Hamid Reza married three times and had four children. In 1925 they favored the compromise by which the Qajar dynasty was ousted and replaced with the new Pahlavi dynasty led by Reza Khan who styled himself Reza Shah Pahlavi. [2], He studied in the United States and in Tehran. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, shah of Iran (1941–79). 179053932, citing Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery, Tehran, Tehran, Iran ; Maintained by letemrip (contributor 49084452) . hamid reza kamrava | United States | project manager at kan azin consultant engineering | 65 connections | See hamid reza's complete profile on Linkedin and connect Prince Mahmoud Reza Pahlavi Pictures - Private Life and Times of Prince Mahmoud Reza Pahlavi. حمیدرضا پهلوی, ur. Date de mort : 1992. Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree. Join Facebook to connect with Hamidreza Pahlavi and others you may know. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran.wikipedia. Join Facebook to connect with Hamidreza Pahlavi and others you may know. Hamid Rezá Pahlaví Hamid Rezá Pahlaví (4. července 1932 Teherán – 12. července 1992 Teherán) byl íránský princ. Genre : Masculin. One of his sons, Behzad, lived in the United Kingdom for a while, but he was brought by Shah Mohammad Reza to Iran and attended the military school in Tehran. Documents of Hamid Reza Pahlavi. [8] In 1974 Hamid Reza married Houri Khamnei, by whom he had one child: Ja'afar Pahlavi (born 1975). رضا شاه پهلوی; Alašt, 15.3. 7. [5] They lived in the Marble Palace in Tehran with their parents. Reza Pahlavi (en persan : رضا پهلوی), est né le 31 octobre 1960 à Téhéran. Cette coalition d’opposition, créée en avril 2013, compte dix-huit partis et organisations politiques, allant des [...] 25 439 Reza Pahlavi: «Pour les Iraniens, … Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Reza was born on March 15 1878, in Alasht, Iran. Due to his status as the last Shah of Iran, he is often known as simply the Shah. Byl jedenáctým a posledním potomkem Rezá Pahlavího a nevlastním bratrem Muhammada Rezá Pahlavího, posledního íránského šáha před íránskou islámskou revolucí. People Projects Discussions Surnames Pays : République islamique d\'Iran. Pays : République islamique d\'Iran. Contraint à l'exil le 16 janvier 1979, il fut remplacé par un conseil royal et renversé par la Révolution iranienne. Save record . Reza Shah formed a civilian-led administration that built the foundations of a modern nation state. 4 lipca 1932 w Teheranie, zm. Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed ), memorial page for Hamid Reza Pahlavi (4 Jul 1932–12 Jul 1992), Find a Grave Memorial no. Reza Pahlavi (en persan : رضا پهلوی) est né le 31 octobre 1960 à Téhéran. 1944. ", "Late Shah's brother interviewed in prison", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hamid_Reza_Pahlavi&oldid=990931576, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2020, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 November 2020, at 09:40. He was ousted in the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Pahlavi, half-brother of the late Shah of Iran, died of a heart attack while serving a life sentence in Tehran, Iran, a newspaper said Tuesday. Reza was born on March 15 1878, in Alasht, Iran. Hamid Reza Pahlavi was born on 4 July 1932. Sarab. Notes. In 1925 they favored the compromise by which the Qajar dynasty was ousted and replaced with the new Pahlavi dynasty led by Reza Khan who styled himself Reza Shah Pahlavi. Conformément aux dispositions légales, vous pouvez demander le retrait de votre nom et celui de vos enfants mineurs. Hamid Reza Pahlavi. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . [1][2][3] His parents married in 1923. [8][10] He received a sentence of ten years in Evin prison on drug charges. Ses jeunes années sans histoire se confondent avec la fin de règne d'Ahmad Chah. Hamid passed away in month 1992, at age 59 at death place. Il reçoit une éducation secondaire avec cinq de ses frères à l’ Institut Le Rosey en Suisse. Date de naissance : 1932. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Hamid Rezá Pahlaví (4. července 1932 Teherán – 12. července 1992 Teherán) byl íránský princ. Hamid had 10 siblings: Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, Shams ul-Mulk Jam (born Pahlavi) and 8 other siblings. Female Cyclist Angers Hard-Liners In Iran By Riding Without Her Hijab 1986 : Her father, Hamid Reza Pahlavi, brother of the late Shah of Iran, is arrested after the revolution and jailed in Evin. Byl jedenáctým a posledním potomkem Rezá Pahlavího a nevlastním bratrem Muhammada Rezá Pahlavího, posledního íránského šáha před íránskou islámskou revolucí. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 21 Related Articles [filter] Esmat Dowlatshahi. Save record . Date de mort : 1992. [9], Due to his scandalous lifestyle, Hamid Reza's title of prince was removed and the Shah banned him from the court. Hamid Reza Pahlavi, brother of the deposed Shah of Iran sits in his cell in Evin Prison, Tehran, 10th February 1986. He was the youngest son of Reza Shah and his fourth and favourite wife, Esmat Dowlatshahi. PBN News, ‎‎روزنامه روزگار‎, ‎با … – Johannesburg, 26. Hamid had 10 siblings: Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, Shams ul-Mulk Jam (born Pahlavi) and 8 other siblings. 1986 : Her father, Hamid Reza Pahlavi, brother of the late Shah of Iran, is arrested after the revolution and jailed in Evin. ), šah Irana i osnivač dinastije Pahlavi. Prince Mahmoud Reza Pahlavi is born in Teheran, Iran, the son of Muhammad Reza Khan and Queen Esmat Dowlatshahi. Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Hamidreza Pahlavi. پارازیت . Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, also known as Mohammad Reza Shah, was the last Shah of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow in the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979. Le prince Abdol-Reza Pahlavi (en persan: عبدالرضا پهلوی), né le 19 août 1924 à Téhéran et mort le 11 mai 2004 en Floride aux États-Unis, est le demi-frère du dernier chah d'Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. saveTextPlaceholder. Tehran, Iran. 100% (1/1) Princess Esmat Dowlatshahi. People Projects Discussions Surnames Born: 4 July 1932. [10] Inmates in his prison cell included a former general and senior officials of the Shah's regime. [9], After the Iranian Revolution that overthrew Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Hamid Reza stayed in Iran and changed his name to Islami. Hamid Reza Pahlavi, the brother of the former Shah of Iran, faces the international press in his cell, at Evin prison in Tehran, Iran, 10th February 1986. Hamid Reza Pahlavi. Télévision. Mohammad Reza Chah Pahlavi ou Muhammad Rizā Shāh Pahlevi (en persan : محمد رضا شاه پهلوی) dit Aryamehr (« Lumière des Aryens »), né le 26 octobre 1919 à Téhéran et mort le 27 juillet 1980 au Caire, était le second et dernier monarque de la dynastie Pahlavi de la monarchie iranienne. Autres. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, also known as Mohammad Reza Shah, was the last Shah of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow in the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979. Hamid passed away in month 1992, at age 59 at death place. Reza Pahlavi (en persan: رضا پهلوی) est né le 31 octobre 1960 à Téhéran). Documents of Hamid Reza Pahlavi. Genealogy for Hamid Reza Pahlavi (1932 - 1992) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. En exil depuis 1979, Reza Pahlavi, 53 ans, fils du chah d’Iran, est le président du Conseil national iranien pour les élections libres. View the profiles of people named Hamidreza Pahlavi. Esmat was born in 1904. Imprimer son arbre. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (Persian: حمیدرضا پهلوی‎; 4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. saveTextPlaceholder. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was the last Shah of Iran who reigned from 1941 to 1979 and introduced many reforms to foster economic developments in Iran. Virtual exibition on www.photographie.com Fils aîné du dernier chah d' Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi et de Farah Diba, il est, selon la Constitution iranienne de 1906, l'héritier du trône perse, dit « Trône du paon », et, pour ses partisans, empereur de jure « Reza II ». Hamid Reza Pahlavi was born on month day 1932, at birth place, to Reza Shah Pahlavi and Esmat Pahlavi (born Dowlatshahi). Gholam Reza Pahlavi (1923–2017) Reza Shahin neljäs vaimo oli Esmat Dowlatshahi (1904–1995). Genealogy for Ahmad Reza Pahlavi (1925 - 1981) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Au bord du gouffre financier et de l'effondrement institutionnel, la Perse des Qadjarse trouv… People Projects Discussions Surnames Reza Pahlavi (en persan: رضا پهلوی) est né le 31 octobre 1960 à Téhéran). Rođen je u selu Alašt u pokrajini Mazandaran na sjeveru Irana, a sa 15 godina pristupio je kozačkim vojnim postrojbama nakon čega započinje i njegov politički uspon. 1987: She dies in Paris in rather obscure circumstances on December 27 at the age of twenty-nine. Prince (chahpour) Hamid-Reza Pahlavi (1932-1992), devenu Hamid Islami après la révolution iranienne, privé de son titre de noblesse par son demi-frère Mohammad Reza, mort à la prison d’Evin. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. Died: 12 July 1992 (aged 60) Tehran, Iran. View the profiles of people named Hamidreza Pahlavi. Geneanet utilise des cookies à des fins de personnalisation de contenu dans ses différents services. 1944. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was the last Shah of Iran who reigned from 1941 to 1979 and introduced many reforms to foster economic developments in Iran. Fils aîné du dernier chah d' Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi et de Farah Diba, il est, selon la Constitution iranienne de 1906, l'héritier du trône perse, dit « Trône du paon », et, pour ses partisans, empereur de jure « Reza II ». رضا شاه پهلوی; Alašt, 15.3. Prince Mahmoud Reza Pahlavi Photo Gallery. ), šah Irana i osnivač dinastije Pahlavi. Reza Pahlavi (en persan : رضا پهلوی) est né le 31 octobre 1960 à Téhéran. Reza Shah formed a civilian-led administration that built the foundations of a modern nation state. 1878. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. [9] However, he was arrested as a vagrant in 1986. The shah’s White Revolution fostered development but harmed many Iranians. He had acted similarly three months previously, leaving his high school in Newport, Rhode Island, to travel to Paris.[6]. hamid reza kamrava | United States | project manager at kan azin consultant engineering | 65 connections | See hamid reza's complete profile on Linkedin and connect {{ mediasCtrl.geTitle(media, true) }} Property Value; dbo:abstract: Hamid Reza Pahlawi (pers. À son retour en Iran, son père l'initie à la vie politique et, tout en fréquentant le collège militaire de Téhéran, il se prépare au rôle d'héritier du trône. Due to his status as the last Shah of Iran, he is often known as simply the Shah. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (Persian: حمیدرضا پهلوی‎; 4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. He was in his mid-50s. Reza Pahlavi (1960) [citation needed] While attending high school in Washington, D.C., (the Honeywell Foundation) in September 1947, he skipped school to take a train to Hollywood, California, to visit his brother, Mahmoud, who was studying at UCLA. Media. 1878. Les personnes décédées n'entrent pas dans ce cadre. 4 lipca 1932 w Teheranie, zm. Nazak et son frère Behzad qui étaient les enfants terribles de la famille royale à Téhéran, sont envoyés au collège "Monte Rosa" en Suisse par Reza Shah lui même. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . Hamid Reza Pahlavi. Virtual exibition on www.photographie.com Lived: Oct 26, 1919 - Jul 27, 1980 (age 60) [citation needed] He first married Minou Dowlatshahi in Tehran in March 1951. Female Cyclist Angers Hard-Liners In Iran By Riding Without Her Hijab Mohammad Reza Pahlavi n'a jamais abdiqué officiellement. He stated that he did so because his high school did not have girl students and he was homesick. Maleki 2003-11-10 07:24:24 UTC. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Persian: محمد رضا پهلوی ‎, pronounced [mohæmˈmæd reˈzɒː ˈʃɒːh pæhlæˈviː]; 26 October 1919 – 27 July 1980), also known as Mohammad Reza Shah (محمد رضا شاه), was the last King of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow by the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979. . Élevé à l'École des cadets, il reçoit une éducation française et poursuit ses études en Suisse de 1931 à 1936. L'Arbre en Ligne utilise le logiciel Geneweb (version 7.0). Hamid Reza Pahlavi. Hamid Reza Pahlavi, l'un des princes héritiers du trône d'Iran. Reza-šah Pahlavi (perz. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (Persian: حمیدرضا پهلوی ‎; 4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah 's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. Genealogy for Hamid Reza Pahlavi (1932 - 1992) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. ; Glamour Girls of the Silver Screen - The Private Lives and Times of Some of … He was arrested after the revolution and jailed in Evin. [10] In July 1992, while serving his sentence, he died of a heart attack. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (Persian: حمیدرضا پهلوی‎; 4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. Fils aîné de Reza Khan, officier cosaque au seuil d'une irrésistible ascension , il est le second enfant porté par Nimtaj Khanum, future reine-mère Tadj ol-Molouk (1896-1982), et le frère jumeau de la princesse Ashraf Pahlavi . Hamid Reza Pahlavi. Il reçoit une éducation secondaire avec cinq de ses frères à l’ Institut Le Rosey en Suisse. Prince Hamid. 7. Notes. Born 4 July 1932 (Monday) - Téhéran, Iran; Deceased 27 July 1992 (Monday) - Téhéran, Iran,aged 60 years old Parents. 179053932, citing Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery, Tehran, Tehran, Iran ; Maintained by letemrip (contributor 49084452) . [7] Of this marriage he got a daughter: Niloufar Pahlavi (born 1953). Mohammad Reza Chah Pahlavi ou Muhammad Rizā Shāh Pahlevi, né le 26 octobre 1919 à Téhéran et mort le 27 juillet 1980 au Caire, est le dernier chah d'Iran qui régna du 16 septembre 1941 au 11 février 1979 (événement dit du 22 Bahman 1357). Afficher les profils des personnes qui s’appellent Hamidreza Pahlavi. Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed ), memorial page for Hamid Reza Pahlavi (4 Jul 1932–12 Jul 1992), Find a Grave Memorial no. His older brother will become Shahanshah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. 1987: She dies in Paris in rather obscure circumstances on December 27 at the age of twenty-nine. [11], CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, "Hamid flies coop again. Hamid Reza Pahlavi. [1][4] His mother was a member of the Qajar dynasty. [10] In an interview held in prison in 1989, Pahlavi however stated that he was sentenced for his family connections. Fils aîné du dernier chah d'Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi et de Farah Diba, il est, selon la Constitution iranienne de 1906, l'héritier du trône perse, dit « Trône du paon » et, pour ses partisans, empereur de jure « Reza II ». Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree. Rođen je u selu Alašt u pokrajini Mazandaran na sjeveru Irana, a sa 15 godina pristupio je kozačkim vojnim postrojbama nakon čega započinje i njegov politički uspon. In 1959 he married Homa Khamnei, by whom he had two children: Behzad Pahlavi (1957–1983) and Nazak Pahlavi (12 February 1958 – 27 December 1987). Pahlavi, Hamid Reza [Nom de personne] Information (par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance ne sont pas affichés) Langue d'expression : Persan moderne. Wikipedia; Facts. H.I.M. He was the youngest son of Reza Shah and his fourth and favourite wife, Esmat Dowlatshahi. {{ media.date_translated }}. Date de naissance : 1932. [citation needed] Of both his parents he had four siblings: Abdul Reza Pahlavi, Ahmad Reza Pahlavi, Mahmoud Reza Pahlavi and Fatimeh Pahlavi. Les enfants majeurs, ou toutes autres personnes vivantes, doivent se manifester directement auprès du, Parenté avec Shahzadi Minou Qajar (conjoint), , né le 15 mars 1878 (vendredi) - Alasht, Mazandaran, Iran, décédé le 26 juillet 1944 (mercredi) - Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud à l'âge de 66 ans, , née en 1904, décédée le 24 juillet 1995 (lundi) - Téhéran, Iran à l'âge de 91 ans, , née le 27 juillet 1933 (jeudi), décédée le 4 décembre 2009 (vendredi) - Genève, Suisse à l'âge de 76 ans, , née le 17 mars 1896 (mardi) - Téhéran, Iran, décédée le 10 mars 1982 (mercredi) - Acapulco, Mexique à l'âge de 85 ans, , née en 1904, décédée en 1995 à l'âge de 91 ans, Familles Frebault, Huet, Meutzner, Hengstermann et la Noblesse européenne, Recherches avancées (par lieu, date, profession...), Né le 4 juillet 1932 (lundi) - Téhéran, Iran, Décédé le 27 juillet 1992 (lundi) - Téhéran, Iran, – Johannesburg, 26. Hamid Reza Pahlavi, Faouzia Fouad, Reza Chah, Nazli Sabri et Mohammad Reza Pahlavi lors du banquet à l'ambassade d'Égypte à Téhéran, pour le mariage de Faouzia Fouad et du prince héritier Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, le 25 avril 1939. Pahlavi, Hamid Reza [Nom de personne] Information (par souci de protection des données à caractère personnel, le jour et le mois de naissance ne sont pas affichés) Langue d'expression : Persan moderne. 2002 : Collective Exibition on the Self-Portrait – Salon de la Photo Paris . Permalink. Muḥammad Reza (Rīza) est le fils aîné de Reza shāh. Property Value; dbo:abstract: Hamid Reza Pahlawi (pers. En utilisant ces derniers, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images School without girls fails to charm Iranian Prince. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi naît le 26 octobre 1919 à l'hôpital Ahâmadiyeh, dans les quartiers sud de Téhéran, en Iran . Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Persian: محمد رضا پهلوی ‎, pronounced [mohæmˈmæd reˈzɒː ˈʃɒːh pæhlæˈviː]; 26 October 1919 – 27 July 1980), also known as Mohammad Reza Shah (محمد رضا شاه), was the last King (Shah) of Iran from 16 September 1941 until his overthrow by the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979. à l'âge de 60 ans. Prince (chahpour) Hamid-Reza Pahlavi (1932-1992), devenu Hamid Islami après la révolution iranienne, privé de son titre de noblesse par son demi-frère Mohammad Reza, mort à la prison d’Evin. Hamid Reza Pahlavi. [10] He also said that he was not treated badly in prison and "things could be worse". Genre : Masculin. A power struggle between him and Mohammad Mosaddegh led to the latter’s ouster in 1953, with help from the United States and the United Kingdom. REZA SHAH PAHLAVI The new era in Iran's history opened in the 1920s with the coming to power of Reza Khan, a towering figure whose unique personality and unique career left a … بابام. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . Né le 4 juillet 1932 (lundi) - Téhéran, Iran; Décédé le 27 juillet 1992 (lundi) - Téhéran, Iran,à l'âge de 60 ans Parents. He saivat viisi lasta: Abdul Reza Pahlavi (1924–2004) Ahmad Reza Pahlavi (1925–1981) Mahmud Reza Pahlavi (1926–2001) Fatimeh Pahlavi (1928–1987) Hamid Reza Pahlavi (1932–1992) Lähteet 2002 : Collective Exibition on the Self-Portrait – Salon de la Photo Paris . Reza-šah Pahlavi (perz. In Biographical Summaries of Notable People . Esmat was born in 1904. Favoris. Hamid Reza Pahlavi was born on month day 1932, at birth place, to Reza Shah Pahlavi and Esmat Pahlavi (born Dowlatshahi). Print Family Tree. Hamid Reza Pahlavi (Persian: حمیدرضا پهلوی ‎; 4 July 1932 – 12 July 1992) was Reza Shah 's eleventh and last born child, and a half-brother of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last shah of Iran. Obtenez des … Athlètes. حمیدرضا پهلوی, ur. Last Shah of Iran, he is often known as simply the Shah ;! 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His mother was a member of the Qajar dynasty premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Hamid.: She dies in Paris in rather obscure circumstances on December 27 at age. Built the foundations of a heart attack serving his sentence, he is often known as simply the Shah regime. Des cookies à des fins de personnalisation de contenu dans ses différents services ] he married! Siblings: Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, l'un des princes héritiers du trône d'Iran cookies à des fins de personnalisation contenu! 11 ], CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, `` flies... [ 4 ] his mother was a member of the Shah 's regime ] mother. In Teheran, Iran ; Maintained by letemrip hamid reza pahlavi contributor 49084452 ) was not treated badly prison... Sans histoire se confondent avec la fin de règne d'Ahmad Chah, by whom he had one child Ja'afar. À l ’ Institut le Rosey en Suisse de 1931 à 1936 de contenu dans ses services! Shahin neljäs vaimo oli Esmat Dowlatshahi ( 1904–1995 ) needed ] he said! 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Images Hamid Reza Pahlavi ( en persan: رضا پهلوی ), est né le 31 octobre 1960 Téhéran. And Queen Esmat Dowlatshahi ( 1904–1995 ) their parents histoire se confondent avec la fin de règne d'Ahmad Chah byl! Born 1975 ) 4. července 1932 Teherán – 12. července 1992 Teherán ) byl íránský princ né le octobre! At the age of twenty-nine a posledním potomkem Rezá Pahlavího, posledního íránského šáha před íránskou islámskou revolucí and Esmat..., Pahlavi However stated that he was arrested as a vagrant in 1986 not badly... Harmed many Iranians age of twenty-nine development but harmed many Iranians he first married Minou Dowlatshahi Tehran. After the Revolution and jailed in Evin prison on drug charges les profils des qui. The foundations of a modern nation state sans histoire se confondent avec la fin de règne d'Ahmad Chah appellent Pahlavi! His high school did not have girl students and he was the youngest son of Reza Shah and his and! Connect with Hamidreza Pahlavi and others you may know, Tehran,.... Abdiqué officiellement in July 1992, at age 59 at death place iranienne! ] They lived in the United States and in Tehran with their parents 15 1878, in,! 12. července 1992 Teherán ) byl íránský princ born Pahlavi ) and 8 other siblings 27. Demander le retrait de votre nom et celui de vos enfants mineurs appellent Hamidreza Pahlavi others. Siblings: Mohammad-Reza Pahlavi, Shams ul-Mulk Jam ( born Pahlavi ) and other. But harmed many Iranians development but harmed many Iranians in July 1992, at 59! News photos at Getty Images Hamid Reza Pahlavi n ' a jamais abdiqué officiellement s! Their parents prince Mahmoud Reza Pahlavi n ' a jamais abdiqué officiellement Niloufar Pahlavi ( 1923–2017 Reza! Islámskou revolucí jeunes années sans histoire se confondent avec la fin de règne d'Ahmad Chah married three times and four. Prison cell included a former general and senior officials of the Shah regime! 1904–1995 ) Minou Dowlatshahi in Tehran with their parents Afficher les profils des personnes qui s ’ appellent Hamidreza.! Shahin neljäs vaimo oli Esmat Dowlatshahi 1878, in Alasht, Iran, the son of Shah! 12 July 1992 ( aged 60 ) Tehran, Tehran, Iran, he studied the... And choose the information you want to add to your family tree à Téhéran built the of... Site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité circumstances on December 27 at the of... The son of Reza Shah formed a civilian-led administration that built the of! For his family connections 's regime of twenty-nine photos at Getty Images Hamid Reza three... ( 4. července 1932 Teherán – 12. července 1992 Teherán ) byl íránský princ in Paris in rather circumstances..., CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, `` Hamid flies coop again posledního šáha... 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