His voice is a dual voice containing both Goku's and Vegeta's voices. samxmas: 8: 11/7 5:58AM: Hidden Potential Orb Requirement Guide: samxmas: 44: 7/30/2019: New DFE SS4 Gogeta: BetterThanVegas: 44: 10/19 9:12AM: Anyone know if Lr Vb and LR gogeta blue will get the option of stickers one day? 125 Lv. Golden Warrior - Super Saiyan - Prepared for Battle - Over in a Flash - Fused Fighter - Experienced Fighters - Fierce Battle Fusion - Movie Heroes - Super Saiyans - Otherworld Warriors - Final Trump Card x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. But since he is already effective against all types, that part of crit is useless for him; but 2) He will still get the other half of the crit advantage, which is being able to … dragon ball z dokkan battle: 100% potential system new agl gogeta blue showcase! This makes it easier to use Duplicates to open Hidden Potential Paths and give your … Gogeta (ゴジータ, Gojīta) is the resulting fusion ofGoku and Vegeta, when they perform the Fusion Dance properly. 100% potential system new phy super saiyan broly showcase! - Super Saiyan - Prepared for Battle - Over in a Flash - Fused Fighter - Experienced Fighters Fusion - Movie Heroes - Super Saiyans - Otherworld Warriors - Final Trump Card MelloXIII: 5: 11/22 7:24PM: SSJBE Hidden Potential: z_cherub: 8: 12/11 8:21AM: Hidden Potential Orb Requirement Guide: samxmas: 44: 7/30/2019 130 Lv. Hidden Potential Build for Int Frieza and Agl Cooler EZAs: Snake0909: 2: 11/17 9:49AM: JP Dokkan Battle Discussion #80: SSJ4 Gogeta hype! 1) Crit ignores type disadvantages, meaning that INT Gogeta would hit for normal damage against PHY. Gogeta & Vegito Blue x LR Vegito & Gogeta FUSION TEAM | DBZ Dokkan Battle VIDEO'S LIKE GOAL: 900, LET'S GET IT! don't forget to watch!!! This is a guide describing the Hidden Potential System, as well as what Potential Skills you can collect such as Type ATK Boost, Type DEF Boost, Recovery Boost, Combo Attack, Critical Hit, Evasion, and Super ATK Boost. Hidden potential for Teq Evil Buu? For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "LR ss4 vegeta hidden potential". BipBapBam: 500: 11/17 6:34PM: Hidden Potential for LR Frieza? Arak: 5: 10/19 8:53PM: SSJ4 Gogeta/New Nuova Supers: qwertyboy: 80: 10/28 8:46PM We also talk about using the Reverse system to Reverse Dokkan Awaken your Cards. *Disclaimer* All Content in … - Rank B Hidden Potential and F2P stats (But he will probably be rainbowed) - Buff to ATK & DEF is quite small: A13: Onslaught of Fire and Fury Dyspo (Super Speed Mode) - Some nice links like Shocking Speed and Fierce Battle - Raises ATK by 20% every time he appears infinitely - Gets a chance to dodge upto 60% every time he appears - No DEF Like his Potara counterpart, Vegito, he is regarded as one of the most powerful characters in the whole Dragon Ball franchise. 135 Lv. 140 11400 12106 12812 13518 15518 18518 12429 13198 13968 14738 16738 19738 4880 5182 5485 5787 7787 10787 Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. This article is a disambiguation page for Gogeta (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity.