It averages about 1244 ft/sec from a Hi Power. If you have trouble finding the Nosler bullet, use a Remington 115 JHP. Expansion . Anyone loading the 9mm for target accuracy? This load manages Standard deviations under 10 in all my 9MM guns and is very accurate. Your most accurate 9mm load Played with one of my 9mm carbines today and found a noticeable difference in the accuracy @ 100 yards of the various loads I had on hand. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Target loads are ok. I find the most accurate load I have come up with that consistently works in all my 9mm is: 124 Precision Delta JHP 4.2g Vit N320 Federal Primer OAL 1.109 Brass Range pick up try to keep like brands together as much as possible When I can't find Vit N320 I use Winchester 231 same 4.2g Granted, a nine, particularly with a short barrel, is not the easiest gun to shoot at long distances. Min Charge Max Charge Optimal Charge Bullet Make Bullet Type Primer Notes; Accurate - Nitro 100 NF: 115 gr. IMR Target Review. I think this is a result of having so much bearing surface on the lands and grooves. For 115 grain, my Lyman manual lists a Power Pistol load going 1212 fps as the most accurate. 115 Grain Plated, Frontier or Berry's or X-Treme, 4.5 Grains of Bullseye Powder or 5 Grains of Unique with the same bullets. Why go for more expensive reloads when you are simply range shooting. 4.2gr is toward the mid to lower end of most publisher's data range. That gun and load just got me 6 leg points! I find the most accurate load I have come up with that consistently works in all my 9mm is: 124 Precision Delta JHP 4.2g Vit N320 Federal Primer OAL 1.109 Brass Range pick up try to keep like brands together as much as possible When I can't find Vit N320 I … If you want the most accuracy out of your barrel you will need to ladder your loads and see what harmonic the barrel likes. of Power Pistol powder, was the most accurate load in all my 9MM pistols (SIG, Glock, Walther, CZ, Ruger). My goal was to find a load that worked well is all my 9MMs with differing barrel lengths, rifling, etc. You can go ape and uniform the flash holes and the like or experiment with seating depth but I am not sure how far that gets you. 2.8 gr. From a Ransom Rest this load will shoot inside of 1.5" at 25 yards all day long. 115gr Hornady #3550 Power Pistol Start-5.9gr Max-6.5 CCI 500 primer COAL-1.090 I use what ever brass I have on hand and the most accurate load is at 6.5, so work your way up to it if you choose, but you may find a node in your gun at a lower charge. I have had a good measure of success with 4.9 grains of Olin 231 and a Montana gold 115 JHP.Any decent 115 JHP(or FMJ for that matter)should do well with 4.9 of 231.Not very fast but a good grouping load(paper cannot tell the difference between 1150 fps or 1280 fps).Will. Finally, I always love the accuracy in the 147 grain bullets. Accurate #7 Target. That’s unfortunate. Would like to try and work up an accurate pistol load for 25yd bullseye targets. 4.1-4.2 Gr of Winchester 231 works well for my CZ Shadow 2, TSO and sig X5 and MPX. Winchester USA 9mm 115gr was loaded with that style bullet. Powder Bul Weight C.O.L. Would appreciate any experience you have. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I'm not interested in the defensive use and ability, what I'm looking for is what ammo & load have you found to be the most accurate, overall, in your gun, or in several guns. Here we compared some inexpensive 9mm Luger ammo commonly used for casual shooting. Objective is to determine how accurate a load can be developed. It may be warmer than you like for target, but it's been my experience that in most pistols, the 124-gr. I like 135 gr blue bullets with 3.25 gr Titegroup. JavaScript is disabled. of Unique is above average in grouping. Take Care Eh Bob FMJ bullets from Precision Delta to suit my needs best primarily using Unique powder. Despite its popularity, from what I’ve seen at the range, most people can’t shoot it accurately past 15 yards. By FireShooter, January 4, 2016 in 9mm/38 Caliber. July 4th is approaching and I am in dire need of a accurate pinking round. Accuracy about 3" @ 25 yards. I run this load in my Shadow Target. But, which ones are really accurate right out of … loads, by using the most sensitive primers (Federal) and “crush fit” seat them to 0.006-0.008 below flush with the cartridge base. 115 grain 9mm plated rounds, 115 grain 9mm LSWC, and some various other 124 grain rounds. Yeaaaah! Good accuracy!! Proud member of the Horry County Tokarev Society. Drop the load on the 45 to 3.6 be with iron sights, it will shoot softer than any 9mm accurate load. A grain is the increment in which ammunition for guns is measured, and there are 437 grains in one ounce. Those shooting 9mm from a DA revolver with a match trigger in the seven to eight-pound DA pull range will need to emulate .38 Spl. 3.4 gr. Recoil is just a bit more than a 38 target load. Numerous variants of the P210 were produced for service and target use, and P210 pistols were produced in 9mm,.30 Luger and.22lr. "Control" is a subjective term. Haven't reloaded in many years, looking to load some 9mm 115gr LRN for target shooting thru Ruger P-85, Security 9, and EC9S. But this article is not saying that Brand X is the most accurate ammo for all guns, it only looks at how one gun shoots different ammunition. There are many great 9mm pistols of the past and present out on the market. 115gr Hornady #3550 Power Pistol Start-5.9gr Max-6.5 CCI 500 primer COAL-1.090 I use what ever brass I have on hand and the most accurate load is at 6.5, so work your way up to it if you choose, but you may find a node in your gun at a lower charge. Another notable 9mm ammo feature is a bullet’s ability to enter a target and expand to create as large of a wound cavity as possible. I found the 115 gr. I put a very light taper crimp on all handloaded 9mm ammo. A forum community dedicated to handgun owners and enthusiasts. Haven't shot at paper in a while just steel plates. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. You're probably right about the majority of bullets, but not Frontier as they are absolute top of the line quality. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! A well-tuned pistol can produce very small groups, in the range of 10 shots in 1 inch at 50 yards. A forum community dedicated to SIG Sauer Pistols and SIG Sauer Rifles owners and enthusiasts. A light 45 or 38 Super load will do you well if you're looking for lighter recoil and accuracy. The pistols came with 50 meter test targets typically showing a 5 to 10 shot group of 5 cm or less. 6.4 of VV 3N37, 115 Montana gold JHP, OAL 1.089, 0.375 - very accurate through both my BHP and G-19. Hornady XTP over 6.0-gr. Hello. Most of the 9mm 1911 bullseye shooters I know use light or midrange bullets, and tell me they have to drive them fast for accuracy. When I am looking to test, I always go with 147 grain bullets. The thing is, the semi-auto P210 is a complete departure from the forward-thinking attitude of most modern SIG firearms. The reason you don't see tests like that is because of the difficulty of testing felt recoil. De inimico non loquaris male, sed cogites. Click on each Powder picture to see detailed explainations, video, load data, shot groupings and more! With the right bullet and the right load, the venerable 9 mm Luger (which was introduced in 1902) is accurate up to 50 yards or more. Most Accurate 9mm Pistols out of the Box Am Shooting Journal ^ | 4/24/2019 | T Herod Posted on 04/24/2019 4:46:38 AM PDT by w1n1. What have you found to be your most accurate load? I fall els fails you do have empty brass to reload. The perfect 9mm self-defense load for sidearms, according to the FBI, must provide penetration depths of 12 inches minimum and 18 inches maximum when fired in 10% ballistic gel. Major companies have made 9mm target pistols, such as the SIG P210 and Smith & Wesson 952, and custom gunmakers transform 9mm pistols into laser-accurate target guns. I shoot using 124 Gr FMJ RN or FP and JHP from precision delta and RMR. Anyone loading the 9mm for target accuracy? Also, I believe I only shot 5 rounds in this particular string, so the numbers aren’t exactly apples-to-apples comparison. I'm looking for opinions and experience about what brand & load of 9mm Luger ammunition is the most accurate. Plan to use in two accurate CZ's, a 85 and 75BD. If you want accuracy in a lead bullet try 4 gr Unique under 125 gr lead round nose or truncated design. I’ve had my 9mm 1911 for about 5 years (I bought it new from my good buddy Brian at Bullet Barn Guns). If you really want to load for 9mm I'll offer up a load, but its as cheap to buy manufactured ammo. 3.0 gr of Bullseye under a cast 147 gr bullet seated long.. Chris - first spend lots of money on good dies. I researched and tested 9mm loads for years and this is the MOST accurate load in the G34/17 that I ever came across. Sure it groups 1" or so out of a good gun but you can get 1.5" usually from a accurate lead load in .45acp. bullet, reloading 9mm … Unless you have the exact same gun as the tester, the results may or may not be accurate. Target loads are ok. Most of my targets I shoot in training, plinking and in competition are roughly 300 yards and in, so I don't have to be Alvin York accurate or at least that's how I used to think. Browning Hi-Power 9mm The name and reputation speaks for itself. Do you shoot any of their 9mm 147gr plated flat point bullets? Glock17 Straight out of the box accurate; Sig Sauer P210 We tested over 30 powders that can be used for 9MM. I find .380 in most blowback snappier than 9mm in most subcompact locked breach firearms. Next, sort cases by headstamp or take the time to trim to common length. If you really want to load for 9mm I'll offer up a load, but its as cheap to buy manufactured ammo. Expansion . JavaScript is disabled. I have used only W231 for my 9mm loads so have no powder comparison for you. Never tried any of the Federal or Hornady loads so I can't comment on them. I focus on 124 now and have had good luck with BE86. Frontier is ABSOLUTELY top quality! My 4.3 gr Power Pistol load groups 1" @ 25 yd. If you want accuracy in a lead bullet try 4 gr Unique under 125 gr lead round nose or truncated design. Objective is to determine how accurate a load can be developed. I'm not interested in the defensive use and ability, what I'm looking for is what ammo & load have you found to be the most accurate, overall, in your gun, or in several guns. I researched and tested 9mm loads for years and this is the MOST accurate load in the G34/17 that I ever came across. 9mm target load data, best 9mm handloads, ... best loads for 9mm luger, best powder for 9mm accuracy, best reload for 9mm 124 grs, most accurate 9mm handloads, most accurate 9mm target loads, most accurate load for 9mm with 147gr. Another notable 9mm ammo feature is a bullet’s ability to enter a target and expand to create as large of a wound cavity as possible. They demand the most accurate guns and ammunition possible. Match-grade 9mm ammunition is a different subject we will address in a future article. That stuff shoots very well in my P226 and CZ 75B. We tested over 30 powders that can be used for 9MM. If you plug the numbers in a recoil calculator and use a 185 grain lead .45 going 725 it nearly matches the recoil from a 115 grain 9mm going 1100 fps, assuming equal gun weights. If you're not subconsciously shaking your head at me on the other side of this screen, then you're nodding in agreement since like me, you want to get the most pew pew for every one of your hard earned … The groups were shot from Glock 22 with KKM/Lone Wolf 40-9 conversion barrels: 115 gr Winchester FMJ 4.8 gr W231/HP-38 at 1.135" - This is my reference 9mm load. Selecting the bullet weight and load … The bullet weight and configuration I think is important. Serious target shooters can be a fussy lot. This is a fast burner powder for 9MM, meant to compete with we would guess, Alliant Bullseye. I came to the conclusion that 115 gr. I tried 4.0 to 4.6 grains of 231 and found 4.2gr to be the most accurate for both my BHP and Beretta 92FS. loads, by using the most sensitive primers (Federal) and “crush fit” seat them to 0.006-0.008 below flush with the cartridge base. Plan to use in two accurate CZ's, a 85 and 75BD. If you have trouble finding the Nosler bullet, use a Remington 115 JHP. Bullseye competitions place the targets at 25 and 50 yards. These will all be fired from my Gen 3 Glock 19. I have to admit that this is an exception, not the rule for 9mm. The perfect 9mm self-defense load for sidearms, according to the FBI, must provide penetration depths of 12 inches minimum and 18 inches maximum when fired in 10% ballistic gel. Everglades Ammunition has some outstanding prices on bullets. Average Speed: 1128.4 fps Standard Deviation: 5.9 Berry’s bullets Average Speed: 1144.6 fps Standard Deviation: 12.4 Hornady bullet… Not one brand of ammo will be the most accurate in ALL 9 mm pistols. Bullseye shooters- those shooters who participate in Bullseye matches- fall into this category because they need extreme accuracy to be competitive. 4.5 grains of PB driving virtually any 124 grain bullet is a dandy load. I find their bullets to be very consistent! Accurate 9mm loads Accurate 9mm loads. It's just enough to remove all of the flare from expanding the case mouth for bullet seating with maybe a very, very slight inward curve. Those shooting 9mm from a DA revolver with a match trigger in the seven to eight-pound DA pull range will need to emulate .38 Spl. I have three Sig 9 mm pistols and the ''all around '' for them seems to be the Speer Gold Dot 124 gr and the 124 gr Sig load in 2nd place if this helps. What have you found to be competitive pinking round came across VV 3N37, 115 Montana JHP..., Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada P210 Anyone loading the 9mm is... A 38 target load many factory loads as you afford to find a load can be fussy. About the majority of bullets, but i 've been reloading 9mm for about 25 years this. I focus on 124 now and have had good luck with BE86 Nitro NF. 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