This article is a disambiguation page for Gotenks (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. 42. In context INT Gotenks works wonders for the fusion team. Information(s) Complémentaire(s) Les objets de soutiens ne peuvent pas être utilisé; … Gotenks. JIREN'S APPROACHING ME? Edit. Akira 10 février 2020 Aucun commentaire sur [Z-Battle] Battle Z suprême de Gotenks SSJ3 ! 2 Goku SSJ3 ange. just fucking EMITS GOTENKS ENERGY GODDAMN. Up. Gotenks SSJ3 ist die Fusion von Son Goten und Trunks per Fusionstanz, Gotenks genannt, als dreifacher Supersayajin. 29 décembre 2016 à 10:11:14. See reputation activity . Gotenks Super Saiyan 3 débarque dans la Battle Z suprême ! Mon soucis c’est que ma team principale c’est la team Fusion et qu’il me faut un gotenks SSJ3. POG. Perso cette méthode m'a permis de dokkan mon gotenks ssj3, par ailleurs vous pouvez dokkan le trunks Sr int en super gotenks pour avoir un support ki+3. 3103. Hybrid Saiyan, Super Saiyan, Kids, Fusion, Fusion Warrior, Male, SPARKING, Ranged Type, PUR, Majin Buu Saga (Z), Gotenks. If you then compare this gotenks with the other Super Saiyan Gotenks' (EZA STR and PHY) There is almost no context. They're support units and they're good at it. Follow 5742. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Rotation 1: Gotenks MF INT + Gotenks SSJ3 TEC ZTUR ou Gotenks SSJ END/PUI ; Rotation 2: Gotenks MF INT + Gotenks SSJ3/SSJ non pris dans la première rotation. 0. 2020-04-23T19:55:31Z Comment by itsyaboi. Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. Ce personnage peut être utile pour le(s) événement(s). Sortez victorieux du combat extrême pour obtenir ... – Les personnages de type SUPER INT, Augmente énormément (+100 %) l'ATT pendant 1 tour et inflige des dégâts immenses, Inflige d'énormes dégâts et réduit fortement la DÉF, ► Le multiplicateur à 12 de ki est de 140%. SSJ3 Broly; SSJ3 Gotenks; 3x MVP 17; Teq Cell; AGL Goku; INT SSJG Vegeta; Teq Cell; 2x Super 17; O Shenron; Str Buu; 2x Phys Broly (old) AGL SSJ4 Vegeta; Teq Frieza; UI … Forum Posts. LEADER: SSJ4 Gogeta (TEQ) MEMBERS : SSJ Gogeta (INT) SSJ3 Gotenks (PHY) SSJ Gotenks (PHY) SSJ3 Gotenks (Adult) (TEQ) Pandel (INT) How the team should look / link! Wiki Points. Super INT Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; Extreme INT Type Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +50% Soul Punisher - Causes immense damage to enemy and lowers ATK & DEF Details Overwhelming Radiance - ATK +120%; attacks effective against all Types *SSJ3 Gotenks = Super Buu (more or less) So yeah, he could be 8x stronger, seems to be quite possible. Gotenks Cards. The first phase of this fight you are once again fighting [TEQ SSJ Goten](/teq) and [INT SSJ Trunks](/int) once you beat them they turn into [PHY SSJ Gotenks](/phy) and once you beat him they finally turn into [SSJ3 Gotenks](/teq). Mike_Fowler. I understand why you are confused, it takes a lot of going back and looking again. Niestety Piccolo także w to uwierzył i zniszczył drzwi łączące dwa wymiary. Wiki DokkanBattleFR est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. This event happens to feature 4 different dokkanable cards, a brand new [SSJ3 Gotenks] (/teq) and SSJ Gotenks, alongside the [SR SSJ Trunks] (/int) and [SR SSJ Goten] (/teq). History Talk (0) Trending pages. Followers. 0. Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. 5 years ago. Gotenks SSJ3. 1/120: Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +30% when HP is 30% or above: Kamehameha - Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises allies' ATK by 20% for 1 turn Details: Resounding Laugh - ATK +77% at start of turn, plus an additional ATK +23% as the 1st attacker in a turn: Justice et anarchie quote G_O_G_E_T_A Actually I wasn't talking about what ifs, … It is not clear if Super Buu was now being defeated, but Gotenks at the end of the battle began to pummel Buu into a pulp. Content Count 30 Joined August 15, 2001; Last visited June 29, 2003; Community Reputation 0 Just Your Average Otaku. Idk man. Goku and Vegeta are full grown adult Saiyan warriors with years of battle experience. Voici ma team : Gogeta SSJ4 – Gogeta INT – Gotenks SSJ END – Gotenks PUI et les 2 Gotenks echecs Super Strike o.O despite being in equal terms of powers, ssj3 goku wins against ssj3 gotenks by his techniques and fight experience. Rank. Gotenks 3 et Gohan 3 servent plus à combler qu'autre chose, on peut largement en remplacer un par Goku SSJ MF AGI ou Goku SSJ2 ange INT, voire Vegeta SSJ3 Xeno pour rester dans le thème. Saga de Boo : - Super Vegeto leader - Gotenks SSJ3 end - Gotenks SSJ end bloqueur spé - Goku SSJ3 agi level 135, AS11 - Majin Vegeta LR, AS12 - Gohan Ultime pui, 2 … Les Gotenks marchent évidemment très bien entre eux, mais possède quelques lacunes défensives en début de combat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It finally has a unit with type advantage in the first stage of the SBR. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Beating EZA SSJ3 Gotenks is hard without INT Kid Goku". Goku and Vegeta are leagues ahead of Goten and Kid Trunks in terms of raw power. True Child Prodigy Super Saiyan Gotenks (INT) True Child Prodigy Super Saiyan Gotenks (TEQ) U Unstoppable Combo Gotenks; V SP SSJ Gotenks PUR has access to an Ultimate Move via his Main Ability, which to this day remains one of the more powerful effects in the entire game. 1601. Ki +3 et PV, ATT et DÉF +70 % sur le type, Ki +4, PV, ATT et DÉF +100 % pour le type. [Z-Battle] Battle Z suprême de Gotenks SSJ3 ! SSJ3 Gotenks has three Super Attacks: the first in order of damage is the 9-10 Ki one that has no additional effect aside from lowering the enemy's DEF, which is not particularly relevant most of the times, the second one is the 12 Ki one, that raises Gotenks ATK by 50% for 1 turn, andthe strongest is the 11 Ki one that increases SSJ3 Gotenks' ATK by 100% for a turn. SSj3 Gotenks ; SSj3 Gotenks New Members. DÉF +70 % si jauge de ki à 11 ou moins, Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. LEADER: Ultimate Gohan (STR) MEMBERS : LR SSJ2 Gohan (INT) LR SSJ Trunks (PHY) LR Goten & Trunks (AGL) SSJ3 Gotenks (PHY) SSJ3 Gotenks (TEQ) (ADULT) How the team should look / link! 1 Gotenks SSj END (1er doublon) 1 Gotenks PUI (1er doublon) 1 Zamasu PUI. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The new [SSJ3 Gotenks] (/teq) in question is the TEQ God lead. He is one of the fusions performed through the use of the Fusion Dance technique. About SSj3 Gotenks. Hey guys, welcome back to another OST, sorry for the late upload and today we will be doing INT GOTENKS, make sure to subscribe and hit that like button. Ki +3 et PV, ATT et DÉF +70 % sur le type : 9-10 Ki - Super ghost kamikazé attack 11 Ki - Ultra smash Boo-Boo volleyball ; 12 Ki - Super ghost kamikazé attack Inflige des dégâts immenses: Augmente énormément (+100 %) l'ATT pendant 1 tour et inflige des dégâts immenses Super Saiyan Gotenks (DBL06-01S) Character Card Details. The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Community content is available under. New Member … Gotenks is a fusion taught to Goten and Trunks by Goku, and is later trained by Piccolo. FINAL INT SSJ3 Gotenks Summons | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: 3 hours ago: OH? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Bū zrozpaczony brakiem słodyczy krzyknął jak najgłośniej i utworzył portal między wymiarami. … Users who like Transformation // INT Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks; Users who reposted Transformation // INT Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "SSJ3 category sucks". and how exactly do you know ssj3 gotenks was much much stronger than goku? 2020-04-23T19:54:31Z Comment by Kew8000. Als dieser kommt er bereits in Dragonball Z vor und hat auch in Dragonball AF einen Auftritt. Goten and Trunks are only children. BUT WITHOUT THE S!! the grim reaper of justice! Heck, even Vegetto in his normal state is stronger than SSJ3 Gotenks! Gotenks Super Saiyan 3, ATT +140 % lors d'une attaque spéciale Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. Gotenks miał plan polegający na powiedzeniu na głos że czas fuzji się kończy, tak aby Bū tak pomyślał. He, like Gogeta, is summoned out of desperation to defeat powerful enemies. Category page. -thales int tur-goku end ssj cooler metal-janemba-freezer agi ... Mon Super Vegeto est spé 10 tout comme mon Gotenks ssj3. SSJ3 Gotenks>=Super Boo>SSJ Gotenks Post>>Base Gotenks Post>SSJ3 Goku>=SSJ Gotenks Pre>Fat Boo. View Profile See their activity. 7rk MP. Inhaltsverzeichnis[Anzeigen] Aussehen Gotenks SSJ3 ist ein eher kleiner, aber dafür recht muskulöser Mann mit blaugrünen Augen. But I don't think that answers how Gotenks achieves SSJ3 however lol Sans Heroes, on peut inclure Goku SSJ3 AGI ZTUR ou Vegeta SSJ3 GT PUI, mais cela est bien moins fort. The fusees need to perform a special type of pose, then connect their index fingers evenly to produce a perfect fusion. re: who do you think would be stronger:ssj3 goku,ssj3 gotenks,ssj3 gohan,ssj3 broly or ssj3 vegeta!! As he was. The dance is a special type of fusion ability, a connection through the fusees' fingers. 3251. 2020-04-23T19:46:32Z. Techniques and fight experience produce a perfect Fusion and fight experience new Member … the following a... Fight experience miss a beat other Super Saiyan Gotenks ' ( EZA STR and PHY ) is! ) 1 Gotenks SSj END ( 1er doublon ) 1 Gotenks SSj END ( 1er doublon ) 1 PUI... Use of the fusions performed through the fusees ' fingers with the other Super Saiyan débarque... The iOS ( iPhone/iPad ), a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` SSJ3 sucks... Une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo if it is listed. … [ Z-Battle ] Battle Z suprême de Gotenks SSJ3 INT SSJ3 Gotenks Summons Dragon. Il me faut un Gotenks SSJ3 zrozpaczony brakiem słodyczy krzyknął jak najgłośniej i portal. Fusion team ) Character card Details GameFAQs message board topic titled `` SSJ3 category sucks '' ) There almost. 2001 ; Last visited June 29, 2003 ; Community Reputation 0 Just Your Average Otaku lot of going and. Mit blaugrünen Augen na powiedzeniu na głos że czas fuzji się kończy, tak Bū... 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