Checklist of tasks 12 Building Networks 14 Managing Your Own Career and Development 20 Virtual Mentoring 24 Program Forms Initial contract 27 ... Mentees will ask for specific advice on ideas,plans and goals and mentors will give specific advice when possible. A “cookie cutter” approach to mentorship would not work in most cases as all mentors and protégés are not the same in their goals and approach. 1. Employee Name PeopleSoft ID# Manager Name Agency/Department Hire Date Mentor Name . Do not be afraid of failure ; ... During your meetings, feel free to combine your groups with other mentors. Great article. The codes should follow the naming convention as given below, For example, 3rd solved problem from chapter 1 (Example 1.3) should be represented by code named as Ex1_3.sce. Whether you’re just beginning a mentoring program or already have one in place, consider the following diagnostic checklist of effective mentoring practices to learn where you may want to make improvements to your process: Is mentoring a priority? Present your goals in a clearly articulated fashion. It will help you better understand your mentor’s background, experience, and what s/he’s bringing to the table. "��`��20�y�y�X�!��э� ���98����a�����9��0��1� ��}���/%z,+ I particularly appreciated their generous, gentle and encouraging approaches to supporting my personal Mentor Checklist. Lois Zachary and Lory Fischler created these five toolkits on crucial aspects of mentoring as quick references that mentors and mentees can use to refresh their understanding, prepare for mentoring sessions, grasp key concepts of the process, and improve their overall experiences and strengthen their mentoring relationships. stream This checklist helps them gather these ideas and get off to a great start. If you are new to being a mentor and want to decide if it is right for you, it will help to ask yourself the following questions. A checklist for mentors 1. Mentors guide protégés in reaching academic, career, and personal goals. A CHECKLIST FOR MENTORS 2. Often these programs have a specific goal such as helping participants develop their careers. Mentors, here is the good news: it’s likely that all elements you need to carry out an effective mentoring program are already available within your company. The mentor … This checklist will help you make a good first impression, help you figure out what this mentoring thing is all about, and instil some spark in your mentoring … Statistics published in the Centre for Workplace Mentorship 2016 found that employees with mentors were 20 percent more likely to receive a pay raise, got promoted five times faster, and had higher levels of retention. Mentor Checklist (12 /13)1 | Page. Outside of the session, most mentors have very limited time to engage with mentees. Recruitment planning checklist: Determine the number of mentors you want to recruit and set a deadline for meeting your target; Choose your recruitment strategies and methods; Develop a recruitment timeline and assign staff members (or volunteers) to be responsible for each task; Write a mentor … This checklist is for Mentors – use to prepare for giving feedback on a Parent Group Leader’s video. Here is a section to help you when you volunteer as a new Mentor / Coach for Naomh Olaf. If a checklist is defined to allow mentors to complete it, mentors can complete the checklist for their mentees after all the checklist components have been either completed or waived. First meeting checklist for mentors Mentee first meeting checklist See checklist See checklist Mentees can struggle to understand and articulate what they want from their mentor and mentorship. Implementing the Mentoring Partnership mentee to meet in person or by phone. Whether you’re just beginning a mentoring program or already have one in place, consider the following diagnostic checklist … �4��jx��1�� iF �` �� If you haven’t already: Check out your mentor’s digital footprint. A CHECKLIST FOR MENTORS 2. 5 0 obj Do they have a blog? During your meetings. At Mentorloop we encourage all mentees to make it as easy as possible for their mentors. In a mentorship, nothing can be accomplished by one side. The mentoring checklists provide an overview about the activities to guide both the lead mentor and mentee following a mutual agreement to formalize their relationship, what to prepare for the mentoring meeting and how to manage successful mentoring … Take a peek and click to download. CHECKLIST TIMELINE **Signed checklists are to be sent to Penny Reedy's office at Longfellow by the due date** Teacher Mentor Program - School District of La Crosse. %%EOF Mentors, here is the good news: it’s likely that all elements you need to carry out an effective mentoring program are already available within your company. Try to maintain a positive, engaging environment in which you provide feedback in an objective manner. And demonstrating that you’ve given this meeting some proper thought ahead of time will put your mentor at ease. Discuss the culture of the Department and School (e.g., expectations for collegiality, participation in seminars and workshops, importance of maintaining a presence on campus, etc.) A 13-point checklist on how to choose a good mentor. First visit Discuss your areas of interest, goals, plans for meeting goals, develop an action plan using the IDP to focus your... Bring a list of potential co-mentors for your multidisciplinary mentor team Discuss … mentors. Are they on Twitter or LinkedIn? to talk about your professional experiences with your mentee. Checklist for Mentors Preparing for the Partnership the APEGBC Mentoring program and its objectives. Checklist for Mentors. %PDF-1.4 What is a Mentor? Consider what you want to get out of the mentoring … Consider your own experience and strengths, and what you’ll bring to the relationship. The codes should not be submitted as subproblems. MONTHLY MENTOR/MENTEE CHECKLIST March/April Signatures: Teacher Mentor Program - School District of La Crosse. Mentor Checklist (12 /13) 1 | Page . When you listen well, you demonstrate to your mentors … Your mentor … Mentoring Program Checklist 3 1.0 BEFORE MENTORING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Identify a key contact person who will coordinate and be responsible for follow-through on establishing, supporting … Mentoring Partnerships, and numerous guides and tools for mentors and protégés (see Appendix III), studied hundreds of mentor-protégé relationships and developed a set of critical mentoring skills and competencies. Getting your new teachers off on the right foot is an essential part of helping them and you succeed. When your new coworker arrives, inform him/her of your role. CHECKLIST FOR GHS MENTORS . All parties will be sensitive to a balance between talking and listening. Although some of this material is covered by other training courses the mentee may have attended, the mentor … Just a bit of info on your career, where you want to … February 4, 2013 . A Checklist for Future Mentors. Reply. When your new coworker arrives, inform him/her of your role. Strategies and Checklists for Mentors. \�u�M��[�7~�Zk�zK>��owNK���!�� �-���δL/ב�� �ߑ�^M�+O3i;#���p�*\#�N�߱��U���x���m��9{�k��؍�Wtz��ͻ��?�Uv��֍3. March 15, 2016 at 3:28 pm. Mentor Checklist. The hope is that this will facilitate more efficient and effective conversations between mentors and organizers. h�bbd``b`���@,n ��H05� ��@�wH�$Q The mentor … Checklist for Getting Started. This is a checklist of activities to guide both the lead mentor and mentee following a mutual agreement to formalize the lead mentor and mentee relationship. Mentor Checklist . Send a quick message introducing yourself. Role Models By sharing stories of achievement with protégés, mentors can become role models. $�#@��@J����?#�#H#1��?�? Recruitment Check boxes when completed Offer of Position Completion of Paperwork Postdoctoral Recruitment/Appointment Checklist for Mentors The key feature of a ܰ�#����Zq�iG��H�(-�z��u���|��'��RU�)G�v2ڿr How to Be a Mentor. Take a peek and click to download. Before your meetings. It’s as easy as that. Learn more about the key skills and considerations that help mentors to build strong mentoring relationships. Parent Group Leader Checklist and Remote Video Review Form This rating scale was designed to be used by IY Mentors … Offers strategies for success and checklists that help you raise the bar on your mentoring practice. These authors found that checklists are helpful in reminding mentors to review all aspects of their mentee’s academic life including helping them reflect on the balance between their work and personal life. This is a classic give and take process. My Protégé has an up-to-date and detailed professional résumé. Do they have a blog? Let’s go. Remember to thank your mentor after each session and convey your appreciation for specific insights or examples that helped you. Respect your mentor's boundaries. x��]�r%7-^�� �I�{ZR��⍄!�Jɘ����=���xlgl'���#�E{����s�*H*)��H�}Y�"��M] ����S��ۣz�����G]��?� �~�v������F��n6'����Z��C'bc덱m�n�=�nv'߹�;zZȪ�6'��|����ݱ�j�Z�}؉�������qSc�ڞ�����d������lk���k�ۋ��Vضu�/w�n_��Н�7�~���w�cYi�5�Ѷ������d�]��K�����'���V� �Q�0ژ��6]O����_���>�����>���������eOC�>r��NW�m�����;[��5��c����i܃�i�m�_��_��ʵ҈���XT���ؓ� O��Tոiy�M��к ��кf&�#���ц�0�_���ܨ&�`+}u$6��wo�Tm��M��Z�Skڍ�������sw;���o��k����S�b���2�g�n�yy���6�G?l��m?C�WB�CN��m7��q�ʍ����i�� ?���S���l87�cET����m%�{~u$��S�Q~@��u�5n�ٵv��M~^�?�Q�O�X��:�~µ���Nbd��3=�DM�Su'-ܴ��U~^�?C���|�' �r�j����MB�u�;](�vhd˴�m1 Do they have a blog? Mentoring relationships can occur at all professional levels. Many times your nervousness can prevent your mind from formulating ideas, or trying new things. Give beginning teacher a tour of building familiarizing them with general... 2: Discuss Building Procedures. Mentoring is a management activity, not just a management responsibility. Good mentoring relationships require open dialogue. Checklist for Mentors Participating in CCPMN Officers who are mentoring pharmacist officers in CCPMN should be familiar with and be prepared to discuss a wide range of topics. Checklist for Professional Mentors With assistance from key colleagues, providing training, meetings, setting tasks and arranging other opportunities, covering… o an appropriate welcome and ind uction to the school to ensure the well-being of the trainee … ▢ Check out ​your mentor’s digital footprint ​. Ask your mentee for a short bio to introduce themselves. Get Free Mentor Checklist For Teacher Mentors now and use Mentor Checklist For Teacher Mentors immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping This template evolved into a checklist for faculty mentoring in academic pharmacy programs. Eve Ash. ▢ Send through a quick bio or ​intro via Mentorloop chat ​. Any work-related problems (other than general work procedures) should go through the manager. School Checklist for Developing and Launching a Success Mentors Program Use this checklist to ensure that you are designing and launching your Success Mentors Program in alignment with evidence-based practice for mentoring. Get Free Mentor Checklist For Teacher Mentors now and use Mentor Checklist For Teacher Mentors immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping I also thought about my Grandfather and a neighbour, Barry, who had been impact on the level and depth of learning wonderful mentors when I needed support. Whether you’re just beginning a mentoring program or already have one in place, consider the following diagnostic checklist of effective mentoring practices to learn where you may want to… Contacting your mentor every time you have an issue is a quick way to kill the vibe. Listening Actively Active listening is the most basic mentoring skill; the other skills build on— and require—it. / Mentors Checklist. criminal background check on prospective adult mentors, including searching a national criminal records database, along with sex offender and child abuse registries and, when relevant, driving records. End of Mentorship Checklist The conclusion of your formal mentorship with ACP is approaching and it’s time to finish strong! _____ Want to print this checklist … endstream endobj startxref Mentors, here is the good news: it’s likely that all elements you need to carry out an effective mentoring program are already available within your company. ���6�~��a�g�| ������ �R,�gH~ ���o���ݛw�Νq �a ���4�w����*�Μop��2��؎qu��%_�3?�։�{�l6~ ȷ�T�Ҭ����n�2�~��%�z���������f�M�GH�n��\:��`�ޒY��פ1p400�wtt400��(FAs/BA��!TX�:�X:�bR2G� ���V. The key mentoring … How to establish a supportive environment and build rapport. If you have completed this checklist, why not check out these four mentoring … Core Mentoring Skills Both mentors and mentees should utilize the following core skills in their mentoring partnerships. ' Mentor Onboarding Guide (12/2013) 2 | P a g e Establishment of the best form of communication – e-mail, telephone, in-person TIPS FOR MENTORS You don’t need to be an “expert.” Your personal work … Click here to download the full Mentor Checklist. Mentoring is an important and rewarding role.’ Mentoring provides a powerful opportunity to improve students’ learning outcomes through teachers learning with and from each other, making skills and experiences inter-generational. 1473 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5CD406EA42E04B5793F44DB6E8280CB2>]/Index[1458 26]/Info 1457 0 R/Length 81/Prev 329732/Root 1459 0 R/Size 1484/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Have a list of questions that you would like to ask your mentee. MAINTAINING COMMUNICATION. Are they on Twitter or LinkedIn? ?S)U�h���Π������������ Say thank you! Send through a quick bio or intro via Mentorloop chat. %PDF-1.7 %���� Parent Group Leader Checklist and Remote Video Review Form This rating scale was designed to be used by IY Mentors and Trainers when reviewing group leader videos via live Zoom consultation calls with the group leader. Indigo Ocean Dutton. These authors found that checklists are helpful in reminding mentors to review all aspects of their mentee’s academic life including helping them reflect on … <> Before the first meeting: Check out your mentor’s digital footprint — are they on Twitter or just LinkedIn? Mentors can assign checklists to their mentees. 09/06/18 Snow Days – Please consult GCTV Channel 19 (if you’re a Guilford resident and have access to this cable channel), local TV channels, 453-8200 or the school district website for information about school Resource 6 Exemplar evaluation – mentors 34 Resource 7 Seven sets of behaviours of effective mentors and some hints and tips for applying the skills 35 Resource 8 Mentor role description and person specification 37 Resource 9 Differences between manager and mentor 38 Resource 10 Description of mentee responsibilities 39 1. … Register to become a Naomh Olaf Mentor Click on … Beginning Year Checklist for Teacher Mentors 1: Tour of Building & Introduce Staff Members. Below, you will find your first meeting checklist. Employee Name PeopleSoft ID# Manager Name Agency/Department Hire Date Mentor Name. Checklist for Finding a Mentor. Most of us can think of people in our lives, more experienced than ourselves, who taught us something new, offered advice, presented a challenge, initiated friendship, or simply … Last week I wrote about being a successful mentor. Below, you will find your first meeting checklist. My Protégé has … protégés, the mentors and the organization.”1 These mentoring relationships occur within a structured and defined framework and involve a third party. People aren’t born great mentors… endstream endobj 1459 0 obj <>/Metadata 60 0 R/Pages 1453 0 R/StructTreeRoot 75 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 1460 0 obj <. This checklist is for Mentors – use to prepare for giving feedback on a Parent Group Leader’s video. partnership to operate. There are many things that a new teacher or a teacher new to your building needs to know before school starts and during the first few weeks. ii A Learning Guide for Teacher Mentors Preface ‘I chose to be a mentor. Mentors can use the checklist to monitor the progress of a camp and better understand what challenges the organizing team is currently facing. give a tour of the building building rules/core values introduce to all available building staff Domain 2: 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e Discuss: Plan building check out procedures to complete Mentor Program questionnaire online - Mentor … Be ready … Train prospective mentors, mentees, and mentees’ parents (or legal guardians or responsible adult) in the basic knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to build an effective and safe mentoring relationship … Thus, this checklist … A key responsibility of the mentor is to set up an environment in which the mentee feels able to speak freely, without fear of judgement or repercussions. Although some of this material is covered by other training courses the mentee may have attended, the mentor has the opportunity to reinforce these topics through a one-to- Checklist for Mentors Participating in CCPMN Officers who are mentoring pharmacist officers in CCPMN should be familiar with and be prepared to discuss a wide range of topics. The mentor is not a substitute for the manager. During your meetings: Eyes on the road, hands on the wheel – you’re responsible to drive this relationship. %�쏢 A Checklist for Mentors. �'�cǾ�Hc���ݴ�v��(���V�i�����W�Y�R�Bxe�ĥ��sB����iٸq_@O�f�o�!�^ٹW��q�qi:/��G��ӱ��qF:���n�ik�TG��5�cp�?W([7�6�;76�F. A checklist for mentors 1. Mentors can also provide support to their mentees by offering acceptance, empathy and encouragement, and by demonstrating effective listening and questioning skills which support reflection. A mentor … Be careful not to inundate your mentor with emails or phone calls. 1483 0 obj <>stream Download a printable version of the Mentoring Checklist (PDF 37KB) h�b```�I,�W�@(� ... Checklist for mentors. I’m starting to realize I need a mentor desperately This checklist will be of great help! Program staff facilitate communication in small groups through the use of electronic discussion lists. Not rocket science, but a little preparation goes a long way. 1458 0 obj <> endobj Straus and Sackett developed a great mentorship checklist that can guide the discussion. To show you what we mean in practice, here is a checklist you can run through before, during and immediately after that first meeting to lay the groundwork for success. These tools for mentoring excellence can be used by mentors to prepare for mentoring sessions and keep the relationship on track. Use the icons to the left to identify where your program can utilize MENTOR: The National Mentoring 0 It will also help you better articulate your goals for the mentorship and help you both give and receive feedback. __Set clear expectations for both sides by each writing a short paragraph of what they expect from one … Checklist. Ready to build a great mentorship? 1st MEETING CHECKLIST FOR MENTEES. partnership. Mentors Checklist. [� This checklist will help you make a good first impression, help you figure out what this mentoring thing is all about, and instil some spark in your mentoring relationship. I’ve been a business consultant for about 10 years and was a counselor almost as long previously, and I … Have you and your Protégé completed the items below? Each session and convey your appreciation for specific insights or examples that helped you it as easy as possible their! Developed a great mentorship checklist the conclusion of your role starting to realize I a. 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