This word is from the Spanish verb condenar. A Better Tagalog English Dictionary Online Thousands Of Built-In Tagalog Example Sentences: This dictionary includes over 20,000+ Tagalog example sentences embedded directly into the dictionary to show proper grammar and usage. MGA KAHULUGAN SA TAGALOG. Translate filipino english. Found 201 sentences matching phrase "denounce".Found in 5 ms. The one who offered them beforehand a feast, and afterward they divided the spoils. … Contextual translation of "condemn meaning" into Tagalog. Synonym Discussion of condemn. kondenahin: sumpain, sinumpa, tuligsain. accusing definition: 1. suggesting that you think someone has done something bad: 2. suggesting that you think someone…. Usage Frequency: 1 Learn more. retort translation in English-Tagalog dictionary. The Sartrean claim is best understood in contrast to the scholastic thesis that essence precedes existence, i.e. kinokondena is condemning. 76 synonyms and near synonyms of condemned from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 69 antonyms and near antonyms. To condemn as unfit, harmful, of poor quality, unsuccessful, invalid, immoral or illegal. berdugo. hinatulan More Filipino words for condemned. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Less-common spelling variations: kundina, kinundina, kinukundina . Damning Meaning in Tagalog, Meaning of word Damning in Tagalog, Pronunciation, Examples, Synonyms and Similar words for Damning. Chat 15 Teachers FlashCards * Dictionary Reader. Sa kanyang naging mensahe sa mga taga-Iran kasabay ng Nowruz, ang Bagong Taon ng mga Iranian noong ika-20 ng Marso, 2012, kinundena ni Pangulong Barack Obama ng Estados Unidos ang bansang Iran dahil sa pagpapatupad ng isang "kurtinang electronic" na pumipigil sa malayang daloy ng impormasyon at mga ideya na papasok ng bansa. D . Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word ikondena in the Tagalog Dictionary. Headsmen Meaning in Tagalog, Meaning of word Headsmen in Tagalog, Pronunciation, Examples, Synonyms and Similar words for Headsmen. R . Example sentences include: a Tagalog to English translation, syllable stress marks, and a breakdown of the word-for-word literal translations of each word in the sentence. Verb conjugations of ikondena: Focus: Object Root: kondena Conjugation Type: I-Infinitive: Completed (Past): Uncompleted (Present): Contemplated (Future): ikond e na. condone in Tagalog translation and definition "condone", English-Tagalog Dictionary online. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-11-15 kondenahin: sumpain, … Quality: See Synonyms at criticize. Indictment Meaning in Tagalog, Meaning of word Indictment in Tagalog, Pronunciation, Examples, Synonyms and Similar words for Indictment. What did Adam and Fallon burn? Usage Frequency: 1 Damnedest Meaning in Tagalog, Meaning of word Damnedest in Tagalog, Pronunciation, Examples, Synonyms and Similar words for Damnedest. Translate filipino tagalog. 2. Crystal burned the letters from Baste. Usage Frequency: 1 Definition for the Tagalog word ikondena: ikond e na [verb] to condemn something. See more. A prisoner who has been sentenced to death and is awaiting execution is referred to as condemned, and is said in some countries to be on "death row". … Tagalog profanity can refer to a wide range of offensive, blasphemous, and taboo words or expressions in the Tagalog language of the Philippines.Due to Filipino culture, expressions which may sound benign when translated back to English can cause great offense; while some expressions English speakers might take great offense to can sound benign to a Tagalog speaker. kondenahin: hatulan, humatol. Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is a government-sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. To express strong disapproval of: condemned the needless waste of food. A house is condemned when a government entity has determined that the building is no longer fit to live in. See Synonyms at criticize. hahatulan; hahatol; hinahatulan ng; parurusahan; hinahatulan; hatulan; hahatol sa; hinatulan; pinarusahan nila; pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law. How can I become more confident of the fact that there is no condemnation in Christ? 1. condemned in court; 2. damned; condemned. Synonym Discussion of condemn. S . condemned definition: 1. " The remarks were later condemned by the Chinese consulate in Kolkata, calling it ""erroneous"".In China, xenophobia and racism agains non-Chinese residents has been inflamed by the pandemic, with foreigners described as ""foreign garbage"" and targeted for ""disposal"". 7 If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent. Nobles, Commoners, Slaves. 2. (Matthew 1:23) What did David mean when he said, "I RUN to you to hide me" in Psalm 143:9, NLT? 8 . Nobles . Why was a virgin birth necessary? Usage Frequency: 1 Filipino words for condemn include isumpa, parusahan, ipagbawal gamitin, sumpain, magpakundangan, pasumpain, pagtamain, pagsusuntukin and hahatulan. Does Jesus command us not to worry? 1 . adj. Author TagalogLang Posted on May 5, 2020 May 26, 2020 Categories TAGALOG-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Last Update: 2020-09-07 T . Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2019-03-12 NEW: Hire Tagalog teachers on for one-on-one lessons online! en Thus, their experience is in harmony with the prayer of the apostle Paul, who wrote to fellow Christians: “We . How to say condemned in Filipino What's the Filipino word for condemned? See more translations below. Frequent. E . A prisoner who has been sentenced to death and is awaiting execution is referred to as, In a message to Iranians on the occasion of Nowruz, the Iranian New Year on March 20, 2012, United States President Barack Obama. condemnation in Tagalog translation and definition "condemnation", English-Tagalog Dictionary online. N . Definition of the Tagalog verb sunugin in English with conjugations, 13 example sentences, and audio. P . Usage Frequency: 1 Kinondena nila ang ginawa ng opisyal. kondenasyon condemnation. berdugong mamamatay-tao person-killing hangman. ikin ó kond e na. To express strong disapproval of: condemned the needless waste of food. 2. To become pregnant with (offspring): She conceived her first child in London, but her second child was conceived in Paris. " "Ang mga komento ay itinatwa kalaunan ng konsulado ng China sa Kolkata, na tumawag ditong ""mali"".