approach to this. Pick your winners! Elminster VS Szass Tam This Rumble ended on 2003-01-25 00:00:00.0. I never paid much attention to Dragonlance (please keep the insults and demands for my being burned at a stake to a minimum), but Raistlin seemed pretty wimpy physically, too. It was worse for Simbul who needed to feed off of magical items in order to stay sane. Elminster Aumar (Dungeons & Dragons) Hellboy; History . KEEP READING: Baldur's Gate 3 Demo Teases a Triumphant Return, Ari David is pretty amazing.
However, Elminster's background is significantly different from that of Gandalf. There any doubt? Gandalf or Saruman are two examples that we often see within the game. Gandalf is one of the main characters in The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings respectfully. Fascinated with the manifestation, Gandalf reaches down to touch the surface of the pool. He was present when a potent magical ward called the mythal was raised, transforming the city of Cormanthor into the Elven stronghold of Myth Dranor. I'm curious how Voldemort would hold up against Gandalf or other very powerful wizards of other series. Lionelion Member since: Jun. In the following years, Mystra has returned to life for a second time, restoring Elminster’s full powers. Elminster was swayed and began to worship the goddess under her tutelage. He writes and writes about Film, TV, Comics, and Games from his lair in Brooklyn. The Weave collapsed, and Elminster lost many of his abilities as a Chosen of Mystra. By naming a particular being or kind of being as you cast the spell, you cause the gate to open in the immediate vicinity of the desired creature and pull the subject through, willing or unwilling. He can be imperious, grave, and terrible, however, and furthermore is a consummate actor. Yes. Myrjala revealed herself to have been Mystra in disguise all along, there to test him. Straight Dope Message Board > Main > Cafe Society > Voldemort vs Gandalf (or other wizards) PDA. Unbeknown to Elminster, the magister was an agent of Mystra, and she wanted the young man to become a wizard. Elminster settled in a land called the Dales, keeping his tower outside the town of Shadowdale. Donate. Elminster 204 Votes. They meet in a pocket plane. Elminster Elminster Aumar is a fictional character in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, also known as … That was Aerowin, Steven Tyler's daughter. Serious. However, his body was destroyed by Manshoon, the leader of his old foes, the Zhentarim. Strictly by your votes. Information. Thread starter dead; Start date May 11, 2004; 1; 2; Next. Elminster, the Sage of Shadowdale, is a legendary figure in the lore of Dungeons & Dragons, and he's much more than a simple copy of Gandalf. Sidekick: The Chosen of Mystra, a.k.a. RPG Crossing Home: Forums: Create An Account! Gandalf from The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings vs Elminster from Dungeons & Dragon's Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (if Deadliest Warrior did this, it be live action no doubt). She sent Halaster Blackcloack, the Mad Mage of Undermountain into the Nine Hells, but he was defeated. Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Obviously some foul magic was at hand. Thank you! … You call me sir. Name: Elminster Favorite Spell: Seduce Mystra Arch-Enemy: I'm too powerful to have enemies. As Salvatore’s Drow elf Drizzt Do’Urden is the quintessential fighter of the Forgotten Realms, Elminster is the quintessential wizard of the realms. ), while Gandalf hangs around short guys with furry feet! 13 years ago. Over the next thousand years, Elminster was involved in many of the world-changing events that occurred on Toril. Validated User. View Full Version : Voldemort vs Gandalf (or other wizards) Scuba_Ben. Okay, it's the battle you all waited for: Elminster of Shadowdale vs Raistlin Majere.We use the D20/D&D 3E versions of them. Elminster’s soul was preserved, but it took Simbul sacrificing her life and the last of her energy to restore Elminster’s physical form. Alternatively, we imagine the learned, book bound, intelligent mastermind who always has a spell to help or hinder in any situation. Go. He can portray himself as a trickster, a ra… He was tortured by devils and subjected to acts of utter brutality until Mystra was able to hear Elminster’s plight. ... Like Gandalf in LotR. Merlin is from original Arthurian legend not Marvel. Yes, the Harry Potter franchise made wizards young, but the idea of a wizard in pop culture is still one of an old man. elminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,186. Reply. No way. and Galahad (spank me! He rarely reveals the full extent of his true nature to anyone who is not an extremely close friend. Mystra's Chosen > All. Gandalf vs Elminster Aumar as well as Albus Dumbledore vs Obi-Wan Kenobi. IAmTheMeat. Second of all, Merlin hangs around dreamboats like Lancelot (purr!) A one-stop shop for all things video games. However, Elminster's background is significantly different from that of Gandalf. It's a bit like comparing Gandalf with Dumbledore. And in keeping with the mage vs. mage theme, Raistlin vs. Elminster and a few Black Mage fights. Gandalf wins, definitively! BOBBY: My name is Robert De Loungville. Any of the three could also be beaten on any given day. Sorry, but if anyone's gonna teach this girl some new tricks, it's gonna be Merlin. I finally completed reading the Harry Potter series last night. Though he was the rightful heir to the throne of Athalantar, he abdicated and placed a friend in his stead, having no taste for ruling. Goose and Lord of Legend. Belit vs Red Sonja (Oh, my)? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Wondering what it was about it that bothered him. But not so prophetic that he could see that teaching a cute young thing all of his magic would lead to his death. Related: 10 Tricks That'll Help You Playing D&D For the First Time. Then his reflection blinked! Ever intend to finish up Link vs Simon Belmont? Like Gandalf in LotR. 6 comments. Izrador vs Gandalf? 317 Votes. He trained some of the great and famous wizards of yore - the Seven Sisters, the mad necromancer who founded The Cult of the Dragon, Khelben Blackstaff (well, maybe not him). The Sidekick UA Spellcaster is somebody that studied under Gandalf/Elminster/Insert whatever higher tier variant which would be represented by its ability to reach up to 9th level spells. In looks, sure. Gandalf leaned heavily on his staff staring into the magical reflecting pool. Nov 19, 2020 #20 Yoda vs. Gandalf vs. Dumbledore vs. Brom from eragon This topic is locked from further discussion. He tried to survive as a bandit and cutthroat, but found himself disliking the notion of killing. He’s known as a fierce protector of these lands, having defended the Dales from the insidious forces of the Zhentarim. Dumbledore and Ganondorf are right out. share. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. R. Rallan My Hat Of d02. Mar 29, 2015. Jan 5, 2017. smallhorses. In his \"youth\", he became one of the Maiar who served Manwë, Varda, Irmo and Nienna named. Elminster's patron died, and he's now essentially powerless. It is even rumored he had a hand in the founding of the city of Waterdeep, or at the very least creating its hierarchy of lords. Bobby De Loungville versus Gareth Bryne. Nobody knows what he's capable of except in a few brief moments when he starts casting his crazy spells to jam doorways, set the forest ablaze with eldritch fire, duel the balrog, etc. This seems like such a traditional arch-type in D&D, that I'm surprised this hasn't already been done. He spent years serving as a priestess of Mystra, calling herself Elmara. Fate had other plans for Elminster, and after years of adventures, he found himself visited by the goddess, Mystra. I'd really like to be able to make an Elminster / Gandalf type of human Arch-Mage wielding a staff that's not a gimp, flavor build. Mario and Sonic, Alien and Predator, Terminator and Robocop, Batman and Superman, Picard and Kirk, Elminster and Raistlin, Darth Vader and Seven of Nine, Gandalf and Merlin, Bahamut and Tiamat, Splinter and Shredder, Bond and Phelps, Trebek and Sajak, McGwire and Sosa, Shaq and Jordan, Kerrigan and Harding, Leno and Letterman, Cronkite and Brokaw, and Windows and Macintosh. Mystra explained that she was the living embodiment of the Weave, and she wished him to learn from her so he may protect it. the Legion of Mortal Godlings. Usually, wizards are pretty old. Despite Elthryn’s desire to remain uninvolved, he and his wife Amrythale were slain by the evil mage lord, Undarl. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons Does Greek Mythology In Magic: The Gathering Theros Crossover. Copying the relevant mechanics of gate from the 3.5 SRD: "The second effect of the gate spell is to call an extraplanar creature to your aid (a calling effect). He was present for the Time of Troubles, which saw the gods walk the world of Toril and wage war with each other.
Pick your winners! He trained some of the great and famous wizards of yore - the Seven Sisters, the mad necromancer who founded The Cult of the Dragon, Khelben Blackstaff (well, maybe not him). But every day I will advance one side. Now Elminster again, he sought to return to his home to free it of the magelords. And this picture alone is legitimate proof that Elminster is indeed Gandalf's Ultimate Imitator, something more people need to come to realize. Peace proved to be out of reach for Elminster, as Mystra was murdered in 1385 DR by the and gods Cyric and Shar, which started a cataclysmic event called the Spellplague. Gandalf's magic isn't even a close match to Rand channeling the OP. They meet in a pocket plane. Raistlin vs Elminster. When Mystra was killed for trying to return to the heavens, it left Elminster powerless for a time. There was something different in the eyes, something foreign. Rand vs. Gandalf? Now, groups can certainly choose to play those exact characters if they want but that is generally not the case. Nobody knows what he's capable of except in a few brief moments when he starts casting his crazy spells to jam doorways, set the forest ablaze with eldritch fire, duel the balrog, etc. Then Gandalf strides in, points out that fourth edition spell-slingers are pussies, stares them all down at once while they cry home to mama. Submit Templates; Contact Us; FAQ; Legal & Policies chris777 Registered User. Elminster Aumar (born in 212 DR) is a fictional character in the Dungeons & Dragons-based Forgotten Realms setting. Who would emerge the victor if these two legendary mages fought it out? In 1372 DR, he sealed himself behind a portal to the Nine Hells so he could prevent hordes of devils from entering Toril and wreaking havoc. It was originally created by author and game designer Ed Greenwood as a setting for his own stories, but after he discovered D&D he adapted it to the game system. It was originally created by author and game designer Ed Greenwood as a setting for his own stories, but after he discovered D&D he adapted it to the game system. Reply. Pug vs Harry Potter Merlin vs Kvothe Fizban vs Mazrim Taim Macros vs Gandolf Feel free to describe how the battle would take place. 67% Upvoted. He's a shapeshifter, and may be prophetic. Next Last. Impressed by Elminster, she asked him to be one of her Chosen -- an immortal being imbued with incredible power over the Weave. Elminster vs. Mordenkainen. He was created by Ilúvatar before the Music of the Ainur, and was at the beginning of Time amongst the Ainur who entered into Eä. That's a rough breakdown of the advantages each mage has in the conflict. May 6, 2010 #3 Karsa Orlong may well be the biggest fantasy badass ever. Be they Gandalf, Elminster, Skywalker, Valen, Superman etc etc etc. Merlin vs. Gandalf This Fight Suggested By: Joao Camilo, The Big Bad W0lf Robin, RiggsAntor, Dr. Serious. Reply. W. Wolfwood2 Registered User. It’s really a tough question since there are so many “versions” of them. They are a fan-favorite class that allow players to enjoy the fantasy of being an all-knowing, fireball hurling, master of the arcane, but on … Solomon Kane vs Elminster? Elminster 204 Votes. If you like our work, please support us. Venage237's wall > Ever intend to finish up Link vs Simon Belmont? This Rumble ended on 2003-02-15 00:00:00.0. In a flash of brilliant light the phantasm of the mirror appears in front of … Gandalf the Grey Gandalf the Grey . Since its inception, Dungeons & Dragons has prominently featured wizards and the powerful magic they weave. Antvasima (talk) 08:55, October 31, 2018 (UTC) Post by Andragohn » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:34 pm. Each of them has access to his signature items (for Raistlin, this means: The Staff of Magius, the Dragon Orb and the … His father Elthryn was one of the seven sons of Uthgrael Aumar who had left the palace intrigues to settle in the nearby village of Heldon, where he served as its lord. After a pitched battle, his victory was complete. _____ Where there is a great deal of free speech, there is always a certain amount of foolish speech. He was starring at his reflection. Venage237's wall > Ever intend to finish up Link vs Simon Belmont? Once in Hell, he was abducted and enslaved by an outcast archdevil known as Nergal, who wished to discover the secret of Mystra's silver fire. My friends call me Bobby. I think it is a tossup between Elminster the archmage, and rincewind. Raistlin vs Gandalf General Discussion. On the understanding of hard vs soft magic, it depends. 264 Votes, Gandalf
Gandalf is one of the main characters in The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings respectfully. Sorvan76 Member Posts: 76. More importantly, they should do some Forgotten Realms movies one day. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. 11-15-2010, 08:34 AM. Each character is at the height of their power. Artist-Azar. Mystra was eventually reincarnated through a wizard named Midnight, restoring Elminster's power. Marvel's Venom Event Concludes, Elektra is Daredevil and Aliens Arrive in March 2021, Dungeons & Dragons' Greatest Wizard Is More Than a Gandalf Rip-Off, Dungeons & Dragons: Exploring Chult, the Dinosaur-Filled Jungle, Dungeons & Dragons Does Greek Mythology In Magic: The Gathering Theros Crossover, 10 Tricks That'll Help You Playing D&D For the First Time, Baldur's Gate 3 Demo Teases a Triumphant Return, Sonic 2: Knuckles’ Role in the Sequel Reportedly Leaks, Magic: The Gathering - Drafting a Commander Legends Deck for Brago, King Eternal, The 10 Best Multiplayer Switch Games (Updated 2020), Patty Jenkins Has One Major Requirement to Film Wonder Woman 3, Spider-Man: Miles Morales May Have Given Insomniac the Key to the Spider-Verse, Junji Ito's Remina Is a Modern Horror Classic - That We Don't Need Right Now, Good Omens Fans Will Enjoy Eniale & Dewiela Vol. Jim Butcher's wizards do magic by imagining a thing and making said thing real by pouring magic energy into it with their will. OptimusPrime - Member. Elminster has literally been to hell and back. She taught him of the Weave, the invisible threads that make magic possible in the Forgotten Realms. I'm also completely ignoring TV and movies, and sticking to written sources. Any of the three could win on any given day. He finshes it by handing the title over to Merlin, who persuaded Gandalf to go put the fix on thsoe losers. Gandalf’s initial appearance is as a wizard, but later on Gandalf appears as the chief of the Istari order after Saruman’s fall. 4: One of Gandalf's most powerful foes he killed was The Belrog of Morgoth while one of Elminster's most powerful foes he fought and disposed of was The Avatar of Bane (Gandalf eventually finished off the Belrog of Morgoth by a series of lightning strikes while Elminster on the other hand disposed The Avatar of Bane as they did battle in his tower, as both were caught up in the spell that Elminster had … Sauron vs Thoth-amon? My bet is on Rand vs. Aslan...Savior vs. Savior...ha ha. So prepare your forbidden books and steadily growing beards, magic fans, as we at Screen Rant ask Dumbledore Vs. Gandalf: Who's the Better Wizard? Joined Oct 1, 2010 Messages 1,611. Eventually, he was shown the magic to alter his form by a wizard named Myrjala. "Doppelganger!" In looks, sure. September 2014 in Off-Topic. January 2014 edited January 2014. Merlin is from original Arthurian legend not Marvel. Site Rules & Help : RPG Crossing > Discussions ... And in keeping with the mage vs. mage theme, Raistlin vs. Elminster and a few Black Mage fights. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. John Constantine vs. Dr. Stephen Strange vs. Elminster vs. Gandalf vs. Dumbledor vs. Merlin vs. Medivh. Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to publication for the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and … 6 comments. Name Something you've created: The need for a library devoted to cataloguing all the things I've created. Name: Elminster Favorite Spell: Seduce Mystra Arch-Enemy: I'm too powerful to have enemies. His backstory and further adventures have been explored in a series of novels from creator Ed Greenwood, starting with Elminster: The Making of a Mage in 1994, and continuing to appear in 13 novels over the decades. I think it was agreed upon in DnD revisions that the wish spell is causality manipulation ZacharyGrossman273 (talk) 22:10, October 30, 2018 (UTC) You can talk with some of the participants about it via their message walls. Sidekick: The Chosen of Mystra, a.k.a. Mar 29, 2015. OptimusPrime Member; 4273 posts; Share; Posted March 9, 2010. Elminster is (maybe was) a Chosen of Mystra.He is magically old old old. Raistlin Majere vs Elminster. Reply. Puffs of smoke rings chased one another above his head forming a chain before dissipating. Gandalf is an archangel, but that doesn't mean much. Pools of Darkness; Risen; Risen 2: Dark Waters; Secret of the Silver Blades; Space Siege; Star Wars: KotOR; Star Wars: KotOR II; System Shock 2; Temple of Elemental Evil ... Elminster vs Rincewind (Score: 4, Insightful) by javajawa on Tuesday December 21, 2004 @02:54PM Homepage. If I'm the only one who votes, then so be it! He eventually resorted to burglary and was caught robbing the home of Stonecloak, a powerful spellcaster. Fascinated with the manifestation, Gandalf reaches down to touch the surface of the pool. Sauron vs Thoth-amon? Reply. 1, Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #1 Reveals Sunstar's Origins, King in Black: Immortal Hulk #1 Rings in a Silent Night, Black Cat Jumps Into a Solid Relaunch Against the King in Black, Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths Gives the Justice Society a Violent Epic, CBR Editor Picks: The Best Comics of 2020, The Mandalorian's Rebel Cameo May Reveal Who Saved Grogu From Order 66, Beyond Good and Evil 2: Everything We Know About the Game's Development So Far, Doctor Doom Confirms Marvel's Most POWERFUL Weapon Is NOT the Infinity Gauntlet, Dungeons & Dragons: Every New Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Subclass, Ranked, A Classic Star Wars Game Still Exists on the Fringe of Canon, Darth Vader's Role in the Obi-Wan Series Could Fill a Return of the Jedi Plot Hole, What Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity's Ending Could Mean for Breath of the Wild 2, Magic: The Gathering - Building a Commander Deck for Jodah, Archmage Eternal, Marvel Studios Announces New Year's Eve Musical Event, Clubhouse Games is Nintendo's Overlooked 2020 Gem, The 5 Best Professional Wrestlers in Video Games. Name Something you've created: The need for a library devoted to cataloguing all the things I've created. Plotting and planning - playing a long, protracted, chess-like game against one another. But every day I will advance one side. A natural storyteller, Elminster is normally a witty, clever, and very charming man. Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice . Intentionally drawing inspiration from mythical and literary figures like Odin, Merlin and Gandalf, Elminster is the Forgotten Realms’ gray-bearded, pointy hat wearing, pipe-smoking, immortal sage. If there is a wizard show down, it should be Ged vs. Gandalf vs. Polgara; one big three-way match ;) For several ages now, two sages have graced the halls of the Inter-Dimensional Retirement Community located on the estates of the Khazan Wizards Guild. The Sidekick UA Spellcaster is somebody that studied under Gandalf/Elminster/Insert whatever higher tier variant which would be represented by its ability to reach up to 9th level spells. Each character is at the height of their power. Besides, Gandalf and Elminster are kind of unreal characters - even the books dealing with them as up-and-coming mages are afterthoughts; Raistlin is the one that truly develops. Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game.Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories. Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Validated User. He sat on the ruling council which formed the Harpers, a secretive order of spellcasters who seek to prevent the abuse of magic. In the early hours of Hammer 1, 1372 DR, Elminster entered the portal and narrowly managed to close it, but at the expense of much of his magical strength. He was born in the year 212 DR to the now non-existent kingdom of Athalantar. May 6, 2010 #4 The annoying "comedy … I imagine both are too clever to go all-out against each other directly, rather using minions/allies, etc. Solamnic Knights vs. Knights of the Holy Grail, Scions (of DragonLance) vs. Scions (of Shannara), Queen of Darkness vs. Crown Prince of Darkness, Blister Vera Jay Nimblefingers vs. Olive Rustkettle, Blister Vera Jay Nimblefingers vs. Paxina Thistleknot, Billee Belladonna Juniper vs. Gollum/Sméagol, Paxina Thistleknot vs. Billee Belladonna Juniper. Come to realize make magic possible in the Nine Hells, but could only the. Grey and Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the and! Introduced in 1985 Skywalker, Valen, Superman etc etc etc etc near the top I think essentially.! Undermountain into the magical reflecting pool he eventually resorted to burglary and was caught robbing the home of Stonecloak a... 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