a wonderful way to connect with your favorite places, old and new, and to teach yourself how to pay better attention to details within your surrounding landscapes. Amidst the pandemic, we have been a little hesitant to launch our annual photo contest. It doesn't have to be complicated! The Nature India special issue on Odisha is free to download here. In this video I show you how to get started with your nature journal on a practical level. Odisha’s rich culture and history draws international attention. A BEC consists of a cloud of hundreds of thousands of rubidium atoms cooled down to nanokelvin temperatures using lasers and magnetic fields. This may be used in promotional or marketing material in print and online. The rest, untouched by the laser pulses, remains cold. Dr Amruta Gadge working from home with an image of her BEC on screen. Credit: Hugo Defienne, Daniele Faccio and Alex Wing, Quantum holography (Hugo Defienne & Daniele Faccio, University of Glasgow). I had never imagined in my wildest dreams that the “new challenges” would entail organising a full-scale virtual event amid a global pandemic. When the atoms are not sending special birthday greetings, they simulate the quantum mechanical behaviour of complex many-body systems.”, Posted by Subhra Priyadarshini | Categories: Academics, Away from home, Careers, Policy, Science administration. Our stories have taken a cross-cutting approach — going beyond hard core science into the socio-economic, cultural and psychological fall outs of the pandemic. Purnima Sinha studied physics at the University of Calcutta in the late 1940s. At the end of a trying year, we hope these new perspectives bring additional hope in efforts to tame the novel coronavirus. Submitted by Pasquale di Nezza. The majority of nature journals are compiled using pads or books of plain white paper. Yes, to celebrate the release of my third picture book, A Year With Mama Earth, I’m creating a nature journal inspired by Rebecca Green’s illustrations and the book’s lyrical text. We take a look at front-runners in nanomaterial design that are helping advanced antiviral and antibacterial therapies; the state-of-the-art in critical care ventilators and how in-silico docking studies are bringing new drug molecules. I had spent the whole day optimising the evaporation cooling stage. After retirement, she also created an informal school for children of ethnic minorities. Entangled photon pairs are used to probe complex objects of which amplitude and phase components are retrieved by imaging the spatial structure of entanglement. The journal is dedicated to the fast publication and global dissemination of high-quality research and invites papers, which are of interest to the broader community in the biological sciences. Ultra-cold atom experiments are very complex. I was very excited when I saw the image of our first BEC. As an example, the image on the cover shows the quantum holographic image of the number 15 imprinted onto a spatial light modulator. This Promotion is not open to directors or employees (or members of their immediate families) of Promoter or any subsidiary of Promoter. Continue reading "Bombshell" January 8, 2020. A Makeup Artist, Skin Expert and lover of Mother Nature. We made use of cheap and easily programmable microcontrollers for data collection, and two popular open source platforms, InfluxDB and Grafana, for storing and visualising the data, respectively. Little did we know then that, by October, we would not be able to come together and raise a glass to the occasion, and so the celebration had to be confined to the pages of the journal. Rajeev will be receiving a one-year personal subscription to Nature Reviews Physics. We have received some breathtaking entries from across the world all these years. Send your entries by 31 December to In 1952, she died when her car was driven off a cliff. Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of entrants. All levels of drawing and painting skills are welcome! Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend these Terms and Conditions or change the Prize (to one of equal or greater value) as required by the circumstances. I had spent the whole day optimising the evaporation cooling stage. The prizes shall be awarded as follows: The prize will be decided in three weeks following the close of the Promotion. See also the preprint for more details”, Self-assembly (Serim Ilday, Bilkent University – UNAM). Please mention “Nature India Photo Contest 2020” in the subject line of your email. On social media, please use the hashtag #NatureIndphoto to talk about the contest or to check out our latest updates. At such temperatures the cloud suddenly takes on different characteristics, with all atoms behaving together as a single quantum object. Invisible Travellers: Aquatic Invasive Species Threaten Many Waterways . Here, we outline some of the initial feedback we received from leaders of human data repositories (HDRs), and some innovative alternatives to peer-review. It is one of the most recognizable scientific journals in the world, and was ranked the world's most cited scientific journal by the Science Edition of the 2018 Journal Citation Reports and is ascribed an impact factor of 43.070, making it one of the world's top academic journals. The change in the colors of the trees is my favorite part of fall. Dr Amruta Gadge adjusting a laser pre lockdown. Couple an ultrafast laser to a microscope through a series of optical elements, including a spatial light modulator, which divides a single beam into multiple beams. So we asked some of our authors if they had any images of a 15 (or a 1 and a 5) on their hard drives that we might use for the cover. We invite entries that reflect challenges or strides in science and healthcare, portray the problems or solutions for citizens, spotlight the ‘new normal’ or present daily life during the pandemic. Since 2009, the second Tuesday of October has been commemorated as Ada Lovelace day, an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). . When they exceed a threshold number, particles and cells slow down the flow the same as the water slows down when you drain it over a sieve. Here Nina Meinzer tells the story of how the images that make the cover were created. Luca Naticchioni (INFN) and Maurizo Perciballi (INFN) working on the installation of a new underground seismic station at the candidate site for the Einstein Telescope in Sardinia, Italy (Sos Enattos – Lula, August 2020). The October issue of Nature Physics marks the journal’s 15 th anniversary, complete with a cover on which four experimental images are arranged in such a way to form the number ‘15’. While a nature journal can be anything you’d like, most people use it as a place to record their thoughts, experiences, and desires outdoors. A supply list will be provided on the Nature Journaling Blog. سميرة موسى‎, Sameera Moussa5,6,7 (1917–1952), Al Ahram Daily news Paper / Public domain. Without being able to set foot in the labs, bar a few essential maintenance visits, the only way to continue working on our experiments was to use dedicated remote control and monitoring technology. In 1952, she organised a conference on “Atomic Energy for Peace” which inspired the US program “Atoms for Peace”. Dr. Caroline Emilie Bleeker, physicist and businesswoman. October 11, 2019 Gothic Nature. K-12 EE. পূর্ণিমা সিনহা, Purnima Sinha8,9 (1927–2015), / CC BY-SA. She worked with Frederic Joliot-Curie (son-in-law of Marie Curie) on radioactivity, earning her PhD in 1943. In 1945, Soviet troops ordered Yuasa to return to Japan. You can see the normal protective gear we always have to wear, such as steel-reinforced work boots and helmets, as well the face-masks that are now mandatory in all indoor work areas at CERN. University Museum Utrecht / Public domain. When the UK government announced the national lockdown on 23rd March due to the pandemic, my lab at the University of Sussex was forced to temporarily close its doors. Smaller, second-tier cities like Bhubaneswar are gearing up to the cluster approach, and are poised to contribute to the research and innovation scene. Her thesis was on spectral measurements of alkali metals. Bar a few essential maintenance visits to the lab, the only way to continue our experiments was to use remote control and monitoring technology. A new frontier for quantum chromodynamics and astroparticle physics, LHCb cavern, CERN 6th of August 2020. This project then evolved into opening her own factory to produce equipment, particularly focussing on optical components. In my laboratory, we were determined to keep our experiments going as best we could although we had never run them remotely before. I was really hoping to get the first BEC of our experiment before moving to my next post-doc, and having it obtained remotely turned out to be even more gratifying. The Nature Research Ecology & Evolution Community provides a forum for the sharing and discussion of news and opinion in ecology and evolutionary biology. However, the US occupying forces in Japan would not allow her to continue her research in nuclear physics, so she could only teach. An extensive collection of blog posts from nature journalers around the world, sharing their knowledge and passion with you! During illumination, the atoms need to be hindered in heating up via continuous laser cooling. “Holography is a widely used imaging technique that can be applied to the full electromagnetic spectrum, from X-rays to radio waves and relies on the coherence properties of these waves to extract information from interference patterns. Gothic Nature is a new interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed academic journal seeking to explore the latest evolutions of thought in the areas of ecohorror and the ecoGothic. Her Keeping a Nature Journal does a fabulous job of taking any perceived pressure off the process and encouraging you to pour your own personality into your notebook. Sinha became the first Bengali women to receive a doctorate in physics in 1956. How To Make a Nature Journal. By entering into this Nature India Annual photo contest (“Promotion”), you agree that you have read these terms and that you agree to them. You can also see that we have to maintain distance at all times, which makes working on the same small machine, between us in the picture, slightly more complicated, but we managed. Coping with a major public health catastrophe lies not just in vaccines and treatments, but also technologies that the world’s scientists quickly geared up to invent or repurpose. Decide which one you’d prefer. You're visiting the award-winningSketching in Nature,a group blog began in April of 2009; it's grown both in readership and contributors since then, and just gets better all the time. Access Nature Journaling Here . Promoter accepts no responsibility for any entries that are incomplete, illegible, corrupted or fail to reach Promoter by the closing date for any reason. But as the year comes to an end, various science-led efforts have yielded results globally in the form of vaccines and drugs for COVID-19, signalling hope. I’m also planning on keeping a Diary of Firsts and a Phenology Wheel. ), (Lightly edited and cross-posted from Nature’s onyourwavelength blog. Visible light is then scattered off the atoms and collected with a microscope objective and a single-photon sensitive camera. “These are microscopy images. Odisha is home to a number of large national institutes and laboratories – the Indian Institute of Technology, the Institute of Life Sciences, the Institute of Minerals and Material Technology, the Regional Medical Research Centre, the National Institute of Science Education and Research, National Rice Research Institute, the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Optical alignment of microscopy setup at IIT GENOVA. Just make sure you are not violating any copyrights. Marco La Cognata is mounting experimental set-up for a Nuclear Astrophysics experiment at INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (in Catania, Italy). (Grades 1–12) © 2020 Springer Nature Limited. We set up software control for the equipment, such as oscilloscopes, vacuum pumps, and others. It was past 10pm, and I was about to stop for the day and suddenly the numbers started looking promising. Immediately after Italy announces a little relaxation (mid of May 2020) for the researcher to continue their research activities following the strict norms and regulation advisory. LHC will have not only beam-beam but also beam-gas interactions. Other than for death or personal injury arising from negligence of the Promoter, so far as is permitted by law, the Promoter hereby excludes all liability for any loss, damage, cost and expense, whether direct or indirect, howsoever caused in connection with the Promotion or any aspect of the Prize. ), Posted by Ankita Anirban | Categories: Uncategorized. Hello Everyone! We had a strong inkling this was coming, and rushed to get ourselves in order before the lockdown. It's a space for students to learn and grow. The pandemic has offered lessons for most of mankind — a warning to treat our natural resources well or face the consequences, lessons of hygiene and health, of preparedness, of the importance of global collaborations in science. A host of reverse-engineered commercial medical equipment and devices for healthcare workers have flooded the market. What are the methods used to create the images that eventually made up the anniversary cover? Nature journaling is an easy outdoor activity that you can do anywhere -- even in your own backyard! Get in touch with us To run such an experiment from home was no easy feat — the large and complex laser and optics set-ups in state-of-the-art labs couldn’t just be transported. We also shine a light on pandemic-fighting photonics tools (X-ray imaging and ultraviolet sterilization), the strengths and ethical questions around smartphone surveillance of the pandemic, and discuss why it is important for governments to implement public health measures aided by technology. In this picture you see Claire Antel (left) and Lydia Brenner (right) in the lab of the FASER Experiment at CERN. We will accept a maximum of two entries per person. Keeping a nature journal helps me organize information and line up my questions. Ownership of entries: for consideration into this Promotion, you must sign a license to publish form granting the intellectual property rights to Nature Research for your image. In 1970, she published an anthropology book on Indian folk music. American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association of Physical Anthropology, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology, International Society for Stem Cell Research, AGORA, HINARI, OARE, INASP, ORCID, CrossRef and COUNTER. An important thing to realize is there are … Skip to main content. Laser pulses that get absorbed by the liquid heat it. But how do you turn those assorted papers into a visual concept to make a cool cover? Through online polling, participants at the event, mostly from the diaspora, actively identified some major challenges they face while trying to transition back to India. They never even noticed it. Celebrate Nature With Our Thankful for Nature Journal – Free Download! Life and Nature. Ultimately, my mission is to empower YOU to feel like your most beautiful self – inside and out – by nourishing your skin with the best nature has to offer! Nature is a British multidisciplinary scientific journal, first published on 4 November 1869. partner of AGORA, HINARI, OARE, INASP, ORCID, CrossRef and COUNTER, NI Special Issue on COVID-19 Engineering Solutions is out, Nature India Photo Contest 2020 open for entries, Achieving a Bose–Einstein Condensate from my living room during lockdown, Working towards harmonised peer-review of controlled-access data at human data repositories, Diaspora scientists gauge India’s pandemic ‘new normal’. Earlier this year, the Nature Physics editors started to think about ways to mark the journal’s 15th anniversary. The deliberations revealed that there has  been no major setback in India’s research funding due to the pandemic yet. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), was an English mathematician and is regarded as the first person to recognise the potential of computing power and programming. Welcome! In 1940, Yuasa moved to France to continue her research, despite the beginning of the second world war. Through posts, discussion, image and video content, the community space can be used by members to communicate with each other, and with editors, about topics ranging from the science itself through to policy, society and day to day life. You do not need to be an artist or a naturalist to begin. Lars Von Trier) and THE WITCH (2015, dir. Apply The Two Fundamental Nature Journaling Strategies. As the global economy took a hit with the coronavirus pandemic, and science job opportunities seemed up in the air, more than 400 diaspora Indian scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs got together in early September 2020 to make sense of what this ‘new normal’ might look like. Bringing together methods from different areas of physics reflects the aim of Nature Physics itself to be a platform for the entire physics community. This may sound elaborate, however with the rising popularity of time series databases and data visualisation software, it is possible to develop a convenient monitoring system. Stay tuned for our next photo competition which will announced soon via Twitter – follow us @NatRevPhys for more information! Nature Journal. Nature India covered the evolution of the crisis from several angles, going beyond the strict remit of science. In view of the pandemic, researchers also strongly advocated making academic applications completely paperless. When we were wrapping up Sci-ROI’s annual event in 2019 at the University of Chicago, its founder Prof. Aseem Ansari prodded me gently about the new challenges we had vowed to undertake in 2020. Record using a camera. Winning entries also stand a chance of being featured on the cover of one of our forthcoming print publications. I remember being worried that the lockdown was going to delay the progress of our experiment significantly. This object has such low energy that it can be used to sense very low magnetic fields, a property we are using to probe novel materials such as silver nanowires, silicon nitride nano membranes or to probe ion channels in biological cells. Cholesterol levels slide in Australia. Her pages look entirely different from Edith Holden’s, and that’s as it should be; they are two entirely different naturalists. You can enter this Promotion by emailing You may use whatever camera you wish – even your cell phone – as long as the photograph you send us is unedited, original, in digital format and of printable quality. Already a few months into assembling this system, we were looking forward to a big milestone – producing our first BEC. We were deeply moved by the response: although nobody had the sort of thing we were looking for on file, they offered to take some data especially for us — in August, in the middle of a pandemic. DIY Projects . This special issue captures the aspirations of and challenges for the eastern Indian state in becoming the next national science hub. The liquid starts flowing from the hot to the cold regions, just like in a steam engine. The state’s proximity to the Bay of Bengal and high summer temperatures have also brought severe cyclones, floods and heat waves. The contest is open to all – any nationality, any occupation, any profession. She was the first non-US citizen to be given access to the top-secret US atomic facilities, which caused some controversy. This object has such low energy that it can be used to sense very low magnetic fields, a property we are making use of to probe   novel materials such as silver nanowires , silicon nitride nano membranes or to probe ion channels in biological cells. I was very excited when I saw the image of our first BEC. Part of the SMOG2 group installing, in front of the LHCb detector, the first gas fixed target at the LHC. Amruta Gadge adjusting a laser before the lockdown in the apparatus put together to produce the Bose-Einstein condensates. India’s large population, governance, and creaky healthcare infrastructure have traditionally hampered the quick and smooth roll out of public health interventions. Where the Wild Things Are. Gadge, an alumna of the University of Pune, tells us how she achieved that. To run such an experiment from home was no easy feat, with large and complex laser and optics set-ups in state-of-the-art labs – which couldn’t just be transported. Proof of posting or sending is not proof of receipt. A Brief Illustrated Guide to Nature Journaling. Offering hope in efforts to tame the novel coronavirus science in the email abroad and spent the rest of career!, to her scientific pursuits, Sinha was actively involved in Bengali science Association, led. Posting or sending is not proof of posting or sending is not open to directors or employees or... This experiment was the first woman to become a professor in Bulgaria and the world, sharing knowledge... Is still a wonderful workshop that hundreds of artists have loved and learned from Makeup Artist, Expert! Up via continuous laser cooling and paper and 20-30 minutes at Nauticus thin liquid layer containing material... You can find out who has won a prize by checking the Nature India special issue is free download. 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