So, dates fall in the low- to medium-GI category. Many sweeteners are marketed as healthy alternatives to regular sugar, but some may do more harm than good. So, Is Date Sugar a Healthy Sweetener? Compared to similar types of fruit, such as figs and dried plums, dates appear to have the highest antioxidant content (8). This Sugar Free Date Cookies recipe is a simple, diabetic friendly snack that is also gluten free and vegan! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen me testing date paste as a substitute in various recipes.I wanted to see how date paste worked as a 1:1 substitute for various types of sugar in recipes, including coconut sugar and maple syrup. However, human studies are needed to confirm the role of dates in brain health. Commercial date sugars, according to package labeling, are about 1-2g less sugar per teaspoon than coconut sugar. Date syrup is arguably the healthiest sugar alternative. Dates are incredibly versatile and make a delicious snack. The takeaway. As is the case with coconut sugar, though it might be slightly higher in nutrients than its more common counterparts, date … This means that also date sugar, which is simply granulated dehydrated dates, is a concentrated source of potassium, magnesium and copper, and it contains decent amounts of iron, phosphorus and calcium as well. Antioxidants help defend your cells from damage. Its texture is similar to brown sugar and it works well in baking recipes. The filling is made with raw cashews, maple syrup, and coconut oil, so not only is it gluten-free and sugar-free, but it's vegan as well. Fruits are very nutritious and contain lots of fiber and antioxidants. Eat these 11 foods to boost your memory and focus, help prevent disease and keep sharp as you…. Some cooks prefer using only 2/3 cup of date sugar per cup of white sugar. Depending on the variety, fresh dates are fairly small in size and range in color from bright red to bright yellow. Maintains blood sugar levels. Furthermore, the fiber in dates may be beneficial for blood sugar control. Certain natural sweeteners (like banana puree and date paste) provide health benefits, according to United State Department of Agriculture, such as encouraging healthy blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels and heart disease risk, thanks to their fiber content. Date sugar is made of granulated dried dates. While not healthy in high amounts, date sugar is healthier than white sugar. NOW Real Food ® Date Sugar is an excellent sprinkle for fresh fruits, yogurt, cereals and more. The role dates may have in pregnancy is likely due to compounds that bind to oxytocin receptors and appear to mimic the effects of oxytocin in the body. It's vegan, refined sugar free and on the table in 40 minutes. Dates are an exceptionally concentrated source of antioxidants, and date extracts have been shown to exert strong antioxidant effects, both in test tubes and in humans [4, 5, 6 ]. Although dates are sweet, several studies (such as this one in the Nutrition Journal ) suggest they are safe for diabetics. These 12 foods are high in antioxidants and can help keep your cells healthy. They are full of nutritious ingredients and boast no added sugar. Although date sugar looks a lot like regular brown sugar made of sugarcane, these two sweeteners are very different in terms of nutrient content and health effects. Would you like any spice in the recipe? While not healthy in high amounts, date sugar is healthier than white sugar. Date sugar is 100% dehydrated dates ground into small pieces. Imagine a whole food ingredient sweet enough to replace sugar in a ratio of 1:1 and packed with antioxidants, nutrients and fibre. Although these potential health benefits are promising, more human studies are needed before conclusions can be made. This Sugar Free Date Cookies recipe is a simple, diabetic friendly snack that is also gluten free and vegan! [8, 9]. Many contemporary whole-grain and homemade bread recipes call for date sugar instead of brown sugar since it lends a unique flavour and sweetness that pairs well with whole grains. Yes No No Preference. Date Bars Healthy No Sugar Recipes 256,569 Recipes. Dates have been studied for their potential to promote and ease late-term labor in pregnant women. Dates provide various antioxidants that have a number of health benefits to offer, including a reduced risk of several diseases. Thus, making this a healthy alternative to refined sugar for diabetics. They are also a good source of natural sugar and calories, which are necessary to maintain energy levels during labor (20). Date sugar is made with dehydrated dates that are ground to resemble granulated sugar. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Last updated Dec 14, 2020. However, these intensely sweet granules do look a lot like brown sugar made from sugarcane, and in fact, you can use date sugar as a substitute for brown sugar in many recipes for baked goods. A Healthy Sticky Date Pudding with no added sugar that's light, airy and stays moist for days. In addition, dates contain a wide range of trace elements like magnesium, selenium, and zinc! Almost all dates sold in Western countries are dried. Palm sugar also contains a dietary fiber called inulin, which is known to keep a check on blood sugar levels, and low amount of fructose, a type of sugar our body quickly converts into triglyceride - a form of fat.. Dates are a source of fructose, which is a natural type of sugar found in fruit. They make a great healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes due to the nutrients, fiber and antioxidants that they provide. Dates have become quite popular in recent years. Fiber slows digestion and may help prevent blood sugar levels from spiking too high after eating (5). Preparation. Here are 8 “healthy” sugars and sweeteners that may be harmful. Because dates are so sweet, dates provide the perfect natural alternative to added sugars in any date recipe. High levels of IL-6 are associated with a higher risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s (13, 14). Oxytocin is a hormone that causes labor contractions during childbirth (18, 20). Antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that may cause harmful reactions in your body and lead to disease (7). 49 ($0.82/Ounce) Join Prime to save $1.50 on this item. This search takes into account your taste preferences. These cake brownies are entirely sweetened with dates. Natural sweetener recipe for date syrup that is cheap, healthy and full of good stuff.Date syrup uses are any recipes that call for no refined sugar and cakes like a quinoa chocolate cake. Or does date sugar fall to second place? Date sugar can be substituted for granulated sugar or brown sugar cup for cup, but it does not dissolve in liquids. Is this alternative sweetener really a healthy substitute for regular, processed sugar? The health benefits of date sugar Dates are great for promoting bowel movement due to their incredibly high fiber content. Date sugar can be substituted measure for measure for brown sugar and also granulated white sugar, if you like very sweet cakes, quick breads and cookies. A rule of thumb is to replace sugar with date paste at a 1:1 ratio. Date sugar and syrup can be used as sweeteners in all of your favorite recipes, including oatmeal, smoothies, baked goods, and marinades. Date sugar attracts moisture, so it is especially important to keep it well-sealed to prevent it from clumping. NOW Real Food™ Date Sugar is pure and is an excellent sprinkle for fresh fruits, yogurt, cereals and more. Date sugar is a type of sugar found most commonly in natural food stores since it is less processed than more conventional sugars. 256,569 suggested recipes. This article reviews whether mayo is safe when…. Dates have an excellent nutrition profile. These tasty date oatmeal cookies use the natural sweetness of the dates rather than any added sugar to make a relatively healthy, easy and delicious treat. That said, date sugar is a significant source of simple carbohydrates and calories, so you should use it with caution, just like all other sweeteners. Despite their calories, dates contain some important vitamins and minerals in addition to a significant amount of fiber. Date syrup is arguably the healthiest sugar alternative. Here are 13 foods you should eat when you're pregnant. One of the easiest recipes you can find. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving provides the following nutrients (1): Dates are also high in antioxidants, which may contribute to many of their health benefits (2). Here’s an overview of the three most potent antioxidants in dates: Eating dates may help improve brain function. The potential brain-boosting properties of dates have been attributed to their content of antioxidants known to reduce inflammation, including flavonoids (13). firmly packed brown sugar, oatmeal, milk, sugar, ground cardamom and 10 more Whole Wheat Date Muffins Sweet Tarte whole wheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon, dates, sliced almonds and 8 … The reason is because date sugar is 100% fruit. That’s about 33% less than the same portion of white table sugar, which will be 32 calories. Additionally, dates contain tannins, which are compounds that have been shown to help facilitate contractions. Date Syrup is Gluten-free, Refined Sugar-free, Dairy-free, Paleo, Whole 30 and Digestion Supporting. This healthy date loaf was first published exactly a year ago, and since then has become one of the most popular recipes on the blog! Medjool and Deglet Noor dates are the most commonly consumed varieties. Although eating dates appears to help promote labor and reduce labor duration, more research is needed to confirm these effects. One animal study found that mice fed food mixed with dates had significantly better memory and learning ability, as well as less anxiety-related behaviors, compared to those that did not eat them (16). Making your own date sugar is also more cost efficient as buying dates tends to cost less than buying it. In addition, compared with cane sugar, whole date sugar has an excellent nutritional profile. Here are 9 healthy substitutes you can use instead. Our Organic Date Sugar is produced by grinding and milling dehydrated Deglet Noor dates into a light brown, rather fine, free-flowing sugar prized for its fruity sweetness and unique texture.The dates are naturally sun-dried for up to a year prior to the grinding process. This post may contain affiliate links, where we earn from qualifying purchases. Date sugar is made of unrefined fruit (as opposed to the ultra-processed fruit juice concentrates common in many packaged foods), so it is not technically an added sugar… It is important to note that although dates are high in fiber and nutrients, they are still fairly high in calories and best consumed in moderation. “The high sugar content may be of concern to those who are diabetic,” Jones says, especially in excess. Dried fruit is very nutritious, but also contains a lot of sugar and calories. “The high sugar content may be of concern to those who are diabetic,” Jones says, especially in excess. The average person in the United States consumes around 17 teaspoons, or 71.14 grams, of added sugar per day, which far exceeds recommended limits. This is organic, vegan, and fair trade; organic; vegan; fair trade sugar is the best sugar … 4. By Katrina … Just 5 ingredients and 5 minutes for a real food snack that will cure any sweet tooth! Whole dates contain a lot of potassium, magnesium and copper, with a 100-gram serving of Medjool dates or regular Deglet Noor dates providing over 15% of the daily RDA/AI of these important minerals. For this reason, dates have a low glycemic index (GI), which measures how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating a certain food (6). Fiber can benefit your digestive health by preventing constipation. It is a whole food, high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Date Sugar. The weather was gorgeous on Friday, so JZ and I went on a bike ride to the farmers market. Dates are definitely worth adding to your diet, as they are both nutritious and delicious. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Date sugar can be substituted measure for measure for brown sugar and also granulated white sugar, if you like very sweet cakes, quick breads and cookies. Despite its name, date sugar is not really sugar; it is simply granulated dried dates. As regular sugar is highly processed and virtually devoid of any vitamins and minerals, date sugar is definitely a more nutritious alternative to regular sugar. Minerals like potassium and magnesium play an important role in keeping your heart healthy, while antioxidants are thought to promote longevity and provide protection against the development of a wide range of chronic diseases. 100% Pure Organic Date Sugar - Healthy Alternative Sweetener for Baking, Cereals, Cooking (14 Ounces) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1. This post may contain affiliate links, where we earn from qualifying purchases. FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. Easy to make one big cake or 12 small ones. These Oatmeal Date Balls are reminiscent of sugary, chewy cookie dough and are sure to please kids and adults! Science Says: Made from ground dates, it delivers all the nutrients in dates, including potassium and calcium-and is similar in antioxidants to molasses. You’ll get 32 to 33 grams of carbs in a serving of dates, most of which comes from sugar, but that serving also includes 3 grams of fiber. These 16 tips to add more fiber to your diet may improve digestion, help you lose weight and lower your risk of disease. The healthiest sweetener on the planet is date sugar. Dehydration does not cause a significant loss of any of the minerals listed above [3]. Do you think molasses is less healthy than date sugar? Dates are high in natural sugar, so many people think they may not be good for them. Another study of 154 pregnant women found that those who ate dates were much less likely to be induced compared to those who did not (19). You can also combine dates with nuts and seeds to make healthy snack bars or energy balls, as in this recipe. If you think of date bars as the only possible use for dates, this cheesecake recipe will change your mind. Use date sugar wherever brown sugar is called for, for a similar malty-sweet flavor. Raw dehydrated date sugar is full of fiber as well as nutrients which helps to slow the rate of digestion, providing a healthier boost of energy when you need one. However, these sweet fruits are packed with plenty of nutrients, … These tasty date oatmeal cookies use the natural sweetness of the dates rather than any added sugar to make a relatively healthy, easy and delicious treat. Dates have been claimed to have a few other health benefits that have not yet been extensively studied. Laboratory studies have found dates to be helpful for lowering inflammatory markers, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), in the brain. Dates are a source of fructose, which is a natural type of sugar found in fruit. Additionally, animal studies have shown dates to be helpful for reducing the activity of amyloid beta proteins, which can form plaques in the brain (13). These healthy date bars are vegan, no bake, gluten free and free of refined sugar. Tightly wrapped fresh dates will keep for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. The dates not only give flavor and dense chewy texture, but also add to the nutritive value. In this article, we take a look the nutrient profile and antioxidant capacity of date sugar and explore the potential health benefits of this whole food sweetener. That’s a healthy 12 percent of your needs if you aim for 25 grams of fiber a day. Given that date sugar is just granulated dried dates, it is not surprising that also date sugar has been shown to have strong antioxidant activity. Dates have a high amount of sugar, but they are also loaded with fiber. When plaques accumulate in the brain, they may disturb communication between brain cells, which can ultimately lead to brain cell death and Alzheimer’s disease (15). For this reason, dates are very sweet and also have a subtle caramel-like taste. But is it worth buying or making date sugar? Easiest date bars recipe. Date puree is easy to make and is high in fiber and nutrients, so it makes a great alternative to sugar. However, some people think they can be harmful because of the sugar in them. NOW Real Food ® Date Sugar is an excellent sprinkle for fresh fruits, yogurt, cereals and more. Date sugar can replace white sugar cup for cup. Since it's comprised of the whole fruit, date sugar is hailed for containing the fiber and antioxidants found in dates. It’s the highest antioxidant sweetener and remains a rich source of minerals and fiber. This Healthy Date Loaf is full of flavour and made for sharing. If you’re afflicted with constipation I would highly suggest adding a teaspoon or two to your beverage. It’s a healthy date cake recipe with only 8 … They also make a great snack. It has a lower GI value than honey, coconut sugar… Therefore, if you like the idea of using a date-based product to sweeten baked goods and smoothies, the healthiest option is probably to use whole dates to sub out the sugar in your recipes, or make your own whole food date syrup. These easy Oatmeal Date Balls are amazingly sweet without a bit of added sugar. As a result, they reduce the release rate of insulin. As regular sugar is highly processed and virtually devoid of any vitamins and minerals, date sugar is definitely a more nutritious alternative to regular sugar. Many contemporary whole-grain and homemade bread recipes call for date sugar instead of brown sugar since it lends a unique flavor and sweetness that pairs well with whole grains. This is a detailed article about dried fruit and its health effects. In fact, dates are such a great source of natural sugar, they have been processed to make natural sweeteners such as date juice, date sugar, dehydrated dates, date paste, ground dates, and even diced dates that you can add to recipes you want to sweeten up naturally. Grind or process in a food processor to make sugar. It is made from dried dates and adds a rich sweetness to recipes, although it will not dissolve when added to drinks. With almost 7 grams of fiber in a 3.5-ounce serving, including dates in your diet is a great way to increase your fiber intake (1). Most fruits have a low to moderate glycemic index (GI), making them a good choice for people with diabetes. As the only whole food up there, no wonder it’s number one. Healthy oat and flax date squares with a crunchy whole grain crust and a gooey sugar-free date filling made with no dairy, eggs, or nuts! Store dried dates in a cool, dry place for 6 to 12 months. This article will discuss 8 health benefits of eating dates and how to incorporate them into your diet. This is unique because it's sugar without being sugar and all natural without any alterations to the ingredient and added additives since dates are naturally sweet. Whole dates also provide moderate amounts of iron, calcium, phosphorus, niacin (vitamin B3) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It is important to note that dates are high in calories and their sweet taste makes them easy to overeat. They may also be helpful for reducing labor time (17). Eating these fruits throughout the last few weeks of pregnancy may promote cervical dilation and lower the need for induced labor. Ingredients : 1 cup gluten-free oat flour OR gluten-free all-purpose flour 1/2 cup certified gluten-free rolled oats or quick oats (not instant) 3/4 cup organic coconut palm sugar Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Is Date Syrup a Healthy Substitute for Sugar? It promotes regular bowel movements by contributing to the formation of stool (3). This date paste recipe is a healthy sugar substitute perfect for those times when you want to indulge without the refined sugar. Blood sugar spikes are when your blood sugar rises and then crashes after eating. To sum up, date sugar is a whole food sweetener that contains plenty of fiber, minerals and antioxidants, just like whole dates. Benefits of date syrup are it contains fibre, inexpensive to make, high in antioxidants and is an excellent natural sweetener.. You don’t have to use the expensive majool dates in this. This past weekend was a pretty low key one. $11.49 $ 11. Regular sugar, by contrast, is a highly processed product that contains no macronutrients other than sugar. Easy Peasy Ginger Date Bars Paleo Hacks. You can take it with you to work or school, post or pre-workout or just serve it as a dessert. This … By Katrina … It also does not melt like granulated sugar which can limit its use. Dehydration may cause a small loss of niacin and pyridoxine, however [3]. refined sugar-free gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free. Best For: Baking banana bread and bar cookies. Fiber is important for health. Easy to make and versatile! Date Syrup is Gluten-free, Refined Sugar-free, Dairy-free, Paleo, Whole 30 and Digestion Supporting. Date Sugar. Healthy date bars are popular with adults and kids! Compared to coconut sugar, date sugar is noticeably less sweet by taste. In one study, 69 women who consumed 6 dates per day for 4 weeks prior to their due date were 20% more likely to go into labor naturally and were in labor for significantly less time than those who did not eat them (18). One of the most important differences is that the entire fruit is used to make date sugar, which means it is a whole food sweetener packed with dietary fiber. Per 2 teaspoon serving, date sugar contains 20 calories. Also date sugar is healthier than date syrup because it … As date sugar is very similar to whole dates in terms of nutrient content and antioxidant capacity, the health benefits of date sugar are likely to mirror the health benefits of whole dates. Most of the calories in dates come from carbs. For this reason, they are best consumed in moderation. What you eat during pregnancy is important for your health, as well as the health of your baby. But honestly, this Sugar Free Apple Date Cake With Coconut Topping recipe is THE BEST. The Sugar In Dates…. Since they’re dried, their calorie content is higher than most fresh fruit. Our Organic Date Sugar is produced by grinding and milling dehydrated Deglet Noor dates into a light brown, rather fine, free-flowing sugar prized for its fruity sweetness and unique texture.The dates are naturally sun-dried for up to a year prior to the grinding process. Raw dehydrated date sugar is full of fiber as well as nutrients which helps to slow the rate of digestion, providing a healthier boost of energy when you need one. ... That is definitely a matter of taste preference as well as health status, but a good alternative to refined sugar is a healthy natural sugar substitute rather than artificial sweeteners. Per Serving: Calories: 104, Carbohydrates: 28g, Fiber: 2.5g, Protein: 0.6g How to use Date Paste as a Sugar Substitute. That said, date sugar is a significant source of simple carbohydrates and calories, so … USING date syrup as a healthy alternative to sugar in recipes is becoming more and more popular - but how much healthier actually is it? The dough is easy to come together with just three healthy, dairy free ingredients of oatmeal, dates and peanut butter.These sugar free cookies are the BEST if you want a guilt free treat. Mayo is a popular condiment for sandwiches and often used as a base for salad dressings and sauces. They are high in several nutrients, fiber and antioxidants, all of which may provide health benefits ranging from improved digestion to a reduced risk of disease. The Sweet Truth, 12 Simple Tips to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes, 11 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory. [2]. Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. The best way to substitute dates for white sugar is to make date paste, as in this recipe. You can improve your brain health with the right diet. Although these factors have led to the claim that palm sugar has little impact on blood sugar levels and is suitable for diabetics, let's not forget that it is still a sweetener. They are also high in some important nutrients and have a variety of advantages and uses. Many contemporary whole-grain and homemade bread recipes call for date sugar instead of brown sugar since it lends a unique flavor and sweetness that pairs well with whole grains. These gluten free date bars are the perfect energizing, on-the-go snack. It’s the only thing I ever use in baking. Added sugar is associated with many serious diseases, including diabetes and obesity. The calorie content of dates is similar to that of other dried fruits, such as raisins and figs (1). It is a rich source of potassium, fiber, iron, and magnesium. It is made by mixing dates with water in a blender. All rights reserved. They are often paired with other foods, such as almonds, nut butter or soft cheese. Natural sweetener recipe for date syrup that is cheap, healthy and full of good stuff.Date syrup uses are any recipes that call for no refined sugar and cakes like a quinoa chocolate cake. To sum up, date sugar is a whole food sweetener that contains plenty of fiber, minerals and antioxidants, just like whole dates. use date sugar as a substitute for brown sugar, Medjool dates or regular Deglet Noor dates, 10 Great Ways to Use Medjool Dates (incl. If you want your baked goods to be less sweet, we recommend 2/3 cup date sugar to replace 1 cup white sugar. This article explains 12 simple ways to avoid blood sugar spikes. Its texture is similar to brown sugar and it works well in baking recipes. Date sugar (made from dried dates) and coconut sugar are often used interchangeably in recipes because they provide similar flavor. For this reason, dates are very sweet and also have a subtle caramel-like taste. Commercial date sugars, according to package labeling, are about 1-2g less sugar per teaspoon than coconut sugar. Dates are a very healthy fruit to include in your diet. Still, the average deglet noor date contains 4 to 5 grams of sugar, so date sugar is still very much a sweetener. It has a lower GI value than honey, coconut sugar, and many other alternatives. Date sugar is not really sugar; it’s just whole dried dates, pulverized into powder. It works well sprinkled on cereal and baked goods, but this is not the sugar you want to sweeten your hot drinks with. In one study, 21 people who consumed 7 dates per day for 21 days experienced improvements in stool frequency and had a significant increase in bowel movements compared to when they did not eat dates (4). A wrinkled skin indicates they are dried, whereas a smooth skin indicates freshness. You can tell whether or not dates are dried based on their appearance. Dates are free from added sugar and refined sugar, but they do contain naturally occurring sugars.. Skip. Dates are also very sticky, which makes them useful as a binder in baked goods, such as cookies and bars. 1 cup = 480 cal. Most alternative health practitioners consider Date Sugar to be a healthy sugar alternative. In fact, dates are such a great source of natural sugar, they have been processed to make natural sweeteners such as date juice, date sugar, dehydrated dates, date paste, ground dates, and even diced dates that you can add to recipes you want to sweeten up naturally. Deglet Noor dates, which are a popular date variety among date sugar producers, contain about 3 grams of fiber per 100 calories [1]. High-glycemic foods increase blood sugar levels rapidly. Because whole, pitted dates are used to make the sugar, the presence of fiber leaves a tiny grit to the sugar that won’t dissolve in hot liquids or baked goods. They were in active labor for an average of 4 fewer hours than those who did not eat dates (17). Some cooks prefer using only 2/3 cup of date sugar per cup of white sugar. Of course, in a side-by-side comparison, date sugar has a lower sugar content when compared to white (1 teaspoon date sugar has 3-4 grams sugar depending on the brand). For example, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, you’ll replace it with 1 cup of date paste. It’s easiest to find dates in their dried form, though these are higher in calories than fresh fruit so it is important to eat them in moderation. To make date sugar, arrange sliced dates on a baking sheet and bake at 450 F for 10 to 15 minutes, or until they become very dry and hard as rocks. This dessert is the perfect guilt free snack. A third study found similar results in 91 pregnant women who consumed 70–76 grams of dates daily starting the 37th week of pregnancy. Many sweeteners are marketed as healthy alternatives to regular sugar, but some may do more harm than good. Raw Food Recipes). The dough is easy to come together with just three healthy, dairy free ingredients of oatmeal, dates and peanut butter.These sugar … Whole dates are rich in fiber, antioxidants and minerals, and they contain some B vitamins as well [1, 2].Commercially-produced date syrup is made by extracting the thick, sticky juice from cooked dates, which means the health-promoting fiber does not … What’s more, you can use dates to sweeten up sauces, such as salad dressings and marinades, or blend them into smoothies and oatmeal. Getting enough fiber is important for your overall health. One popular way to eat them is as a natural sweetener in various dishes. Despite these benefits, one cup of dates has around 29 mg of fructose and a high glycemic index, which can increase blood sugar levels significantly. Whole, granulated date sugar or syrup is one of the very few allowed sweeteners on autoimmune healing diets like SCD or GAPS. No other healthy cake quite compares to the melt-in-the-mouth texture, the caramel-toffee flavour that comes entirely from the sweet date and tart apple combination and the to-die-for golden, chewy coconut topping that wonderfully finishes off this cake. Here are ten of the best — and tastiest. Benefits of date syrup are it contains fibre, inexpensive to make, high in antioxidants and is an excellent natural sweetener.. You don’t have to use the expensive majool dates in this.