For LR Goten and Trunks, Probably Agl Beerus from the WT. Dokkan Battle Mysterious Boy Trunks (Teen), rating, stats, skills, awaken, how to get, tips, and team. Dunno if he's optimal on any of their teams though. 1 TRUNKS (PETIT) 2 TRUNKS (PETIT) & MAI 3 TRUNKS (PETIT) & SON GOTEN (PETIT) & MARON 4 TRUNKS (PETIT) (GREAT SAIYAMAN) 5 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN (PETIT) 6 TRUNKS (PETIT) ET GOTEN (PETIT) 7 TRUNKS (JEUNE) 8 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN (JEUNE) 9 SUPER TRUNKS 10 SUPER VEGETA/SUPER TRUNKS 11 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN 2 (JEUNE) 12 TRUNKS SUPER SAIYAN 3 (JEUNE) 13 TRUNKS (ENFANT) (FUTUR) 14 TRUNKS … Rotation 1: Trunks Mai LR + Trunks ikari ; Rotation 2: Trunks Mai LR + Vegeta SSJ3 ZTUR ou Goku SSJ3 Xeno ou Goku UI LR. Video Title: HOW GOOD IS LR TRUNKS & GOTEN ON THE NEW DOKKANFEST KID GOKU TEAM? Trunks is a slow starter, but if he stacks his DEF long enough, Trunks can become the Team’s second tank. Eine Kombination aus LR Gohan, SSJ3 Bardock, Bulla und MVP 17 als Floater? 50% chance for Fusion Dance to activate when HP is 80% or below 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; Card by DokkanDeity Goten and Trunks does a basic attack if or Ki Spheres are not obtained. Then he beat my 2nd super teq and 2nd super int. Dokfan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Breaking Through and Standing Strong SSGSS Vegito (Kaioken). Goten will have a 100% DEF and 50% ATK Buff thanks to Vegeta’s Family allies on the Team. “Gott ist ein Komiker, der vor einem Publikum spielt, das zu ängstlich ist, um zu lachen.” Their best link partners are the Bio Broly Goten or Trunks. Got LR BABY, LR GOTEN AND TRUNKS, AND LR CELL. AGL LR Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid) - Ray of Hope Leader: Super AGL Ki +4, HP and ATK and DEF 100%UP & Extreme AGL Ki +2, HP and ATK and DEF 70%UP Passive: At the start of the turn get random amount of Ki between 3 ~ 9 & ATK 120%UP when performing a Super ATK Super ATK (12+ Ki): Colossal Damage, Own ATK down for 1 turn. Beat my ext team of GF, Transf, Perfect cell, 1st cell, guldo, mz and lr black. Trunks shares one LR with Goten (AGL Goten+Trunks), has a Prime Battle LR (AGL Future Trunks whose an SBR killer), a summonable LR already in the form of PHY Teen Trunks, and shares another LR with Mai and also happens to be both the Future and Time Traveler Saga sub-category leaders. They will both be on a banner along with LR Goten and Gohan later this year you could save up for that one. 18+ Ki: 70% chance for SS1 Gotenks, 30% chance for SS3 Gotenks.. SS1 Gotenks: Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises DEF by 30% for 1 turn SS3 Gotenks: Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn: Bearing Hope: Ki +3 to 9 randomly at start of turn; ATK +120% when performing a Super Attack: Z Fighters Trunks LR › Forum › ** LEAK ** Les News du jeu › Trunks LR Ce sujet contient 20 réponses, 15 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par RemNam-DBF , le il y a 2 années et 2 mois . 1/150: Super AGL Type Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%; Extreme AGL Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Fusion - Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises DEF by 30% for 1 turn Details Awakened LR Budding Warrior - Trunks (Kid) & Goten (Kid . "Siblings' Bond" Category Ki +2, ATK +140% and HP & DEF +120%; or "Goku's Family" Category Ki +2, ATK +140% and HP & DEF +100% Brotherhood Kamehameha: Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy: Strengthened by Boundless Dreams: ATK & DEF +30%; launches an additional attack that has a medium chance of becoming a Super Attack; Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +10% … He shares Prodigies, The Innocents, Shocking Speed and Shattering the Limit. Sold Selling Jp semifresh phy super vegito + lr goten trunks + ssj3 gotenks + buu team Discussion in ' Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade ' started by axltijuca , … On this Team, Trunks will have a 100% ATK and 50% DEF Buff due to the Goku’s Family allies. What is the in deck glitch and what should i do? Trunks is a slow starter but if players stack enough DEF, he becomes a viable Tank. Then barely beat str vegito with super agl team. They share StL, the innocents and budding warrior. The only links they share with anyone else you would run on Fusions is Legendary Power and Shocking Speed, and I suppose The … C'est une team très solide offensivement et défensivement, mais elle met à l'écart des personnages Fusion qui amène à se demander s'il ne vaut mieux pas jouer une team Lien de fratrie classique. ► 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; Card by DokkanDeityGoten and Trunks does a basic attack if or Ki Spheres are not obtained. ... Irgendwelche Ideen für ein Team? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. GOTEN AND TRUNKS CAN LAUNCH A SUPER ATTACK UNDER 12 KI!!! Goten (Kid) & Trunks (Kid)’s self-sufficiency makes a rotation with them and an orbs-hungry LR like [Second Super Saiyan] Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) work: having a unit that is going to hit hard without stealing orbs from the others is definitely helpful. On your hard hitting units, would you drop a lvl 4 ATK skill orb for. Je parle juste des f2p qui sont je pense la meilleur team f2p - page 3 - Topic [Jap] Nouveau Trunks LR ? ! Étoile de l'espoir - Trunks et Son Goten (petits) Voir le texte source. LR, AGI, Rang A AGI, SUPER. Rotation 1: Gohan Goten TEC LR + Gohan SSJ END ; Rotation 2: Goten SSJ INT + Trunks SSJ TEC. Dunno if he's optimal on any of their teams though. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Goten, similar to Trunks, is a slow starter that stacks ATK and, if kept on the main rotation long enough, can help become a heavy hitter. STR GT Trunks Dupe # 3. GOTEN AND TRUNKS CAN LAUNCH A SUPER ATTACK UNDER 12 KI!! © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. So can't complain. Il est le fils de Vegeta et de Bulma. L'avantage de cette team est que les neosupports permettent de gérer des rotations très flexibles. LR Goten & Trunks Summons ... ULTRA OVERPOWERED Half Saiyan LR Team (00:23:06) Jan 09 2018: ULTIMATE POWER BEYOND ULTIMATE! 1ère rotation: Goten/Trunks AGI LR + Pan AGI ; 2ème rotation: Gohan SSJ LR AGI + Gohan SSJ2 LR INT. Goku Day LR Gohan and Goten (GoBros) Breakdown and Team Builds (starting at 5:28) ハボヒーLike, Subscribe, Share, Comment!Co Chain Battle or the no item punch machine? Bienvenue sur ce topic dédié au Festival Dokkan de Gohan & Goten .Il s’agit du leader de la nouvelle catégorie « Lien de fratrie », qui regroupe des personnages par paire (C17/18, Gohan/Goten, Vegeta/Table…), et de la catégorie « Famille de Son Goku » qui sera également menée par le futur Goku SSJ4 lors des 4 ans. Now im going to save for the 300 million download banner, LR Banner, or the Namek Saga Goku whichever one comes first. Le leader est à la fois un énorme avantage, tout comme un énorme inconvénient: Il lead les Super PUI ce qui ouvre la team à pas mal d'options mais il nécessite des Voyageurs du temps pour sa DEF. Trunks a la particularité d'exister deux fois dans l'histoire. For LR Goten and Trunks, Probably Agl Beerus from the WT., 3DS friend code: 4398-9791-1950 // Switch friend code:SW-8152-8329-5512. 上下のバランス - ターン開始時にランダムで気力+2〜6&必殺技発動時にatk90%up: 新生・天下一武道会 - atk15%up 無邪気 - atk10%up 見た目と違って - atk10%up 逃げ足 - hp30%以下で気力+1 驚異的なスピード - 気力+2 限界突破 - 気力+2 LR Beerus + EZA Beerus. ". I don’t care WHO you are...TIME TO GO DOWN!! 3 Top tier Lrs on one banner is really good. Trunks (トランクス, Torankusu) est l'un des personnages principaux de Dragon Ball., Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Causes immense damage to enemy and High chance to stun enemy, ATK and DEF +80% at start of turn; Ki +2 or ATK and DEF + 30% in addition per. ► 50% chance for Fusion Dance to activate when HP is 80% or below He shares Prodigies, The Innocents, Shocking Speed and Shattering the Limit. LR Goten & Trunks Summons (00:11:54) Jan 09 2018: DON'T LOOK, FEEL! Which has worse design? Étoile de l'espoir Trunks et Son Goten (petits) Niveau max Rareté Type Coût 150: 77 Encyclopédie Ich denke: LR Bros + EZA Goten. Si tu passes ton goten trunks en LR, tu pars sur : Vegeta 4 Goten LR Great saiyaman (du baba shop) Goten Gohan familial Whis. LR Goten and Trunks LR Bee Pan or Bulla Gohan, Gotrunks and Bee Pan/Bulla will only be mission out on 20% attack from running double Ultihan. They are mediocre cards though so on hybrid saiyans I would either keep them with Ultihan and accept no attack links or I'd keep them with the EZA Phy Trunks for StL + 30% stats and 2 ki from Trunk's passive. Why does the game keep telling me "trade failed due to the limit reached? He's incredibly self sufficient. Historique Discussion (0) Commentaires Partager. Find the cards, build your team, create a graph to see how they link - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game Entering the Realm of Precious Memes Super Saiyan Off Model Animation Blue (AKA Super Saiyan 69) Goku & Angle Golden Freezer Par conséquent, le Roi Vegeta est son grand-père paternel, Monsieur Brief son grand-père maternel, Madame Brief sa grand-mère maternelle, Bra sa sœur et Tarble son oncle. But AGL Gotenks is ridiculous. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. oh s*** yeah thought you wer talking about gobros. Goten is known for looking almost identical to his father as a child, to the point when Go… Render from DB XKeeperZ Most of the effects are a custom by yours truly. He destroyed it. He also wears a similar orange gi to Goku's, minus the kame symbol along with a dark blue long-sleeved undershirt and black training shoes with dark blue shin guards in the Majin Buu Arc. Cette variante de la team Enfant utilise les personnages Neosupports INT et AGI présents dans la team. Barely beat him with ext agl. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. He doesn't need one. Home Forums > Main Marketplaces > Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade > Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade > While this addition is appreciated and was needed imo, it’s nothing crazy because LR Goten and Trunks link very poorly on the Fusion team. So, anyone remembers about the new partner mechanic? Goten's appearance as a child is very similar to Goku's childhood look, including messy, unkempt hair, same eye color, lighter-pale complexion and a playful face. Optimal on any of their teams though with LR Goten & Trunks Summons... ULTRA OVERPOWERED Half LR. He 's optimal on any of their teams though je pense la meilleur Team f2p - page -! Le texte source talking about gobros étoile de l'espoir - Trunks ( Kid for! 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