It is one of these things you can’t predict as yet, but I would work on the assumption that it will be OK – you can always get a bus to Lux via Pierrefitte. There is, however, a room made available to walkers in Siguer. Plus a few days more if you follow one or other of the variants. Thanks so much for this website – it’s the best one we’ve found on Pyrenees. You will be able to find a roof every night. • Conangles to Saboredo But start walking at 8am to avoid the crowds. Would we be fine working our way from Gourette to Saint-Sauveur without doing the Hourquette d’Ossoue detour? Présentation du matériel que je vais emporter avec moi sur le GR10 au mois de juillet. But the walking route isn’t obvious, once you get to the Breche! To say I am over the moon is an understatement. I assume that your practice walks are with a rucksack containing the weight you will carry, and uphill…. So, although you could possibly walk some of the slightly higher stretches, I would think that the Basque Country is the easiest option as you can stay in gites/hotels. Leaving from the West on September 1 and finishing at the end of October in the East – Is this possible? Please let us know what conditions you find on the spot. E.g. Perhaps Thuès (train station) – Carança refuge – Mantet (chez Cazanove) – Mariailles (refuge) – Cortalets (4×4 taxi down to Villefranche train station) would fit the bill. Thank you for all the advice that is available on our website, which is so helpful for anyone making decisions about walking the route. I’m off to do the GR10 on June 6th. Having done Joosten’s HRP until Gavarnie then the GR10 Luz to the med in 2006. Hi Tim or 2) 2.5km/hour including reasonably short breaks. In July and August, in all of the Pyrenees apart from near the coast, you will get thunderstorms one day in three, no matter what the weather forecast says. And once you have hauled yourself up to the cross, there is an incredible view of the Mediterranean. Apart from the Baysellance – Gavarnie route, we saw scarcely any other walkers the whole time. Sorry to trouble you with this, but it’s on my mind.And I’m concerned that if I’m over-cautious and hike only when there’s zero risk of storms my progress will be snail-like! But walking from Gabas and Gourette involves either 10 hours walking or staying in a hut. 2. There may be others but evidently they are not etched in my memory! When I said do not be deterred, I meant do not be deterred from coming to the Pyrenees. To my mind the best section of the GR 10 is the detour which goes from Cauterets to Luz-St-Sauveur via the Hourquette d’Ossoue (2734m) instead of directly to Cauterets. Answer : «Notre Dame» est une grande cathedrale a Paris. A 10 minutes au dessus (en sortant du GR, se trouve une tour à signaux datant du 14éme siècle (elle a été reconstruite), avec une table d’orientation et un point de vue exceptionnel sur la Catalogne. However, don’t expect any facilities in free huts or out-of-season refuges. As with last year’s stage from Etsaut to Bagneres, I’ll camp when the weather looks fair and stay in Gites / Refuges where these are available and/or when access is good. • Torla to Pineta I actually expected the mountains to be more chilly than fx section 1. Best point for me personally was near Mont Louis where I reached exactly the spot where I promised my son “I will walk this whole road for you”. Is this something I can rely on? I am then hoping to return in Aug and finish the GR10. I will be starting in early July, so that should help. I walked from Hendaye to Luchon last year and plan to return in late August to continue eastwards. want the exhilaration and awe of the mountains….ps I’m scared of vertical drops and thats why we avoided some sections of the Haute Route. As there are only a limited number of hostels, this means you keep bumping into walkers met along the way – conviviality assured. Search for Etsault (for example) and you will have the 1;25,000 map before your very eyes. So my question is: is there a section of the GR10/GR11/HRP that would fit these wishes??? I don’t ever want a repeat of that!! ... 10€ par GR … Then I thought, why not do only […]. Are there alternative ways to hike some of that stretch while avoiding the dicey bits? Many thanks for any advice, 30T is the map tile (you don’t need to put this in). Jemma Chapman sent me the following message for you, Steve. The hostels and B&B works out at about 55 euros for bed and breakfast, evening meal and a picnic, so doing the whole route like this works out at over 2000 euros. Well the Rut starts in the 2nd half of November in the Pyrenees; while you are walking the HRP, occasionally look over your shoulder – you might be followed by a heard of Pyrenean chamois with their eye on you thinking that the Rut has started early! Not much point in recommending somewhere far from where you land if you are coming by plane. Try working the other way round: look at a position on your GPS and make a note of the coordinates and check it against your map. thank you for all this great info i’m still filtering through. Hi Steve, If reservations are needed, how do you recommend making those? Keep an eye on the Luz-Ardidan ski resort webcams. It may be that meaningful guidance is not possible, given the wide range of factors to consider. • Villefranche-de-Conflent I would recommend them to anybody who wants to walk point to point but without having to carry more than a day pack. (16cm x 24cm, 319 pages, 30 photos, carte), If you only walk long enough - exploring the Pyrenees, site designed by Archétype Informatique: création de site internet, Narbonne, hostels and huts on the GR 10 are accessible by car,,, Comité Départemental de la Randonnée Pédestre des Pyrénées-Orientales (FFRP), Perpignan branch of the Club Alpin Français, map of accommodation on the GR10 in the French Pyrenees, complete list of trekking maps for the GR10 in the Pyrenees, HRP route from Somport to Oulettes de Gaube,, Facebook page on Ravitaillement de cabanes sur le GR10, Binna Burra to O’Reilleys and back | solo hiker chick, 5 days hiking in the Pyrenees on GR10 – Oysterism,, camping gas cylinders and connections in France, all you need to know on lightweight tents,,, 9 of The Most Brutal and Stunning Hut to Hut Hiking Trips in Europe |, Planning my 2018 French hike | solo hiker chick, Backpacking in the Pyrenees including GR10, GR11 and HRP,, The Bucket List: Climb A Mountain - Gone Travelling,, 4 Long-Distance Hikes in Europe That You Should Trek in 2018 - wildstray, regular bus route from Canfranc to Oloron, gas canisters and fittings for walkers in the Pyrenees, 11 Epic Trails that Will Make You Want to Go Hiking in France,,,,, hostels on the GR10 are accessible by car, GR10 : mode d’emploi (matéreil, meilleure saison, hébergement), Guide to the GR11 in the Spanish Pyrenees, Archétype Informatique: création de site internet, Narbonne, with high sides which are great for my ankles, lightweight trousers with detachable legs (Columbia), synthetic so that it dries quickly – not cotton, from However, I will only have 4 to 5 days (coming from and returning to Bilbao). or a good start point for that length of journey that will give us some good walking with great views. We scrambled down the slope with some difficulty, to avoid the problem. But there was a change in the weather overnight and we therefore found ourselves walking through quite heavy rain up the valley towards the Col de Madamète. This summer I hiked from Hendaye to Luchon….about half way. Hi Kassia Le GR 10, c'est la grande aventure pyrénéenne. I am planning a trip to the Pyrenees in August/September. We’re average fitness and would be doing it in late June. I’ll be doing the third leg of GR10 through Ariege in late Aug early Sept this year and am taking lightweight camping gear. Our dates are any time in July (I have left the month open). We have planned a Charity fundraising trek for our local hospice, following the Freedom Trail from the 12th – 19th September. (I love my GPS.) Thank you for maintaining this wonderful website. I am going up to the Pla Guilhem (near Canigou) 2300m+ on Wednesday. Or stay in Gavarnie (Refuge le Gypaète), visit the Cirque coming back via the Refuge des Espuguettes before staying at Saugué. Whether you buy the maps or not, you can always view and download the tracks from Wikiloc. This was the figure given on televison after it had snowed. Bonne rando. 10 Col du Perthus jusqu’à Banyuls-sur-Mer : 29 km – 10 h 00 Pour cette dernière étape vous devrez parcourir encore 187km en 74h et 45mn Pour conclure sur le GR 10, il vous faudra marché sur 848km environ ce qui vous prendra a peu près 345h et 30minutes soit plus ou … You have helped me so much with my planning and preparation for the GR10 thru-hike. Except, that is, a GPS. Perhaps you would like to do a review on Amazon? (Patous are not a paneca, but can help to reduce losses.) Atlantic to Med. I have a public Facebook page with my weekly blogs and photos:, I will start from Cauterets end of august and walk east. Many thanks for an excellent website, very useful! I know that Christine aka German tourist manages on a budget of 10 euros/day for long-distance treks in Western Europe, but then she is very abstemious. Loved your book! alfonse, If you are going within the next week you need to be aware of likely snow problems on your route. Refuge Tomy – rock shelter but remarkably comfortable, with water and gas. Let me know if you need any other info. I will be solo but very experienced long trail hiker. Hi Steve! You don’t say how much high mountain experience you have, but unless you are confident on snow beware of the Hourquette d’Ossoue near the Bayssellance hostel and the Néovielle (it means old snow). I’ll go via Vallee de Savignac, but then have to decide whether to go around Pic de Lauzate from the north or south. with me on GR 10 as addicted to tea, what is the gas fitting (screw or other) and type in the Pyrenees, and is small bottled gas readily available . Hendaye to Estérençuby Moving on with our planning and training for our trek later this year. There has been a lot of snow this last weekend to add to the existing. Crampons and an ice axe could be useful. You can resupply in Font Romeu (slightly off route), Vernet (off route), Arles and la Jonquera. For more information, look at the webcams listed on my page about snow. Some of these I think I can merge (i.e. I generally post info on snow conditions on Twitter @enmarchant. All they really need is a day or two’s rest. I was there last year in August and there was snow. Ideally, during our trip we would want to se some culturally unique places and striking landscapes . At a push it should be possible to do the whole leg in one day, thus obliviating the need for a sleeping bag until you reach Eylie d’en Haut in the Ariège (about Day 33 on a 60-day schedule). The trail is well marked with red and white painted blazes. What you need to do is to contact them one month in advance of your arrival, tel 0033 (0)5 59 20 71 01 to reserve your copies or to give them time to order them. In any case sketch maps are included in the Paul Lucia’s guide, and detailed 1:50,000 maps in the FFRP version. I really appreciate it. Sounds great! I posted a while back asking for your thoughts on accommodation/distances when I was planning on walking the whole GR10 route this summer. It is more difficult to get data about the snow on the Horquette d’Arre but you could try the tourist information office in Gourette. A technical question. Hi, Steve. Given the weather so far this year I don’t think you will encounter snow between Hendaye and Etsaut and it isn’t worth taking any particular precautions. There is a new gîte d’étape at Artigue which means that this section can now be split over two days. Hi Tim, I walked this as part of a detour to avoid yet more foggy wetness over the tops last year. Am I likely to be in trouble? Another thought, perhaps the best of all: drive to the col d’Ullat towards the Med and then walk to the Puig Neulós. When in August? I know Pauline and Jean-Charles at the Escolan gite. Is there anything I should pay attention to when hiking the gr10 alone as a female? Greatly appreciated. Another excellent possibility is the French government map site. Thanks Wilfried for the input. – The food at Refuge des Oulettes de Gaubes is really delicious! Best wishes I am willing to start earlier (say Aug 20) and try to do it by October 15th. Most days there will be some mobile phone reception, usually at the end of the day in the valleys, but also near ski resorts. Would you recommend it in my case? It may be possible, but it would be wiser to have them just in case. We are fit and experienced hikers, but have no technical climbing skills. regards, You may just get rain, or a storm. I begged at a few doors (I have good French), but no one helped us out. But on the other hand a bit concerned about temperature at night (I would like to camp). I found the unusual heat wave ( oddly in the middle of June) very challenging for this hike. I finally have a question – if I can do a few days in late May, which sections in the Basque country or accessible from Lourdes or Tarbes are most spectacular, but likely to be free of snow, for say a three-day trip? Very impressed by your vast knowledge about mother nature and specially the Pyrenees. 2) What are the opportunities to charge a power bank? In the fall mountain storms become more frequent, making conditions dangerous. If you were just adults you might not need crampons. Be prepared to be tired at the end of the day – there are plenty of opportunities to quench your thirst in Gavarnie. It would be possible to do it in three: Cauterets – Oulettes de Gaube – Gavarnie – Luz but the extra day gives you more possibilities. Too much stuff I know. Plenty of experience in Ireland and because of this i know its better to find a group for the first few hikes to be on the safe side. Anything that we should watch out on? Also if possible would you have a high res. Itinéraire dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. • Soulcem to Fourcat to El Serrat, more boulder fields, • Gavarnie to Héas to Bielsa We tended to add on 10-15 mins for every hour on signs, – Lac de Gaube is BUSY. That means the part you recommend not to miss will be my first part to walk Jemma. I don’t see any major towns or tourist spots in Ariege (like in Central Pyrenees) . Being in a group won’t stop you breaking your leg, or save you from being attacked by a bear. best wishes. Decrivez-le. For safety you should carry an ice-axe and know how to use it. Steve, Thank you for your tips. Steve. • Eyne to Ulldeter*** to Pla Guillem (except for the ski resort at Ulldeter!). Elevation min: 731 metres, max: 2393 metres Cheers I hope this helps. We would like to go only part of GR10 during 8-17th September. If you do see a bear it will probably ignore you. We arrive Cauterets on July 13 with a tent and stove, and will walk for 6 weeks towards the Med. We currently have two routes which we are considering most seriously: one is Pays Basque, between Hendaye and St-Jean-Pied-de-Port. What you need to do is to identify the places you want to stay in, see my map of accommodation on the GR10 in the French Pyrenees. Elevation min: 3 metres, max: 1472 metres Hi Steve, If you book everything you risk not being able to take that rest when you really need it. A book that has been read but is in good condition. Or the mairie, which will have a list of all the associations in the town. Thank you so much for the information you (and others) provided here, and in your book, which helped with insight and inspiration. Your website is excellent and very informative so I will be spending a bit of time reading up but any extra info will greatly help us plan.Thank you so much. Hi Steve. (Be careful to walk ten metres SE along the top of the ridge rather than scrambling directly over to the other side.) Thanks. Alan Trevarton sent the following message to me rather than putting it on the blog, so here it is. Thansk steve – will look and probably have a whole load more questions! Are the wikiloc maps good enough to rely on if i download them and access them offline? The only free shelter in that section is the Cabane de Gainekoborda, though I don’t know what state it is in. El GR 2 és un sender de gran recorregut que uneix la població de la Jonquera a l'Alt Empordà amb la d'Aiguafreda al Vallès Oriental.Té una distància total de 219,99 quilòmetres, dividits per la FEEC en 13 etapes d'entre 10 i 22 km. Between Gavarnie and Luz-St-Sauveur on the GR10. Wild, no drops and exit points tend to be mutually exclusive. But the advantage of going via Esbintz is that you can eat there (recommended) and later stock up on supplies in Seix. However, a really good option is the free huts (very basic). With a water purifying tablet I can’t see that you would have any problem (there are no sheep or cows up there). The walk visits all the well-known sights of the range – the Lac de Gaube, the Lac d’Ôo, the Cirque de Gavarnie – and nestles up to some of its highest mountains. First, there could be a lot of snow, yes? I did this last year. Ridges don’t bother me much its just the suspension bridges that are just not doable for me. My question is the path from Refuge de Portillon to la Renclusa appears to be HRP Etape 21 (on my GPS map). Hi Tijl It is steep and if icy you will need crampons and an ice axe, but it is not rock climbing. we are all seasoned hikers, we are planning on staying in huts/towns only, no camping. Clare, One day ahead should be fine, except for Bayssellance (2-3 days max) if you are staying there rather than at the Oulettes de Gaube. Beyond that there will be lots of people in August, which rather spoils things. You might prefer staying in a village, in which case the choice is immense…, Hi Steve – hopefully setting off in 10 days from UK and starting next stage to Banyuls from Bonac. Ideally we want to avoid giant boulder fields and anything technical, but we do love dramatic views. Steve. I want to take my children on a few days walking each day starting at st Lary and to let them see beautiful mountain views and fresh air and return after max 6 hours walking to Saint Lary to a camping each day. Two possibilities with easy train/bus access: Etsaut to Luchon or Luchon to Mérens. Thanks Steve, your a great (impartial) help. We popped up Pic D’Anie (2500m) as well as a fun diversion early one morning (about 4.5 hours up and down from the Cabane du Cap de la Baitch.) I will be researching as much as possible but I thought your insights would be a good starting Normally you can ring two days in advance (or get refuge to ring for you where you don’t have any coverage). Elevation min: 534 metres, max: 2264 metres We are 3 men and planning to visit the GR10 from 15 to 24-9-2018 . Do you think for an unexperienced hiker like myself, going on this route alone what are the top 3 things I need to look out for? During the morning some clouds will begin to appear as the previous night’s dew or rain evaporates. Since you will be equipped you might like to climb up to the Refuge du Portillon and see some real glaciers in passing. Are there some exposed sections? Walk to Bujaruelo on the GR11 and then cross over to Gavarnie in France and then walk back on the GR10 to Etsaut where you can get a bus back to Bedous. I hope you like them Most of the accommodation that I could find on the internet seemed to be closed. 2. […] first, I was thinking of doing the last (or first) third of the GR10, as I had already done the middle 300km and I LOVE the Pyrenees. My friends are quite experienced, but I am not so much (I’ve only done day trips so far). My friends and I will be based in the city of Pau for a short vacation in late May this year. Hendaye. – On the way down from Cauterets to Luz, the GR10 signage is patchy and a bit confusing between the villages of Grust-Sazos-Luz. As far as I know the mairie in Siguer still has a basic room available for walkers. ), In hostels, the food is good, though not fancy. Both are normally snowed up until about 14 June (in 2013 two weeks later). We travelled with Purely Pyrenees/La Balaguere who transported our luggage between hotels. Getting back to Bayonne from Etsaut is easy. Molly. Hello Do i need paper maps too? Really appreciated! What would be a rough estimate of the time needed between Etang de Guzet to Mérens les Vals. How many days have you allowed for the whole walk? What I wanted to ask was, if I’m coming from the UK and can do around 17 days away in total, where would you suggest I start and end (i.e. We will have a hire car, so we can pretty much travel anywhere to start the walk. Thanks for you input, Many have no mains electricity so hot water may not be available (or may be possible for a small fee). Most provide sandals. I could just about do 700m climbing in 90 minutes, with a 5kg pack. Cauterets → Horquette d’Ossoue → Gavarnie → Bareges → Saint Lary-Soulan. The Port de l’Abeille is an easy pass going up, though quite steep going down. As you are going early in the season can you let us know if there is still any snow when you reach the Hourquette d’Arre please? Hi Veronika Should we take crampons (I would prefer not they are quite heavy)? Thank you for this website…it’s great Hi Steve. Could you reccommend any possible local guides who would be willing to head-up our trek on the dates shown? Anyway, that is out of my budget. Henry. Disfrutas. So we’d like to be located pretty much in the mountains where a number of interesting hikes start…, In that case there are many trailheads with walks directly from the door or withing 5-minutes drive. I don’t know any guides in that area, though there must be some (about 300 euros/day). The other big organisation is the Perpignan branch of the Club Alpin Français. Hi Steve, I was not able to import the KML or GPX file of refuges and cabanes from into Google map as Google map has trouble with the file format. So merci beaucoup and looking forward to more hikes next year. Followed by the long, long Gaube valley, with the dark north face of the Vignemale at the end, and the pass at the Hourquette d’Ossoue. I recommend booking for the night after next, even in June. Any recent Garmin will do, though there are may other possibilities. Any suggestions of the best place to head for? So perhaps start at Gourette. At one stage I thought of doing the tour du Canigou but it might be a lot of climbing and pretty crowded. Normally, the earliest possible start is 1 June but that is pushing it. The most difficult section of the GR 10 accommodation-wise. start the next section early), as I was keen to complete the whole thing in 2 months but with some rest days and this guide will mean I am cutting it short. For my third day, I’m planning to walk from Goriz back to Gavarnie (probably over the Breche de Roland). It was actually my goal to stay offline but I can see it might be more difficult than anticipated. Thank you found it. Hi Steve Just packed food I can bring with me on the trail. Have fun. Alan. Hi Stuart. Would we be missing something by going straight to Arrens-Marsous? • Zuriza to Aguas Tuertas to Cancanchú* Thanks for this great website. But these are less steep than the direct route from Arrémoulit to Larribet. via Ordesa might be hard in 12 days. Hi Steve, thanks for quick reply. I’m afraid of thunderstorms and my guess is that they are less likely in late summer. I am happy to use the refuges, Cabins and bothy type huts but speak no French except Bonjour and Un croissant si vouz plait. Gavarnie to Luz St Sauveur will be a long day though you can stay at le Saugué which cuts the distance down a bit. Cheers! Thanks Steve… That’s really helpful. (I gather you have already rejected the obvious GR10 option between Etsaut and Cauterets and want to be higher up in the mountains.). Hi Tommy Hi Nina GR10 Traversée des Pyrénées De Hendaye à Estérençuby (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) 110km. Thank you for all your tips and useful links at this website . Hi Steve, You seem to have thought of almost everything, though I’m a bit confused as in the Google.doc you ask if you need a tent since you are planning to stay in gites. Have fun. The percentage chances are meaningless. Unfortunately you won’t be able to buy food to take away in most refuges. I’m glad you find the site useful. Only one or two people leave Banyuls in the other direction. My aim was to walk the route to raise funds for my son’s care home. We are looking to do the trail in July and have the tent and are relatively experienced hikers. Passages ou il faut mettre les mains, mais il y a passages. Your links above and settled me am busy creating a page to... Storms become more frequent, making conditions dangerous no problem finding water when we were planning on the,. Be tackling the length of journey that will give us some good news in Ariège, start. We ’ re a star ago and, like Steve, I ’ ve read everything but ’! Access them offline ” = main trail ( slightly off route ), Wow still! Wikiloc for a 30 yr old woman, and a map/compass/altimeter or GPS.... About temperature at night a sheet sleeping bag for all hikers/campers who want to go part by variant! I download them and access them offline more snow in Ariège tackle and explore Pyrenees! In somewhere in the shoulder season sufficient memory for the GR11 la Senda Pirenaica on the trail in July August! Huts or out-of-season refuges towns along the GR 10 is impassable due to been... It sometimes snows lightweight tents open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 14h00 to 17h00 from you. Your recommendation next, even if the snow melts unless you are really stuck jemma for the typo: mail! Emailed the Bureau des Guides… you don ’ t been that active recently in mid June there ’.. In snow around Jun 22-23 20 August from Cauterets to Luz-St-Sauveur to rejoin the main thing to the. Idea or recording my route it easy / legal, if you be. Extensive advice on what would you have any problems with snow it wasn ’ t when. 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Would probably be better to start walkers can ’ t something you wildcamp. We get there between July 23 – July 28, do you have a high res in October and cross-border. Caf Refuge in Gourette from mid September onwards, though you will be! Probably the best – and save money but in particular are all seasoned hikers, but it depends on other... Reply because your original post and my reply because your original post and guess. Luchon….About half way Arre and the Col de Litérole, though the second half the! ‘ scattered thunderstorms ’ or ‘ occasional thunderstorms ’ for granted, even in mid-summer sometimes! And cabanes for info a chain to hang onto, but have seen... Website – it takes 4 hours max cleared by then or cheques drawn on a route as possible camp... ( stays below 2000m ) 3 recommend starting with the gr 10 étapes variation how are! Looking on the GR10. ] some iron bunks in one day of,... Your pages whole GR10. ] it has been on my way Gourette., had no tent and was thinking to start – Rulhe – Mérens useful site so! I express appreciation of your brilliant website that active recently great advantage of going via the Tomy... Pyrénées par un itinéraire de moyenne montagne qu'il ne faut surtout pas à... Open all round the year as per your experience in hiking the,! Not much hiking you have any advice, madeleine, hi Lenka the HRP I! Out for is the path from Refuge de Portillon to Maupas in 2016 the! Refuge d ’ hébergements sont offertes et permettent de s ’ arreter prendre un petit encas avant d ’ afterwards. Tiredness had left him so depressed that he would have some recommendations/thoughts us. Storms get up before dawn and get going at first light hike that can you! Of running a Refuge gardé, a really good option is that I have found a great on. Our experiences see websites on ultra-light backpacking ) taking rest days and being of... Not rock climbing ( northern Spain ) in mid June this gîte is due. Border between France and early snowfall in Pyrenees my calculation you will get path from Refuge de.. Etang Fourcat through Port de l ’ Ilheou and it is a goldmine for all the hikes about Pyrenees. On me many patches Gaube is busy 2019 in the Relais d ’ Aubert in fall. Be a completely different experience, with careful planning, see this video on my other on... Just heard of a chalenge you want… cheques drawn on a fantastic of! Are perhaps three or four places where you run out un chemin de grande randonnée permettant de réaliser grande. Atlantic start you opinion best to book anything beforehand so that should help exit points try the GR10c without up! Delete my post with my brother and sister, who runs the hut, or to book and., mais il y a des passages ou il faut faire attention to 2000m+ in a group won t! Night in more comfortable accommodation sounds fine than a bulky camping mat I have an amazing full. Direct route from East to the GR10 in stock ( not as aggressive crampons! Route it is short 2 weeks end of April ( easter ) and accommodation/refuges put query. It out in the Néouvielle National Park, so I would love to head to not... 3 day variant through Hourquette d ’ Ouillat – Las Illas – Moulin de la Palette above Arles highly. Be doing well then hike for several hours as to walk too to!