Luckily, Gohan comes around and joins the battle against Broly. When Shenron did not appear, Goten leaves the cave and sees Trunks being beaten to a pulp by Broly. Super Saiyan 3 Edit. ! When Trunks was punched right into the ocean, Goten was immediately kneed by the brutal saiyan before Broly decides to choke the life out of Goten. Reviews: 0. His face, however, had become the spitting image of GokÅ« by this point, and he had become far more muscular, befitting his ⦠1 Appearance 2 History 2.1 Behind the Dance 2.2 Behind the Fusion 3 Biography 3.1 Gotenks is Born 3.2 Gotenks vs. Buu 3.3 Later Appearances 4 Strength 5 Special Abilities 5.1 Ki Based Techniques 5.2 Basic Attacks ⦠He draws an Ultimate Arts Card which deals massive amounts of Damage and Buffs any Gohan Variant Teammate on top of being the second ⦠Topic Archived; Page 1 of 3 ; Next ; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Goten's Super Saiyan Blue Transformation, why did Gohan kill Chi Chi? HP 2,335,419. It is unknown when Goten obtained this transformation, though it is likely he gained it sometime during the three year time-skip between the end of Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball R. He is around the same age as Gohan was when he first became a Super Saiyan 2. How Old is Goten? Boards; ⦠He is the second and last child of Son Goku, and his wife, Chi-Chi, making him a half Saiyan and Human hybrid. This attack also appears in Dragon Ball Z: Super ButÅden 3, under the generic name of Energy Ha (lit. SP Super Saiyan Kid Goten (Purple) Stats. 1 Biography 2 In Dragon Ball FighterZ 3 In Story Mode 3.1 Super Warrior Arc 3.2 Enemy Warrior Arc Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi-Chi, Goten. Forum Posts. Goten (Dragon Ball GT) vs Goten (Dragon Ball Super) bob74h. The Dragon Ball manga series features an ensemble cast of characters created by Akira Toriyama.The series takes place in a fictional universe, the same world as Toriyama's previous series Dr. Slump, and follows the adventures of Son Goku.The series commenced with Goku's boyhood years as he trains in martial arts and explores a fantastical version of Earth (å°ç, ChikyÅ«) in search of the seven orbs ⦠Gotenks (ã´ãã³ã¯ã¹, Gotenkusu) is the immensely powerful result of Trunks and Goten successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first fusion character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. Goten (å«æ天, Son Goten) is a reoccurring character appearing in Dragon Ball FighterZ. 1 Appearance 2 History 2.1 Behind the dance 2.2 Behind the fusion 3 Biography 3.1 Gotenks is born 3.2 Gotenks vs. Buu 3.3 Round two with Super Buu and Super Saiyan 3 3.4 Dragon Ball Z movies 4 ⦠Dragon Ball Super Goten & Trunks canh Äảo Äụng Äá» Cell Jr (Full Color) tiếng viá»t,Dragon Ball Super Goten & Trunks canh Äảo Äụng Äá» Cell Jr (Full Color) má»i nhất,Dragon Ball Super Goten & Trunks canh Äảo Äụng Äá» Cell Jr (Full Color) vietsub,Dragon Ball Super Goten & Trunks canh Äảo Äụng Äá» Cell Jr (Full Color) full Why this Tier? However, Toriyama was ⦠Both Goten and Trunks stopped training, but started to again after learning about the Tournament of ⦠Goten was born in the Dragon Ball age of 767, around this time the Androids and the Cell saga was going down. Feb 15, 2016 - Explore Mya Menendez's board "Gohan and Goten" on Pinterest. Boards; ⦠0. As of Dragon Ball Super âs Moro arc, Vegetaâs since caught up to Goku and done a relatively good job at keeping paceâ even if Goku does have Ultra Instinct when all is said & done. The fusion of Goten and Trunks created one of the animeâs most powerful fighters in the form of Gotenks. While his looks are quite similar to Future Trunks, there is a visible distinction between their respective muscle densities. Vegetaâs latest transformation was triggered during the Tournament of Power. Followers. ⦠"Energy Wave"), and in Dragon Ball Online, named Dragon Power. After the defeat of Kid Buu, Trunks and Goten occasionally ⦠Goten used Super Saiyan 2 in Dragon Ball AF. 0. Some have complained that the decision to make Goten and Trunks Super Saiyans cheapened the transformation, since both Goku and Vegeta had to go through several trials ⦠Goten propels himsel with an energy sphere. Unfortunately, Gohan is not able to defeat Broly. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. On the verge of death, Broly ruthlessly kicks the young saiyan ⦠In Dragon Ball Super, Goten's attire remained mostly the same, but he forewent the undershirt. In Dragon Ball Super, Goten seldomly fights without Trunks at his side and they usually fuse into Gotenks. Post New Message; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Unlike his older brother, Gohan, Goten was raised in a carefree environment, and spent most of his days playing with ⦠Gallery. Super Goten Strike was named in Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22, where it appears as one of Kid Goten's Super Attacks. We know how Teen Trunks looks like thanks to Future Trunks training with Future Gohan, but if in Dragon Ball Super Trunks is the same age like Future Teen Trunks, yet Trunks looks like a kid that would be a contradiction. Goten and Trunks one of the funniest character in Dragon ball meta series however, they became Super Saiyan at a early age where Goku became a super saiyan when he was an adult. In Dragon Ball Super, the power level of Gotenks was greatly disappointing in comparison to how strong he was in Dragon Ball Z. Goten's value makes itself apparent the ⦠As Trunks answer Goten's question on whether he has seen the ball or not, they both quickly felt Broly's Super Saiyan energy before they got a powerful lariat from the charging saiyan of legend. Strike DEF 147,064 . That may be down to the age difference between the two. Goten (å«æ天, Son Goten) is a protagonist in the Dragon Ball manga and the animes Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT.He is the second and last child of the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series, Goku, and his wife, Chi-Chi, making him a Saiyan and Human hybrid. Reviews: 0. 0. Forum Posts. Dragon Ball Heroes gave fans a glimpse of how Dragon Ball GT Trunks would look like in Super Saiyan 3. In chapter 324, the end of the series, Toriyama changes his appearance to avoid confusion with Goku to include a shirt bearing his name, and a longer, shaggier hairstyle, while in Dragon Ball GT, Goten's hair was changed to a shorter, tall-spiky hairstyle resembling to Yamacha. Wiki Points. Follow 1645. Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. User Lists: 0 #1 bob74h. He is voiced by masako nozawa in the japanese version of the anime and by kara edwards in the english version of the anime. So to figure out Gotenâs age in dragon ball, we have to use the timeline within the dragon ball ages. Followers. However, I still think itâs unlikely that Goku Black is somehow a grown up Goten. EX Gotenks (EXã´ãã³ã¯ã¹, EXGotenkusu) is the EX-Fusion of Goten and Trunks introduced in Dragon Ball Fusions. Goten was created in the DBZ series to replace Goku as Akira Toriyama wanted to retire Goku from the series, allowing Gohan to take command. Goten was created in the series to replace Goku as Akira Toriyama wanted to retire Goku from the series, allowing Gohan to take ⦠After becoming a teenager, Goten let his hair grow out, to avoid becoming confused with his father, allowing it to become shaggier and longer, resembling his grandmother's natural cut. Fusions Edit Gotenks Edit Main article: Gotenks ⦠Find out next time! Wiki Points. 0. Strike ATK 234,783 . One month after Xicor's first defeat, when Xicor came back, Goten reached Super Saiyan 3 to combat him. He used this transformation against Xicor the first time he fought him. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Background 4 Dragon Ball Z 4.1 Great Saiyaman Saga, 25th Tenkaichi Budokai and Babidi Saga 4.2 Majin Buu, Fusion and Kid Buu Saga 4.3 Wrath of the Dragon (Movie) ⦠Goten is trained by his older brother Gohan in preparation for the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, which their father would be ⦠Goten transforming to Super Saiyan 2. He was born from Chi Chi and Goku while ⦠Blast ATK 250,319 . By pushing Super Saiyan Blue even ⦠1 Appearance 2 Biography 3 Power 4 Techniques and Special Abilities 5 Video Game Appearances 6 Trivia 7 Site Navigation EX Gotenks has a hairstyle similar to his fusion dance counterpart, though the hair colors are inverted and he has two bangs that hang down instead of ⦠He looked a lot like Goku when he was a kid. I don't get why Trunks and Goten are still kids in Super. How Goten and Trunks were able to become so strong in such a short amount of time is something thatâs become a point of confusion for fans. Vegeta ends the original Dragon Ball considerably weaker than Goku, a simple Super Saiyan 2. Gotenks (ã´ãã³ã¯ã¹) is the immensely powerful result of Trunks and Goten successfully using the Fusion Dance, and the first fusion character to be seen in the Dragon Ball series. Blast DEF 151,494 . 1 Biography 2 Gameplay Synopsis 3 Move List 3.1 Special Moves 3.2 Super Attacks 4 Trivia Originally, the fusion technique was taught to the children to allow them to combat Majin Buu, and later on Super Buu, however it proved not to be quite enough. Super Saiyan 4 Goten. He indeed proved to be more than a challenging adversary ⦠As a last resort, Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan and Goten also transforms into ⦠User Lists: 0 #1 bob74h. Gotenks is the Metamoran fusion of the sons' of Vegeta and Goku, Trunks and Goten. While still incredibly powerful for his age his power isn't enough to face any major threat. Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) Max Lv: SA Lv: Rarity: Type: Cost: ID: 120: 1/10: 40: 11946 24 Apr 2020: 6 Nov 2020 "Kamehameha" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%; or & Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Triple Kamehameha: Causes supreme damage to enemy; raises allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn: Full of Courage: ATK +120%; reduces damage received by 40%; plus an additional ATK +70% ⦠See more ideas about gohan and goten, dragon ball super, dragon ball z. Son Goten (å«æ天) is a main character in the Dragon Ball manga, and in the animes Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. I was wondering how old are Goten and Trunks in Dragon ball Super and how old was Future Trunks when he was training with Future Gohan? Saiyans age very slowly. Goten is Gohan's younger brother, the husband of Valese and the father of Gochan. Certain Fighters in the Dragon Ball Legends meta are obviously incredibly powerful, sporting abilities that overwhelm opponents mercilessly. Chi chi first discovers that goten can become a super saiyan at only seven years old he looks almost exactly like goku when he first ⦠Well, if you look back and think about Saiyan physiology, both Goku and Vegeta took a while to actually grow and mature into full adults. Related: Every Unresolved Plot Thread in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Like Trunks, Goten is kept out of the battles due to his style of charging in head first without thinking. Goten right after firing his Super Goten Strike at Baby. Depending on some Dragon Ball AF fanfictions, Goten might achieve Super Saiyan 4. Although the power increase is quite drastic, Future Trunks' Super Saiyan 3 transformation is much stronger. How old is goten in dragon ball super. First Gohan achieved Super Saiyan and the Super Saiyan 2 form when he was a teen, does that mean if Goku had another kid he could go Ultra Instinct in an EARLY AGE!!!!!! SP Goten (Kid) (Super Saiyan) YEL is not precisely like that; his strength lies in his ability to enable his allies to reach those deadly peaks of strength, but he can selectively ascend to that level himself. During the Buu Saga, it was believed that Gotenks was the Z-Warriorsâ best hope of saving the world. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Goten (å«æ天, Son Goten) is the youngest son of Goku and his wife Chi-Chi, making him a Saiyan and Earthling hybrid. When Goten retrieves the Dragon Ball, he hides in a cave behind a waterfall so Broly does not see him. He has a ridiculous amount of Unique Abilities that increase his Damage output, as well as Restore his Ki. 1 appearance 2 history 2 1 majin buu saga 2 2 god of destruction beerus saga 2 3 golden. Goten (Dragon Ball GT) vs Goten (Dragon Ball Super) bob74h. Android 18 Beerus Black Black Goku Botamo Bulma Champa Chiaotzu Chichi Dr. Brief Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Super Frieza Frost Galactic King Gohan Goku Goten Gowasu Grand Priest Hercule Hit Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi Kibito Krillin Kyabe Magetta Mai Majin Buu Marron Master Roshi Monaka Old Kai Oolong Pan Piccolo Pilaf Puar SSGSS Goku SSGSS Vegeta SSGSS Vegito SSR Black Scratch ⦠Goten at the end of Dragon Ball Super onto the beginning of Dragon Ball Z was 17 years old when Goku fought Uub for the first time. Goten and Trunks have more development than Goku in Super Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Follow 1667.