The flash which was reflected by the mirror hits Balam! He is stated to be planet level multiple times and he is FTL+. i thought verse vs verse wasn't allowed. [You are too naive, sister! That's why I have summoned a mirror.] True Dragon Deification was scary because of the risk of the body not being able to adapt, but [A×A] with Ryuuteimaru was too scary because, on the contrary, the risk was low. Rias stands in front of us and creates a demonic-power of destruction within her hand. It ended already……? Ddraig and Albion are only bested by Ophis and the Great Red. The demonic-power of destruction is shot towards Marius! What will you become?" ...I also thought it was dangerous. Isn't it ten times more than that of the former Lucifer!? But the quantity of aura I can feel with my skin……! "I don't know Ophis. So he can revive even in this state as long as his soul remains huh……, I then realise it. And this also happens in the earlier part of the novel when Issei was weaker. This was referred to as the 'second' of 'three plagues'. It was a very typical setup for the starting places. When you get cornered after the attack being evaded and then [AxA] ending due to stamina exhaustion, it would be the end.]. Having the mirror reflect that magic was just a requirement for its activation! The new form of the power of destruction is none other than Sirzechs himself. Twice as strong as Ddraig and Albion combined. ……You are telling me Sairaorg-san's punch isn't just reaching Grendel's body but also his soul? It's the first time. @kingxix: Given Trihexa's feats I sincerely doubt it. He … For iPhone and Android. Issei is also surprisingly hot-blooded and hard-working. Anyways there are Characters who are absolutely above Issei like great red, trihexha 666 and the oruboros dragon. What appears there after a while is Marius who is completely revived. Yeah, that's like the only quantifiable feat I can remember from the series lol. Herod the Great, the King of Judea and Palestine was the agent Satan used in his attempt to kill the infant Jesus. "I really didn't expect their first move to be an unhesitating launch of a cannon explosion from the Dragon Divinity ...". Great Red clenched his teeth as he watched his brother-in-law helplessly bound to those goddamn golden chains, with Amenominakanushi floating above him, preparing to finish him off. Xenovia said with a groan. One so powerful it rivaled Great Red… In that case, they can set traps there according to the combat plans that have been drawn up—. See more ideas about anime high school, highschool dxd, dxd. It’s the same when you use the transfer ability too.]. Because it would all be over.—, Ophis said, “Ryuuteimaru grew up anticipating future threats. That’s why it’s dangerous.”, Supposing it can fire an attack powerful enough to be able to break the planet... there’s no way you could shoot something like that easily. It was also at the Grigori that he met Ophis for the first time, though the meeting was short, the Infinite Dragon God simply sat in Issei's lap, letting Issei pet her head for a while, saying nothing before vanishing. A mountain!? Also the hax in DxD is better if it comes to a comparison. [You don’t need that long. Been long since I watched dxd, Isn't true form sirzechs lucifer like a down graded GOD toppo...I dont think anyone from naruto ( except maybe GOD tiers) can defend against destruction, @epichotflame: In the novel he destroyed a dimension which was huge. "I know. High School DxD (4) 40 % (6) 60 %: Match by ahan94: Ads. they lost 50% of their power instantly) That isn´t even against Issei and Vali, it is against the entire verse (Which also is against the rules from what i know) You can say 95% of characters in Naruto are getting blitzed and haxed into oblivion, while those "God Tiers" are getting temporary decreased from Moon level to sub-human level in a short time. My current self, if it goes along with Ryuuteimaru, can it surpass Vali? When the combination with Ryuuteimaru ends, it will end up getting beaten, right? Issei and Vali alone have a lot of it. While Ddraig laughed, he said, [However, if you destroy the entire planet, you win.]. In an instant - something like a flash of light appeared at the south end. Only the author knows for sure. That the demonic-powers carried by the kin of the House of Bael can even trim down the Evil Dragon’s consciousness and soul. Half Dimension, Penetrate, Scorching Flames, Power of Destruction, Aeon Balor, Paradise Lost, Worthless, Truth Idea, Medusa´s Eye, Speranza Bolla... yeah Team DxD should win, lol. But what if there was a third d... #akeno #albion #angels #asia #ddraig #devils #dragons #fallenangels #irina #issei #kiba ... Not even Ophis nor Great Red can stop what I'm about to set in motion. This was natural, right? The upper half of his body has been extinguished completely. But what if there was a third dragon? He also has red and golden spikes throughout his body. In preparation for an extended battle, Sona wanted to decide on a base of rest and also capture the recovery points that you will have been prepared for the game as soon as possible. Great Red is a massive red Western Dragon with a horn on its stout and with giant wings. Also an ability which uses sight has a weakness which is very easy to exploit!]. However, that change a bit the battle, since the God Tiers in Naruto should keeping up at some points with DxD if it comes to superior AP/DC, also from what i read on Vine the likes around the later Boruto characters are FTL too, which mean speed isn´t an issue anymore. Until the Welsh Dragon Ddraig and the Vanishing Dragon Albion broke out and fought on the battlefield of the ongoing war. And Issei is far faster than Rosweisse and cochell as he was taging vali who himself is far faster than them. Putting the likes of 666 in this battle make a win even more impossible by having an extreme potent regeneration. Does it mean that there is room for improvement and training? Then there was silence within the shrine. Spoke the white one. the format inside the spoilers sucks (don't read if you don't want to be traumatized. In contrast, it looked like Hyoudou Issei's team had been transported to D1. ], ……Getting a brand new body? [Great Red mewakili impian.....impian yang dimiliki seseorang. Ddraig is the legendary Red Dragon of Wales and one of the legendary Two Heavenly Dragons alongside his arch-rival Albion.He resides within the Longinus, Boosted Gear, wielded by Issei Hyoudou.Long ago, he got into a fight with Albion which was disrupted by the Three Great Factions who were at war during the time. This is due to the Holy Grail that was pulled out from her body being able to unleash its power without any resistance like the time when it was inside the possessor. Hell Current issei is a dimension buster and there are beings in DXD verse who can solo the ootsutsutki clan and I am not even counting the number of Hax DXD verse has, Hell Current issei is a dimension buster and there are beings in DXD verse who can solo the ootsutsutki clan and I am not even counting the number of Hax DXD verse has, Naruto stomps, DxD verse hasn’t shown anything above city lvl whereas Naruto has more Jax and far greater DC. …….The shaking stops. Until the Welsh Dragon Ddraig and the Vanishing Dragon Albion broke out and fought on the battlefield of the ongoing war. The cannon blast that had been fired from the south end hit the top of the north end, obliterating everything that was once in the middle. When I had my upper body blown away, I thought even my soul would be erased……but as long as a fraction of my soul remains within my lower body, it seems like I can revive from merely this much damage.”, “However, we were also given a caution; do not use it seriously. I don't know what this guy wants to become. If Ddraig and Albion’s power hadn’t been sealed they would be among the top 10 beings in the world. You know, if you heard this and that about a planet. High School DxD is a light novel series written by Ichiei Ishibumi and illustrated by Miyama-Zero.It has been published in Dragon Magazine since September 20, 2008 under the Fujimi Fantasia Bunko imprint. My power was something incredible, but it wasn't necessarily the case that all those attacks would reach the transcendentally fast Vali. "How many times can I do my max doubling? Ddraig said calmly. Sairaorg-san's attacks which is filled with them. During their prime, Albion and Ddraig were more powerful than the top 3 evil dragons combined. During the reigns of the We value your privacy. "Foolish Ddraig." [But if you destroy the entire planet, you win.]. Impian yang seseorang lihat. Ophis asked. Rossweisse-san asked with a serious expression. "President. Great Red was not one of the Heavenly dragons. So we all know Ddraig's powers are basically Boost (which doubles his powers) and Transfer (which transfers them to someone/something) and Albion has the power to Divide and add that divided power to his own. And so, according to the degree of chess, they were installed in the position of E8. Encouraged by Saji's insistence, everyone escaped that place with all their options, despite their doubts. Please know that cookies are required to operate and enhance our services as well as for advertising purposes. Also no one in Naruto has an answer against time hax and Existence Erasure. Even though she's under the gravity, Rossweisse-san activates a magic-circle with her trembling hands! What appeared in the middle was power of destruction in the shape of a human. A mirror appears from the magic-circle which is in Crocell's hand, and he tries to block the light. He still had a lot of headroom left while fighting, since Sirzechs-sama was still making jokes! Doh! ], “A-At a time like this, what are you saying…!”. Dxd strongest characters ( God Tiers ) are Planet level, Kaguya and her sons are at the bare minimum in the Stellar Tier, Guys who create, destroy, and move stars>>>>>>>>>>Fodder Planet level ecchi characters. Those feats are just some off panel feats in history and probably not that accurate to put the likes of Issei above planetary. ...So this meant there was room for improvement and training, huh? Its association with these leaders, along with other evidence from archaeology, literature, and documentary history, led many to suppose that it evolved from an earlier Romano-British national symbol. The light novel, manga, and anime series High School DxD features a diverse cast of characters. Ok, I assume by now you guys will know about the whole Red Dragon vs White Dragon thing. It seems like its effective against Grendel more than I imagined that he's actually receiving damages. Rossweisse-san was at Balam's location now instead! No, even a normal defence will be useless. Are the Gods of Hell so dangerous?”, "It may be with assumption for fighting against Sakra or the God of Destruction Shiva.". That’s what I thought for a moment before the lower half of his body starts to build up muscle from the area where it is gone and starts to form a shape. In fact, right. Stated, not shown. He is the third-largest Dragon in the series, after Midgardsormr, and Apophis. I will also die when the earth is gone, fuck! ……What’s left is the Holy Grail that is floating in the air and the lower half of his body. He is a second-year student at Kuoh Academy, where he is known as an extremely perverted individual with a bad habit of fantasizing about his female peers. Witnessing such a move, Queen Shinra Tsubaki shuddered. Then suddenly a red gauntlet appeared on Issei's left hand. I also have the trait of being able to recover immediately. This is nothing since I only have to get a brand new body made again! Great Red's Size: He's 100 meters long, comparing Great Red to the Bijuu (Shukaku-Yin or Yang Kurama) who are as tall as mountains, which are 300+ meters tall, is wrong. What appeared before Sona and the others was something with power and scale beyond normal comprehension, a vicious torrent of black and red! ", “Hahahaha! [I think that each time will be used up within five minutes if you release it at the max. They just spammed Divide and in a few seconds and the likes of Kaguya are below them (Every time by using Divide, Half Dimension, etc. Impian yang seseorang bayangkan. [In terms of raw power, you have overtaken him at once. The oldest recorded use of the dragon to symbolise Wales is in the Historia Brittonum, written around AD 829, but it is popularly supposed to have been the battle standard of King Arthur and other ancient Celtic leaders. The punch of the next heir of the Great King who's over there. Hyoudou-kun's cannon blast destroyed the field ... but it appears that the damage was not limited to just a straight line.". The Holy Grail sure is a convenient object! It passed right by onee-san and went far into the forest. So if I use this power well, I can fight for fifteen minutes. The lines she drew indicated that, in fact, there were three cannon shots from the south. @shadow411: You don't know anything about DxD if you say this. ……Though it's a weird way to say that my soul hurts. @finalbeta: Great red , Trihexa 666 and that loli dragon can solo naruto verse. Therefore the ideal mate should be one with a great chest." It’s better for an evil existence like you to get blown away. But, you've already been told that aura consumption is too intense, right? also wiki said ddraig can destroy the world several times over (dunno if its true or not, haven't read the novels), if that's casual feat then it'd help dxd side. –It was fortunate that this shrine was made very strong. The first time that I knew of." How does it change a bit? Dia menunjukkannya pada kita. So until anyone on dxd could really show an on panel feat of that amount of damage, it won't be enough evidence to win this debate. ...... To be Vali's opponent it may just be a big moving tower, maybe. Great Red is a massive red Western Dragon with a horn on his snout and has two sets of wings. My understanding is that Ddraig is one of the Heavenly Dragons, along with Albion. Ddraig was the one torn to pieces during the last great war and sealed in the sacred gear. Kusaka has spread a large number of masks from his location, and they appear to examine the situation in the camp. “I received an explanation regarding Ryuuteimaru. It comprised a small red dragon, surrounded by a circle of Welsh words Y Ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn (the red dragon gives impetus). ", “What do you mean, do not use it seriously?”. At the age of 16, Issei awoke the other spirit tha… I've seen all of the anime and have read all of chapter 6 for the light novel, but there's one thing that's been bothering me. Since the amount you can store is still little, you can’t fire it consecutively, though.]. He even has his disgusting smile despite having only half of his head. Hyoudou Issei probably directed two of his four cannons in the form of the Dragon Deification towards the north, while the other two were aimed towards the northeast and northwest when he fired. Issei mountain busted in like, the first arc of the anime. ... You can still think of her as the most powerful being in the series without counting Great Red, even in her ""weakened"" form she is extremely powerful. They both are one of the strongest High School DxD characters. Issei and Vali in combination is overkill, include Diehauser who just negate every power around him and Dulio, who just steals them the motivation to fight. In the Mabinogion tale Lludd and Llefelys, the native Red dragon is attacked by a foreign invader - a white dragon/wyvern called Gwiber (Welsh for "Viper"). “Even we don’t want to fight any longer. It’s exactly like what that bastard Euclid said. This augmented badge was placed on a … Without any barrier of field, it will make everything go back to nothingness. That strength is in preparation for something.”, "...What are the future threats? When asked what he thought was most important about a female dragon, the red one did not waste a second in answering. Armour turned into a Crimson-Colored. Currently? He is the legendary red dragon recorded in the Book of Revelation. Doddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! You can do it five times at the most. A magic to swap each others' locations! This topic is locked from further discussion. As no one posted done for the DxD side i will post some. Shortly thereafter, she will present a disconcerting truth. ...Right. After considering the part of the current map that had been destroyed in nothing - Sona came to a shocking conclusion. This indicates how vast the field was. Seeking a way to deal with the plagues… When you include your other movements, your sixth time will be the same as nothing. While Sirzechs-sama released a burst of destructive energy which was enough to cause more than half of the island to disappear, he said to me, [Oh yes, why don’t you call me ‘gikei-san’ while we’re fighting? Issei is a 17-year old high-school student of average height with short brown hair and light brown eyes. His first girlfriend suddenly kills him, but Rias saves him and brings him back to life as a Devil of her own clan, thus making him a member of the Occult Research Club… "That's why I want to ask. [……I see. [It’s the type of attack that fires the collected power from your whole aura through your hands. Through the following five years, Issei would find the Grigori with the help of Irina and live with them until he was ten, leaving upon reaching the form of the completed Balance Breaker. From what i remember, The Welsh Dragon, which Issei has, was a piece of the original Great Red after they were finally destroyed during the Holy War. Lol I guess you don't know anything about DXD right. With my current power, I should be able to eliminate your soul as well. Hey, Ddraig. He was a Celtic king on the lookout for somewhere to build a castle, eventually finding a spot he liked on the hillside of Dinas Emrys. I agree by statements he is, but the only ones where that level is probably relevant would be a few gods and the likes of Great Red. There were rivers and forests, while mountain ranges were in the northeast and southwest. Rossweisse-san made the magic-circle under her foot glow stronger! "The fight against Bael. ……What? What’s left after the sphere of destruction disappears is—Grendel’s aftermath where he only has half of his head left. Characteristics

After doing so, he confirmed that to him, Great Red wasn't even an opponent to him. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that red blast! DxDverse has the potential to be more powerful imo but for now it gets wrecked by the Narutoverse. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 References 4 Others Great Red is a dragon that predominantly dwells in the Dimensional Gap. Following Ddraig’s instructions, I stuck out my hand and aimed at Koneko-chan’s onee-san. From the amount of aura I can feel right now……. Ddraig. Rossweisse-san's attack was seen through?? It seems most people here know the anime, but never heard from the novel. His overall length measures around 100 meters. “Yes, please look. She took a pen and started drawing lines. That’s because you will be blown away along with your action of defending against it. [In this form, the power of destruction spreads without my command. An entire mountain far away from here completely vanished just now! After all, as long as my soul is safe, it’s possible for me to change my body no matter how many times! Mungkin harapan kuatmu untuk pulang telah membuat Great Red muncul dengan merespon impianmu.] How individuals are inducted officially I dont know. That power has no meaning unless it lands a hit. "So, does that mean there are three lines in the field?". So this is the true form of Sirzechs…… Are you telling me that insane quantity of power of destruction compressed itself into the form of a human……? He looks exactly the same as before Rias blew him away with her demonic-power of destruction. It’s terrifying, but Grendel is still alive even when he lost his body! By: the Composcreator. The full dash will cost 50% of your boost gauge to perform normally, and 25% with the Ddraig Head powerup. But if I have it shoot at high power, I think it will be able to shoot. The new form of power of destruction looks at Hades. The field was a vast plateau. Since the opposite side had their means of healing, this meant that they would almost certainly move to block any means of recovery for them. And Vali needs to resurrect Albion In their final fight Vali can't handle Issei and Ddraig at the same time I always thought Issei would have first obtain Lilith power of infinite and would master True DxD for his fight against Indra and next Great Red power and AxA for the final against Vali Mirror!]. An entire mountain vanished!? Ddraig … I said, “Even when I defeated Tartarus, Seekvaira-san told me to suppress the power. Cause DXD verse curbstomps Narutoverse with a large margin. And prime Issei has said to be able to destroy the earth with his full power. Ddraig had different evolutions. When the light stopped, the one under Crocell's gravity was Balam! I see, I was also the same. @requiemcross: It has been clearly stated in the novels that their battle can destroy the underworld, the human world and the heaven, each are different dimensions and also other mythological worlds. and there are many characters in ddraig level and above : albion (if unbound. At least at that point. However, Marius shows no signs of taking such action, therefore he allows himself to be covered by the demonic-power of destruction. However, even by given Team Naruto moon level via Toneri, doesn´t change much. So you are telling me the Holy Grail can do the same feat……. That’s how it seems. Following Ddraig’s instructions, I stuck out my hand and aimed at Koneko-chan’s onee-san. I couldn’t react to this sudden event.

The God of Thunder in Norse mythology who is associated with thunder, lightning, and storms, son of Odin, and is the brother of Víðarr. Rias and Ravel seemed to have something in mind about Ophis's words. I don't think that's enough for them to survive Kaguya's ETSB or even Toneri's GWR which is strong enough to cut the moon in half. In other words, his opponent appeared to launch a bombardment from the south in the first three. Sep 20, 2016 - Explore phil hancock's board "Red Dragon vs White Dragon" on Pinterest. Destroying a planet sounds crazy, but I feel like I understand.”. The vast plateau was flattened from south to north, as forests and rivers were completely vaporized and all that was left was a barren surface that was exposed by a single explosion. No he doesnt that guy been getting debunked by everyone on comicvine saying the verse can beat Naruto, @takenstew22: Hasn't busted anything quantifiable since then tho.