2 reviews. Hi Melissa, So, three years later is ‘Glowing Embers still a good choice? But it was in the fall that I fully appreciated ‘Glowing Embers’. If you like the delicate look of lace-leaf maples, ‘Seiryu’ is a cultivar to look at. This Dirr creation is heat tolerant and grows in a variety of soil conditions. considering it for a Seattle garden in full sun. I loved the shape of my tree in winter, and took this image of it during a light snowfall. Will be planted in a large container (8’x 5’) -Thanks! In the meantime, I enjoy all its stages. I planted it in November 2011, when all I could see to appreciate was its bark, which in winter has kind of a reddish cast to the branches, something I haven’t read about in online descriptions. Acer palmatum Glowing Embers Email Us for Price and Availability (click for contact form) One of the best JM's for sun if you don't have a partial shaded spot ... has great color in spring, does not burn in summer and glows in fall. IN STOCK (3) Sizes & Prices > Sango Kaku Coral Bark Japanese Maple - 2 Gallon Pot. Wet soggy soil around the roots is a killer. Photo taken in late October. ‘Glowing Embers’ boasts an array of yellows, oranges, and reds all over the foliage. To showcase its magnificence and beauty, Glowing Embers Japanese Maple is best used in landscape design as a focal point specimen to draw attention to a specific area of the home or landscape. But this one is different – it takes full sun and high heat, and is a vigorous grower to boot. It provides a kaleidoscope of color in the fall as the leaves fade from green to purple, flourescent orange or yellow, much like the ever-changing and mesmerizing embers of a wood fire. Usually you don’t plant Japanese maples in full sun – they prefer dappled shade. You made an excellent choice. It matures to an average height of 20 feet to 30 feet and an average width of 20 feet to 30 feet, depending on climate and other environmental factors. Glowing Embers Japanese Maple(Acer palmatum'Glowing Embers') is a superior green Japanese Maple selection for the South, and an outstanding performer in more northern latitudes as well. Thanks for stopping by, Colleen. Glowing Embers Japanese Maple Reviews. Acer palmatum 'Glowing Embers' Common Name : Glowing Embers Japanese Maple. I will try to upload my photo but thank u so much. Summer- Green, Red Then one day I looked outside and realized I have two big, fat, robust cherry trees! FREE SHIPPING. Our picks are 'Bloodgood,' 'Emperor I,' 'Glowing Embers,' 'Sango Kaku,' and 'Seiryu.' ( Log Out / Fall- Red, Orange, Purple, Coldest Zone 5 Need an umbrella shape for making shade in a sunny back yard. I have no idea how long mine will take to get this large, but I hope it will be while I still call Thornapple Street my home. good accent plant. From your photos I have obviously planted it too close to my house. What a beauty! Ultimately it will reach 20-25′ high, a bit smaller than my crabapple was, but it will help provide shade to the eastern side of the house. It has a high canopy with a typical clearance of 5 feet from the ground, and should not be planted underneath power lines. The original invoice and nursery stock must be returned to Troy’s for a satisfactory inspection and acceptance of the claim. ‘Glowing Embers’ was selected in Georgia for its summer heat tolerance. IN STOCK (5) Sizes & Prices. Coloring later than most of the A. palmatumcultivars, it It can grow in a wide range of soil pH preferring a slightly acidic soil and prefers partial shade in hotter climates but will tolerate a full sun well. More Japanese Maples. This entry was posted on May 3, 2013 at 10:12 pm and is filed under Environment, landscape, Landscape design solutions, photography. It can grow in a wide range of soil pH preferring a slightly acidic soil and prefers partial shade in hotter climates but will tolerate a full sun well. Acer palmatum Trompenburg A close up of the leaves as the little “whirlybirds” (oops, technically that’s “samaras” to us plant geeks ) start to appear. But I hope that in 10 years this maple has grown enough to shelter the little bench in front. Glowing Embers Japanese maple is aptly named. And from tree to tree, it can take on a different aspect. Acer Palmatum 'Glowing Embers' is a fast and moderate growing tree that can be grown in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5A through 9B. Green leaves with red petioles during the growing season give way to warm shades of gold and orange in the fall. In fall the leaves fade from green to purple, orange, yellow-ever changing. It is also vigorous and has gorgeous red fall color. I gave it extra water during the summer. Acer Palmatun 'Glowing Embers' is a medium sized deciduous Japanese Maple that will reach 30 feet with a similar spread. The leaves of ‘Glowing Embers’ emerge light green in spring before maturing to a darker green for most of the summer. Tags: Before and After, D300, fall, iPhone photos, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, private gardens, structure, trees, winter. Acer palmatum ‘Glowing Embers’ is a fast and large growing Japanese maple known for its fall color. I’ll close with an image provided courtesy of the Georgia Botanical Gardens, of a mature ‘Glowing Embers’ in the fall at its Callaway Building. Glowing Embers is such a beauty! Japanese Maple Tree (A. palmatum) Upright types grow slowly to 15 to 25 feet, often with multiple trunks. 'GLOWING EMBERS' japanese Maple-shipped in gal pot-15-24" tall glorious japanese maple, award winning maple mature size is 10-20 ft, hardy in zone 5-8 Sun to partial shade, can thrive in full sun kaleidoscope of colors Developed by Dr. Michael Dirr, the dean of woody plants, ‘Glowing Embers’ received the … It offers exceptional fall color too. Spring foliage- bright green leaf. 40036. vigorous growing with dense canopy, Japanese Maple. You can subscribe via RSS 2.0 feed to this post's comments. ( Log Out / Some of the reddish leaves had a purple tone to them. Acer palmatum 'Glowing Embers' has deep green glossy foliage and is a fairly drought and heat tolerant Japanese Maple. All nursery stock purchased at retail is subject to a one year limited guarantee from the date of the invoice. Product Information : Deep green summer foliage turning alternating shades of red and orange in the fall. And because I also had lost a 90-foot beech tree shortly before, on the other side of the front yard, the site had turned from shade to fiercely sunny. The 'Glowing Embers' Japanese maple leafs out in the early spring with small chartreuse green palmate leaf which matures to a rich green by the summer. Glowing Embers Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum Glowing Embers) is one of the most heat tolerant Japanese Maples. courtesy of the Georgia Botanical Gardens. Developed by Dr. Michael Dirr, the dean of woody plants, ‘Glowing Embers’ received the Georgia Gold Medal Winner award in 2005. Location: See a plant of the cultivar ‘Glowing Embers’ at the southwest corner of building 2. Note above it will perform well in zone 10. 2 gallon size plant shipped in its pot. Buy this Little Embers Japanese maple tree online with confidence at our online Japanese maple store. I’ve even had one designer colleague ask me if this was a ‘Sango Kaku’ maple, which are noted for their red branches. kaleidoscope of colors in fall. Container Height Choosing plants that grow and thrive in your particular climate is the very first step toward having a beautiful garden . It was selected as the Gold Medal winner for its vigorous growth rate, brilliant fall color and adaptability to a range of landscape conditions. Plant the Glowing Embers Japanese maple in sites that provide most any type of soil, but it must be well-drained! Taken with my iPhone, this image of the tree with its branches tied up on its way to the planting hole shows a reddish tint to the bark. IN STOCK (2) Sizes & Prices. ACER PALMATUM Purple Ghost Japanese Maple-attractive red purple leaves with black veins in spring. A close-up of the leaves on my tree as they started to turn. Japanese maples also cannot deal with waterlogged soil in spring or fall. A ‘Glowing Embers’ planted in a landscape client’s garden, showing a slightly different range of colors on the leaves in autumn. © Contributors toThe State Botanical Garden of Georgia, 2007. Green, burgundy, or red leaves turn blazing yellow, orange, or scarlet in late fall. Fall is when this tree really puts on a show. Plant the Glowing Embers Japanese maple in sites that provide most any type of soil, but it must be well-drained! This selection from the south is extremely heat tolerant and a great vigorous upright growing Japanese maple with good form. Foliage will turn to a brilliant orange / red in fall. What will the future bring? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 'Glowing Embers' will reach nearly 10 ft in 10 years. They need to be planted in a well-draining site. I planted this small small tree last year. The color sequence of each leaf varies, and a single branch may display four distinctly different colors at the same time. But this one is different – it takes full sun and high heat, and is a vigorous grower to boot. As many readers know, a couple of years ago I had to take down a gorgeous crabapple tree in my front yard that was failing. I planted a three foot tall Acer Palmatum "Glowing Embers' in very early spring of 2011. Aptly named, Glowing Embers Japanese Maple provides a kaleidoscope of color in fall as the leaves fade from green to purple, flourescent orange, or yellow, much like the ever-changing and mesmerizing embers of a wood fire. The plant is shaded from the hot afternoon Florida sun by my house and receives plenty of morning and early afternoon sun. Japanese Maple Glowing Embers - Acer palmatum - The Glowing Embers Maple was developed by the renown horticulturist Michael Dirr at the University of Georgia. Acer palmatum ‘Glowing Embers’ last spring. The color sequence of each leaf varies as autumn deepens. Thanks. Change ). Fireglow Japanese Maple. 'Glowing Embers' is an outstanding Japanese maple that has just become the state of Georgia's Gold Medal winner for 2005.�It was selected as the Gold Medal winner for its vigorous growth rate, brilliant fall color and adaptability to a range of landscape conditions.�'Glowing Embers' provides a kaleidoscope of colors in fall as the leaves fade from green to purple, fluorescent orange or yellow, much like the ever-changing and mesmerizing embers of a wood fire.�The color sequence of each leaf varies as fall deepens.�A single branch may display four distinctly different colors at the same time.�'Glowing Embers' is beautiful all year with its bright green leaf color which turns different shades in the summer and fall.�Unlike many Japanese maples that require shade and moist, organic soils, 'Glowing Embers' thrives in full sun and it tolerates drought better than most trees in its class.�'Glowing Embers' is a medium-size deciduous tree, growing just over 30 feet high and wide.�Its leaves are fine-toothed, 2 to 3 inches long and about 3 inches wide, with five distinct, pointed lobes. ( Log Out / Be the first to review this product. I planted two cherries in the back yard almost 20 years ago…..thought they’d never get big. $89.99. Here are a few “hot weather Japanese maples” that are worth a try: If you want a palmate maple, consider ‘Glowing Embers,” a beautiful tree that reaches 30 feet (9 m.) tall when grown in the landscape. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 0 reviews. In considering what to plant to replace the crabapple, I did some research and settled on a Japanese maple called ‘Glowing Embers.’ Usually you don’t plant Japanese maples in full sun – they prefer dappled shade. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Little Embers is a beautiful Dwarf form of Glowing Embers Japanese maple. It is so fun to watch them from when they are small to when the get large (sorta like kids!). Acer Palmatum - 'Glowing Embers' 'Glowing Embers' is an outstanding Japanese maple that has just become the state of Georgia's Gold Medal winner for 2005. Glowing Embers Japanese Maple can be useful in the landscape along woodland borders, to provide shade, as a focal point, in landscape beds or islands or to add property value and also in theme gardens or shade gardens. That said, in larger landscape spaces they can be grouped or useful when positioned on both sides of an entryway to accentuate the entrance. Gade Farm 2479 Western Avenue Guilderland, New York 518-869-8019 In spring and summer, this tree has lovely light green leaves (a choice I favored because my house is red brick and I wanted it to stand out against that background). It’s not that intense, but it’s pretty impressive. A purchase of Little Embers Japanese maple is a true investment in your yard! Purple Ghost Japanese Maple -Leaf-veins are black, making the skeleton of the purple ghost, deep purple leaves, in fall the leaves turn shades of deep crimson. Wet soggy soil around the roots is a killer. Glowing embers is green throughout spring and summer but late in the fall it turns into a grand performing cultivar, it glows fiery orange to orange-red. Acer palmatum 'Little Embers' is the Japanese maple for you. Oh my gosh. Unfortunately, deer do enjoy nibbling on this plant ! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Here are two photos, one from my specimen and another from a ‘Glowing Embers’ planted in a client’s garden. I feel lucky to have discovered it in my search for a replacement for the crabapple, which I still miss greatly. Glowing embers is green throughout spring and summer but late in the fall it turns into a grand performing cultivar, it glows fiery orange to orange-red. FREE SHIPPING. Lisa Port. Leaves slightly smaller than other trees this size. FREE SHIPPING. I just found your post. But that is the least of my problems. It grows at a slow rate, and under ideal conditions can be … Warmest Zone. 10-15 ft. Color A quick growing tree with good heat and drought tolerance. "Glowing Embers" has good heat tolerance and, in the fall, the leaves can be orange to yellow. Twenty years from now I may not be living here! Japanese Maples for Zone 5. Below is a list of some of the common Japanese maples for zone 5: Waterfall Glowing Embers Sister Ghost Peaches & Cream Amber Ghost Bloodgood Burgundy Lace (iPhone 5 photo). Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' SKU. Spring brings new green foliage on red branches. Glowing Embers Japanese Maple - 3 Gallon Pot. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Glowing Embers Japanese Maple will grow to be about 30 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 20 feet. Finally a Japanese maple that does well in the southeast where sun and drought bring other selections to an early grave though certainly it will appreciate regular summer watering. The tree has a dense canopy when it's in full leaf.�It's an excellent shade tree for residential landscapes where space is limited.�'Glowing Embers' Japanese maple is quickly becoming a highly demanded and popular plant in the nursery industry as landscape professionals and home gardeners discover its award-winning qualities. The sap contains less sugar than sugar maple but Japanese maples have been tapped to make maple syrup. Acer palmatum Glowing Embers is a wonderful green leafed Japanese Maple selection for the South, performing well in hot climates and an outstanding performer in the north as well. Additional Information About Glowing Embers Japanese Maple. Acer palmatum Glowing Embers is a wonderful green leafed Japanese Maple selection for the South, performing well in hot climates and an outstanding performer in the north as well. Red Japanese Maple - Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - 1 Gallon Pot. 5 out of 5 stars from 2 total customer reviews. USDA Zone? ACER PALMATUM 'GLOWING EMBERS' Japanese Maple. Spring- Green The leaves can turn a variety of shades on the same tree, which explains how it got its name. ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.