No matter the scenario, all of Artemieva’s digital illustrations always retain that charming Disney magic. Chilean artist Fernanda Suarez, has created these fabulous artworks depicting what some of our favourite Disney princesses including Snow White, Jasmine and Mulan and shows us what they may look like in 2017. While she writes every day, she’s also devoted to her own creative outlet—Emma hand-draws illustrations and is currently learning 2D animation. Face. Disney Princesses If they were in Modern Times. Many artists love to reimagine our lovely Disney princesses. Tumblr artist Punziella gives some of Disney's latest characters, as well as a few from DreamWorks Animation's crew, a modern-day makeover, imagining what they would look like rocking today's fashion: But on Instagram came up with an interesting idea of what Disney Princesses would look like as boys and we’ve got to admit the result is absolutely stunning. Most of those lessons ended up being pretty off the mark, but we still cherish them. Disney princesses are often thought to be damsels in distress. But would the situation be different if Disney made movies about bad girls? Rubén returns to Disney University with a new crop of college kids. I’m a children’s book illustrator and character designer for animation. Tom 3 years ago. Chilean artist Fernanda Suarez, has created these fabulous artworks depicting what some of our favourite Disney princesses including Snow White, Jasmine and Mulan and shows us what they may look like in 2017. Modern Version of Disney Princesses Admin October 31, 2019 Celebrity Leave a comment 1,423 Views The original Disney Princesses are great and have accomplished great things on their own, but still most of them seem a little outdated as we have never seen our favorite Disney princesses … In the early 1990s, Disney Consumer Products realized the market potential for the female characters portrayed in the wildly successful Disney movies. I Illustrated Disney Princesses As Modern Day Girls Living In The 21st Century ... Hi, I’m Anoosha. Disney princesses continue to be a source of inspiration for artists who want to explore these beloved icons in a new context. Disney gives a lot of hints or outright says the time period and place these movies are set, so it's easy for talented artists around the Internet to piece together how these characters would have dressed if they were real. Now, artist Yudelmis “Yudie” San Emeterio uses her digital manipulation skills to give each animated starlet a modern makeover. Thanks to e-design company Modsy, we can actually see what the homes of Moana, Elsa, Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, and Mulan would look like if they were here in 2019 and not fictional characters. I'm a children's book illustrator and character designer for animation. Belle sports a contemporary blue dress and highlights, Tiana wears her hair down with twinkling barrettes, and Mulan shows off an edgy sleeve of botanical tattoos. I love Disney princesses, and in my spare time I created a series of digital illustrations of what I imagine these girls would be like as 21st century teens/young adults. What would Disney Princesses look like if they were real girls in 2019? Lips. 0 0 . I was so into this collection that I decided to create some modern Disney princess looks. Disney princesses are often thought to be damsels in distress. What's most enchanting about these makeovers is how the artist keeps the essence of each princess' style in her redesigns. Disney princesses continue to be a source of inspiration for artists who want to explore these beloved icons in a new context.We’ve seen these gals reimagined as classical oil paintings, femme fatales, and even real-life people.Now, artist Yudelmis “Yudie” San Emeterio uses her digital manipulation skills to give each animated starlet a modern makeover. Want to advertise with us? Want to advertise with us? The timeless appeal of Disney princesses has also inspired the work of Kiev-based illustrator Daria Artemieva who shows how these fairytale characters would look like if they were modern-day millennials. She holds a BA in Art History with a minor in Studio Art from Wofford College, and an MA in Illustration: Authorial Practice from Falmouth University in the UK. Emma has contributed to various art and culture publications, with an aim to promote and share the work of inspiring modern creatives. No longer do the women have unbelievably small waists and paper-thin arms. A combination of magical and hilarious! Check out the exclusive rewards, here. I think they would stand out if they were with us today, as modern day travellers. But as a Disney fan, I beg to differ. You can also purchase prints through her online store. Receive our Weekly Newsletter. If Disney Princesses Were Modern Day Travellers Danielle Uy May 21, 2019. Soon after realizing the demand, the Disney Princess franchise was launched. The lively characters which lend the most beautiful aspect of every fairy tale story is what keeps the entire story alive. However, things have changed over the years and nowadays, the total revenue from such cartoons is estimated to be around $3 billion a year. You can view more of San Emeterio's work by following her on Instagram and TikTok. – iLL Wayno & Holla FyeSixWun, ♬ Strawberry Shortcake – Melanie Martinez, ♬ Tarzan Medley: You'll Be in My Heart / Two Worlds / Strangers Like Me / Trashin' the Camp – Anthem Lights, Architecture Student Sketches Bird’s Eye View of Exquisite Imaginary Cities, Creative Dad Imagines Kids’ Drawings as Delightfully Bizarre Real-Life Animals, Majestic Pastel Drawings Explore the Beauty of a Glacier in Patagonia, 5 Top-Rated Drawing Books That Will Teach You How to Sketch the Human Figure, Inktober: The Worldwide Art Challenge That Has Everyone Drawing in October, Teen Creates Chalk Drawings To Take Her Little Brother on “Adventures” Across the Globe, Random Piece of Duct Tape Inspires Artist to Create Imaginative Illustrations, RIP Chadwick Boseman: Fans Are Honoring the Actor’s Unexpected Passing With Touching Artworks, Illustrator Imagines Powerful Warriors as a Diverse Group of Strong Women [Interview], Artist Secretly Replaces Framed Photos at Home With ‘Star Wars’ Art and His Wife Doesn’t Notice, Colorful Interactive Display of Early 19th-Century Mineral Illustrations, Meowvelous Illustration Shows a World Made Entirely of Fluffy Cats. These princesses have fundamental depth and distinction in their personalities. This Is What Disney Characters Would Look Like In The Modern World. Spoiler: it's ... Tumblr user Punziella creates awesome modern day interpretations of her fave Disney … Snow White is seen taking a selfie, Cinderella is depicted enjoying a slice of pizza, and Pocahontas is illustrated at Coachella music festival. But as a Disney fan, I beg to differ. The timeless appeal of Disney princesses has also inspired the work of Kiev-based illustrator Daria Artemieva who shows how these fairytale characters would look like if they were modern-day millennials. If Disney princesses were Southern Kelly Kazek. San Diego-based illustrator Astor Alexander has made waves by creating these vivid, incredibly realistic portraitures of the Disney princesses if they were heroines or Femme Fatales in some chic noir crime film from the 1940s. A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on May 31, 2018 at 9:08am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Apr 3, 2018 at 11:51pm PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Apr 10, 2018 at 12:57am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Mar 14, 2018 at 10:07am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Mar 13, 2018 at 3:37am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Apr 19, 2018 at 1:29am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Apr 26, 2018 at 12:57am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on May 2, 2018 at 7:11am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on May 7, 2018 at 10:52am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on May 11, 2018 at 8:06am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Jun 3, 2018 at 12:08am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Jun 17, 2018 at 8:42am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Jun 29, 2018 at 1:56am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Jul 3, 2018 at 10:08am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Aug 27, 2018 at 1:40pm PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Aug 6, 2018 at 10:45am PDT, A post shared by Daria ❤️ Illustrator ( on Aug 9, 2018 at 2:46am PDT, Daria Artemieva: Instagram 18 GOTH SNOW WHITE. The final results are so convincing that they look like they came directly from Disney. (e.l.f.) What would it be like if Disney princesses were modern Southern belles? History. Celebrating creativity and promoting a positive culture by spotlighting the best sides of humanity—from the lighthearted and fun to the thought-provoking and enlightening. The Modern Lives of Disney Princesses By Neha Prakash 2013-05-03 22:08:46 UTC In Disney's fairytale world, princesses chat with birds, sing with dwarves and swim with talking flounder. What would it be like if Disney princesses were modern Southern belles? Artemieva also illustrates iconic Disney couples living contemporary lives. These princesses have fundamental depth and distinction in their personalities. We've seen these gals reimagined as classical oil paintings, femme fatales, and even real-life people. We’ve featured many Disney re-imaginations of princesses and princes over the years, but let’s have a look at how they may look in modern society!. It's A Southern Thing is bringing three Disney princesses from the big screen to the real world, and they're getting into all kinds of shenanigans. They show how these classic characters would look like if they were modern-day millennials as teenagers. Emma Taggart is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. The company emailed us several depictions of Disney princesses that were created by artist Elena Provolovich on Fiverr (update: but seemingly taken in part from artist Fernanda Suarez), that show the characters with realistic and modern body types. The Disney Princesses' television appearances were compiled into the Disney Princess Collection, a series of compilation DVDs containing episodes from Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and two Beauty and the Beast specials. Animated films about princesses were not originally Disney's main line of work. You can see more of Artemieva’s work on Instagram. Featured image credit: JLinsky. Celebrating creativity and promoting a positive culture by spotlighting the best sides of humanity—from the lighthearted and fun to the thought-provoking and enlightening. We’re also on Pinterest, Tumblr, and Flipboard. More: Loungewear Articles Inspired by Disney Princesses. “When I saw people giving makeovers to Disney characters, I couldn't help myself!” she tells Buzzfeed. Visit My Modern Met Media. Views. If Disney princesses were Filipina. To show their appreciation, many fans have used Disney as a jump start for their own creative inspirations. Jirka Väätäinen is a 25-year-old graphic artist based in Melbourne, Australia, and he has been taking the Internet by storm this week with his stunning interpretations of what our favorite Disney princes might look like if they were real people. Like for instance, in the above gallery, we see Pocahontas is illustrated at the Coachella music festival. While we nostalgically dream of puffy dresses and glass slippers much like those Disney characters, we have to admit – they are pretty old-fashioned and wouldn’t make it onto a modern runway of a luxury brand or the cover of a fashion magazine. See more ideas about disney princess modern, disney, modern disney. The timeless appeal of these Disney princesses has also inspired Daria Artemieva, who has shown her fans how these fairytale characters would be if they were in modern-day life. And I Oup Hydroflask ksksks VSCO Girls On TikTok Are Our Favorite Thing To Watch! We’ve seen artists reimagine them as modern brides, celebrities, career women, and women’s rights activists. Ariel and Prince Eric are seen kissing on a beach and Belle and “The Beast” are illustrated hanging out by their car. Instead of pink dresses and mystical villains, we have smoke, handsome partners, guns, and a bit of cynicism on the side. Check out the exclusive rewards, here. Disney reveals first Latina princess, Princess Elena. After graduating with a BA in Fashion and Textile Design in 2013, Emma decided to combine her love of art with her passion for writing. It's A Southern Thing is bringing three Disney princesses from the big screen to the real world, and they're getting into all kinds of shenanigans. ...

Here's what we think Disney princesses might look like if they were Southern:

Here are 18 Crazy Modern Redesigns Of Disney Princesses. San Emeterio uses a frame from the Disney movie as the base for her glamorous updates, on which she carefully applies makeup, accessories, and contemporary clothing. We might wish our lives were like those of our favorite Disney characters, but what if what they really want is to jump into our world? It’s fun to imagine, isn’t it? Snow White is seen taking a selfie, Cinderella is depicted enjoying a slice of pizza, and Pocahontas is illustrated at Coachella music festival. We’ve seen many creative Disney interpretations recently, including iconic princesses reimagined as empowered career women, Renaissance paintings, and even Game of Thrones characters. “My main goal with my videos is to keep the changes in the transformation as close as possible to the style and texture of the original art.” Each video offers a sneak peek into her process, where she expertly redraws the characters using her iPad. Published 17 March 2016. As a company, Disney gave us all of the princesses we know, love and learned so much about life from. Find out how by becoming a Patron. If Disney Princesses were real celebrities Guy Proposes to Every Princess at Disney World ... modern Disney princesses 9 Disney Princesses Drawn As Miley Cyrus Top 5. Tiana Each modern makeover still keeps each princess’s signature style and personality in mind though: in one image, Ariel (The Little Mermaid) wears her iconic seashell “bikini” over a white crop top, and in another, a modern Belle (Beauty and the Beast) wears denim overalls featuring an enchanted rose embroidery design. A later DVD series was released, entitled Disney Princess Stories, featuring content similar to the previous release. Turns out our beloved Disney have timeless class; the princesses can pull off any kind of getup. ... are pretty independent and don't want to be labeled "damsels in distress," that doesn't mean girls can't grow up to be modern princesses. A combination of magical and hilarious! While waiting in line, he found himself surrounded by young girls dressed as princesses. Visit My Modern Met Media. In the mid-1990s the princesses began to be marketed together in the doll lines Perfume Princess, Musical Princess and Dancing Princess. Margherita Cole is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met and illustrator based in Southern California. Imagine if all of your favorite Disney princesses were modern day badass ladies. Originally from Northern Ireland, she is an artist now based in Berlin. Today; 7 Days; 30 Days; 27 Funny Memes To Kill Some Time With 79,856. Thanks to e-design company Modsy, we can actually see what the homes of Moana, Elsa, Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, and Mulan would look like if they were here in 2019 and not fictional characters. Find out how by becoming a Patron. Published In early 2000, when Andy Mooney was hired by the Disney consumer-products division to help combat dropping sales, the idea for the Disney Princess franchise was born. We’ve seen a lot of modernized versions of Disney Princesses over the years, or ones that are drawn in a different style to the original. Products, \ '' he mused Emeterio also shares how she makes these digital on. Disney University with a right to complain, it was Megara of San Emeterio uses her digital skills... Modern Disney princess franchise was launched oil paintings, femme fatales, and even people! That charming Disney magic re also on Pinterest, Tumblr, and women ’ not! Were modern-day millennials as teenagers us today, as modern day badass ladies distinction in their personalities in! First Disney on Ice show style reimagined '', followed by 168 people on Pinterest Tumblr! This, you 'll join us in our effort to support the arts modern brides,,... 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