Amazing, that Ddraig, he really beat Typhon huh! 2a. Add interesting content and earn coins Ddraig_Albion 0 points 1 point 2 points 5 months ago You should ask in the help thread tbh, but I should give emiya another ending or victor of the moon. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 22261 on r2-app-025c0673b870ab5d0 at 2020-12-24 02:08:17.442863+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: GR. Divide at the first possible moment 5 v 7, [â]AutoModeratorBOOSTO~[M] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Azazel also mentions that at their prime condition, Ddraig and Albion were far stronger than the three known strongest Evil Dragons: Crom Cruach, Aži Dahākaand Apophis. draig vs albion. how the hell were they equal? He resides within the Longinus, Boosted Gear, wielded by Issei Hyoudou. Another ending for facecards and crits, victor of the moon for np damage and crits. this would depend on the hosts, remember vali can only hold so much power since he has to get rid of the excess power through his wings, so if the draig host has a higher stamina limit he could win. how the hell were they equal? Albion Stories Refine by tag: albion bromwich stream live merlin camelot hove west brighton arthur vs arthurpendragon magic ddraig bbcmerlin merthur pendragon emrys manchester morgana [â][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Vali Defeated 의해 Issei. Not to be taken seriously, but it is based on what has happened so far in the Light Novels. Ddraig Vs Albion. Jul 1, 2019; Thread starter #25 I believe so too, but Vali also needs other powerups aside from that. The Welsh Dragon (Welsh: Y Ddraig Goch, meaning the red dragon, pronounced [ə ˈðraiɡ ˈɡoːχ]) is a heraldic symbol that appears on the national flag of Wales.The oldest recorded use of the dragon to symbolise Wales is in the Historia Brittonum, written around AD 829, but it is popularly supposed to have been the battle standard of King Arthur and other ancient Celtic leaders. Color. In anger, both Dragons attacked the leaders of the Three Factions, causing the three factions to temporarily join hands against them, eventually leading to both of their bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two separate Sacred Gears, with Ddraig being placed inside the Sacred Gear "Boosted Gear". use the following search parameters to narrow your results: and join one of thousands of communities. Keneko is the best waifu, drawings done by me. foto of Albion for fan of Vali Lucifer 36601301. It is sometimes used poetically to refer to the island, but has fallen out of common use in English. Ddraig can boost his power until he oversteps and hurts himself, Albion can halve power and absorb it until he can't any longer and hurts himself. (self.HighschoolDxD). tagahanga Art of Albion Scale Mail for fans of Vali Lucifer 36600258 vali. Ddraig himself claims he has the power to destro… The reason is at some point in the past, Ddraig had borrowed Tiamat's treasure for his upcoming battle with Albion and was accidentally destroyed during the fight. VS Battles. In the past, Ddraig was a fearsome Dragon known to have powerful flames that can incinerate anything, including Gods, and will never go out till they burn the opponents to ashes. Ddraig, whose body was pretty worn out, showed me a grin. ”Albion Online is bursting at the seams with features, each seamlessly integrated, providing a true sandbox world.“ ”Albion Online is worth looking at because it aims to deconstruct the overwrought cut-and-paste template that too many MMOs build from. ddraig. Discussiondraig vs albion. This caused them to develop new abilities, such as Divide and Boost. He used to wander as a lonely and isolated dragon as a result of his deadly poison which was feared even by the gods, until he encountered Ddraig who was immune to it. 10/6/2016. When they were alive they had other power like Ddraig black flames. Unknown. added by NeoNightclaw19. High School DxD NEW -Issei (Draig) vs Vali (Albion) - Amv. Aug 10, 2016 - Albionis one of theTwo-Heavenly Dragons, and the arch-rival of Ddraig. ddraig. Long ago, he got into a fight with Albion which was disrupted by the Three Great Factions who were at … That scenario is based on the fact Albion has managed to touch Ddraig for Divide to work. تصویر of Vali Albion Armor for شائقین of Vali Lucifer 36599916 Plus I'm sure Divide has limitations such as a time limit so Albion will need to touch Ddraig again for it to function. [â]Meatfeast85 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Issei vs Vali. High School DxD NEW -Issei (Draig) vs Vali (Albion) - Amv. If I remember correctly, those two characteristic abilities that define the sacred gears were abilities that Ddraig and Albion learned after years of fighting each other. Immense Strength: As one of the Heavenly Dragons, Ddraig possesses a great amount of strength. [4] and inflict damage to the core of opponents [5]. Albion didn't Reflect his flames, he was just immune to them. War Historian-Freedom2134 chapter 1 . This manifests differently in the sacred gears, with Issei he slowly loses his life force as he goes overboard, and Vali loses his armor which he must remanifest. issei. Albion. My own crackpot theory on why the two Heavenly Dragons started fighting long ago. Summary. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Since then she has been chasing after Ddraig and his possessors for a long time, to retrieve her stolen treasure. If you can't find the source, state so. Stated to be equal to, or stronger than Pseudo Diabolos Dragon Deification Issei [13], who could vaporize more than half of a vast mountain range), Speed: FTL (Comparable to Pseudo Diabolos Dragon Deification Issei), Lifting Strength: Class T (Equal to, or stronger than Pseudo Diabolos Dragon Deification Issei), Striking Strength: Small Country Class+ (Equal to, or stronger than Pseudo Diabolos Dragon Deification Issei), Durability: Small Country level+ (Equal to, or stronger than Pseudo Diabolos Dragon Deification Issei), Stamina: High (Can fight with his wings being full of holes, a broken arm, and his body being full of bruises. ddraig. Weaknesses: As a Dragon, he is vulnerable to dragon slaying abilities. added by NeoNightclaw19. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. In the battle they are used to deliver devastating punches that are capable to pierce through enemies chests. Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames does not work on beings such as Albion, Ophis, and Great Red. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If I was one of them, I'd be pissed off to high hell on what they're teasing me with. We do not allow posts with the end goal of making money, 11. But the question to be answered is: who is the better dragon (possesor in this case) that can use their abilities better? True DxD Volume 3, Welsh Dragon & Crescent Circle Dragon. चित्र of Juggernaut Overdrive for प्रशंसकों of Vali Lucifer 36599985 Craft, trade, conquer, and leave your mark on the world of Albion. .) The both must return to their base state. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Albion can't go past his limit like Ddraig can. Albion is an alternative name for Britain. added by NeoNightclaw19. This manifests differently in the sacred gears, with Issei he slowly loses his life force as he goes overboard, and Vali loses his armor which he must remanifest. video. Link directly to images or use an image hosting site, 9. added by NeoNightclaw19. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. [â]AlcahonaDrunk Valkyrie 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Ddraig can boost his power until he oversteps and hurts himself, Albion can halve power and absorb it until he can't any longer and hurts himself. [3] Also, If we talk about when they were alive then they didnt have these power to boost or to divide powers. Blue scales with white underbelly. Albion is one of the two legendary Heavenly Dragons, widely renowned as the Vanishing Dragon. no matter how frequent ddraig would be able to use his power it wouldn't matter. For all we know they might have other abilities that they have that we don't know about. Ddraig while he can double his power it is only temporary, sometime all of that power used for one attack, and he would break if he boost past what his body could handle. That is from the sacred gears. if the author missed this he really can't do math. Albion allows Death to suck the souls out of all the enemies that he had landed punches on and then redirects them into Ddraig. The Elder Scrolls metaphysics & philosophy, vaporize more than half of a vast mountain range,, Boost isn't used to quantify the statistics of the characters due to it being too incosistent to follow our. Albions host can only accept the power he can handle. Rendered by PID 22261 on r2-app-025c0673b870ab5d0 at 2020-12-24 02:08:17.442863+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: GR. While he explored this concept, he ran into Albion who had the ability to reflect his incinerating flames making him impervious. fotografia of Albion for fãs of Vali Lucifer 36601301. Intelligence: As one of the Heavenly Dragons, Ddraig is an incredibly ancient entity who has mastered the use of his powers and was responsible for teaching them to every wielder of the Boosted Gear. foto of Vali Lucifer for peminat-peminat of Vali Lucifer 36600255 Photo of Vali Lucifer Albion for fans of Vali Lucifer 36599987 to clarify: i'm talking about the time where draig and albion were dragons and weren't sealed in gears. Like Ddraig, he … Another scenario is Ddraig can boost many many times before fighting Albion and overpower him before Divide comes into play with his boosted attacks + penetrate. The divide and boost abilities are abilities they developed throughout the years (decades, centuries . Rias Gremory cosplay by myself (hana.cos)! . issei. Knowing that Yuuma plans to kill him, Issei instead indulges in his fetish and gets her pregnant. video. [â]Twisted_Freak 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). 사진. “I’ve said it before right, Partner? Consider this a present to all my readers. No adjustments made. Consider this a present to all my readers. ablion would have the upper hand very quickly. [â]Wolfiesilv 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), [â]necronomikon -1 points0 points1 point 2 years ago (0 children). Follow/Fav Ddraig VS Albion Origins: Chest VS Waist. Forge your own path in this sandbox MMORPG. If the post helps you acquired the answer, please delete this post otherwise ignore this message. By: the Composcreator. AtlantisUchiha. It should be noted that while Blazing Inferno of Scorching Flames is said to be unable to be turned off until the target is reduced to ashes, this doesn't mean the ability negates durability. issei. Albion had poison that could destroy anything living, but Ddraig was immune to his poison. Remember that Albion must also release part of the power until he reaches a stable state that he can handle, so lets say that after after many Divides the power it took is a bit too much and thus needs to release it until it reaches a stable place (best case being max stat, worst being at base or lower). Reason is that most things said as "jokes" are either annoying to … Prior to being sealed within the Boosted Gear, Ddraig's power was stated to surpass that of the current Dragon Kings, and he and Albion have been stated to have power rivaling both Gods and Satans. In addition, he is one of a select handful of characters able to take on the equally ancient Gods of various pantheons on even ground, a feat that not even Satan-class individuals can perform. [â]SplitTheLane 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Ddraig had flames that could incinerate everything. Rias best waifu change my mind. bức ảnh of Vali Lucifer for những người hâm mộ of Vali Lucifer 36600264 Long ago, he got into a fight with Albion which was disrupted by the Three Great Factions who were at war during the time. Vali Lucifer-Albion. High School DxD NEW -Issei (Draig) vs Vali (Albion) - Amv. Issei met Ddraig before he met Yuuma, which changes everything about their relationship. No unlicensed/illegal merchandise or content, 10. Ddraig is the legendary Red Dragon of Wales and one of the legendary Two Heavenly Dragons alongside his arch-rival Albion. but how could this be? i will agree though that ability wise albion seems to have the upperhand. Name: Ddraig, Y Ddraig Goch, "Welsh Dragon", "Red Dragon Emperor", Powers and Abilities Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Aura, Flight, Telepathy, Rage Power, Large Size, Breath Attack, Teleportation, Energy Projection, Forcefield Creation, Fire Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception, Immortality (Type 1), Summoning (Can summon other dragons with the aid of the Dragon Gate), Statistics Amplification (Can constantly double his own power [1] and also transfer it to others [2]), Limited Durability Negation (Penetrate can bypass defensive abilities Now she really is his girlfriend, and Issei's more than happy to have a pregnant sex-filled life with a fallen angel girlfriend. That there is no one stronger than me and Albion.” Volume 25, Life.DxD vs Life.GOD. His wings shed excess power, remember? 1. Be respectful, discrimination is not tolerated. Ddraig is the legendary Red Dragon of Wales and one of the legendary Two Heavenly Dragons alongside his arch-rival Albion. Because of this they engaged in endless conflict to best each other. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 14,741 1,195. vali. Hey! that means no matter how much draig would power up with 1 divine dividing albion would have the clear upperhand. You're partly wrong. [â]Ryuuji_Gremory 3 points4 points5 points 2 years ago* (0 children). He is rather prideful as is the case with most dragons, and his decision to fight the Three Factions led them to destroy his body and seal his soul in the Boosted Gear. Owner. He resides within the Longinus, Boosted Gear, wielded by Issei Hyoudou. The power he cant handle is just released. Ddraig is a legendary colossal dragon of unknown class, and one of the most powerful dragons. [â]kiiro1994 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). vali. [â]Omegalock4 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (0 children). Affiliations. of fighting each other. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Burning_Full_Fingers. video. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Add interesting content and earn coins Both are extremely powerful beings and too many what if situations to answer who is the strongest. Birthday pictures are only allowed in the character's birthday Twitter post. added by NeoNightclaw19. Hope this helps. All submissions must be related to the DxD Series, 5. now this has been bugging me for a while: they say that draig and albion fought on equal footing and that there was no winner. if we assume draig and albion have a base power of 2. while ddraig wouldn't be able to stack power, ablion IS able to. [â]necronomikon 6 points7 points8 points 2 years ago (1 child). My own crackpot theory on why the two Heavenly Dragons started fighting long ago. Summary: Originally copy on fanfic. Directly taken from the word document. ablion's power is clearly vastly superior to draig's since it halves AND takes that power for his own. Retired. It can also get through Gressil's Resistance ability [6]), Non-Physical Interaction (Characters in the series can interact with spirits which are stated to lack physical form [7]), Resistance to Magic (Dragon scales have resistance to magical attacks [8]), Time Stop (As a result of his power, Issei was unaffected by Forbidden Balor View [9]), Poison Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (He is immune to the effects of Albion's Reduce, a poison which destroys the body and soul [10]), and Death Manipulation (As a result of his power, Issei can survive in the Dimensional Gap [11], a world of void that kills whatever is inside of it by exposing them to nothingness [12]), Attack Potency: Small Country level+ (Equal to Albion, having fought against him numerous times with no victor emerging between them. Ddraig and Albion are two energy gauntlets. Most basic questions regarding HighSchoolDxD and the subreddit are answered HERE. I'm confused; how did Ddraig and Albion switch from chest vs. hips to boobs vs. butt? Ddraig VS Albion Origins: Chest vs Waist Composcreator. Heâs talking about before when Draig and Albion were dragons and roamed free. Furthermore both abilities are probably limited by the maximum capacity of the dragons and if they go beyond that limit it will result in damaging themselves, if not Ddraig would have won easily once he had developed Boost because he could just go into the fight boosted to a level a few thousand times stronger than Albion and end the fight with his first attack. I think Vali will be able to summon Albion and their final fight will be a 2vs2 issei/ddraig vs vali/albion . So both have a limit and Ddraig can simply go into the fight already boosted, then once both of them reached their max the powers would just start negating each other. So we all know Ddraig's powers are basically Boost (which doubles his powers) and Transfer (which transfers them to someone/something) and Albion has the power to Divide and add that divided power to his own. Ddraig eventually met Albion, who was immune to his flames. He is called the White Dragon, and also known as theVanishing DragonandWhite Dragon Emperor,and currently residing within theLonginus,Divine Dividing, wielded byVali Lucifer and Hadrian Ignotus Peverell. Managed to battle the Three Factions all at once after a draining battle with Albion), Range: Several meters due to his sheer size, dozens of kilometers with attacks. Afterwards Death can release all the absorbed souls through Ddraig as an obliterating 'Execution Wave'. 3. Fotografia of Albion Lucifer 36601301 6 points7 points8 points 2 years ago * ( 0 children ) keneko the! Leave your mark on the fact Albion has managed to touch Ddraig for Divide to work and Privacy Policy great. 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