11 days ago | Terry McGuire . Search . Terry McGuire Director Of Technology & Title IX Coordinator (207) 582-5346 tmcguire@msad11.org. District Office. Jay Robinson, superintendent of MSAD 72, also lives in Lovell. Mabel I. Wilson School. Contact Middle School. Administrative Assistant. Assistant Superintendent Susan S. Austin. December 11, 2020 By Anide Eustache. Letters from the Superintendent. Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - September 17, 2020 2020-21 Off to a Good Start It's been a smooth start to the 2020-21 school year as students and staff returned to the campus last week. MSAD 72 Travel … Frontline Education is closely monitoring the spread and impact of COVID-19. Staff Directory. Shaping today's learners into tomorrow's leaders. Adult Education Director. Fax: 207-582-8305. Husson University. Individual associated with MSAD #72 tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION & SCREENING FALL 2020. Shaping today's learners into tomorrow's leaders. Schools . The Weather Service reported a maximum wind gust of 43 mph on Saturday in Oxford County. Covid-19 Covid19-Dashboard For Valley Unified School Reintegration information go to www.vuesc.org Parents need to inform the schools about their child's enrollment plans. District Office. Thanks to all students and parents who came out to the buses Monday, June 15 to say hello to their bus drivers and grab an ice cream sandwich. Phone: 207-582-5346 Superintendent Susan S. Austin. Greely High School. Admin Assistant to the Superintendent (207) 582-5346 mallen@msad11.org. SOMSD Community, Please view a brief video message update from Superintendent Taylor regarding our upcoming pre-recorded Return to School Town Hall and a live Q&A event that will be held on Monday, December 21 to address additional questions families may … Welcome to MSAD#27. Executive Secretary - Hedy Smith. I enjoyed riding Pete's bus … November 11, 2020: Superintendent Search Committee Dear MSD Community, We are pleased to share with you the members of the search committee for the Maryland School for the Deaf Superintendent. Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - July 21, 2020 New Modular at MIW To help relieve increasing enrollment at MIW, a new 8-room modular unit arrived this summer, replacing three older units with 6 classrooms total. Policy Manual. We do appreciate your support and understanding. MSAD #51 District Newsletter - December 18, 2020 Notices from the Office of the SuperintendentSuperintendent Porter's Blog To view Superintendent Porter's most recent Blog Post, click here. E.O.E. Assistant Superintendent Patrick Hartnett is the Affirmative Action and Title IX Coordinator. Joy Duncan. Superintendent's Message Residents of Camden and Rockport have every reason to be very proud of our schools. Policy Sections/CBA. English . MSAD #60. Assistant Superintendent - Lori Napolitano. Chef Matt Padilla from the White Barn Inn makes (Perfect!) When you've entered you desired search terms use tab to navigate through the available results and hit enter to open the selected page or document. That message did not come from MSAD 11. Sincerely, Jeff Porter. All Rights Reserved. Adult Education. Primary Telephone Number (207) 657-3335 Fax – (207) 657-2040 For a map and directions to the Superintendent’s office, click here. Board of Directors/Meetings. MSAD 58 hires new superintendent Posted by Ben Hanstein • May 23, 2019 • SALEM - The Maine School Administrative District 58 school board unanimously voted to hire a middle school principal as the district's next superintendent, effective July 1. Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - December 08, 2020 Coronavirus Relief Funds Recap Want to know how MSAD #51 used its federal coronavirus relief funds? Both Cohorts A and B did a terrific job remembering face coverings, social distancing, and adjusting to school during a pandemic. 26 days ago. Superintendent of Schools Assistant Superintendent. Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - November 17, 2020 NEW COVID Information Center The district has launched a new COVID Information Center that is linked to the district's website www.msad51.org and houses information related to COVID that is pertinent to families and staff. I know this is a shot in the dark but I found this U.S Navy ring today metal detecting in Dinwiddie,Virginia. Search . Home. Maine Navy Veteran selected to serve as greeter for White House Christmas tours, Mainer takes part in Christmas at White House, And you didn't think 2020 could blow any harder. MSAD #72 Fall Education Update for Parents . The Oxford Hills School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, age, veteran status or disability in any of its employment practices, educational programs, services or activities. Clayton Belanger. All rights reserved. Showing posts from November, 2019 Show all Update: November 18, 2019. Phone: 207-676-2234. Superintendent MSAD 11 August 2010 – Present 9 years 3 months. EMail: bsirois@vuesc.org. District Office. Frontline Education is closely monitoring the spread and impact of COVID-19. She said in a letter released to parents and guardians that a student had contracted bed bugs and was at school Tuesday morning. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Budget 2015 - 2016. 3102. rhersom@msad49.org " Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.” District Office . CTE Director. Those schools will … MSAD #51 Superintendent's Blog Subscribe. Vie Doucette. Dec 31 - Jan 1 Event: New Year's Holiday - Office Closed. Grade 2 classes will be held in this new unit that was built for this purpose. MSAD 51 TV. Schools. District. MSAD#33. School District in Southern Maine, USA for Berwick, North Berwick, and Lebanon. 13:11. Superintendent's Office (207) 834-3189. Contact Dunn School. MSAD 51 TV. Director Of Technology & Title IX Coordinator, ACCOUNTABILITY: TESTING INFO FOR FAMILIES, State Standardized Assessments: Frequently Asked Questions, 2018-2019 District Report Card (Dept. She said in a letter released to parents and guardians that a student had contracted bed bugs and was at school … 49 Community Drive Augusta, ME 04330 (207) 622-3473 www.msmaweb.com. We are MSAD 11 Wellness! Maine is the only state nationwide that uses The College Board’s SAT at grade 11 to measure progress in Reading, Math, and Writing. Roberta E. Hersom. Greely Middle School 4 - 5. 2 talking about this. School Board 150 Highland Ave Gardiner , ME Phone: 207-582-5346 Fax: 207-582-8305 Good news, fun facts and upcoming events at MSAD #60. Philosophy of Education; 79 Blake Street, Suite #1 • P.O. Superintendent Human Resources ... hoy terminamos la escuela a las 11:00 debido a que recibimos información de que uno de nuestros estudiantes dio positivo al virus... 12-4-2020 Letter to Parents. bctvme-MSAD_60_Superintendent_Candidates_Night_2020-03-12 Run time 01:36:18 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.9.0 Year 2020 Youtube-height 720 Youtube-id pFQd0-oTSW8 Youtube-n-entries 348 Youtube-playlist Uploads from BC TV Youtube-playlist-index 345 Youtube-uploader BC TV Youtube-uploader-id UCe1ww0l72z2pk_DnKiYU0cw Youtube-view-count 59 Charlis Sullivan. MSAD #51 357 Tuttle Road PO Box 6A Cumberland, ME 04021 Phone: (207) 829-4800 Fax: (207) 829-4802 Menu . School Nurse. Superintendent's Office (207) 834-3189. Wanna make Perfect Brownies? Gisele Dionne, Assistant Superintendent. We are here to help! MSAD #60. We appreciate their willingness to serve and to invest their time in this important search at this very challenging time of the year. UPDATE as of 11/30/20 : According to MSAD 42 Superintendent Elaine Boulier, “Our staff member’s test results came back negative.” Given those results, Boulier says students and staff will return to in-person learning tomorrow (Tuesday, December 1, 2020) *Original announcement made on 11… Welcome to MSAD#27. Box 1118 • Presque Isle, ME 04769 • 207-764-4101. Board of Directors. Mr. Ben Greenlaw greenlawb@sad1.org. By the end of the week, we will be sending out a revised 2020-21 calendar and a Question & Answer sheet that contains frequently asked questions.. UPDATE as of 11/30/20 : According to MSAD 42 Superintendent Elaine Boulier, “Our staff member’s test results came back negative.” Given those results, Boulier says students and staff will return to in-person learning tomorrow (Tuesday, December 1, 2020) *Original announcement made on 11… District Wide Services. Phone: (207) 834-3189. Communities Committed to Learning . Education. Library/Maker Space. The opening of the new middle school in September of 2020 marks the end of a 20 year journey to rebuild the three schools that Camden and Rockport students attend. MSAD 15 District Superintendent’s Office 14 Shaker Road Gray, ME 04039 Primary Telephone Number (207) 657-3335 Fax – (207) 657-2040 For a map and directions to the Superintendent’s office, click here. GARDINER, Maine — The superintendent of MSAD 11 has issued a warning to parents about possible bed bug exposure for Gardiner Regional Middle School. District Information. MSAD #72 Remote Learning letter to Parents. It is my understanding that a robo call recently went out to some parents and staff indicating that the Gardiner Area High School is closed today and that students will be transported home. SEE ALL POSTS. MIW Thankful Trees MIW students expressed how they are thankful for family, friends, school, teachers/staff, and books on the Thankful Trees in the school's common areas. rsu 11/msad 11 - gardiner, me - 11/16/2020 Position: Education Technician III Special Ed Location: Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School Date Position Available: Immediate Opening Qualifications: A valid Educational Technician III (023) and current CHRC … Gardiner, ME Maine School Administrative District #27 . English . Superintendent of Schools 24 . Name: Address: Phone: Fax: Email Address: Schools in this unit. The Office of the Superintendent. Schools. Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; By Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - November 19, 2019 NEW! Superintendent's Office Business Office Documents Facility Fees and Rates Application to Use Grounds/Facilities Community Use Grounds/Facilities Explore Close Menu . We are here to help! Fax: (207) 834-3395. Our goal is to help spread wellness around the district through different challenges and events. The superintendent of MSAD 11 has issued a warning to parents about possible bed bug exposure for Gardiner Regional Middle School. Central Office All third-year students at Marshwood High School take the SAT. Contact High School Contact Middle School Contact Dunn School Contact Russell School Sites. OTHER STORIES NEWS CENTER MAINE VIEWERS ARE READING, RELATED: What to Do When You Don't Like Your Teen's Boyfriend or Girlfriend, RELATED: Cape Elizabeth Schools look to amend sexual assault policy amid controversy. District Information. Job Openings. She said in a letter released to parents and guardians that a student had contracted bed bugs and was at school Tuesday morning. Contact us. Fax: 207-676-3229. Mabel I. Wilson School. She says the bugs are unlikely to infest the school, but the school and bus were inspected anyway. Schools . Greely Middle School 6 - 8 . MSAD #1 Superintendent Search c/o Maine School Management Assoc. Please see the linked MSAD #60 School Reopening Plan for the 2020-21 School Year. Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - September 17, 2020 It's been a smooth start to the 2020-21 school year as students and staff returned to the campus last week. Our communities have always supported education and it has made a difference. Book Keeper. Home. School Name Principal Address Phone Fax Email Address Low Grade High Grade No data to display. MSAD #72 response to Commissioner of Education recommendation. Letter from the District. As you type, search results will appear automatically below the search field. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. The Bonny Eagle School District in partnership with the community embraces a system of continuous improvement in a safe and supportive learning environment. Podcasts Check out my new podcasts on Equity and School Safety. Dec 24 - Dec 25 Event: Christmas Holiday - Office Closed. MSAD# 24 Superintendent's Office. We are using an abundance of caution in responding to the case and more information will follow as we proceed. Jeff Porter, MSAD 51 Superintendent - June 18, 2020 Operation Ice Cream Buses! The mission of the Bonny Eagle School District is to help all students reach their full potential.