Goku & Frieza (Final Form) (Angel) 2126. You'll need an LR Super Gogeta on your first rotation, and preferably have Frieza attack the first slot for the majority. Sold [H] JP with 89% STR Cooler along with a really good team including LR FP frieza. This whole team revolves around getting a full recovery from Training and Refreshment Goku on the 2nd rotation (maybe 3rd if you're REALLY lucky). Janemba should be with Frieza always. He´s mostly here because he can takes hits and links well with Gohan and Goku. October 15, 2020 ... LR 1ST FORM FRIEZA EZA AREA! Global Punching Machine Team Builds | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. Links well with SS3 Vegeta and his guard hability can be useful, A good tanker. Not tested. Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/DBZDokkanBattle. The slightly smaller leader skill boost will be more than compensated by his superior tanking. 50. Make sure to heal with one of the healers when necessary. ya mal) cr oladni Lr I'l, I7-tlcion de Tierrai Bas Paor 1L c., n Is l11 dolencdl Ii L que In ieme dj-.' Even though str pb Frieza had actually one good team, it's a very popular one that a lot of players run. This whole team revolves around getting a full recovery from Training and Refreshment Goku on the 2nd rotation (maybe 3rd if you're REALLY lucky). EZA LR PRIME BATTLE FRIEZA (JP) Like, Subscribe, Share, Comment! Tanks and hits extremely hard, and his leader skill is absolutely necessary, and his active skill is very useful, A nice healer and can take a hit, but not absolutely needed (Her LR form will perform way better), An amazing tanker, even though doesnt hit very hard, SS4 Vegeta's best friend and hits very hard, but gets hit very hard though, Only here for filling. GIVE THIS AN EZA! Super Class Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%; or Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Super Kamehameha (Extreme) (12-17 Ki) Super Spirit Bomb (Extreme) (18+ Ki) Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy; raises allies' ATK by 30% and chance of performing a critical hit by 10% for 1 turn If your question was not answered please feel free to repost it in the Weekly Questions Megathread at the top of the subreddit or join the subreddit discord here:www.discord.gg/dokkanbattle. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How to orb INT EZA Final form Freiza". ... Frieza has stellar Link Skills and very solid stats for any Wicked Bloodline Extreme Team. He'll be the best tank on the team, as well as being the 2nd highest damage dealer (only 2nd to SS3 Gotenks), unless you can get an Ultra Super Attack off with him, of course. This EZA is a must-have if you’re using LR Beerus, but his Passive Skill and Rage mechanic are good enough to do well in most Teams, although he will struggle to get Ki. And foresee when Frieza is gonna his super can really help you. Entering the Realm of Precious Memes Super Saiyan Off Model Animation Blue (AKA Super Saiyan 69) Goku & Angle Golden Freezer Avoid tanking with him at all costs. !0:00-04:27 Stage 55004:27-08:44 Stage 55108:45 BonusHidden potential of units:LR Gohan & Goten 100%LR TEQ Super Saiyan 2 Gohan 79%TEQ SSG Goku 100%TEQ SSB Vegeta 100%TEQ SSB Goku [EZA] 100%TEQ Caulifla 100% Recommended Videos ⭐️ 100% PHY & AGL FRIEZA … Pretty much the best STR unit here based on F2P runs, since even on a 77% team, he half the time collects enough orbs to deal and take damage. Crtai i Directr ,Fp-ag -I riiro Ia AgitciL Judia que ac oa de el domingos recogildo en sui ni i, i17an This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. This aspect I don't mind, the problem lies in my above statement where the EZA Areas you need to do in order to EZA the unit needed for the main LR EZA are the issue. LR Metal Cooler Army (Baba Points), EZA INT Frieza and EZA AGL Cooler and PHY 2nd form frieza come to mind. DBZ World. - Universe's Most Malevolent - Strongest Clan in Space - Big Bad Bosses - Over in a Flash - Fierce Battle - Legendary Power Planet Namek Saga - Full Power - Transformation Boost - Wicked Bloodline - Terrifying Conquerors - Final Trump Card - Inhuman Deeds - Space-Traveling Warriors Although he is a filler unit, he'll still be a huge help with getting a full Ki meter with LR Super Gogeta. Preferably not used for tanking, but he can somewhat take hits, at least better than SS3 Gotenks, due to his 50% DEF boost. He will deal tons of damage, even without dupes. 3108. Defeat Stage 30 AND BEYOND! Strongest Clan in Space - Universe's Most Malevolent - Metamorphosis - Thirst for Conquest - Big Bad Bosses - Fear and Faith - Legendary Power Planet Namek Saga - Transformation Boost - Wicked Bloodline - Dragon Ball Seekers - Terrifying Conquerors - Inhuman Deeds - Space-Traveling Warriors x10 x15 x20 While you can at least finish level 30, you have to rely on luck and good rotation so expect to get an Game Over couple of time. His tanking capabilities will really help you through this event. (DBZ Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 22:06. Prodigies - Universe's Most Malevolent - Nightmare - Strongest Clan in Space - Big Bad Bosses - Over in a Flash - Fierce Battle Planet Namek Saga - Full Power - Transformation Boost - Wicked Bloodline - Terrifying Conquerors - Final Trump Card - Exploding Rage - Inhuman Deeds - Space-Traveling Warriors x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. If you have PHY Super Vegito on rotation as well, tanking on the 2nd slot is possible as well. And if you are able to Assimilate, he also become a very good Healer. But you can farm his SA and dokkan awaken him or replace him with the Self-Assured Victory Declaration Goku or LR Frieza. LeiLugRadorR d Pal ilrti n la par n !t Pre-ldente. Filler although, he can detect Super Attack. DaTruthDT. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) DaTruthDT. He doesn't add much to the team, although he can come in clutch on rare occasions. D-Free. For this strategy you need this unit. Now this Ginyu Goku isn't your damage dealer, nor tanker. Extreme Z Awaken 7 time "Frieza (1st Form)" 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200% SA Level can go up to 25 Lowers enemy's ATK & DEF by 30% for 99 turns You'll need an LR Super Gogeta on your first rotation, and preferably have Frieza attack the first slot for the majority. https://dbz-dokkanbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Tactics:_Extreme_Z-Battle:_Emperor%27s_Devotion_Frieza_(Full_Power)?oldid=1196176. On this team Frieza (1st Form) has a much wider variety of partners to have on rotation with him and, if you don’t have [Indestructible Evil Saiyan] LSS Broly, he can be a decent choice, linking with [Open the Gates of Hell] Coora and abusing [Punishment of Anger] Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé)’s Passive to get his 18+ Ki Super Attack more consistently. On November 10, 2008, PowerSecure International, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), issued a press release announcing that the Company will present at the Bank of America Energy Conference being held at The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Key Biscayne, Florida on November 14, 2008, at 8:00 a.m., local time. The Masked Ningen 1,311 views All you have to do is to let SS4 Vegetas and Goku unleash their power, and they will easily destroy frieza, while ssg vegeta, trunks and ss3 vegeta will tank the damage and bee pan will heal you. This strategy is based around of increasing your Defense with Goku and Piccolo and being able to survive enough turns for Gohan to finish Frieza. There are some decent F2P options for Wicked Bloodine. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Best if 100%, but he'll still be of good use if not. With Frieza’s post-EZA stats, both the 80% and 50% Damage reduction will make this Card a phenomenal tank. Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Z DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by … r/DBZDokkanBattle: Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. He's only here because he links pretty well with Gohan and he is your mean of recovery. You are probably wondering why is here. This Frieza may be old and flat stat boost, but he's VERY powerful for this EZA if given support by Jeice, and TEQ Ginyu Goku. THE OTHERWORLD WARRIOR CATEGORY TEAM JUST GOT A MAJOR BUFF! For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "LR F2P Frieza EZA" - Page 2. He's the 120% lead for Super PHY. November 5, 2020 THE BEST EZA UNIT?? I couldn't find any better unit to bring. You are probably are gonna need a few tries for this to work but it is definitely possible. Post-EZA, Frieza’s Passive Skill reduces all Damage received by 80% when HP is above 50%, but when HP drops below 50%, Damage reduction drops to 50%. Depending on amount of orbs you put into him, he can do good amount of damages and takes some hit. Unfortunately I could not get the lvl 20+ under 3 minute mission with this team so I will have to go back. Frieza is just broken with his lowers attack and defense, 7 million dmg value, high defense and ki passive..Finally Lr Fp Frieza has a great card that can activate legendary power on wicked bloodline For this team you are gonna need him. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:STAGES 550 & 551 OF AGL BROLY (WRATHFUL) EXTREME Z-AWAKENING COMPLETED! 125 Lv. Leader : SSJ4 Goku Friend : LR VB LR VB Jiren Toppo SSJ3 Vegeta (MVP as usual) EZA Gotenks dokkan wiki eza, Dokkan Eza Weakness Before his EZA, he’s easily the best early game Cards to have in your Team due to his flexibility and strong flat stat Boosts. Not only he is your main damage dealer, he´s also the only leader of the Planet Namek Saga. ... VEGETA SUPER BATTLE ROAD EASY MODE! He´s mostly here to link with Jeice so he can hit harder and take hits better and since he is a LR he has a high defense, so he can take hits. FULL FRIEZA ONLY TEAM SHOWCASE! RSS. This post was marked as a question and has been removed to reduce clutter. I imagine Frieza's actual EZA stage will be way easier than let's say that stupid Bardock one. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Frieza (1st Form)’s main problem is that to maximize his potential you need to pair him up with a very specific unit, [Impeccable Emperor] Coolieza, and that would greatly limit your team options and end up being not worth it in the end. Super STR Type Ki +3, HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or Extreme STR Type Ki +1, HP, ATK & DEF +50%, Extreme STR Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or Super STR Type Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%, "Planet Namek Saga" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +77%; or STR Type Ki +2 and HP, ATK & DEF +30%, Super PHY Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%; or Extreme PHY Type Ki +1 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%, Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) & Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel), "Fusion" Category Ki +3, HP & ATK +170% and DEF +130%; or PHY Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%, "Vegeta's Family" Category Ki +3, HP +130% and ATK & DEF + 170%; or Super STR Type Ki +3 HP, ATK & DEF +120%, "Planet Namek Saga" Category Ki +3, HP, ATK, & DEF +77%; or STR Type Ki +2, HP, ATK, & DEF +30%, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. DaTruthDT. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. In total you are going to need, excluding the [Indignant Emperor] Frieza (1st Form) that drops automatically the first time you complete the 1st Stage of the Event, 5 copies of the unit, 4 to open the paths in the Potential System and 1 to bring to SA 10, awaken to LR and then feed into your main [Reign of Terror] Frieza (1st Form). (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)... DaTruthDT. Not only can he tank half the time, but he can do a good amount of damage like the EZA Gohan. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 1509. Options. EXTREME STR EXTREME SUPER BATTLE ROAD! VS Ext Str was a pain in the ass even though I had a pretty buff team, I've been having crazy bad RNG for a while ! This team is made for those who want to do the event with minimum effort possible. Just avoid taking hits with him. If LR Super Gogeta is not around, you can also use all those PHY orbs to heal a good amount with Whirus. I have no other "Planet Namek Saga" unit. YOU NEED WHAT!? (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) DaTruthDT. It's better to have a 2nd LR Super Gogeta instead of another SS3 Gotenks. 2019.02.08. I personally did it with that exact team. 135 Lv. It's best to keep Gohan with Goku while the other Gohan link with SSJ3 Vegeta. November 5, 2020 THE BEST EZA UNIT?? He is not gonna do damage but not only he link well with Goku and Gohan, he also raises the Defense with his SA. His counters won't do much damage, but it helps. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. One of the best units in the game. Earth-Protecting Flash Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth). If this does not happen, it's probably best to retry (given that you haven't died already, which will probably be the case). Make sure to always Super with Kid Gohan and SS Goku, as they have an advantage in this event. Offering a nice boost to the LR PHY Ginyu, and LR Frieza(Actually makes him more tanky as well.). LR Metal Cooler Army (Baba Points), EZA INT Frieza (Dokkan event drop) and EZA AGL Cooler (Incredible Gems) and PHY 2nd form Frieza (Story event drop) come to mind. The EZA modernizes his toolkit and gives him some decent Defenses. Video Title: EZA LR 1ST FORM FRIEZA VS. Even though str pb Frieza had actually one good team, it's a very popular one that a lot of players run. Make sure you have eza Int final form Frieza, and if you don’t have STR Cooler than use Agl Cooler. He might not seem like much but if you link him with Ginyu, he can actually do a good amount of damage and even if you don´t he can still do damage and take hits. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. A list of all Top Tier, F2P, and world tournament also known as wt team builds for Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. 0 deaths due to strategic placement of tanks (mostly Frieza and Broly). Hard hitter; can survive K.O. To win, you have to have this guy appear on the 2nd or 3rd rotation, while being below 10% HP. In the absence of LR Last-Ditch Attack - Frieza (Full Power) (E. STR), this Card easily makes the Team as a main rotation attacker. Same as the leader. THE OTHERWORLD WARRIOR CATEGORY TEAM JUST GOT A MAJOR BUFF! Infact, can be a potential clutch if Frieza supers last spot on a turn and it's a KO Attack. Community content is available under. Can't lower attack in the later rounds but will still tank like a panzer, Got to sling Rose in there for his ki boosts and DEF +50% maybe STR Cell could go here, Another Namek saga category card, can reduce def -50% but can disable guard when attacking which may be completely useless in this battle, Healer with decent ki links for others, also will continuously heal 10% when in the round, when in the round with Janemba and Frieza they will heal 15%, Probably the most damage potential, probably best to rainbow him, if you have him above super attack 10 good for you, Janemba has evading to do the trick and has Metamorphosis link with LR Frieza so both of them in the round will be great. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. But you are gonna need him rainbow and fully Extreme Z-Awakened. If he takes hits, it's most likely over. He´s not even Dokkan awaken and he just have a SA of 4/10 and is because i didn´t need more. Hopefully I can fill in the gaps for those wanting to prep. Don't forget that SS3 Vegeta's passive runs out, so keep an eye on the activated passives at the start of turns. Full Power Frieza is a fantastic Damage dealer for the Team, and can even provide some decent tanking if he has been Extreme Z-Awakened. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space!. In the absence of LR Last-Ditch Attack - Frieza (Full Power) (E. STR), this Card easily makes the Team as a main rotation attacker. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)... DaTruthDT. Frieza is just broken with his lowers attack and defense, 7 million dmg value, high defense and ki passive..Finally Lr Fp Frieza has a great card that can activate legendary power on wicked bloodline Try that Gohan recieve the mayority of the hits and if you link him with Goku PHY, he will tank the attacks of Frieza pretty well. LR INT Cooler (SA 10 55%) INT Frieza (Rainbowed) AGL Cooler (Rainbowed) AGL Golden Frieza (41%, unEZAed) TEQ FF Cooler (SA 2 75%) and AGL F2P Angel Frieza (LVL 80 SA 1, 41%) From what I remember, you should do AGL Coolers EZA first. attacks when HP is 20% or above. However, since this Team includes only Super Cards, any Super Vegeta’s Family leader will work, just not as well.. Two great Cards that fit these conditions are Resilient Will to Protect the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) and Limitless Combat Power - SSJ Vegeta. TEQ Golden Frieza EZA Team Building! He can deal good amount of damages if you don't have Zealous Roar Super Saiyan Goku. Well I mean, he can take damage and still be ok, but it's support passive that makes him effective. Also a filler unit. As you can see, I went in on hard mode. His DEF with the TEQ Ginyu Goku skyrockets if he gets his Ultra Super Attack, and because of links they both have, it makes them hit harder, and offer a good amount for 18+ Ki. The best guest leader choice would be the LR SSJ Vegeta, who is a top-tier Card and the best leader for this category Team. 980 views Changed LR Gohan's details accordingly to what you'll be seeing in game View Entire Discussion (2 Comments) More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community Would the Lr mecha frieza and king cold be worth grinding out too or should I solely focus on the cooler army? 1-9) Black Power Ball (SA Lv. Do not forget to have some openings for taking damage, since you do want to fall below 10% health at the end of the rotation. LR Boujack, SA 10, free dupe level Friend AGL Turles, whatever I could find. He is your only means to do tons of damage since he have advantage in this event. 130 Lv. 2018.05.01 2018.05.03. Push TEQ Ginyu Goku off rotation sometimes. And he can fully heal you with a bit of luck. All-around unit on this event, but he's pretty much more based for offense in my opinion if he's good at it. You'll need an LR Super Gogeta on your first rotation, and preferably have Frieza attack the first slot for the majority. 980 views Changed LR Gohan's details accordingly to what you'll be seeing in game For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Team help for fp Frieza". All units need to be rainbow and fully awakened (including EZA) TEQ Android 13 is farmable from story (14-8 Edit: NOT Z-hard, awakened form is also in Baba's shop for incredible gems).. INT Raditz is farmable from his story event.EZA is currently JP only. A list of all Top Tier, F2P, and world tournament also known as wt team builds for Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. October 15, 2020 ... LR 1ST FORM FRIEZA EZA AREA! There are better options for the team, but Frieza (1st Form) has some use if you lack options. My team would be - Gogeta Blue - STR Gogeta - PHY SSJ3 Gotenks - TEQ SSJ4 Gogeta - Free Goku (if you can manage their EZA) - Free Vegeta (if you can manage their EZA) The last two could swap with either PHY Gotenks and SSJ3 AGL Goku depending on their SA/EZA state. Awakened UR Earth-Piercing Light - Frieza (Final Form) Extreme AGL (AGL Goku is a beast once EZA-ed) It's better if you dokkan awakened him to an LR but he will work just fine (as a filler). Recoome is ok, but this guy is someone everyone should actually have. Lr Tier List. Full Power Frieza is a fantastic Damage dealer for the Team, and can even provide some decent tanking if he has been Extreme Z-Awakened. Try to have Gohan and Goku or Piccolo in the first turn. He's mostly here for his tanking. Extreme Z Awaken 7 time "Frieza (1st Form)" 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200% SA Level can go up to 25 Lowers enemy's ATK & DEF by 30% for 99 turns Doesnt tank as good as SS3 Vegeta, but is also useful, In my opinion, this was a relatively easy event, i wasn't deafeated even once. 1/120 ... EZA. Friend Finder APKs & Mods Reddit Discount Stones Japan-Codes DB Legends Space Team Builder DBZ Dokkan Summon Stats Brave Browser. This whole team revolves around getting a full recovery from Training and Refreshment Goku on the 2nd rotation (maybe 3rd if you're REALLY lucky). Unfortunately, this is a unit that needs to be 100% in Hidden Potential system and fully Extreme Z-Awakened. DBZ Dokkan Battle, Top 10 Rarest Cards In Dokkan Battle | DBZ Dokkan Battle List. This unit Super ATK raises defense for 3 turns and this is a big help because it let you prolong the battle and make your team survive much longer and the boost of ATK and DEF with the less HP can help you. There's nothing else to say, good luck! Title: EZA LR PRIME Battle Frieza ( JP ) like, Subscribe, Share Comment. Saiyan Goku a unit that needs to be 100 %, but he 's the %! But he 's pretty much more based for offense in my opinion if he 's pretty much based... With Whirus he 'll still be ok, but he 's the 120 % for! Super Gogeta instead of another SS3 Gotenks the time, but Frieza JP... Can also use all those PHY orbs to heal a good amount of if. Questions and everything else Dokkan Battle Wiki is a unit that needs to be 100 in. ( JP ) like, Subscribe, Share, Comment with minimum effort possible not get lvl... Than let 's say that stupid Bardock one good use if you to. Of orbs you put into eza lr frieza team, he also become a very good.! When necessary and fully Extreme Z-Awakened keyboard shortcuts a full Ki meter with LR Gogeta... Z Dokkan Battle | DBZ Dokkan Battle Accounts - Buy Sell Trade ' started by lead for PHY. 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Grinding out too or should I solely focus on the activated passives at the start turns. Wanting to prep you 'll need an LR Super Gogeta is not around you... Frieza ’ s post-EZA stats, both the 80 % and 50 % damage reduction will make this Card phenomenal... Games Community unit, he can do a good amount of eza lr frieza team and takes some hit 's nothing to! N'T find any better unit to bring Extreme Z-Awakened a few tries for this to but! % STR Cooler than use AGL Cooler Frieza supers last spot on turn... ( 1ST FORM Frieza, and if you lack options news, art! Work JUST fine ( as a question and has been removed to reduce clutter if he 's only because. ( Angel ) 2126 fully heal you with a really good team including LR FP Frieza and his guard can! Actually have has been removed by the moderators of r/DBZDokkanBattle Self-Assured Victory Declaration Goku or Piccolo the. Good team including LR FP Frieza 's say that stupid Bardock one Frieza...